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7 hours ago, badgerx16 said:

Those anti-semites get everywhere, with their talk of genocide;



"Among the demonstrators was Rabbi Linda Holtzman, who is based in Philadelphia and serves on the faculty of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. In a news conference and a separate interview with Religion News Service before the protest, she said she was one of at least two dozen rabbis who had come to the Capitol to participate. She framed their participation as a matter of faith.

"We are united in knowing that our Judaism calls us to stand up for justice, and to demand that our government do whatever possible to bring about a cease-fire to end the killing," she said.

She also, like many speakers and demonstrators, used the term "genocide" to describe the potential impact of a land invasion of Gaza by Israeli forces.

"I believe that demanding justice for all is at the heart of what it means to be Jewish," she told reporters. "When I see a genocide happening, all of those values are strong and are clear to me and demand that I speak out.""

Out iof interest do you agree with what is happening being genocide?

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3 minutes ago, AlexLaw76 said:


Who should resign for last weeks' largely peaceful firework display?

Depends who you're suggesting is at fault. If nobody, then that's your answer. 

Edited by egg
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Just now, hypochondriac said:

It's definitely worth highlighting when some people try to downplay the appaling messaging and rank antisemitism as a tiny minority. Here's another of that tiny minority. Does that equate to "scores" now? I'd say it's up there. 



Is this the Home Sec's fault also?

Who resigns for this one?

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1 minute ago, AlexLaw76 said:

Someone is always at fault/accountable...so, who in your opinion, should resign for the largely peaceful fireworks display?


I'm not calling for sackings from last week. If you are, then say who, and why. If you don't think it's anyone, then it seems that you're arguing with yourself again. 

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1 minute ago, hypochondriac said:

It's definitely worth highlighting when some people try to downplay the appaling messaging and rank antisemitism as a tiny minority. Here's another of that tiny minority. Does that equate to "scores" now? I'd say it's up there. 



Who's down playing it? That stuff is awful. I'm calling out those who are only highlighting one side.

You talk about the increase in antisemitic incidents but I haven't heard you once talk about the rise in antimuslim incidents. You are too partisan.

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4 minutes ago, egg said:

I'm not calling for sackings from last week. If you are, then say who, and why. If you don't think it's anyone, then it seems that you're arguing with yourself again. 

I am not, but I am not calling for sacking for just words (which many people agree with). To me, it seems protesters from any group, will eagerly get themselves involved with a tear-up, as shown with the largely peaceful fireworks display - which had no involvement with a nasty Tory.

Calling for sackings in this instance (when it has already been demonstrated a tear-up happens time and time again), is again politicking of the highest order.


Edited by AlexLaw76
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5 minutes ago, AlexLaw76 said:

Is this the Home Sec's fault also?

Who resigns for this one?

Do you think she's dealt with this situation well? She is the HS and is in hiding of her own making. the day after this event. She cares more about internal party politics and self positioning then she does about the country. That is pretty poor.

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4 minutes ago, Fan The Flames said:

Do you think she's dealt with this situation well? She is the HS and is in hiding of her own making. the day after this event. She cares more about internal party politics and self positioning then she does about the country. That is pretty poor.

I do not think she dealt with it well at all. But lets not pretend if she was a deaf mute a tear up was not going to happen. People who embed themselves in EDL, Palestine, BLM groups, need no excuse for a ruck (or to let off fireworks and injuring police).

If you think the Home Sec is alone in caring about party politics over everything else, you need to take your head out of your arse. They are all the same, as what happens over here has absolutely no influence in Israel. Everything an MP says over this is purely playing to their own audience.


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4 minutes ago, Fan The Flames said:

Who's down playing it? That stuff is awful. I'm calling out those who are only highlighting one side.

You talk about the increase in antisemitic incidents but I haven't heard you once talk about the rise in antimuslim incidents. You are too partisan.

There's loads of examples of horrendous antisemitism and racism from the march yesterday. It's disgusting and the fact that it was a large march and that many weren't doing it doesn't make it any better.

