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Bridgey Pulls out of England


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Pulled out of the england squad and has also pulled out of any potential part in an England world cup squad.


Now, i understand how much he is going through etc but in my eyes he is now trying to be too much of a victim in all this.


I do however see the fact that his inclusion will bring with it a lot of media coverage and distractions.


It is a shame however, but now it looks like leighton Baines can take his chance.


Poor old Bridgey

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Terry went way beyond what footballers generally somehow get away with or are fined a pittance in terms of their salary. Don't really like him anyway but problem is England are suffering with several CB's carrying injuries. It's also so ironic that Bridge of course replaces Ashley Cole who is probably on a par with Terry in terms of how despicably they seem to think they can behave. Shameful, I cannot imagine how hard it is for Wayne right now. Am hoping he'll change his mind but I somehow doubt it :(

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Pulled out of the england squad and has also pulled out of any potential part in an England world cup squad.


Now, i understand how much he is going through etc but in my eyes he is now trying to be too much of a victim in all this.


I do however see the fact that his inclusion will bring with it a lot of media coverage and distractions.


It is a shame however, but now it looks like leighton Baines can take his chance.


Poor old Bridgey


Really? I think the only one's who made a deal about it was the media. Bridge hasn't said anything at all, bar this statement he has released today!

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Terry went way beyond what footballers generally somehow get away with or are fined a pittance in terms of their salary. Don't really like him anyway but problem is England are suffering with several CB's carrying injuries. It's also so ironic that Bridge of course replaces Ashley Cole who is probably on a par with Terry in terms of how despicably they seem to think they can behave. Shameful, I cannot imagine how hard it is for Wayne right now. Am hoping he'll change his mind but I somehow doubt it :(



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Got to feel sorry for Bridge.


He must have know that his place on the plane to South Africa was pretty much certain. To sacrifice playing in a world cup because of your feelings towards another player and the attention it will cause with the media must have been a massive decision to make.


He must be pretty hurt by all of this to walk away from the England set up.


As for replacements, I dont think Capello picks people to "cover" postions, so I wouldnt expect Barry, Lescott etc to fill in. Im sure he would pick Baines.

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You can always get another bird you can't always play in a World Cup !!


This was his last opportunity to achieve something with England an opportunity that has been gifted to him by anothers injury, this decision he will regret, especially when his kid asks why he didn't play in the World Cup but Uncle John did.

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Is City v Chelsea on telly this weekend?


I bet they don't go to adverts during the pre-match handshakes like they usually do.


Of course the only right and proper thing for Terry to do is withdraw from the England squad until next season himself, there are far more CBs around than left backs...


FWIW I think Bridge has been very shrewd, he's got no reason to put up with the hassle and doesn't want to be seen to be "ok with it". I don't feel sorry for him because it's his decision to make, but everyone knows he's the obvious first choice left back with Cole injured and is effectively giving up a World Cup place.


Ashley Cole's meant to be fit beforehand anyway, so all Bridge is really doing is taking himself out of the squad, rather than the team for South Africa.


Does expose a dearth of decent left backs though.

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The problem is for Bridge he knows like we all do that an in form Terry is more important to England than Bridge. He also knows that he is behind Cole in the pecking order if Cole get's fit in time and as he is hardly at the top of his game his role as understudy for LB could even be challenged by Baines or Warnock. Add that to the probability that he would like to knock the classless Terry even more senseless than he is already (and nobody could blame him) then his presence would be divisive and perhaps he doesn't feel comfortable with the added pressure that would put on him as an essentially squad player.


I think Wayne Bridge has been very responsible with regard to his actions and has nothing at all with 'playing up' to the role of victim. I see it as more about moving on with a degree of dignity and ensuring he doesn't damage his playing career with his club any further than it already has and allow him the space to concentrate on improving his form to the full. Bridge can't exactly confront Terry as I am sure he would like and if he did the wronged would easily become the accused. This way he get's to give Terry a proverbial bloody nose and damage his ex-close friend's public profile even further and if Bridge finds that satisfying then I feel it's a satisfaction he deserves considering it has cost him the Mum of his son and one last chance of playing at a World Cup a chance that was simply unteneable as he said.


