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Pardews Preview


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His preview has just popped up on Saints Player and the OS -




I think he talks well and is trying hard to get everyone focused by the sounds of it. He also mentions in the video - "we're lucky that Markus family will be continuing the investment, hopefully" - not sure how much he really knows of that though.


Also some news on transfers on the video -


''Work is still on going, we're trying to be patient because we don't want to miss some of the better signings that become avaliable later. We're on the ball with a number of players at the moment, we'll move when we feel it's right too.


It's about getting players that affect the first team, it's not easy to find very good players that will come to this level and be 100% committed. There are plenty of good players that will come here, but how committed will they be? I need players that don't just accept finance and an easy end to their career, i want players that have 100% commitment to what we're doing here"


''I'll be concerned if we don't get some players in within the next 12 days, we have a small squad at the moment, our bench is showing that''

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Wonder If the reference to players ending there careers means we're looking for older experienced guys preferably. That's Antonio out if that's the case.


I think it was also a pop at some players we've possibly spoken to, not just older players. There was a rumour we were after Adu - but then he apparently demanded massive wages.

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Watching the interview on Saintsplayer makes me think we're in talks with someone who would prove to be a big signing.


It did sound like we are tracking players that are better than we currently have, rather than just average squad players.

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Very much a "Let's wait and see" holding statement.


Fair enough. I think there will be a bit of egg on his face if we get to the end of the window without addressing the CM and pacey winger issues at least.


Not really, he seems to be trying at least. If the right players don't want to come here for the right reasons, that's not APs fault.

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The plan Pardew states the club is following makes far more sense than what others were calling for earlier in the summer.


He set out to improve the full back positions and signed three(all three of which can play in other positions). He is now waiting to see who are the best possible players left out of 25 man squads in the Leagues above before swooping. If he had swooped sooner for player A, he may have missed out on the much better player B who became available when left out of the 25 man squad on 29th August for example.

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Not really, he seems to be trying at least. If the right players don't want to come here for the right reasons, that's not APs fault.


Maybe we are being a bit too ambitious in our targets. If so, credit to AP for at least trying. But he should draw a line and accept when beaten.


Nothing wrong with dusting yourself off and lowering the sights a little after a few knock-backs.

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Leave him alone, yeah. Let's try and get this board to accept different peoples points if view...


Hang on, you're telling me to accept the point of view of the least accepting poster on here? Having a debate with Alpine is like trying to reason with a stuck record, far better to just switch it off, which is what I'll be doing shortly.


I'm struggling to remember a single Alpine 'contribution'* that didn't cover one of three topics:


1 Game X is a must win game

2 Manager X (it doesn't matter which one, he's hated them all) isn't good enough, let's get someone better

3 We desperately need to sign a new player, preferably this one that no-one had heard of until now and will probably never hear of again but who MUST be amazing


rewind and repeat ad infinitum


* when I say contribution, I am of course being overly generous, to 'contribute' something suggests 'adding' something to the debate, since pretty much every Alpine post takes away just a little bit more of what used to make this forum worth visiting (like a constant dripping of acid rain) I should probably have said 'subtraction'

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Maybe we are being a bit too ambitious in our targets. If so, credit to AP for at least trying. But he should draw a line and accept when beaten.


Nothing wrong with dusting yourself off and lowering the sights a little after a few knock-backs.


Sounds like loser talk to me.


Typical for a happy clappy.

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Maybe we are being a bit too ambitious in our targets. If so, credit to AP for at least trying. But he should draw a line and accept when beaten.


Nothing wrong with dusting yourself off and lowering the sights a little after a few knock-backs.


Buying players for the sake of it got us nowhere in the past (in the Lowe era), remember that we need players who can make the step up to the top half of the championship there is no point buying a player for the sake of the fact that he can do a job in league one and no higher and them having him stuck on the books due to his contract and not getting a game as we've been and bought a player who can then play at the level we need

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Watching the interview on Saintsplayer makes me think we're in talks with someone who would prove to be a big signing.


