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Cover at Left Back


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With Fox gone our options as cover for Shaw at left back look to be either Clyne or Chambers playing out of position, or Targett who would need to show he could step up.


Razvan Rat left West Ham on deadline day. Mutual consent as he had played 20 times this season but wasn't holding down a regular first team place. Now a free agent.


33 years old, a lot of Champion's League experience for Shakhtar, and current captain and first choice LB for Romania. Something like 88 caps. West Ham signed him on £35k a week 6 months ago but would think that was negotiable if he's currently without a club.


CHDAJFU as a proper LB who could come in for Shaw in case of injury or if/when he needs a break?

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There must have been more threads about full back cover in the past month than my mentions of Golf.


I also enjoy the fact that everyone keeps ignoring Shaw's numerous comments on the subject of moving. We have Clyne/Chambers/Shaw/Maya and (in case you all missed it) JWP when he moved into that position a month or so ago who can cover at Right/Left Back.


Still, not much else to talk about until June/July I guess

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Unless Targett is ready, I don't think any of those options are good enough. All comments about Clyne being a decent cover are based on one match where he switched for the second half and was good, but ignore the game he started there and looked out of his depth.


Clyne as our only cover just isn't good enough, but we don't want to buy another player who'll be satisfied with not starting and is only really championship level, because that's no better than Fox. Have to hope Targett can step up really.

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Unless Targett is ready, I don't think any of those options are good enough. All comments about Clyne being a decent cover are based on one match where he switched for the second half and was good, but ignore the game he started there and looked out of his depth.


Clyne as our only cover just isn't good enough, but we don't want to buy another player who'll be satisfied with not starting and is only really championship level, because that's no better than Fox. Have to hope Targett can step up really.


If MP thinks he's ready that'll do for me. Seems to be getting it right with the others.

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With Fox gone our options as cover for Shaw at left back look to be either Clyne or Chambers playing out of position, or Targett who would need to show he could step up.


Razvan Rat left West Ham on deadline day.


I find it baffling that anyone stills thinks Saints would be in the market for a player like this. Firstly, he doesn't fit the profile of the type of "young & hungry" player we sign. Secondly, if Mopo and the club didn't think we had sufficient cover then they would not let Fox go without lining up a replacement. Thirdly, if this bloke's not good enough for WHU then why would we want him?!

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With Fox gone our options as cover for Shaw at left back look to be either Clyne or Chambers playing out of position, or Targett who would need to show he could step up.


Razvan Rat left West Ham on deadline day. Mutual consent as he had played 20 times this season but wasn't holding down a regular first team place. Now a free agent.


33 years old, a lot of Champion's League experience for Shakhtar, and current captain and first choice LB for Romania. Something like 88 caps. West Ham signed him on £35k a week 6 months ago but would think that was negotiable if he's currently without a club.


CHDAJFU as a proper LB who could come in for Shaw in case of injury or if/when he needs a break?


Did you trust the club with...


- Shaw over Fox?

- Ward-Prowse over Chaplow?

- Chambers over Richardson?


(if you didn't, then surely you can see now you were wrong?)


Then why not trust them if they believe Gallagher and Targett are ready?


Unlike most English clubs, Saints have teenagers ready to play for a top half Premier League side. I think the system at Saints deserves a little more respect from some Saints fans in their ability to know when a player is ready for a first team spot.

Edited by Matthew Le God
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Matt Targett would seem to be a likely alternative AND Joshua Debayo ( a former Chelsea Academy lad ) we signed last summer....looked pretty good in some U 18 games.


I wouldn't consider a 33 y.o ...who can't get a regular start with WHam (even if he is / was an international). Perhaps there's some unknown (to us) LB ....in Europe who's related to Lovren?.


There's an age bias on this site...Some contributors are beginning to bleat over the fact that Rickie Lamber is TOO OLD at 32, :lol: and heavens above Artur Boruc is 34 this year.:scared:

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With Fox gone our options as cover for Shaw at left back look to be either Clyne or Chambers playing out of position, or Targett who would need to show he could step up.


Razvan Rat left West Ham on deadline day. Mutual consent as he had played 20 times this season but wasn't holding down a regular first team place. Now a free agent.