Strong relationships of any kind transcends sport let alone football or any blind ambition for that matter. Terry may be perceived as twice as important to England's Football team but Wayne Bridge is twice the Englishman and I applaud the way he is has conducted himself throughout this whole sorry mess. Terry seems to be in the process of mastering his own publicly despised downfall and Wayne Bridge has just helped him set up the last nail.

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Pulled out of the england squad and has also pulled out of any potential part in an England world cup squad.


Now, i understand how much he is going through etc but in my eyes he is now trying to be too much of a victim in all this.


I do however see the fact that his inclusion will bring with it a lot of media coverage and distractions.


It is a shame however, but now it looks like leighton Baines can take his chance.


Poor old Bridgey

Disagree about him being a victim, would you want to turn up at the England camp and know everyone will be talking about you and then you have to see the c*nt that f*cked your missus who used to be your best mate??
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imagine in the shower after, JT swanning round, what if he has a bigger **** than Bridge does?


In all seriousness, with Terry in the squad, Bridges position was untenable IMO. Say Bridge and Terry both go for the same ball and the opposition score, the nation would say it was because of the scandal etc. Not disappointed with Bridge at all. Terry is a **** though

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Personally I'd have gone and released a press statement saying, "This is my best and last chance to win the world cup with England, with Cashley injured I will have a great chance of being in the starting 11. I'm not going to let that tool John Terry ruin that."

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imagine in the shower after, JT swanning round, what if he has a bigger **** than Bridge does?


He will already be aware of the size of his c()ck having showered with him previously and don't think that was a consideration in his decision.

Turning down the opportunity to represent your country because of some sl()ts failure to turn down other mens advances is something I find difficult to understand.

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He will already be aware of the size of his c()ck having showered with him previously and don't think that was a consideration in his decision.

Turning down the opportunity to represent your country because of some sl()ts failure to turn down other mens advances is something I find difficult to understand.


Why? Whats so difficult to understand? One of your friend's sleeps with your missus estranged/or recently broken up and the mother of your child?


I could understand if it was someone in the office - you'd just ignore them etc.


Doubts of whether anything happened when you were with her. Also his head wont be in it, being a team game I know it would affect me and wouldnt want to put myself in that position where a nation would be expecting the best from you.

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Disagree about him being a victim, would you want to turn up at the England camp and know everyone will be talking about you and then you have to see the c*nt that f*cked your missus who used to be your best mate??


True, but would you turn down the chance to be in an England 11 that has a chance of winning the world cup ?


I suspect he is staying home because he knows Capello will ban the Wags, and so has set his sights on giving Toni Terry a good fisting.

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True, but would you turn down the chance to be in an England 11 that has a chance of winning the world cup ?


I suspect he is staying home because he knows Capello will ban the Wags, and so has set his sights on giving Toni Terry a good fisting.


Bridgey Pulls out of England...


I bet he wishes Terry pulled out of his ex-missus.


I'm here all week.


Proper Lolage


Terry is a grade A ****, but Bridgey knows Capello would pick Terry over Bridgey if it came down to a Mexican standoff between them, so I'm not at all surprised he made this decision.


Could be interesting on Saturday. Will find out what City fans think of all this at work tomorrow.

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Why? Whats so difficult to understand? One of your friend's sleeps with your missus estranged/or recently broken up and the mother of your child?

I could understand if it was someone in the office - you'd just ignore them etc.


England is bigger than Terry, if you can ignore someone in an office why not on a pitch/training ground ? or here's a thing have it out with the individual, tell him how let down and disappointed you are by his actions make him aware you will never be mates but will not allow him to hold back your career as a professional footballer, not that it makes it right but Terry wasn't the only one having a go on her and clearly he picked a wrong un to have a child with and therefore should not allow her to impact his life anymore than she already has.

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Disagree about him being a victim, would you want to turn up at the England camp and know everyone will be talking about you and then you have to see the c*nt that f*cked your missus who used to be your best mate??