When there is a march through London with protestors waving banners calling for Muslims to be killed and saying fuck the Arabs and similar then I'll be condemning that as well. As soon as it happens in fact. 

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4 minutes ago, Fan The Flames said:

Do you think she's dealt with this situation well? She is the HS and is in hiding of her own making. the day after this event. She cares more about internal party politics and self positioning then she does about the country. That is pretty poor.

Yes she does. So does almost every other politics by my reckoning. The vast majority of them are terrible and self serving. We used to have conviction politicians you could admire even if you disagreed with them politically. Where's the Tony Benn equivalent now? 

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39 minutes ago, AlexLaw76 said:

Little was brought up about this from the great and the good. I guess it was harder to blame a Tory


Just heard the news for the first time today, its on there and condemned. So you can relax.

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39 minutes ago, whelk said:

Out iof interest do you agree with what is happening being genocide?

I don't think Israel wants to eradicate the Palestinian people and culture, unlike for example the shite that is spouted by the Russians over Ukraine, so on that basis no. I do think is is verging on the mass murder of a practically defenceless civilian population by an overwhelming military force that has no desire to see a free and independent Palestinian state on it's borders.

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1 hour ago, AlexLaw76 said:

Is this the Home Sec's fault also?

Who resigns for this one?

Cruella should go due to "totting up", rather than specifically for yesterday. There is an accumulation of ineptitude and crassness which has been topped out with her comments and attitude over the policing of the protest.

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Braverman madly hinted that Hate Marchers were going to attack the cenotaph service, that our veterans were in danger and that the leftie woke police would not prevent this happening.

That's what inspired the easily-led nutters to come and bravely defend an event that was never being attacked - until they attacked it.

The police dealt with that little Hate March, the one her dangerous words inspired, and they also dealt with the hundreds of thousands marching for peace and the hundreds among them, spouting vile abuse.

That's pretty much it - but if you still support her script over what really happened, bear in mind that trying to negotiate over the actual facts isn't a great look.



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2 minutes ago, rallyboy said:

Braverman madly hinted that Hate Marchers were going to attack the cenotaph service, that our veterans were in danger and that the leftie woke police would not prevent this happening.

That's what inspired the easily-led nutters to come and bravely defend an event that was never being attacked - until they attacked it.

The police dealt with that little Hate March, the one her dangerous words inspired, and they also dealt with the hundreds of thousands marching for peace and the hundreds among them, spouting vile abuse.

That's pretty much it - but if you still support her script over what really happened, bear in mind that trying to negotiate over the actual facts isn't a great look.



Must have been fireworks for peace mistakenly hurled at Police last week.

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12 minutes ago, AlexLaw76 said:

the same amount of times people suggesting the only reason there is trouble is because of a few words from a self-serving politician.

Nobody is suggesting the trouble was solely because of Cruella's words, but she certainly made things worse and encouraged the counter protesters, who, let's be honest, only ever turn up to cause a ruck.

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59 minutes ago, AlexLaw76 said:

the same amount of times people suggesting the only reason there is trouble is because of a few words from a self-serving politician.

Nobody has said that, surely even you can see she made things worse. According to some reports some far right thugs were even name dropping her and quoting her to the plod.

Edited by aintforever
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There’s some very partisan posting over the last 24 hours. Let’s be clear:

- A minority of people (say 150 out of the Met’s estimate of 300k) holding placards and wearing clothing which was anti-Semitic, racist and inflammatory, allied to intent to be, and being violent, including fireworks at police, are scumbags

- A minority of people on the nationalist spectrum (again, out of 300k), many with football banning orders, attacking police, others, and chanting ‘you’re not English anymore’ are scumbags too

- The Home Secretary’s role should be to minimise tensions with sensible, objective, adult language in the public realm, such as not referring to hate marches or shit thick reference to Ulster, and share any concerns they have about unequal treatment behind the scenes as they should be. Anything else renders them unfit for office and the majority of the public agrees. 

