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A cheer you up present from West Ham and the KUMBrigade


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Haha, bless West Ham, they know how to cheer us up thats for sure. Just when we thought no one was more small time that the blue few, it turns out that hammers fans have a whole section focuses on opposition forums (but only when they win :lol: ;) :rolleyes: :mcinnes: :mcinnes:)


My favourite part about it is the hypocrisy of their fanbase now defending BFS's style when they wanted him out during the season he got them promoted. They really are a special lot, bless them!!:D


This is literally hysterical. Dave in Sweden, you'll be pleased to know you made the list :) They even know where your from! Don't think they quoted glasgow though... he'll have to have words :lol: I mean he goes to so much effort! ;)




Enjoy guys :::lol:

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Can't see to much wrong with any of the comments. Couple of salient points in there, dickiesleftpeg 'don't you hate it when teams are effective, and score from their shots on target, instead of blasting every shot into Barking road' and Scotty who said that they keep getting lucky against us. We've only beaten them once in 6 attempts now and everytime all you lot whinge about it being bad luck. Despite being supposedly so terrible and Allerdyce such terrible manager they get something right against us time and time again. So stop whinging and look at our missed chances, failure to do much with 70% possession and 25 shots at goal rather than squinniny about marginal offside decisions and how disgusting it is that teams dare to defend against us and take their chances when they get them. Bunch of saps on here.

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I imagine most forums to be very similar with a mix of decent, moronic and normal posters. You can read what you want from them. There will be posters from KUMB laughing at some of our more special posters and vice versa.


That's forums for you. Meet most of them in the pub after the game and I'm sure they'd be fine.

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Haha, bless West Ham, they know how to cheer us up thats for sure. Just when we thought no one was more small time that the blue few, it turns out that hammers fans have a whole section focuses on opposition forums (but only when they win :lol: ;) :rolleyes: :mcinnes: :mcinnes:)


My favourite part about it is the hypocrisy of their fanbase now defending BFS's style when they wanted him out during the season he got them promoted. They really are a special lot, bless them!!:D


This is literally hysterical. Dave in Sweden, you'll be pleased to know you made the list :) They even know where your from!


Don't think they quoted glasgow though... he'll have to have words :lol: I mean he goes to so much effort! ;)




Enjoy guys :::lol:


well I stand by my comments. Possession is one thing, but if 25 shots can't produce more than one goal, then maybe we should revert to long ball tactics as Wham did.

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Why the obsession with West Ham? I know SOME of their fans were a bit cocky in the Championship but that was years ago now.


Every time we play them we get half a dozen threads saying, 'OMG look what they're saying on KUMB!' It just makes Saints fans look like a sad bunch of obsessed muppets. They won. They don't play attractive football but it is effective and they took their chance whilst we missed about 20. They deserved to win, move on.

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Why the obsession with West Ham? I know SOME of their fans were a bit cocky in the Championship but that was years ago now.


Every time we play them we get half a dozen threads saying, 'OMG look what they're saying on KUMB!' It just makes Saints fans look like a sad bunch of obsessed muppets. They won. They don't play attractive football but it is effective and they took their chance whilst we missed about 20. They deserved to win, move on.




We've not beaten them in 5 attempts now so they are doing something right against us. For all the derision on here of them and their manager they are looking at another comfortable midtable finish. People can say what they like about Allerdyce but he's very effective at getting lesser clubs and teams to finish in comfortable league positions. He's done it repeatedly at Bolton, Blackburn and now West Ham. And before all the helmets start bleating on about him being terrible and would i want him at Saints, the answer is no, but that doesn't mean he's a bad manager, he's decent and effective and you know what you're going to get.

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It's all very well WHU supporters crowing about their win and tactical superiority, but without the non intervention of an incompetent asst ref for the first goal and the dubious attitude of the ref ignoring Collins deflecting the ball with his hand and Downing blocking a cross with his hand above his shoulder they may well have been well beaten. This is not the first time this ref teamed with the same linesman has turned a blind eye to game changing events. Against Asenal he chose to ignore Giroud Wrestling Boruc whilst winnng the ball for the first goal or ignoring a Saints player wrestled to the ground whilst choosing to give a penalty for a Fonte shirt tug seconds later.


WHU will get relegated if they continue to think that brute force will prevail. Their possession of about 30% in their four wins with a goalkeeper playing a blinder will eventually unravel. If not this season not before very long. The Premier would be a better league without their agricultural tactics. Interestingly his previous clubs have imploded as soon as he leaves. It will happen at WHU as well because the radical way he plays needs to be continued with the players in the club, however no successor will play that way.

Edited by derry
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It's all very well WHU supporters crowing about their win and tactical superiority, but without the non intervention of an incompetent asst ref for the first goal and the dubious attitude of the ref ignoring Collins deflecting the ball with his hand



You mean that time Collins deflected the ball with his hand that replays showed conclusively was actually Jay Rodriguez's hand?

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It's all very well WHU supporters crowing about their win and tactical superiority, but without the non intervention of an incompetent asst ref for the first goal and the dubious attitude of the ref ignoring Collins deflecting the ball with his hand and Downing blocking a cross with his hand above his shoulder they may well have been well beaten. This is not the first time this ref teamed with the same linesman has turned a blind eye to game changing events. Against Asenal he chose to ignore Giroud Wrestling Boruc whilst winnng the ball for the first goal or ignoring a Saints player wrestled to the ground whilst choosing to give a penalty for a Fonte shirt tug seconds later.