I know Vassell has been linked with Leeds in recent days but it still wouldn't surprise me to see him end up at SMS. His comments about joining a side where he would hope to show a tangible acvhievement at the end of his contract is definitely applicable to us. And, as n ex-England international, he would be a big signing for a League 1 side.

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By AP saying that the mourning of Markus is over ...maybe suggests there will be an applause on Saturday rather than a minutes silence?


The window isn't shut yet - if we have nobody in by the end of it than by all means moan your head off , for now - be patient.


The window for loans closes?

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Buying players for the sake of it got us nowhere in the past (in the Lowe era), remember that we need players who can make the step up to the top half of the championship there is no point buying a player for the sake of the fact that he can do a job in league one and no higher and them having him stuck on the books due to his contract and not getting a game as we've been and bought a player who can then play at the level we need


Why is there no middle ground ?

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Hang on, you're telling me to accept the point of view of the least accepting poster on here? Having a debate with Alpine is like trying to reason with a stuck record, far better to just switch it off, which is what I'll be doing shortly.


I'm struggling to remember a single Alpine 'contribution'* that didn't cover one of three topics:


1 Game X is a must win game

2 Manager X (it doesn't matter which one, he's hated them all) isn't good enough, let's get someone better

3 We desperately need to sign a new player, preferably this one that no-one had heard of until now and will probably never hear of again but who MUST be amazing


rewind and repeat ad infinitum


* when I say contribution, I am of course being overly generous, to 'contribute' something suggests 'adding' something to the debate, since pretty much every Alpine post takes away just a little bit more of what used to make this forum worth visiting (like a constant dripping of acid rain) I should probably have said 'subtraction'


Ahhh. The perennial "(nt)KM puts Alpine Saint on Ignore" speech.


How I've missed that.

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Much better stuff from Pards there. Good to hear that we're after players who will really make us stronger.


He's right about the bench too. Aside from arguably Connolly, we've got no-one who can change a game for us.


Anyone else think he's talking about players like Vassell?

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Bit of common sense surely why whould talented players who feel they have more to offer dip down to div 2 unless it was for the money or they just loved to play for the saints, think we need to get real unless we want to do a Man City, they've spent over a billion a still the red side have the rights

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Ahhh. The perennial "(nt)KM puts Alpine Saint on Ignore" speech.


How I've missed that.


There are plenty of wind up merchants here who just love you to bite. If you don't they can't carry on forever, or they'll keep on talking to themselves. Leave it well alone. You know there are more interesting things to discuss.

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There are plenty of wind up merchants here who just love you to bite. If you don't they can't carry on forever, or they'll keep on talking to themselves. Leave it well alone. You know there are more interesting things to discuss.


Was going to say the same thing myself. You make some good points Alpine, and if you could just ignore those that have a dig at you, they'd soon stop.

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There are plenty of wind up merchants here who just love you to bite. If you don't they can't carry on forever, or they'll keep on talking to themselves. Leave it well alone. You know there are more interesting things to discuss.


Was going to say the same thing myself. You make some good points Alpine' date=' and if you could just ignore those that have a dig at you, they'd soon stop.[/quote']


Thanks, guys.

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Not really, he seems to be trying at least. If the right players don't want to come here for the right reasons, that's not APs fault.


I have understood and been supportive of this policy from early on and understand the logic, with the addition that loans also come into play at the later stages. But after the Plymouth game a little doubt crept in. Holding off for players who can compete in the CCC has it's merits, but the job in hand is to get out of League 1. If that objective is compromised by flawed or impractical application, then that is a mistake.


Pardew has made his decision on how we are going forward and we will just have to wait and see whether he is correct or not. Personally I am not sure but feel Pardew would not extend things of this importance, unless he felt he was pretty sure to obtain players that make a major difference. His decision and what he gets paid for, with the proof being delivered once all the windows close.

