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Bravo Ed Miliband...


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Total left wing ****. Never done a decent days work in his life. His dad was a communist so guess where his beliefs lay. He gets into power we are going to be stuffed.



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1. He is not left wing by any stretch of the imagination


2. His father was a socialist, not a communist


3. It doesn't follow that his son necessarily 'inherits' his father's beliefs (in fact he couldn't be further removed from his father's beliefs)

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just go with what the iphone gives me


Is it throwing up nuggets from the "Keep Digging" handbook?


Still, brilliant take-down of my adopted city there, Jamie. Not sure which bit I liked best. The pray/prey mix-up, or the admission that your iPhone is brainier than you.

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Is it throwing up nuggets from the "Keep Digging" handbook?


Still, brilliant take-down of my adopted city there, Jamie. Not sure which bit I liked best. The pray/prey mix-up, or the admission that your iPhone is brainier than you.


That's nice

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1. He is not left wing by any stretch of the imagination


2. His father was a socialist, not a communist


3. It doesn't follow that his son necessarily 'inherits' his father's beliefs (in fact he couldn't be further removed from his father's beliefs)


Milliband not left-wing? He's got one hell of a job to do to change people's perceptions of him, as he's known in the media as "Red-Ed." It's his brother who is less left-wing. Perhaps you're confusing the two of them.


His father was a Marxist, but you can water that down to Socialist if you like.


He could be massively further removed from his father's beliefs. He isn't even to the right of the Labour Party, let alone comparable to anybody on the right of right-wing parties.

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I wouldn't say I never take the Sun, i do when there is nothing else, but it's not exactly absorbing. Old socks is better but of course they don't flush.


I was thinking tho, wouldn't it be a good idea to print it on actual toilet paper? Then you could just read and flush. It would be more environmental.

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1. He is not left wing by any stretch of the imagination


2. His father was a socialist, not a communist


3. It doesn't follow that his son necessarily 'inherits' his father's beliefs (in fact he couldn't be further removed from his father's beliefs)


1. You're saying a guy who described himself as a socialist during the Labour leadership campaign, "is not left wing by any stretch of the imagination"?


2. His father was a Marxist


3. True but he's hardly an extreme-right fascist

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About time to ship him, I reckon.


No way he'll win an election as things stand. Fk knows what he'll look like once the campaign begins proper.


He only got the job because Labour don't want to win until things are back on track. They'll chop him in a couple of years and install somebody who can actually win an election (Andy Burnham would be my choice, but they'll probably end up going for Yvette Cooper).

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He only got the job because Labour don't want to win until things are back on track. They'll chop him in a couple of years and install somebody who can actually win an election (Andy Burnham would be my choice, but they'll probably end up going for Yvette Cooper).



Exactly what I said when he got the job.


I'd like to see Hilary Benn in the running once the labour hierarchy decide it's time to try for an election victory. Articulate, sensible politician who would actually represent the political left-wing, but without the negative connotations of that position.

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Exactly what I said when he got the job.


I'd like to see Hilary Benn in the running once the labour hierarchy decide it's time to try for an election victory. Articulate, sensible politician who would actually represent the political left-wing, but without the negative connotations of that position.


Benn's not "sexy" enough for modern politics i'm afraid - although he would be best sensibly placed in the cabinet to exert a little bit of influence.

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Ah, Ed has had to apologise for his ill-judged endorsement of the Sun.




Moronic for even considering it in the first place. Still, those floating voters are all important, eh?


I'm sure a picture of Ed Miliband looking creepy and holding a picture of The Sun is going to make all the difference with the Basildon set.

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Not quite why Ed Milliband gets in the neck from Liverpool, Cameron and Clegg also held up copies of the same offending newspaper. What are the Scousers going to do - vote Conservative.


It's normally a Labour city. The Lib Dems did very well here during the Blair years, but they've been swept aside. The Labour mayor has condemned Miliband's endorsement of the Sun long before Ed offered up his apology, and FWIW, I agree with him when he says that Miliband is out of touch with the grassroots of the Labour support. I'm far from impressed myself, and I'm supposed to vote for these people.


Principled? A big perhaps, but I don't get the sense that Miliband can conjure it into any meaningful platform for getting Labour into government. I've a measure of agreement with a previous comment that he's there to prevent Labour from accidentally winning when there is still a load of shít to sort out, fanciful as the notion is. Maybe they need to flush out all the New Labour excrement, but equally, I'm not seeing a deserving set of Young Turks ready to shift Labour onto proper alternatives.


The funny thing is that Labour will still probably win everything of note in Liverpool. The Liberals have collapsed in the city; no other party is strong enough to take them on. Besides, Joe Anderson showed quite a bit of bravery in having a pop at the party leader. He'll get some respect for that, at least.

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Not quite why Ed Milliband gets in the neck from Liverpool, Cameron and Clegg also held up copies of the same offending newspaper. What are the Scousers going to do - vote Conservative.


Perhaps its because they didn't claim to be the only leader willing to take on the Murdoch press. What will Ed's next trick be, a selfie waving an N Power share certificate?

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I don't understand the hullabaloo surrounding Odd Miliband holding up the Sun. Yes, the Sun is supposedly offensive to Scousers. Yes, the sun is a rag of sh!te, but Jesus Christ, it's a bloody newspaper. If you don't like it, don't buy it. If it gets put through your letterbox, stick it in the bin (without tweeting 1242 times about how you've put it in the bin).



