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Matchday Atmosphere


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Please can everyone take the minute it takes to vote no to goal music.


It makes us look like amatuers and I personally cringe when any team does it, if we carry on doing this we will end up looking like Middlesboro, Wigan etc. We do not need music after goals to create an atmosphere...


Vote no!

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Wrong forum - thread etc, so I apologise in advance, however with the whole 'can't pay due to dollar/sterling payment capability issue thing' I just wanted to say that (trying desperately to relate to the subject) to 'generate an atmosphere' a bunch of old - young genuine Saints fans (rather than just ex-'lads') will be meeting in the (oh God, I'm sorry) Painted Soul Wagon Cellar before the Brum game next Saturday.


Anyone wanna join us to discuss Southampton and generate a realistic, feel-good factor prior to match against Birmingham. Y'know, chat, look forward and remember what is that mkes us love Saints so much. I am totally serious about that part!!


Come on you know it makes sense!!

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