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Young players leaving Saints - Surman


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I know he has played in premiership, and earnt loads of money, but compare his season to Lallana




3 league starts, 2 cup

3 on target shots

1 assist

0 goals






44 league starts, 12 cup

70 on target shots

5 assists

20 goals

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I know he has played in premiership, and earnt loads of money, but compare his season to Lallana




3 league starts, 2 cup

3 on target shots

1 assist

0 goals






44 league starts, 12 cup

70 on target shots

5 assists

20 goals


People said the same about Baird and similar about Bale. They're doing alright now, wouldn't you say?

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not saying he did the wrong thing, think he played at old trafford and also increased his income - and still in premiership for next season.


Bet he didn't enjoy the last 12 months of his career as much as Lallana though.

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Bale definitely went for his career and the money but fair play to him now....he's been sensational this year.

Surman I think (or maybe it's a bit of hope) went mainly for the greater good of "his club" in a time of absolute desperation for money. I'm sure he would have prefered to stay but circumstances prevailed.

Money certainly drives the vast majority of players but I sincerely believe Llalana will be with Saints for many years. He will get his financial rewards ad we progress through the five year plan and beyond, and as Pardew pointed out to him last summer, if he stays here he will get promotions on his cv (and the odd cup!) and money cannot buy that!

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Bale was too good for where we were at the time and was always going to go. Surman is a tidy player but no more than that - he's no better than Lallana or Jason Puncheon for that matter and was always going to sttruggle to get a game wherever he went in the Prem due to his lack of pace and power. Once Wolves stayed up he should have started looking for a new club in the CCC.

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The key thing to remember is that Surman wasn't actually very good, i'm sure everyone at Wolves realises this now. Still, at least we got the money to pay the wages.


And people were saying the same thing about Lallana and Schneiderlin last season too. He is not yet ready for the Prem but Wolves (or Stoke) are the correct clubs for him and he will do well there eventually. He certainly better than L1 standard and I wouldn't be surprised if he went on loan to a progressive Championship club next season pushing for promotion (Leeds maybe?).

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I realise some posters know Surman personally, and therefore defend him no matter what.


I think he was messed around with last season. He's not a left-back and is too lightweight to be top quality central midfielder (I did say the same about Morgan though)


However, he hasn't played much at Wolves because he simply isn't good enough for the Premier League. Wolves took a shot because we were bankrupt and seemed a good deal. Drew needs to gauge what he wants from football, if he simply wants to play then he needs to leave Wolves.

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People said the same about Baird and similar about Bale. They're doing alright now, wouldn't you say?


There is a major difference here.


Bale was awesome at such a young age. He's the best player I've seen play for us since MLT and was always going to be a world beater.


Surman, on the other hand, didn't even stand out in the Championship, so he has no chance of becoming an established player in the Premier League.

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I know he has played in premiership, and earnt loads of money, but compare his season to Lallana




3 league starts, 2 cup

3 on target shots

1 assist

0 goals






44 league starts, 12 cup

70 on target shots

5 assists

20 goals


An interesting statistic. Something to work on for next season.

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IMO he's a much better player than Hammond. I like Deano and he does a great job in this league but as a player Surman is streets ahead of him.


But thats like comparing Lambert to McGoldrick! They are totally different players playing in totally different teams and styles.

Surman is a ball playing creative midfielder, whereas Hammond is a ball winning, break up play and get it moving type.


I am sure Surman doesn't regret the salary increase!

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I think if Surman had been given the coaching and managerial guidance that Lallana has received under Pardew, he would be a very good player indeed. In fact I would say that he and Schneiderlin would make an awesome central midfield pairing. He has enough about him when he was here to have eventually made Captain too IMO. My impression was he loved it here and his move was as much the club's desire to fill the coffers as his to move back to the Prem. I would have him back on loan in a heartbeat.

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The difference is that Bale is about 100 times better than Surman.


Surman is never going to be anything other than a bit part player at a Prem club. I personally think it was a good move for him though. He will get financially secure and in a year or two can join a decent Championship side and enjoy playing some football again.