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I don't understand the hullabaloo surrounding Odd Miliband holding up the Sun. Yes, the Sun is supposedly offensive to Scousers. Yes, the sun is a rag of sh!te, but Jesus Christ, it's a bloody newspaper. If you don't like it, don't buy it. If it gets put through your letterbox, stick it in the bin (without tweeting 1242 times about how you've put it in the bin).



the pictures shows how misguided the newspaper is. That man is so responsible so many of today's problems not only in our homeland
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The scousers just need to draw a line under the Hillsbrough thing and move on. A policeman f*cked up, some people died - no one planned it or wanted it to happen, it was an accident just get over it.


The Sun's reporting was incorrect, big ****ing deal, a million papers have written a million incorrect things since then, stop ****ing wallowing in it.

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The scousers just need to draw a line under the Hillsbrough thing and move on. A policeman f*cked up, some people died - no one planned it or wanted it to happen, it was an accident just get over it.


The Sun's reporting was incorrect, big ****ing deal, a million papers have written a million incorrect things since then, stop ****ing wallowing in it.


That's probably the biggest case of 'Putting it mildly' I've ever come across!

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The scousers just need to draw a line under the Hillsbrough thing and move on. A policeman f*cked up, some people died - no one planned it or wanted it to happen, it was an accident just get over it.


The Sun's reporting was incorrect, big ****ing deal, a million papers have written a million incorrect things since then, stop ****ing wallowing in it.


Easy to say in hindsight, particularly if you're not too concerned about accuracy, but think it's worth remembering how much has been achieved in the last couple of years. If Hillsborough campaigners had done as you suggest, the inquest wouldn't be happening right now and the victims would still be treated as criminals.


As for the Sun, you're a f**king moron if you buy/read this rag. In this case, its "incorrect" reporting claimed that victims of a major tragedy spent the immediate aftermath píssing on or stealing from their dead or dying fellow fans, blackening the name of an entire city into the bargain.


No other national newspaper went with the story. The Sun did, obviously seeing some margin in going to press with what they'd been fed via South Yorkshire Police. The recent events surrounding the free issue are a fitting result, I reckon. The newspaper has got such a bad name here and in the surrounding areas that they literally cannot give it away.

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Everything that Scousers do and say is underpinned with some utterly bizarre pompous sense of entitlement. Look at how we are being ridiculous in the fee we are expecting from Mighty LFC for Lallana.


Best to switch off from their incessant whining.


Coming from the site's biggest whiner, this post deserves attention.

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One person, against a whole urban connurbation.


So what ?


One person with no valid grievances versus a city that has been genuinely aggrieved?


What's your moan this week, Alps? Is the club going to ruin again?


You spent the vast majority of your time here crying about things that haven't actually happened, yet feel qualified to lecture people who've lost friends and relatives on the appropriate time to stop their "incessant whining".


Incidentally, I've just heard of a Hillsborough survivor that stopped his "incessant whining". Bloke who used to live two doors down from me. I was pretty much the only person in the street who spoke to him. He booked a holiday recently. His old dear went around to his gaff to clean it up while he was away. She found him hanging dead over his stairs. He took his own life the day he was supposed to go away.


He never really got over it; the recent inquest brought a lot of emotions to the surface. If there is a case for leaving it alone, its for the sakes of people like Mick, not because emotionally indifferent trolls demand it on a football forum.

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Easy to say in hindsight, particularly if you're not too concerned about accuracy, but think it's worth remembering how much has been achieved in the last couple of years. If Hillsborough campaigners had done as you suggest, the inquest wouldn't be happening right now and the victims would still be treated as criminals.


As for the Sun, you're a f**king moron if you buy/read this rag. In this case, its "incorrect" reporting claimed that victims of a major tragedy spent the immediate aftermath píssing on or stealing from their dead or dying fellow fans, blackening the name of an entire city into the bargain.


No other national newspaper went with the story. The Sun did, obviously seeing some margin in going to press with what they'd been fed via South Yorkshire Police. The recent events surrounding the free issue are a fitting result, I reckon. The newspaper has got such a bad name here and in the surrounding areas that they literally cannot give it away.


The Sun is a rag but is no worse than others like the Mirror or Star. Fact is they obviously ran that story to appeal to people's perceptions of Liverpool fans at the time.


It's easy to look at the events of Hillsbrough through today's eyes and forget the fact that many of their fans were vile, hooligan scum who had just been directly responsible for the deaths of many football fans at Hysel. That's why they were put in metal cages, thats why the police hated them, that's why so many people were happy to cover up what happened.


It was a tragic accident but Liverpool's reputation was one reason why it happened.

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The Sun is a rag but is no worse than others like the Mirror or Star. Fact is they obviously ran that story to appeal to people's perceptions of Liverpool fans at the time.


It's easy to look at the events of Hillsbrough through today's eyes and forget the fact that many of their fans were vile, hooligan scum who had just been directly responsible for the deaths of many football fans at Hysel. That's why they were put in metal cages, thats why the police hated them, that's why so many people were happy to cover up what happened.


It was a tragic accident but Liverpool's reputation was one reason why it happened.


Yeah, fairly sure the inquest will rule differently.


Still; keep digging. Australia can't be far now.

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