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Jan, how long has he got? (not looking for an arguement)


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I really really like this guy, and to be honest with you I would love to see him here for years to come.




How long do you think Lowe or indeed some of the more 'vocal' supporters will give Jan before pressure starts to build on him to get results? I can't see Lowe sacking him purely because of his efforts to 'revolutionize' the club, but it concerns me that if we lose to QPR and Ipswich and pick up a point against Barnsley for example that some people will start to lose patience.



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I really really like this guy, and to be honest with you I would love to see him here for years to come.




How long do you think Lowe or indeed some of the more 'vocal' supporters will give Jan before pressure starts to build on him to get results? I can't see Lowe sacking him purely because of his efforts to 'revolutionize' the club, but it concerns me that if we lose to QPR and Ipswich and pick up a point against Barnsley for example that some people will start to lose patience.




Who ever is manager / Coach is on a loser from day one. Any person bought in by Lowe is tainted, shop solied and tarnished goods. While Lowe is still with us all connected with him will be judged and doomed without a trial. Although I dislike Lowe with a passion for his past failings and attitude it is a no win situation for anyone connected with him or brought in by him. So the short answer is not long

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I believe that he will be given a long spell by RL as the club has no money to spend on players if a new manager came in.

We have taken this route and have to see what evolves.As for the fans? Many will stay patient and the normal suspects will get their knicke## in a twist and start calling for his head.

Edited by OldNick
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I think Lowe has been trying for a long time to implement this kind of streamlined set-up, but has previously buckled to short-termist pressure (see the appointment of Redknapp). However, I don't think we'll see any change before the end of the season simply because we can't afford it.


Unfortunately though, I can quite easily see the fans getting on the back of players and management. I sometimes wish that people would think less in terms of 'rights and more in terms of 'responsibilities', but hey, I'm not looking for an argument either.

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Personally I think we will pick up a few more points away as the lads wont have as much pressure on them.


If the home support want to put more pressure on them then I can see them getting more and more hacked off when results dont go our way. The kids need to relax and slowly the results will come.


If we are picking up points towards safty away from home then Lowe wont bow to the fans pressure and will keep JP until he diecides there is a better alternitive.

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It's a perfectly reasonable question. If we don't win any of our next, say, ten games then the pressure will be immense.


And precisely the same people that bleat on about "ten managers in ten years" and all the rest of it will be calling for the immediate removal of our current manager.


I'm not saying they'd be wrong to, but that is what will happen.




However, as long as we keep performing at the excellent level we are performing at - the commitment, energy, spirit and style of football really cannot be faulted (let's write off Blackpool) - and we pick up enough points (say, enough to keep us fourteenth-ish) then IMO he definitely won't be sacked.


Despite what some say, Lowe kept a hell of a lot of faith in Dave Jones when frankly, we were dull and rubbish under him in his second and third seasons. JP will get the same treatment.

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I think Lowe will have to give him a fair crack of the whip if only for financial reasons plus it would be unfair to sack a bloke because a bunch of players he didn't personally choose to bring to the club didn't perform.

I think Lowe's target this year is to avoid relegation and stay afloat financially. The future without a takeover doesn't look wildly exciting.

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He's got as long as he wants.

There is not a chance in hell of Lowe sacking him, even if we were rock bottom and heading for relegation.

This is lowes man, he has been after him for a while and the fact that he is on such s low salary means we wouldn't beable to replace him with anything other than another gamble.


I don't like lowe and was angry in the way they dealt with Pearson, but Jan has to be given as much time as he needs. He obvioulsy knows his football, communicates well with the fans and seems to have the players respect..... you couldnt guarantee any of those qualities, with the salary the job pays

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I really really like this guy, and to be honest with you I would love to see him here for years to come.




How long do you think Lowe or indeed some of the more 'vocal' supporters will give Jan before pressure starts to build on him to get results? I can't see Lowe sacking him purely because of his efforts to 'revolutionize' the club, but it concerns me that if we lose to QPR and Ipswich and pick up a point against Barnsley for example that some people will start to lose patience.