Good, glad we got that sorted.

Edited by Gloucester Saint
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22 hours ago, egg said:

I think she turned a likely shit show into a much bigger shit show. However you cut it, there will be trouble at any mass protests, and there'll always be an increase in volume when someone turns it up. 

There was more violence and arrests in a previous Countryside Alliance March but I don’t recall a huge outcry from the usual suspects about that. It is not difficult to see that the problem for some people is that the march came about because it is against the killing of mainly Muslims. A lot of UN workers who are not Muslims have also been killed and there is a chance that some of the hostages taken by Hamas on 7/10 have also been killed by Israeli attacks. 
The marches are for peace and for the end of the killing of innocent people who have nothing to do with the Hamas attack. How anyone can have a problem with that goodness only knows but then some people have a problem with footballers kneeling down in support of anti racism. How anyone can not see that a bunch of right wing thugs who only turned up to defend the Cenotaph from a non existent attack (until they decided to attack the police there) were only intent of causing trouble for the main march is beyond comprehension.

Tommy Robinson/Stephen Yaxley/Lennon has a long history of Islamophobia and this event was right up his street. Apparently some of his sidekicks were wandering around London later chanting “There ain’t no black in the Union Jack” whilst making Nazi salutes (the irony of the salutes was probably lost on them given they were there, one assumes, to support the Israeli actions).

Pictures are doing the rounds of our Tommy/Stephen proudly holding an automatic weapon whilst standing on a tank during his visit to Israel. I am guessing that he gave the Nazi salute a miss on that occasion.

From the numbers I have seen so far, 0.05% of the main march were arrested. If this had been a march against the use of fossil fuels we would probably not even be talking about it today

On the basis of police figures, 99.05% of the people marched peacefully in protest at the deaths of innocent people in Gaza and for an end to the war. Is that really such a terrible thing to do? It so obviously was not a “Hate March” and you would be pretty warped not to agree with their aim.

Why on earth would you continue to complain about it when it has gone off peacefully in the main when only a relatively few morons acted violently or illegally? I guess there is an element who are happy to see these attacks on civilians continue.

How much longer must this go on?



Edited by sadoldgit
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2 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

There was more violence and arrests in a previous Countryside Alliance March but I don’t recall a huge outcry from the usual suspects about that. It is not difficult to see that the problem for some people is that the march came about because it is against the killing of mainly Muslims. A lot of UN workers who are not Muslims have also been killed and there is a chance that some of the hostages taken by Hamas on 7/10 have also been killed by Israeli attacks. 
The marches are for peace and for the end of the killing of innocent people who have nothing to do with the Hamas attack. How anyone can have a problem with that goodness only knows but then some people have a problem with footballers kneeling down in support of anti racism. How anyone can not see that a bunch of right wing thugs who only turned up to defend the Cenotaph from a non existent attack (until they decided to attack the police there) were only intent of causing trouble for the main march is beyond comprehension.

Tommy Robinson/Stephen Yaxley/Lennon has a long history of Islamophobia and this event was right up his street. Apparently some of his sidekicks were wandering around London later chanting “There ain’t no black in the Union Jack” whilst making Nazi salutes (the irony of the salutes was probably lost on them given they were there, one assumes, to support the Israeli actions).

Pictures are doing the rounds of our Tommy/Stephen proudly holding an automatic weapon whilst standing on a tank during his visit to Israel. I am guessing that he gave the Nazi salute a miss on that occasion.

From the numbers I have seen so far, 0.05% of the main march were arrested. If this had been a march against the use of fossil fuels we would probably not even be talking about it today

On the basis of police figures, 99.05% of the people marched peacefully in protest at the deaths of innocent people in Gaza and for an end to the war. Is that really such a terrible thing to do? It so obviously was not a “Hate March” and you would be pretty warped not to agree with their aim.

Why on earth would you continue to complain about it when it has gone off peacefully in the main when only a relatively few morons acted violently or illegally? I guess there is an element who are happy to see these attacks on civilians continue.


