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Who Should You Vote For ?


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BNP, gosh I'm shocked.



British National Party: 72%

UK Independence Party: 56%

Labour Party: 44%

Liberal Democrats: 36%

Conservative Party: 35%


I normally vote for the person with the biggest tits.

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BNP = 68%

Tory = 65%

UKIP = 63%


Possibly agree with 2 or 3, but definately not BNP. I ignored the issue of immigration where possible as over 50% of my staff and quite a few friends are immigrants. Their economic policy (nationalisation and anti-globalisation) is more akin to socialism, so I am not sure where I went wrong.

Edited by Johnny Bognor
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Did you get the BNP like me? LOL


Best Match BNP = 55%

Then UKIP = 52%

Then Tory = 43%


So was I can't believe the result .....the last party in the world I would vote for BNP!!


BNP, gosh I'm shocked.



British National Party: 72%

UK Independence Party: 56%

Labour Party: 44%

Liberal Democrats: 36%

Conservative Party: 35%


I normally vote for the person with the biggest tits.


I was BNP followed by UK Independence, which is weird as I've always considered myself more pro-Europe than against.


kin-ell,,,,,bnp 66%

con 49%

ld 36%

Wockyeye jock 33%


Just tried again including the parties I'd NEVER vote for and...




We're all a bunch of fascists LOL






BNP = 68%

Tory = 65%

UKIP = 63%


Possibly agree with 2 or 3, but definately not BNP. I ignored the issue of immigration where possible as over 50% of my staff and quite a few friends are immigrants. Their economic policy (nationalisation and anti-globalisation) is more akin to socialism, so I am not sure where I went wrong.




British National Party: 72%

UK Independence Party: 69%

Conservative Party: 48%

Liberal Democrats: 47%

Labour Party: 37%

Green Party: 32%


Ummm!, unless you highlight all the partys, you'll only get a running order on those you nominated. Do it again, and highlight them all. Still BNP in my case, UKIP second Consevatives third. So Conservative it is then;)


Ashamed to say BNP. Very interesting to discover I have an inner Nazi inside of me!


BNP first, but I'd never vote for them unless they drop all their Neo-Nazi/National Front connections, and I can't see that happening. I consider myself Right Wing I guess, I am patriotic and all that, but I'm not racist, and the BNP are.


Bloody hell It looks like I'm a secret Nazi


Came out as BNP, no blikning chance of me voting for them


Hmmm. BNP by a long way with the conseravtives close behind, but it wouldn't let me select only two parties to be compared against.



Maybe this does actually tell you a lot about where your views sit.


If the cap fits...

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I think this just goes to prove what I've been saying on here for a long long time....Most peeps have condemned the BNP outright, without even reading their manifesto.


As soon as anyone mentions the "BNP" everyone squeals "Fascist's" with out having a clue what they're actually standing for.


One thing's for sure...Neither Labor or the Tories in their current form, are gunna pull y'all out the deep deep sh#t and reclaim some of the liberties and freedom y'all gave away so easily.

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Maybe this does actually tell you a lot about where your views sit.


If the cap fits...



BNP first, but I'd never vote for them unless they drop all their Neo-Nazi/National Front connections, and I can't see that happening. I consider myself Right Wing I guess, I am patriotic and all that, but I'm not racist, and the BNP are.



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I think this just goes to prove what I've been saying on here for a long long time....Most peeps have condemned the BNP outright, without even reading their manifesto.


As soon as anyone mentions the "BNP" everyone squeals "Fascist's" with out having a clue what they're actually standing for.


One thing's for sure...Neither Labor or the Tories in their current form, are gunna pull y'all out the deep deep sh#t and reclaim some of the liberties and freedom y'all gave away so easily.


The BNP want to legalise GUNS - being a ****ing crazed yank, you're probably O.K with that?! Tool.

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Also the fact of the matter is the BNP are a racist party, there is just no way around that. I'm so fed up of hearing the crap excuses people make for them. Our country this, our country that. We're all ****ing humans, it's not just whats good for you and good for the country you are born in. Ragggeee. lol

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Not much of a surprise:


Green Party: 74%

Liberal Democrats: 69%

Labour Party: 59%

British National Party: 48%

UK Independence Party: 47%

Conservative Party: 32%


Going to do some leafleting for the Lib Dems at election time I think, get involved with the political process an' sh*t. With the departure of Old Mother Widdecombe and the popularity of Tony Carroll for his involvement in the Ghurka scandal, the Liberals actually may have a chance in Maidstone :)

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