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Phil Neville predicts Saints in Bottom 3 at end of season


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His reasoning for this prediction is the number of new players that we have to integrate and he used the Spuds as an example of a team that also integrated a number of new players last season. I see a flaw in this argument....I'm fairly certain that they finished higher than us.......


I know it's nothing to be concerned about, but it does make you think what these pundits are thinking.....

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Would have thought BBC would have learnt their lesson from the World Cup, Phil Neville is a boring wooden f^cker devoid of any personality and best forgotten about. Why they wheel out these tw^ts to provide an 'expert' opinion is staggering.


Oh, forgot he played for Man U, so the public crave to hear him.

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It's an odd argument. Most agree lots of new players isn't the best way and will limit you, but it doesn't mean complete collapse. Spurs were worse than before, some struggled, but overall they did OK. I expect the same from Saints, not as good as last year, some signings better than others, and mid-table.


Relegation is a strong prediction for what is still a very good squad.


Good post. And even Paul Merson has us at 11th this season!

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Would have thought BBC would have learnt their lesson from the World Cup, Phil Neville is a boring wooden f^cker devoid of any personality and best forgotten about. Why they wheel out these tw^ts to provide an 'expert' opinion is staggering.


Oh, forgot he played for Man U, so the public crave to hear him.


Was going to say the same, what did he say about Rooney in the world cup?? Clueless numpty :)

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The season Southampton last got relegated was also the season Southampton was predicted to get relegated, coincidence I think not..

Although he's the worst commentator of all time Neville's theory is on the money. Yes spurs finished ahead of us but they spend heavy and flopped. Southampton have spend heavy but on arse like long and pellè. It's going to be a bumpy ride f'sure.

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Watching the manure v Swansea game I think it's entirely possible saints could finish ahead of manure. I guess they will go down with us


we wont finish close to united

I will be amazed if they dont spend another £60m+ on realy quality players

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The difference between 8th and relegation is not 4 first team players.
take away 30 goals, and the best CB and i can see why. There does seem to be a lot of complacency. The team has been ripped apart and we have a team of new faces with a untested PL manager. i can see why an outsider would be doubtful.
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Was going to say the same, what did he say about Rooney in the world cup?? Clueless numpty :)


I don't know but he did nearly cause me to come off the road during the World Cup when he talked about the 'imaginary spray'

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The difference between 8th and relegation is not 4 first team players.

5 of your best players plus another out injured is going to have an effect. surprised saints fans are so cool about it. I am concerned to say the least. thank god morgan has not gone.

Edited by Chez
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I think we'll be fairly solid defensively overall (although I fear we could ship a few tomorrow) but our season rests on Tadic, Pelle and Long. We probably need to score 40 goals to be ok and we can rely on Jay to be pushing double figures probably, as well as 10 or so spread out through the rest of the team.


If Long, Pelle and Tedic can get 20 between them then we'll be absolutely fine.

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5 of your best players plus another out injured is going to have an effect. surprised saints fans are so cool about it. I am concerned to say the least. thank god morgan has not gone.


I'd say we lost 3 of our best players. I rate Schneiderlin, Clyne and Steven Davis higher than Chambers and Lovren. However, we've replaced those players with almost equal quality in my opinion.

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It's a pretty daft comment for neville to make, given that he has no more idea than the rest of us how the side will be set up, or much more idea about the abilities of the players we've signed. We could just as easily be awful or terrific, guess we'll have a better clue this time tomorrow.

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Can I ask whether those who think that we are going to get relegated (or nearly so) have season tickets or actually go to any games?


Season ticket holder since 84, not that it matters. Having a pessamistic view is my perogative. Relegation is possible. We have been relegated before you know and we have no devine right to win any games. I hope the new players shine straight away. they will need to.

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I'd say we lost 3 of our best players. I rate Schneiderlin, Clyne and Steven Davis higher than Chambers and Lovren. However, we've replaced those players with almost equal quality in my opinion.


This is to be seen

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depression is a serious issue at the mo

sad that you use it to describe a few pointless words on the message board that will have zero bearing on how our season pans out


STFU you little tit. Saying something is depressing and depression are not the same thing. I don't need any lessons from you thank you especially as one my good friends/cousin had depression and shot himself a couple of months back.