Less than half the arrests than at the BLM protests where you insisted there was no violence whatsoever. You should be applauding Yaxley-Lennon for leading his supporters in such a peaceful way. 

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1 hour ago, sadoldgit said:

There was more violence and arrests in a previous Countryside Alliance March but I don’t recall a huge outcry from the usual suspects about that. It is not difficult to see that the problem for some people is that the march came about because it is against the killing of mainly Muslims. A lot of UN workers who are not Muslims have also been killed and there is a chance that some of the hostages taken by Hamas on 7/10 have also been killed by Israeli attacks. 
The marches are for peace and for the end of the killing of innocent people who have nothing to do with the Hamas attack. How anyone can have a problem with that goodness only knows but then some people have a problem with footballers kneeling down in support of anti racism. How anyone can not see that a bunch of right wing thugs who only turned up to defend the Cenotaph from a non existent attack (until they decided to attack the police there) were only intent of causing trouble for the main march is beyond comprehension.

Tommy Robinson/Stephen Yaxley/Lennon has a long history of Islamophobia and this event was right up his street. Apparently some of his sidekicks were wandering around London later chanting “There ain’t no black in the Union Jack” whilst making Nazi salutes (the irony of the salutes was probably lost on them given they were there, one assumes, to support the Israeli actions).

Pictures are doing the rounds of our Tommy/Stephen proudly holding an automatic weapon whilst standing on a tank during his visit to Israel. I am guessing that he gave the Nazi salute a miss on that occasion.

From the numbers I have seen so far, 0.05% of the main march were arrested. If this had been a march against the use of fossil fuels we would probably not even be talking about it today

On the basis of police figures, 99.05% of the people marched peacefully in protest at the deaths of innocent people in Gaza and for an end to the war. Is that really such a terrible thing to do? It so obviously was not a “Hate March” and you would be pretty warped not to agree with their aim.

Why on earth would you continue to complain about it when it has gone off peacefully in the main when only a relatively few morons acted violently or illegally? I guess there is an element who are happy to see these attacks on civilians continue.

How much longer must this go on?



SOG wants to end war. Listen to him he has the solutions. Anyone right  wing loves war and killing and love killing Muslims. He sees good in Muslims unlike anyone else. 

Seriously though mate I struggle to understand how you go out of your way to simplify complex things and no idea what you expose yourself to in terms of balance. where do you get all your information on Robinson? You are clearly somewhat obsessed with this fringe character. He is a nasty bit of work who you give far too much thought.


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1 hour ago, Turkish said:

Less than half the arrests than at the BLM protests where you insisted there was no violence whatsoever. You should be applauding Yaxley-Lennon for leading his supporters in such a peaceful way. 

Largely peaceful BLM riots. Was that before or after police started taking the Knee, in their even handed approach to managing protests?

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24 minutes ago, whelk said:

SOG wants to end war. Listen to him he has the solutions. Anyone right  wing loves war and killing and love killing Muslims. He sees good in Muslims unlike anyone else. 

Seriously though mate I struggle to understand how you go out of your way to simplify complex things and no idea what you expose yourself to in terms of balance. where do you get all your information on Robinson? You are clearly somewhat obsessed with this fringe character. He is a nasty bit of work who you give far too much thought.


Is he even still around? He was a thing from a decade ago then seemed to fall off the face of the earth but soggy seems to know all about him. 

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20 hours ago, hypochondriac said:

I expect they were encouraged by the majority of organisers having links to a terrorist organisation. There's so much video footage and images. Racism and anti-semitism loads of these people proudly walking through the streets of london. Just repugnant. 



I think we’ve found Soggys Muslim barmaid 

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51 minutes ago, Fan The Flames said:

You clearly weren't watching the news yesterday then.