WHU will get relegated if they continue to think that brute force will prevail. Their possession of about 30% in their four wins with a goalkeeper playing a blinder will eventually unravel. If not this season not before very long. The Premier would be a better league without their agricultural tactics. Interestingly his previous clubs have imploded as soon as he leaves. It will happen at WHU as well because the radical way he plays needs to be continued with the players in the club, however no successor will play that way.


Be honest, if that was Lambert on Scezney you would never call it wrestling. Not a foul, let alone "wrestling". There is one man to blame for that goal, and it isn't the ref.

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Be honest, if that was Lambert on Scezney you would never call it wrestling. Not a foul, let alone "wrestling". There is one man to blame for that goal, and it isn't the ref.


I blamed Boruc for being a prat. However At the moment wresting/shirt tugging is rife. Either ignore it or penalise the first offender every time to stamp it out but not ignore one and penalise another. It wouldn't matter to me either way who it is if a foul is committed, I accept it but the referees need to be consistent and fair. Nobody could argue that the linesman was correct letting the first goal stand.

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Be honest, if that was Lambert on Scezney you would never call it wrestling. Not a foul, let alone "wrestling". There is one man to blame for that goal, and it isn't the ref.


The problem we have:rolleyes: IF it had been the same circumstances and Lambert handing off Scezney...he WOULD have been blown up for the obvious foul.:)


I do not care if some think it was soft;) Giroud fouled Boruc...end of story.


I have a friend who is a first class ref and Arse supporter..not gay:p who confirms that it was an OBVIOUS foul from the moment Giroud handled our keeper.:p


Please do not argue with me on this:smug: I am a delicate flower and never wrong.:D


You can not hand off the keeper...even if with gentle hands....HE PUSHED BORUC AWAY FFS:(



Anyway Rikeee would never be as clever as Giroud:D


AGREED...King Artur should not have messed up in the first place.

Edited by ottery st mary
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The problem we have:rolleyes: IF it had been the same circumstances and Lambert handing off Scezney...he WOULD have been blown up for the obvious foul.:)


I do not care if some think it was soft;) Giroud fouled Boruc...end of story.


I have a friend who is a first class ref and Arse supporter..not gay:p who confirms that it was an OBVIOUS foul from the moment Giroud handled our keeper.:p


Please do not argue with me on this:smug: I am a delicate flower and never wrong.:D


You can not hand off the keeper...even if with gentle hands....HE PUSHED BORUC AWAY FFS:(



Anyway Rikeee would never be as clever as Giroud:D


AGREED...King Artur should not have messed up in the first place.


I'm going to ignore your pleas and disagree with you.


I don't think it was a foul. Anywhere on the pitch, that is never a foul.


Goalkeepers get special protection, but this is in reference to when they are claiming the ball aerially - having their hands (and focus) trained on the ball means their balance is off and are more in danger of being injured. Boruc wasn't really playing as a goalkeeper at that point, he was trying to take on Giroud with the ball at his feet so should be treated as an outfield player - and therefore the tackle should come under the same considerations as any other tackle on/by any other player on the pitch - anywhere on the field.


I don't think Giroud fouled Boruc in the slightest - put it this way, if that was Rickie/J-Rod/SamG/DaniO etc and it was blown as a foul I would be fuming. I simply do not think Giroud did anything wrong whatsoever. It's also quite telling that no Saints players even attempted to claim the foul - which is usually a reasonable indicator.

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I'm going to ignore your pleas and disagree with you.


I don't think it was a foul. Anywhere on the pitch, that is never a foul.


Goalkeepers get special protection, but this is in reference to when they are claiming the ball aerially - having their hands (and focus) trained on the ball means their balance is off and are more in danger of being injured. Boruc wasn't really playing as a goalkeeper at that point, he was trying to take on Giroud with the ball at his feet so should be treated as an outfield player - and therefore the tackle should come under the same considerations as any other tackle on/by any other player on the pitch - anywhere on the field.


I don't think Giroud fouled Boruc in the slightest - put it this way, if that was Rickie/J-Rod/SamG/DaniO etc and it was blown as a foul I would be fuming. I simply do not think Giroud did anything wrong whatsoever. It's also quite telling that no Saints players even attempted to claim the foul - which is usually a reasonable indicator.




:p :p:p:p

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We lost unluckily to them. sh*t happens.


Bad teams beat good teams.


Still wouldn't swap places with them in a million years, they play crap football however 'effective' it is its still crap to watch (and they know it), they are still in shed loads of debt yet give Andy Carroll £90k a week, they have a bunch prem rejects and they are about to move into an Athletics stadium.


However bad Saints get, which lets be honest isn't bad at all I can always look at West Ham to cheer me up.


Oh and we're 8 points ahead of them.

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  • 5 years later...

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but you also reap what you sow. Moving to a nice shiny stadium at only 3m rent a year was too good a chance not to take up it would of seemed, no doubt Sullivan, Gold and Brady were rubbing their hands in glee with dollar signs in their eyes. Problem is that it ain't a football stadium, and the landlord wont allow them to convert it into a football stadium, and even if they did it would be far, far too big for them...!

The City of Manchester Stadium was a 40000 seater stadium before it was converted for football and now holds 55000, and if you didn't know you probably wouldn't notice that it was once an athletics arena. The London Stadium is already a 60000 seater stadium, converting that means it would probably be in excess of 70000 seats. Hard to fill in the Premiership never mind the Championship. As I say, you reap what you sow, big isn't always best.

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