Well some of the crowd had started at the end of the Blackpool game which I thought was a tad harsh because but for a missed penalty and a few good saves from Rachubka the result could have been different. Fair enough if the players hadn't been trying, but they had.


I think people have to realise that the club has employed a long term strategy to rebuild and these kids are still learning and gaining both strength and experience, so the first target this season must be safety and anything else is a bonus.


If JP talks about the play offs, then all well and good, I think it's a mite early to be talking about that kind of position.


Ultimately I think the club will give JP the time he needs, but I don't think too many fans will unless we start putting our chances away, and the boys are creating them.


I think they need to keep the faith, keep their heads up and the results will come. They just need to keep doing what they are doing

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How long do you think Lowe or indeed some of the more 'vocal' supporters will give Jan before pressure starts to build on him to get results?


Lord Lowe will give him the season.


The boo boys probably already want his head.


All the more reason to never listen to fans in anything footballing-related.

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Well some of the crowd had started at the end of the Blackpool game which I thought was a tad harsh because but for a missed penalty and a few good saves from Rachubka the result could have been different. Fair enough if the players hadn't been trying, but they had.


I think people have to realise that the club has employed a long term strategy to rebuild and these kids are still learning and gaining both strength and experience, so the first target this season must be safety and anything else is a bonus.


If JP talks about the play offs, then all well and good, I think it's a mite early to be talking about that kind of position.


Ultimately I think the club will give JP the time he needs, but I don't think too many fans will unless we start putting our chances away, and the boys are creating them.


I think they need to keep the faith, keep their heads up and the results will come. They just need to keep doing what they are doing



This team is going to struggle this season in the Championship the club is trying to build for the future I do not expect us to be in the top twelve this season.


Lots of fans are too stupid to realise this and expect instant success even discussing a change of stategy is out of the question.



I would have thought JP would be here for some time he needs time to build a team

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Lord Lowe will give him the season.


The boo boys probably already want his head.


All the more reason to never listen to fans in anything footballing-related.




If only you were a fan - then I wouldn't have to listen to you!


If JP is sacked there is a likely-looking young manager just taken his team to the top of League 1 that Roops might want to consider.

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Personally i hope he is given time to give things a proper try. But if we continue our ratio of 3 defeats from 4 say 9 defeats out of 12 i cant see him surviving. The few fans who bother to actually support us will fade and that will probably swing the axe. Even those full of confidence will turn if they see we are like 10 points a drift at the bottom by xmas.

So it really depends on what it lookslike next year, if we look down will we keep him and plan for the following season? Whatever happens were only 4 games in and there is a long way to go. 2 Wins on the bounce and the negativity on here will be gone again!

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I believe that he will be given a long spell by RL as the club has no money to spend on players if a new manager came in.

We have taken this route and have to see what evolves.As for the fans? Many will stay patient and the normal suspects will get their knicke## in a twist and start calling for his head.


The Blackpool attendance indicated we are getting very near to the hard core support level, if Jan and his tactics do not start deliverying at least home wins then that crowd of 15000 will become the norm.

As the hard headed businessman lowe is meant to be, he will be faced with a tough decision , risk his investment or sack Jan and find someone who can improve results and thus attendances.

i think Jan realises that Saturdays performance was poor and he has indicated that he does not advocate passing for passing sake ( some on here have got exited about ball retention) but that there needs to be an end product.

He may well introduce Euell and Skacel to midfield to add experience in that area.

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The Blackpool attendance indicated we are getting very near to the hard core support level, if Jan and his tactics do not start deliverying at least home wins then that crowd of 15000 will become the norm.

As the hard headed businessman lowe is meant to be, he will be faced with a tough decision , risk his investment or sack Jan and find someone who can improve results and thus attendances.

i think Jan realises that Saturdays performance was poor and he has indicated that he does not advocate passing for passing sake ( some on here have got exited about ball retention) but that there needs to be an end product.

He may well introduce Euell and Skacel to midfield to add experience in that area.