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Not really, he seems to be trying at least. If the right players don't want to come here for the right reasons, that's not APs fault.


I have understood and been supportive of this policy from early on and understand the logic, with the addition that loans also come into play at the later stages. But after the Plymouth game a little doubt crept in. Holding off for players who can compete in the CCC has it's merits, but the job in hand is to get out of League 1. If that objective is compromised by flawed or impractical application, then that is a mistake.


Pardew has made his decision on how we are going forward and we will just have to wait and see whether he is correct or not. Personally I am not sure but feel Pardew would not extend things of this importance, unless he felt he was pretty sure to obtain players that make a major difference. His decision and what he gets paid for, with the proof being delivered once all the windows close.

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Cheers for that. Interesting read. Exciting 12 days ahead then. Hope the "hopefully" doesn't mean the future ownership is undecided yet :-S


Well, tbh he probably doesn't speak to them so he can only assume that they will keep supporting us. Corteze has come out and said that they will and he would know better than Alan.


Pay of no mind.

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Well, tbh he probably doesn't speak to them so he can only assume that they will keep supporting us. Corteze has come out and said that they will and he would know better than Alan.


Pay of no mind.


And he can't exactly say "they will be supporting us" unless he knows that for definite. Seems obvious to me that they will be.

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I have understood and been supportive of this policy from early on and understand the logic, with the addition that loans also come into play at the later stages. But after the Plymouth game a little doubt crept in. Holding off for players who can compete in the CCC has it's merits, but the job in hand is to get out of League 1. If that objective is compromised by flawed or impractical application, then that is a mistake.


Pardew has made his decision on how we are going forward and we will just have to wait and see whether he is correct or not. Personally I am not sure but feel Pardew would not extend things of this importance, unless he felt he was pretty sure to obtain players that make a major difference. His decision and what he gets paid for, with the proof being delivered once all the windows close.


Also, quite possibly, the network of Scouts and experience that we have as a back up to AP (including Les Read) haven't found anyone that THEY like that fills the need that THEY see as being available.


And of course so many on here have signed up what, 17 pages of players? so far this pre and early season in the HCDAJFU thread.


In other words - I trust the people emplyed by the club with many years of experience to

1) Tell us they are looking for players (they have)

2) Go out and get the RIGHT players (they have and I believe they will do)


So we've simply been arguing about the pace of signing them.


I'd like to buy a nice low milage 3 or 4 year old Bentley Convertible for 1500 quid cash. Frustratingly I haven't been able to do it this morning. Perhaps I should sack myself for lack of ambition, vision or understanding

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Very much a "Let's wait and see" holding statement.


Fair enough. I think there will be a bit of egg on his face if we get to the end of the window without addressing the CM and pacey winger issues at least.


You've changed your tune. I actually said this the other day and you told me I had a lack of ambition and my post was garbage. Then you refused to reply to me asking what part of my post was rubbish.


Just so you know my post mentioned how we might be waiting for players to realise they will not be used at there current clubs and they will either be old pro's or loan signings.


I fully expect you to ignore this or abuse me then complain when someone does it to you.

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Wonder If the reference to players ending their careers here means we're looking for older, experienced pro players preferably, who aren't just in it for money. That's Antonio out if that's the case.


He is definately not coming back - at least not this side of Christmas.

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We have just got to leave AP alone. He knows what he is doing and we can have faith that he will sign the right players if he can. We must be grateful that we still do not have Uncle George, Wigley or those Dutchmen at the helm now.

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I am glad to hear that new signings or loans are still on the agenda and we should see some new faces in the next couple of weeks I was starting to think there would be no more coming in until Jan.


Pards signings since being Saints manager have been good I am happy to wait and see what happens in the next couple of weeks if we get a centre midfielder a wide player with pace and a big centre forward in I think our squad will be complete.

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