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STFU you little tit. Saying something is depressing and depression are not the same thing. I don't need any lessons from you thank you especially as one my good friends/cousin had depression and shot himself a couple of months back.


Really not the best thing to crowbar into a conversation on a message board...

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STFU you little tit. Saying something is depressing and depression are not the same thing. I don't need any lessons from you thank you especially as one my good friends/cousin had depression and shot himself a couple of months back.


calm down

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The season Southampton last got relegated was also the season Southampton was predicted to get relegated, coincidence I think not..

Although he's the worst commentator of all time Neville's theory is on the money. Yes spurs finished ahead of us but they spend heavy and flopped. Southampton have spend heavy but on arse like long and pellè. It's going to be a bumpy ride f'sure.


Southampton were predicted to be relegated every other season before it actually happened. So much for your coincidence. If the thicker of the two Neville brothers made that prediction the last time, you might have a point. Did he?


Neville's theory is not on the money at all. It is ridiculous making comparisons between us and Spurs. Why is Phil Neville the worst commentator? Is it because of his boring delivery, or is it because he comes out with unsubstantiated theories like this one that you're so fond of? A bit premature to write off Long and Pelle before they've even kicked a ball for us in a PL match, isn't it. They might forge an understanding together that results in a very fruitful partnership that returns a large number of goals. One really has to question whether people like you are really Saints fans if you write off our players before the season even starts.

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5 of your best players plus another out injured is going to have an effect. surprised saints fans are so cool about it. I am concerned to say the least. thank god morgan has not gone.


Had we not replaced most of them, then I would have agreed with the thrust of your argument. I agree that it is important that we have kept Schneiderlin as he would be the player amongst those who have left that I would have missed the most. However, of the others, I think that we have done pretty well to replace them. There was debate before the end of last season as to whether Clyne was better than Chambers. It is debateable now as to whether Pelle or Long could be better than Lambert, Tadic better than Lallana, Betrand better than Shaw, Gardos better than Lovren. And then with the signings of Long and Taider, we have extra players.


Admittedly these players are an unknown quantity, but then again, so are the players who left an unknown quantity to a certain extent had they stayed. There are no guarantees that they would perform to the same level as they did last year, or remain injury free. Lallana is already injured before the season has started for him.

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How refreshing it is to see so many of you making a special effort to avoid this forum's oh-so-familiar 'shoot the messenger' reaction to any negative press ...


It seems to me that at this time no bugger knows who will win this league, and who will be relegated from it this season. So what the BBC contractually pressurise Phil Neville into saying before a ball has even been kicked amounts to nothing very much in the grand scheme to things.


For what its worth, what he said strikes me as being not entirely unreasonable I'm sorry to say.

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Phil should concentrate on his honing his exhilarating commentating skills.


..as witnessed recently by Billy "The Fish" Thompson. Neville gave a team talk which put Billy into a coma just before the England game, thats why we went out.

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All 20 Premier League teams reviewed and ranked - By Jonathan Liew






No 20. Southampton

Skill level: 6/10

New signings: 6/10

Off-field intrigue: 10/10

Manager: 5/10

Kit: 9/10

Total: 36/50 (of which Liverpool take half).

Final score: 18/50.

Southampton actually earned enough points to finish fifth in our entirely subjective league table, but half of those points have since moved to Liverpool, leaving Southampton an unfortunate rock bottom. The exodus was always going to happen, of course, but not all at once; not this violently. It has been a stunning spectacle, not least because of the potential knock-on effects on the players who are left behind. Personally, I’ve got a sneaking suspicion they’ll finish in the top half again, although that depends on their new signings settling quickly. And their kit, which sees the return of red and white stripes for the first time since 2011 – is lovely. False hope, perhaps, but then at this most turbulent of clubs, false hope will always be the last thing out of the door.

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Eight best Premier League summer signings - by Alan Smith






Dusan Tadic (Southampton)

FC Twente's playmaker was arguably the top performer in Holland last season, scoring 16 goals and contributing 14 assists. As Ronald Koeman's first signing, the clever Serb is capable of providing the guile previously offered by Adam Lallana.

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