Also, now Terry's got his mates (ie. PR company) to describe Bridgey as 'a known bottler', rather than apologising (apparently he's refused), its got way out of hand.


Bridgeys better off out of it - let Terry and the rest of the cu.nts fu.ck up Englands chances by themselves.

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The problem is for Bridge he knows like we all do that an in form Terry is more important to England than Bridge. He also knows that he is behind Cole in the pecking order if Cole get's fit in time and as he is hardly at the top of his game his role as understudy for LB could even be challenged by Baines or Warnock. Add that to the probability that he would like to knock the classless Terry even more senseless than he is already (and nobody could blame him) then his presence would be divisive and perhaps he doesn't feel comfortable with the added pressure that would put on him as an essentially squad player.


I think Wayne Bridge has been very responsible with regard to his actions and has nothing at all with 'playing up' to the role of victim. I see it as more about moving on with a degree of dignity and ensuring he doesn't damage his playing career with his club any further than it already has and allow him the space to concentrate on improving his form to the full. Bridge can't exactly confront Terry as I am sure he would like and if he did the wronged would easily become the accused. This way he get's to give Terry a proverbial bloody nose and damage his ex-close friend's public profile even further and if Bridge finds that satisfying then I feel it's a satisfaction he deserves considering it has cost him the Mum of his son and one last chance of playing at a World Cup a chance that was simply unteneable as he said.


Strong relationships of any kind transcends sport let alone football or any blind ambition for that matter. Terry may be perceived as twice as important to England's Football team but Wayne Bridge is twice the Englishman and I applaud the way he is has conducted himself throughout this whole sorry mess. Terry seems to be in the process of mastering his own publicly despised downfall and Wayne Bridge has just helped him set up the last nail.


Very good post and I agree with you!

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Would love to see Bridgey score a goal tomorrow after dribbling past Terry in the build up.

**** that. I want to see Bridge do a Roy Keane vs. Alf Inge Haaland on the ****er. Then I want him to see out his three game suspension boning Terry's Mrs. Then I want him to bring his Scalextric to my house.

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been thinking about this alot and although i have every sympathy for Bridge i think he has shot himself in the foot over this. Every school boy dreams of playing for his country, especially at a world cup and what with Gashly Cole being out injured it would have been an ideal time for Bridge to cement his place on the plane for SA. Yes feelings are running high at the moment but the world cup is months away. Yes, the two of them will never be mates again but time is a healer. Just seems a shame for Bridge and England that he has decided to withdraw altogether

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been thinking about this alot and although i have every sympathy for Bridge i think he has shot himself in the foot over this. Every school boy dreams of playing for his country, especially at a world cup and what with Gashly Cole being out injured it would have been an ideal time for Bridge to cement his place on the plane for SA. Yes feelings are running high at the moment but the world cup is months away. Yes, the two of them will never be mates again but time is a healer. Just seems a shame for Bridge and England that he has decided to withdraw altogether


No, what should have happened was that Terry should not have been selected. Any reasonable employer would penalise the guilty party but as always football has it's own rules and so Terry essentially gets away scot free. Disgraceful IMO.

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By the way, how retarded are chelsea fans booing Bridgey?? Absolute w@nkers the lot of them, do they actually realise that Bridge has said nothing and been very dignified, whilst there super dooper captain has been ****ging his ex best mates wife?

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So much for being PROFESSIONAL footballers. All respect to our ex-player, and I know it's not his fault, but what happens off the pitch shouldn't influence what happens on it. It's poor sportsmanship not to shake your opponents hand.


That said, I do hope Bridgey gets the opportunity to nut Terry at some point. Worth watching MOTD for...

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I think he had every right not to shake his hand. Yes, it might seem churlish or whatever, but sportspeople or not, Terry was banging his woman, and that's grounds for some serious bad blood. Some things are bigger than sport, so I don't see why you shouldn't defy some conventions as a result. It's not really sportsperson like to **** your team-mates missus either, let's not forget.

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