Can you share it then please. I saw a video of him talking, I saw a few videos of groups of lands singing “English ‘til I die” and one where they suggested one made a nazi salute which looked to me more like raising hands in the air like people do during football chants. 

id completely forgotten about the ain’t no black In the Union Jack song, last time I saw it was graffiti in a toilet when I was about 12. Interesting to see it’s still being widely sung by the right wing

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5 minutes ago, Turkish said:

Can you share it then please. I saw a video of him talking, I saw a few videos of groups of lands singing “English ‘til I die” and one where they suggested one made a nazi salute which looked to me more like raising hands in the air like people do during football chants. 

id completely forgotten about the ain’t no black In the Union Jack song, last time I saw it was graffiti in a toilet when I was about 12. Interesting to see it’s still being widely sung by the right wing

Share what? Hypo said he hadn't heard of him for a decade, I said he was on the news yesterday.

The right wing have gone from signing about jews, then blacks and now they don't like muslims, although I don't know what the chants are for that. Do they still sing about the IRA?

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7 minutes ago, Fan The Flames said:

Share what? Hypo said he hadn't heard of him for a decade, I said he was on the news yesterday.

The right wing have gone from signing about jews, then blacks and now they don't like muslims, although I don't know what the chants are for that. Do they still sing about the IRA?

Fair enough, so you’d not seen much more than anyone else, unlike Sog it seems who it appears was desperately searching for what he was up to. 

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38 minutes ago, Lord Duckhunter said:

“The march is about peace and Palestinians, not support for Hamas.”


Peter Tatchell; “stewards blocked my way at the start of Palestine march today They objected to my placard?”





Very interesting. Peter tatchell is not a pleasant individual but regardless, who were these stewards and why were the Opposing criticism of hamas? 

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3 hours ago, Fan The Flames said:

You clearly weren't watching the news yesterday then.

It’s okay, he knows that he has been around less than ten years ago because when I used to post about him a few years ago he pretended not to know who he was, despite jumping in to defend him every time I mentioned him. Him and Katie Hopkins. Another vile person who loves to post hateful stuff on social media. Both were banned from Twitter but have been allowed back by Musk. Don’t you just love free speech when it involves whipping up hatred against far right targets?

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16 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

It’s okay, he knows that he has been around less than ten years ago because when I used to post about him a few years ago he pretended not to know who he was, despite jumping in to defend him every time I mentioned him. Him and Katie Hopkins. Another vile person who loves to post hateful stuff on social media. Both were banned from Twitter but have been allowed back by Musk. Don’t you just love free speech when it involves whipping up hatred against far right targets?

This is still the Israel thread isn't it - amazing how soggy can turn every thread into a "far right", Tommy and Katy fest 🤦‍♂️

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7 minutes ago, Weston Super Saint said:

This is still the Israel thread isn't it - amazing how soggy can turn every thread into a "far right", Tommy and Katy fest 🤦‍♂️

He can’t post on the actual subject because his anti Semitism eventually seeps out. Far safer to get on the Tommy Robinson bus. 

Edited by Lord Duckhunter
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8 minutes ago, Weston Super Saint said:

This is still the Israel thread isn't it - amazing how soggy can turn every thread into a "far right", Tommy and Katy fest 🤦‍♂️

So, we have had Tommy, Israel, Tory, Katie Hopkins, far right and Musk.

Just need Ched Evans thrown in and we can call "House"

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1 hour ago, sadoldgit said:

It’s okay, he knows that he has been around less than ten years ago because when I used to post about him a few years ago he pretended not to know who he was, despite jumping in to defend him every time I mentioned him. Him and Katie Hopkins. Another vile person who loves to post hateful stuff on social media. Both were banned from Twitter but have been allowed back by Musk. Don’t you just love free speech when it involves whipping up hatred against far right targets?

Little Owen Jones is someone I disagree with on almost everything. I may catch something he says on social media but what I don't do is obsessively follow to see what he's up to. He's a berk and I have no interest in what he says or does. This following someone like Tommy Robinson around is deeply odd. Why are you spending your free time following someone you hate so closely? Why does he consume so much of your time and your thoughts? I suppose you are retired so I guess you have the time to waste. 

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