I don't read too much into the low turnout on Saturday. I'd have been more concerned if it had not been on TV and we'd been playing a more glamorous team.


I hope Jan is given at least the season. He's got the team performing well (in all but results!). Even if he were replaced, a new manager would have the same players to deal with and might not do as well. I can't see any of the usual suspects on the managerial merry-go-round coping with our bunch of youngsters or relishing the challenge they bring.

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I don't read too much into the low turnout on Saturday. I'd have been more concerned if it had not been on TV and we'd been playing a more glamorous team.


I hope Jan is given at least the season. He's got the team performing well (in all but results!). Even if he were replaced, a new manager would have the same players to deal with and might not do as well. I can't see any of the usual suspects on the managerial merry-go-round coping with our bunch of youngsters or relishing the challenge they bring.


But Birmingham were a top side and we got 18k , i think the key to this is the 4 words you have in brackets.

Personally i think we are to far down this route now to change but imo there are still major question marks over our ability to compete successfully in this division.

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Against Birmingham (yes, 2nd league game of the season) the guy next to me was saying that Poortvliet was a poor manager because he wasn't screaming hysterically at the players when we were 2-1 down and even more ludicrously that he was probably arrogant as he was "standing there like that with his arms folded - you can see he thinks he's better than everyone". Not only that, but this guy seemed fairly level-headed and wasn't some 14 year old chav, so if fairly normal fans want to get on the managers back after 1 and 1/2 games then who the **** knows how long JP will get.


The key games though must be Ipswich and Barnsley (a defeat away to QPR so long as the performance is fairly spirited would be forgivable). However should JP get anything less than 3/4 points out of those two home games then I think he'll be in trouble.

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I have read the title of this thread and nothing more. It's all I needed to see to realise that this is one of those f*cking ridiculous threads, that really should be locked and deleted from the start.


I bet this gimp said in the summer "I'm prepared to give him time" - so why the f*ck do you start debating when the end will come?! Surely you have to accept that their will be minor hiccups along the way with this kind of project? Or are you a total idiot? (I am aware from posts in the past that this poster isn't the brightest.)


Idiotic negativity like this doesn't is mongness of the highest order.

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I bet this gimp said in the summer "I'm prepared to give him time" - so why the f*ck do you start debating when the end will come?!


The end will come 2012.


From now until the latter part of 2008, many prophecies are going to begin to be fulfilled, especially the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation, which the apostle John saw but was restricted from recording. Those thunders are revealed in a book, as well as detailed accounts of the final three and one-half years of man's self-rule on earth, which are recorded in the account of the Seventh Seal of Revelation.


Some of these prophecies concern the demise of the United States over the next year, which will be followed by man's final world war. This last war will be the result of clashing religions and the governments they sway. Billions will die! This time will far exceed even the very worst times in all human history.


As these events unfold, the world will increasingly become aware of the authenticity of the words in this book and realize that Ronald Weinland has been sent by God as His end-time prophet.


This book is primarily directed to the people of the three major religions of the world (Islam, Judaism and Christianity), whose roots are in the God of Abraham. Ronald Weinland has been sent to all three.





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Personally I think we will pick up a few more points away as the lads wont have as much pressure on them.


If the home support want to put more pressure on them then I can see them getting more and more hacked off when results dont go our way. The kids need to relax and slowly the results will come.


If we are picking up points towards safty away from home then Lowe wont bow to the fans pressure and will keep JP until he diecides there is a better alternitive.


Spot on, it's a huge shame that the home support is so fickle. It's hardly suprising that we done so bad last season at home and we haven't started off well at home again.


Edit: just read the whole thread and I can't believe there are people who genuinley think JP will be sacked if we don't pick up enough points from the next three games. Even after last season I see some fans still expect everything from Southampton fc...

Edited by Andy_Porter
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But Birmingham were a top side and we got 18k , i think the key to this is the 4 words you have in brackets.

Personally i think we are to far down this route now to change but imo there are still major question marks over our ability to compete successfully in this division.


What would you say success would be this season?