He was never going to have a career that took him to the world cup, included major domestic honours etc... financial loadedness is a great result.

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The difference is that Bale is about 100 times better than Surman.


Surman is never going to be anything other than a bit part player at a Prem club. I personally think it was a good move for him though. He will get financially secure and in a year or two can join a decent Championship side and enjoy playing some football again.


He was never going to have a career that took him to the world cup, included major domestic honours etc... financial loadedness is a great result.


And Surman will probably take as long as Bale to adapt to life in the Premiership. And like Bale, he will adapt. Mick McCarthy is too canny and experienced to splash xs 1 million on a bit part player - why bother ?

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3 clubs by the age of 27. Hardly a Journeyman


Think you've got the wrong idea about the meaning of the word 'journeyman'. It comes from the old status of someone who has qualified in a trade after an apprenticeship and able to charge a full day rate (french - journee for day) but is not a master craftsman, so now the word basically means solid, but not exceptional at his job .. nothing to do with how many clubs.


As to the actual point, it's a bit harsh on Hammond to call him a L1 journeyman -- IMO he's a bit better than that, but I can't see any premiership club ever wanting him, and a prem club did want Surman


ergo Surman is probably better than Hammond



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I know he has played in premiership, and earnt loads of money, but compare his season to Lallana




3 league starts, 2 cup

3 on target shots

1 assist

0 goals






44 league starts, 12 cup

70 on target shots

5 assists

20 goals


Labour will need to replace Alistair Campbell soon. You should apply. Though you might get smacked by Adam Bolton for your trouble.

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That is a very stupid comment.


How do you work that out then?


Surman played right across our midfield at various times including plenty of games at right mid, he also did a very passable impersonation of a left back on several occaisions towards the end of his time with us - it's not a giant leap of faith is it to deduce that he would do a better job at RB than any of the three we currently consider our RBs? Far better player than any of those three.

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touble is..people expect player to walk into the team they go to when they leave saints for the prem..


that simply is not the case...


what is being said about surman now was said about bale and baird about 12 months ago..


now look..one is one of spurs best players and the other is getting ready for a european final


how hard is it to understand that it simply takes time to adjust


I bet if lallana went to say, newcastle or west ham..he would endure alot of time on the bench also

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How do you work that out then?


Surman played right across our midfield at various times including plenty of games at right mid, he also did a very passable impersonation of a left back on several occaisions towards the end of his time with us - it's not a giant leap of faith is it to deduce that he would do a better job at RB than any of the three we currently consider our RBs? Far better player than any of those three.


When did Surman ever play right mid? I work that out by that Semi and Murty have all played in the premiership as right backs and Murty is still a very good player. To even think Surman could ever be a more adept right back than those 2 is very stupid.


I can't see Pardew turning down Calderon because he has his heart set on signing Surman on loan as right back cover.

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touble is..people expect player to walk into the team they go to when they leave saints for the prem..


that simply is not the case...


what is being said about surman now was said about bale and baird about 12 months ago..


now look..one is one of spurs best players and the other is getting ready for a european final


how hard is it to understand that it simply takes time to adjust


I bet if lallana went to say, newcastle or west ham..he would endure alot of time on the bench also



not really, Bale was only 18 when he went to Spurs and played 10 first team games before being injured for much of the season, and scored 2 goals.


The next year, his first full season injury free, he played 45 games for Spurs


Bale was signed as a first team player and has pretty much always been so, Surman was bit older and he never been considered first 11 player for Wolves.


Still, in balance a decent move for his life but depends what you want from your career.

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not really, Bale was only 18 when he went to Spurs and played 10 first team games before being injured for much of the season, and scored 2 goals.


The next year, his first full season injury free, he played 45 games for Spurs


still...it takes time to play in the prem when you never have done before...look at delph..


I bet even rickie would get bench time in the prem


have you any idea how big the gap is between division 3 and the premier league..?

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only a total w@nker could criticise saints fans on a saints fans forum appreciating and discussing how well a player has done.


its not f'ing hilarious, its petty, childish and depressing to read - just grow up.

Edited by NickG
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