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So who's received their wembley tickets in the post yet?


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Oh good. Another thread where the OP decides to ignore the fact that tickets won't be sent out until 15th March i.e. today!


Not sure what has happened because mine turned up this morning, although i only have my sons word for it, because he phone me

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Apart from the fact that there's someone on 606 who's already got theirs...




I was supposed to pick up London Saints allocation from ticket office this morning, but was told they had already sent out, which is a bit of a worry as there are over 100 tickets (43 of us are Season ticket holders), so i'm sure those saying tickets had arrived are correct.


People on Ugly Inside website also saying they've received thier tickets too

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Mine didnt turn up today although i'm not panicking just yet it got me thinking, as we didnt get allocated specific seats when we bought them can we assume the ticket office have made a note of what seats have been allocated to which customers? If not what will they do about issuing duplicates? Can Royal Mail really be trusted to safely deliver 44000 tickets?

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Mine didnt turn up today although i'm not panicking just yet it got me thinking, as we didnt get allocated specific seats when we bought them can we assume the ticket office have made a note of what seats have been allocated to which customers? If not what will they do about issuing duplicates? Can Royal Mail really be trusted to safely deliver 44000 tickets?


I emailed David Luker last week about this. He confirmed to me that should any tickets be not get delivered then the club will issue duplicates.

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Good god, we appear to have people who want to complain because they've come out too early, people who want to complain because they haven't received theirs today and the best ones, people who want to complain for the sake of complaining...


Why is it that no matter what anyone posts on here, someone has to have a dig or a whinge or a moan?


There are 44,000 tickets, they're hardly going to all turn up at the same time, are they? So what if they've started sending them out early? As we've sold out, and Saturday sold out too, I can't imagine they've had an awful lot to deal with over the last few days, fair play for starting to get them out prior to the advertised date! Given the relatively short timescale we have to get them, people should be grateful!

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Good god, we appear to have people who want to complain because they've come out too early, people who want to complain because they haven't received theirs today and the best ones, people who want to complain for the sake of complaining...


Why is it that no matter what anyone posts on here, someone has to have a dig or a whinge or a moan?


There are 44,000 tickets, they're hardly going to all turn up at the same time, are they? So what if they've started sending them out early? As we've sold out, and Saturday sold out too, I can't imagine they've had an awful lot to deal with over the last few days, fair play for starting to get them out prior to the advertised date! Given the relatively short timescale we have to get them, people should be grateful!


I agree, putting a ticket in an envelope, putting a stamp on the said envelope, and then putting the said envelope is a post box is well complicated.

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