I mean you can't expect a team which finished a point away from relegation to suddenly get promoted because a few youngsters got promoted from the youth team.


Anything in the top 10 would be a very successful season imo, anything below 18~ would be a bit of a shame but certainly not a disaster as long as progress is made by the youngsters.

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What would you say success would be this season?


I mean you can't expect a team which finished a point away from relegation to suddenly get promoted because a few youngsters got promoted from the youth team.


Anything in the top 10 would be a very successful season imo, anything below 18~ would be a bit of a shame but certainly not a disaster as long as progress is made by the youngsters.


Anything above the bottom 3 would be a very successful season imo.


This season is all about balancing the books and building for the future, with all the player/manager/boardroom unrest just staying up would be a great achievement.

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Alan Curbishley is a free agent again, any chance we could see him here before long?


Well, based on his style of football, I wouldn't be surprised if West Ham come in for JP!


Curbs was doing alright at WHU (injuries and lack of options in the transfer market not withstanding), but Hammers fans always want to play passing flowing football. Which is wot we does, innit!?


Seriouisly, if we are worried about any of our young talent going in January, we should also be worried at the very impressive start (performance wise) that JP has made. If/when the result start reflecting performances it'll be noticed - other clubs watch managers as much as players these days.

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The key to the answer to this question does not reside with Lowe I believe on this occasion - it will lie with the banks and with shareholders as such. If we are anywhere near looking like relegation candidates after Christmas, the pressure and decision to appoint somebody to save the club from that fate will be huge, as relegation will lead to almost certain administration and THAT is something Lowe will have to avoid at all costs. Lets not forget that for this reason alone, Lowe has taken a massive gamble, despite how upbeat we might feel about Jan and his plan.

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I really really like this guy, and to be honest with you I would love to see him here for years to come.




How long do you think Lowe or indeed some of the more 'vocal' supporters will give Jan before pressure starts to build on him to get results? I can't see Lowe sacking him purely because of his efforts to 'revolutionize' the club, but it concerns me that if we lose to QPR and Ipswich and pick up a point against Barnsley for example that some people will start to lose patience.




till christmas, although i think next may could be fairer

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The key to the answer to this question does not reside with Lowe I believe on this occasion - it will lie with the banks and with shareholders as such. If we are anywhere near looking like relegation candidates after Christmas, the pressure and decision to appoint somebody to save the club from that fate will be huge, as relegation will lead to almost certain administration and THAT is something Lowe will have to avoid at all costs. Lets not forget that for this reason alone, Lowe has taken a massive gamble, despite how upbeat we might feel about Jan and his plan.


The OS were telling us that is what JP was here for :rolleyes:

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I have read the title of this thread and nothing more. It's all I needed to see to realise that this is one of those f*cking ridiculous threads, that really should be locked and deleted from the start.


I bet this gimp said in the summer "I'm prepared to give him time" - so why the f*ck do you start debating when the end will come?! Surely you have to accept that their will be minor hiccups along the way with this kind of project? Or are you a total idiot? (I am aware from posts in the past that this poster isn't the brightest.)


Idiotic negativity like this doesn't is mongness of the highest order.


Oh noes! What ever shall I do now that Bungle of all people has had a pop at me over the innernet? Why comment then you ****? Why not sit at your mum's house shaking your head at how clueless I am? You absolute ****tard!


Go ahead and shut it down mods, Bumble has ruined it for everyone.

Edited by Thorpe-le-Saint
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And precisely the same people that bleat on about "ten managers in ten years" and all the rest of it will be calling for the immediate removal of our current manager.


A little bit harsh when you think about Gray and Wigley for instance. The trouble there was not the sacking of them, but their appointments in the first instance!!!!!


As for how long as he got, well, as someone else has pointed out I think he will be around as long as Lowe is here.


JP is so much Lowe's man, that a sacking would be an admission of failure and something that I don't think Lowe would be able to survive.


Unless Wilde (or the bank) lose faith, then I think JP will be here for quite a while (even if we get relegated), unless of course some rich group of arabs rock up!!!!!!!!!!

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