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Papa Waigo


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I'm scared for his health should we win anything major with him around.


Just watched the highlights for the first time and yes... I did see it correctly on the day. Charging up the aisle to get a hand on the cup pronto. :)


What a loon.


I hope we sign him.

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Played very well at the weekend imo, still doesn't let the defence settle and has so much pace that scares the hell outta them.


Also the ball he played to Lambert that led to the cross that led to the antonio shot that led to the goal...... (breathe lol) Was a fantastic first touch.


Will defo do a job next year and could grow even more influential.

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I hounestly think he is a class player, all the cr*p he gets for being offside, I just think its where hes to quick for L1, ok, hes not a great reader of the game, but he basicly got us to the jpt final on his own. He shows alot of passion, and alot of character, and he would be great in the team, in L1 or the championship.


his badge tapping on sunday, also shows alot, plus that celebration, thats worth the transfer fee alone :p

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Watch again the first half incident when Carlisle launched a quick counter attack down the left. The winger avoids an attempted rugby tackle by Wotton and runs clear. Who are the first two Saints players getting back into our box to cover? Antonio and Waigo. It says something about their pace and willingness to work for the team.

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Someone put me out out my misery, before I burn the JPT Final to DVD and scrutinise the post match celebrations. Just who has Papa Waigo got on his t-shirt..? I can't get enough text into Google to get a reasonable response.


Ali Dia. HTH

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Someone put me out out my misery, before I burn the JPT Final to DVD and scrutinise the post match celebrations. Just who has Papa Waigo got on his t-shirt..? I can't get enough text into Google to get a reasonable response.


This was explained yesterday but I can't remember which thread. Apparently his spiritual mentor.

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Someone put me out out my misery, before I burn the JPT Final to DVD and scrutinise the post match celebrations. Just who has Papa Waigo got on his t-shirt..? I can't get enough text into Google to get a reasonable response.


The photo in the paper shows it to be Serigne Ababacar. I'm chuffed to bits for Waigo, although he scored the 2 goals to bring us level with Torquay in the first game its that last minute equaliser against Norwich that I look back on and think thats the moment I felt it we'd go on to win it.

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I love it how he holds the trophy up with his back to everyone. Doesn't even shake hands with the person who puts the medal round his neck as he's only interested in the Big cup. Then if you look to the right hand corner when he passes the cup on he gives some woman a massive hug shaking her left an right. He then comes back to lift the cup again, waves at those left and pretends to walk of with it.


The man is a legend. Will never forget his celebrations from Sunday, like someone said imagine if we get promoted in play-offs let alone win FA Cup.

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Should just play the backing music to this when when he scores:




I like him as a player because he is a real handful with elastic legs and magnetic feet, I like him even more because as a loan player he certainly seems to have some passion for playing for us. Sunday when he was substituted he showed that, but I really noticed itwhen we were playing p*mpey he walked along the front of the Chapel whipping up the crowd.

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You'd have thought he had won the World Cup with Senegal.




what a photo.... ML taking his own photos, papa looking like a little kid with a big "shiny" and nicola giving us a big smile... something i thought i would never see


Antonio appears to be having a bit of a sulk though,because Papa got his mits on the cup before him!


No I'm sure he isn't,but he does look a bit glum compared to those around him.

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I also admire the way he never gives up on an apparent lost cause. The number of throw-ins and corners he has won us through chasing a ball that has been going nowhere but, due to his industry, forces a defender into a pressurised - and therefore weak - clearance, must rank in the dozens.


Lallanas goal on sunday came about by that precise reason. Waigo chased down a ball through the channel forcing the defender to hoof it blindly straight to Antonio who crossed into the box for Lambery to flick onto Lallanas head! :-)

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Lallanas goal on sunday came about by that precise reason. Waigo chased down a ball through the channel forcing the defender to hoof it blindly straight to Antonio who crossed into the box for Lambery to flick onto Lallanas head! :-)


Err Lallana's goal came from a long throw in....

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I think he is a breath of fresh air, maybe not quite as influential as we'd hoped but still an excellent player. Can do a good job eiither starting or a sub and doesn't seem to mind if he is often on the bench. As stated on this thread and elsewhere I do believe his pace is too much not only for L1 defenders but the linesmen who really do have a tough job deciding on offside to be fair but been wrong with Papa numerous times IMO.

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Got to sign him. I remember when he was introduced at St Mary's. He came out, dressed to the nines, and ran over the Northam and started signing kids programs. He did his Senegalese warriors jig and I remarked to my buddy that at last we had a player who showed some real arrogant showmanship. My mate then said "yeah, but can he play". Well I reckon he has answered that question!

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Papa Waigo is a great player to have in the team. He has pace, a good first touch and is totally unpredictable. Even he doesnt know what he is going to do.


Defenders who are tiring must find him a nightmare to play against


He is also a character with total self belief. I really hope he stays.


And he has a great name

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Does anyone else think he thought it was the FA cup? ;-)


Sometimes I get the feeling he doesn't even know we're in League One! Serie A to Premiership is usually the norm.


He's great, turning into a real cult hero. Despite the lack of starts this season, I'd snap him up given the chance.

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He has got more skills than any other striker in the team, and I would prefer him to Barnard any day. Like Barnard he has the ability to read the goal scoring opportunities and being in the right place, but he can also do things with the ball that Barnard could only dream of. But AP doesn't seem to appreciate subtlety.


I would love to see us signing him and using him properly next season, but I can't see it happening.

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i like the guy, think he's a decent player but also a right character and seems to really enjoy playing football and enjoy playing for us, you cant ask for anymore really.


Couldn't agree more, brilliant character who can play football!! Please sign him AP!!!

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I have had the pleasure of meeting Papa Waigo, he didn't say much but shook my hand. Top bloke.


He probably thought you'd have trouble understanding his Senegalise French. Next time, shake his hand and say Bonjour.


Then have a phrase book at the ready. ;)

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Why say AP doesn't appreciate subtelty, AP found him and brought him here, who else had ever heard of him, well done AP and thanks for using him wisely!



I was under the impression AP new next to nothing about him and NC brought him here after being told about him. (I could be wrong)

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