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When was the last season that you were as excited pre-season as this one?


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It must be the early 80s when I was last as excited about a new season as I am about the forthcoming one....love him or hate him, Lowe (and his Dutch friends) has succeeded in raising the interests levels....noone can deny that....

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It must be the early 80s when I was last as excited about a new season as I am about the forthcoming one....love him or hate him, Lowe (and his Dutch friends) has succeeded in raising the interests levels....noone can deny that....


I am really looking forward to regularly watching this team play.

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The playoff season, I was really expecting great things that year. This year it's more hope then expectation.


The football this team plays is going to be a rollercoaster. Forget the results and enjoy the spirit, pace and skill. Hardly any player gave the ball away, Schneiderlin's pass completion was pretty close to 100%.

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The football this team plays is going to be a rollercoaster. Forget the results and enjoy the spirit, pace and skill. Hardly any player gave the ball away, Schneiderlin's pass completion was pretty close to 100%.


Don't get me wrong, i'm totally looking forward to that.... but I don't know, I guess I'm too cynical to have unreserved excitation....

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The height of the Branfoot era.


I'd pretty much go along with that sentiment.


We had a far better squad last season, the season before, the season before that and all the years we were in the Premiership.


I don't personally see how beating a few lower league sides (and drawing with a couple), together with getting beatten by Celtic and a draw against the Hammers is really that much to get excited about. Each to their own I guess.

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It must be the early 80s when I was last as excited about a new season as I am about the forthcoming one....love him or hate him, Lowe (and his Dutch friends) has succeeded in raising the interests levels....noone can deny that....


i feel indifferent towards this season, after last season im not getting my hopes up.

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Good grief.


The X Files movie is released.


TSF finally meets its maker and the new forum is unleashed.


And is full of happy and excited and positive posters after a football match.


Either the aliens have infiltrated the site or something quite special could be about to happen in Southampton this season.


Oh I'm nervous and excited as hell about the new season, it just could, maybe possibly work.


Or it could just break our hearts again.


Don't you LOVE football!


Or is it all Mulder & Scully's fault?

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It must be the early 80s when I was last as excited about a new season as I am about the forthcoming one....love him or hate him, Lowe (and his Dutch friends) has succeeded in raising the interests levels....noone can deny that....
I'm undecided. You can't read too much into non-competitive pre-season results or performances.
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Well, I'm excited on TWO fronts. My womens' team won a mini-tournament yesterday and we haven't even started team training yet. I played a half in each short game and I may well play this season as we were demoted last season (and they are now desperate enough to sign me!). :-)


Plus on the Saints front the reports suggest the team are moving on and off the ball. It's such a basic good footballing habit, at every level, but how much of it have we seen from Saints recently. Not much from the games I've seen on visits home or the odd internet streamed game. Maybe I'll even see a win on my next visit home....

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Well im afraid Lowe is not the cause of my excitment, never has been and never will. He is chairman of the PLC and thats it as far as im concerned.


I was more excited in our first season in the championship, but I am looking forward to this season like anyother.

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I'd had huge reservations about the Dutch duo, however having been to most of the pre-season games I'm now a lot more optimistic.


It's not enough to convince me to go back to SMS yet, they've still got a lot of work to do to prove themselves at this level, but we'll see how it goes over time.

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I have to say that most seasons i am usually quite optimistic but the pre-season seems to have gone really well this year and we seem to be playing as a team not as a group of individuals. I dont want to be over confident but we might get mid table and with a bit of luck the play off's.

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I have been excited with anticipation that we will either survive (when we were in the Premiership) or improve before every season except this one. This one I'm just plain apprehensive. I'm going to wait a few games before making any judgement about whether I'm going to be excited or not.

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I get excited every season without fail but she always says, NO, but I live in hope again this year especially around my birthday.


No change on all fronts....But remember, my birthday is due February and I could get lucky....Saints, that is another story.

Edited by ottery st mary
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Seeing that he ever got played in his attacking role, i feel that he is the 1 player we could use just behind McGoldrick. No transfer fee involved just using our assets properly


He scored loads for Hearts in the same position and has creativity to open the defences up.. something JP has admitted we are weak in the final 1/3 at present.

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Despite some of the replies, the thread actually asked if people were EXCITED about the new season and yes i am-we look like we will play open fast attractive football in our best traditions. I am also nervous that confidence will be brittle and the youngsters are just that-young. But i think we will stay up and given where we are financially if we do that playing good football it's fine by me.

