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They do this all the time, put a massive billboard outside Stamford Bridge saying something derogatory about Torres last season, also said something about Stevie G slipping in Liverpool somewhere after the game, just think it's their raison d'être if you like, trying to be funny/controversial.


Have to say i do chuckle at quite a few of their ads/pictures and stuff they put on Twitter but the joke about us being LFC's feeder club got old a very long time ago at the start of the transfer window.

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They do this all the time, put a massive billboard outside Stamford Bridge saying something derogatory about Torres last season, also said something about Stevie G slipping in Liverpool somewhere after the game, just think it's their raison d'être if you like, trying to be funny/controversial.


Have to say i do chuckle at quite a few of their ads/pictures and stuff they put on Twitter but the joke about us being LFC's feeder club got old a very long time ago at the start of the transfer window.

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