33 years old, a lot of Champion's League experience for Shakhtar, and current captain and first choice LB for Romania. Something like 88 caps. West Ham signed him on £35k a week 6 months ago but would think that was negotiable if he's currently without a club.


CHDAJFU as a proper LB who could come in for Shaw in case of injury or if/when he needs a break?


We have 14 games left I should think we will be OK for that amount of time with who we have got

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[quote=david in sweden;1876462


There's an age bias on this site...Some contributors are beginning to bleat over the fact that Rickie Lamber is TOO OLD at 32, :lol: and heavens above Artur Boruc is 34 this year.:scared:


Yes, but for a goalkeeper, 34 isn't toooo old... Many keepers can play until around 37, some even more. Experience is key for a goalkeeper too.

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Yes, but for a goalkeeper, 34 isn't toooo old... Many keepers can play until around 37, some even more. Experience is key for a goalkeeper too.


EXACTLY my point too. In my 50-odd years as a fan, the most dependable goalies we have been in that age bracket......experienced, acrobatic and no-one with lead boots, either.

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Trust in the youth. They've rarely let us down in the past.


Anyway, the Chambers/Clyne combo seems like a reasonably good back up option to have if Shaw goes out for any length of time - plus you have to remember that with Chambers currently first choice at right back, any chance we can get to give Clyne game-time is a plus. Clyne won't want to be displaced for too long.


And, on the very slim chance that Woy is looking at different full back options for Brazil, the versatility Clyne would show if we needed him at left back would be a big plus.


Granted, we look slightly weaker without an experienced left back in reserve, but Fox needed the game time. And how much damage will it cause for us this season? Very little. We're not in danger of relegation, and we'll certainly be lucky to put forward a run of form that will see us finish 4th! Even if we use Targett, the experience he would gain in a season where one mistake won't haunt him is priceless.

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I'm convinced I'm going to grow a second head this summer...




I just noticed I forgot to put the :rolleyes: at the end of the last sentence. This guy told me Cole would leave at the end of the season and Shaw would be their No 1 left back next season, his source was that Shaw is a Chelsea fan and always wanted to play for them (so he said) :mcinnes:

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Hope Targett is ready to slot in at LB next season, Chelsea fan I spoke to told me its 100% certain Shaw is coming to them in the summer...


Like a "Chelsea fan I spoke to" saying something makes it a cast iron fact?? A Chelsea fan I know doesn't know his @rse from his elbow.

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Fox would have been a better all round option than the OP's suggestion at 33yo TBH. So no, give Targett the chance to shine like Chambers.


Now that's not quite true is it. Fox doesn't have 88 international caps, isn't currently the captain of his country, and hasn't played 60 times in the Champion's League. The point was, in an area where we have a clear first choice but not really an automatic second choice, that's pretty handy experience to bring in as cover on a free.


Targett hasn't actually played for the first team yet so in the event of Shaw getting injured there's an element of risk throwing him straight in. Also, there have been occasions where going with experience has actually delivered better results than going with youth. Bringing Boruc in to replace Gazza springs to mind.


However, given where we are in the season, looking pretty likely to finish mid table, maybe it's a good opportunity to let Targett show what he can do if the need arises.

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Now that's not quite true is it. Fox doesn't have 88 international caps, isn't currently the captain of his country, and hasn't played 60 times in the Champion's League. The point was, in an area where we have a clear first choice but not really an automatic second choice, that's pretty handy experience to bring in as cover on a free.


Targett hasn't actually played for the first team yet so in the event of Shaw getting injured there's an element of risk throwing him straight in. Also, there have been occasions where going with experience has actually delivered better results than going with youth. Bringing Boruc in to replace Gazza springs to mind.


However, given where we are in the season, looking pretty likely to finish mid table, maybe it's a good opportunity to let Targett show what he can do if the need arises.


I think others have covered all this, but to me, it's summarised like this:


1 - We don't seem to sign players like that anymore. We only sign better players, not 'cover' players.

2 - Young players have to make their debut at some point. Gallagher did and looked fine. Chambers did in the first game of the season, and looked fine. Clearly SHaw and JWP did in the past, and looked fine. There is no guarantee that Targett will too, but I think MoPo and the club have earned our trust on this IMO.


And finally, Boruc may be more experienced that Gazza, but he's also BETTER. *That* was what delivered the better results.

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