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I'd pretty much go along with that sentiment.


We had a far better squad last season, the season before, the season before that and all the years we were in the Premiership.


I don't personally see how beating a few lower league sides (and drawing with a couple), together with getting beatten by Celtic and a draw against the Hammers is really that much to get excited about. Each to their own I guess.


Everybody knows pre season friendlies are all about fitness and messing around with formations etc, but the point you are missing is the MANNER in which we have played. Take a read of the West Ham thread and you will understand.


At least the football club (on the pitch) seems to be moving forward; the back four is looking the best it has for several years, Killer is back, Schneiderlin is mint, and we have options up front. The spine of the team is very strong and all the crap players we have accumulated over the years have been dispatched; many, many reasons to be cheerful my friend!

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quite optimistic about our future! We are clearing out the negativity and building a sustainable future financially.


Supporters appear to be letting history remain as that and recognise that the new regime have made a very positive and ambitious approach to remaining a competitive footballing side whilst dealing with a very uncomfortable financial situation.


Players seem up for it, playing as a team and its uniting the fans too!


All in all, ignoring the sceptical niggle in the back of my mind, i am very excited!

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Guest Hacienda
It's not enough to convince me to go back to SMS yet, they've still got a lot of work to do to prove themselves at this level, but we'll see how it goes over time.


Be careful Michelle as the luvvies will be blaiming the collapse of SFC on you.


Don't you know that it's your responsability to give the club your hard earned cash?

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Guest Hacienda
Cautiously optimistic would be my way of looking at the season ahead.


Having seen a couple of friendlies I'm also more optimistic.


I'm certainly looking forward to seeing how they do come 3pm Saturday.

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Good grief.


The X Files movie is released.


TSF finally meets its maker and the new forum is unleashed.


And is full of happy and excited and positive posters after a football match.


Either the aliens have infiltrated the site or something quite special could be about to happen in Southampton this season.


Oh I'm nervous and excited as hell about the new season, it just could, maybe possibly work.


Or it could just break our hearts again.


Don't you LOVE football!


Or is it all Mulder & Scully's fault?


I think you sum it up in this post - I am excited about the prospect of seeing a Saints team fight for everything again, show a little passion as they have done in the bigger pre-season games and also to be entertained for the first time in 3-4 years!


Yes we all want to be promoted, and I expect some think it might or might not happen, some will be more positive some more negative. What I do think is this team of players and the manager are setting out in the right spirit and deserve our support regardless of what is happening in the board room.


I think the whole atmosphere around the squad and the management team is more positive and less rumour riddled than for a long time. I can't wait to see what is going to happen my prediction is that we will be closer to the top than many think given a little bit of luck and a good run of form from the kids. Injuries may be the biggest detractor as the squad is to the bone in some areas.

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Don't get me wrong, i'm totally looking forward to that.... but I don't know, I guess I'm too cynical to have unreserved excitation....


I don't think cynical is the word to use. I would have thought cautious optimism or caution more relevant.


I know where you are coming from, but last season was such dross, any team that can pass and has pace has got to be better.


Bad passing, no pace and a lack of motivation was the style of last years team. The WHU performance was quality.

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Think it depends on how long you've been supporting saints. There's a lot to get potentially excited about but........there's also a lot to be worried about. A largely untested youthful squad may unearth a few gems but may also make a lot of mistakes. Chuck in the likelihood of some big earners going (possibly a good thing but will leave us stretched) and it might not look so rosy. I'm hopeful but having been down this road many times before I'm also wary.

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Be careful Michelle as the luvvies will be blaiming the collapse of SFC on you.


Don't you know that it's your responsability to give the club your hard earned cash?


Oh noes - how inconsiderate of me!


I guess I should take the blame for the corners being closed really. It's the least I can do.


How on earth am I going to get through the season with that on my conscience! :o

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I don't do pre-season excitement, too far to fall when it all fails, I'm just happy when we win.


I do think that this season will bring less anger than previous.

Disappointment may feature but not anger, as long as we play with skill and passion!!

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I've been excited about the new season every year since about 1947. That is the triumph of hope over experience, for sure. I certainly feel happier than after the Palace debacle last year. Hopefully this optimism will still be there after the Cardiff game!:)

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