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How many players will we have to buy?


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Even before we sold lambert I feel we needed 4 players to improve/add depth to the squad. If we lose lambert,Lallana, lover And shaw I don't feel 90million would be enough to adequately replace and improve our squad unless we are very sensible with our transfers.

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3 Strikers (Lambert gone, Osvaldo probably going)

1 LB (assuming Clyne can cover if injured and Chambers goes RB)

1 CB (two if Lovren goes)

1 Keeper

Ramirez replacement if he goes


At least.

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3 Strikers (Lambert gone, Osvaldo probably going)

1 LB (assuming Clyne can cover if injured and Chambers goes RB)

1 CB (two if Lovren goes)

1 Keeper

Ramirez replacement if he goes


At least.


Exactly it's a mental amount of players.

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I think we'll sign Pelle and 1 other, with Gallagher playing a role similar to that of this season (and Jay, when he comes back will score plenty)


LB will be a new signing and Matty Taggart will offer cover, but as you said we've got the versatility of Clyne who can also cover there.


I think we need at least 1 cb whatever happens - but if Lovren goes, then 2.


Tadic could be the Gaston replacement I guess.


I think we'll probably see 5 or 6 new additions. Any more than that and you're treading into dodgy ground in my opinion.

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Got no evidence or argument for, nothing more than just a feeling. Obviously Lambert has gone and Shaw is effectively consigned to club history , but I cannot see Lallana, Schneiderlin or Lovren pulling a Saints shirt on again in anger, add to those Ramirez and Osvaldo and that leaves a big hole. A good transfer war chest plus transfer fees and good players will replace those who depart but I suspect things might be a little different next season. Whoever comes in I won't be expecting miracles overnight. We have been used to things being on the up, but football like a lot of things is cyclical and we may have to experience a dip before things improve once more. New manager, new players but underpinned by the 'Southampton Way' and we will be OK in the end. Need strikers a left back two centre backs, a back up keeper and at least one, possibly two forward minded midfielders.

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I think we will lose Lallana and Lovren as well possibly schneinderlin and I think It will cripple us next season.


Cripple is a strong word, but I don't think next season will be as straight forward. I hope Koeman isn't put under pressure though, he does deserve a decent innings, just don't expect him to equate MP's season just yet is my view. But there's no reason why we cannot come out of this stronger in the long-term, 2-3 years down the line.

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Depends on how many we sell. Currently I would say we need 5.


2 strikers, a goalkeeper to provide competition for Boruc, a replacement LB for Shaw, and a quality CB to battle it out with Fonte and Lovren. Expect some of the youngsters like Reed and McQueen to step it up and provide a bit more competition for midfield positions, but there certainly looks like being a big turnover of players and that is without any more exits!

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3 Strikers (Lambert gone, Osvaldo probably going)

1 LB (assuming Clyne can cover if injured and Chambers goes RB)

1 CB (two if Lovren goes)

1 Keeper

Ramirez replacement if he goes


At least.


This list, but with 2 CBs, imo.


Its a mental amount of players and for a team that was fairly stable over the last 2-3 years, we are going to struggle to avoid relegation.


Hope Koeman doesnt know the word "gelling"........

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Got no evidence or argument for, nothing more than just a feeling. Obviously Lambert has gone and Shaw is effectively consigned to club history , but I cannot see Lallana, Schneiderlin or Lovren pulling a Saints shirt on again in anger, add to those Ramirez and Osvaldo and that leaves a big hole. A good transfer war chest plus transfer fees and good players will replace those who depart but I suspect things might be a little different next season. Whoever comes in I won't be expecting miracles overnight. We have been used to things being on the up, but football like a lot of things is cyclical and we may have to experience a dip before things improve once more. New manager, new players but underpinned by the 'Southampton Way' and we will be OK in the end. Need strikers a left back two centre backs, a back up keeper and at least one, possibly two forward minded midfielders.


Pretty much how I feel.

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We needed a CB, GK, AM and Str already. So 4.


An educated guess has it that Shaw, Morgan, Lallana, Lambert and Osvaldo will be gone by the end of the transfer window.


So 9, could even be 10+ depending on the futures of Chambers, Lovren, Ramirez et al. That's a hell of a lot of players to bring in, let alone gel before the season begins. I can see us relying heavily on the academy this season, as I don't think we'll bring in more than 5 or 6 personally.


It's really a make or break season. Koeman has a hell of a job on his hands and he has my respect for it. Come the January transfer window, at least we'll know where we lack personnel. As long as it's not too late by then.

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This list, but with 2 CBs, imo.


Its a mental amount of players and for a team that was fairly stable over the last 2-3 years, we are going to struggle to avoid relegation.


Hope Koeman doesnt know the word "gelling"........


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Who had 26th June in the alpine predicts we're going down sweepstake?

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Well before we lost anyone we needed :-

a Keeper

a Centre half

JRod being out at the start of the season at least one striker.


Having lost SRL and now Shaw that's 2 strikers needed and a left back. So that's at least 5 today.

Lose Lovren, Lallana & maybe Schnederlin we are looking at 8-players.


We also have to tie down Cork and Fonte, god forbid we lose them as well.

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We already had a very small squad. From that very small squad we have already lost Lambert, Shaw and Guly (you could argue Fox as well). JRod is out until around Christmas. We needed a new keeper (don't expect KD to figure again), we need at least one LB, assuming Targett can step up, if not 2. A new CB to replace Jos who is not up to PL standards even as a backup. We need 2 or 3 strikers, assuming Mayuka and Osvaldo will not stay and we will need probably 2 new midfield. That means around 7 or 8. Mental. But that's what has happened, we've slept walked into a situation where we simply do not have a squad of sufficient size and experience to maintain what we achieved last season without a serious influx of players. And a major influx of players is very hard to manage.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:


Who had 26th June in the alpine predicts we're going down sweepstake?


I'm only surprised we haven't yet had his annual "we're not signing any players" laughter fest of a thread.


Though, to be fair, in the summer the only things worth reading on here are Alpine's temper tantrums and meltdowns.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see another 3 or 4 go, out of Ramires, Osvaldo, Wanyama, Lovren & Lallana now that Shaw appears to have gotten away. I think his move has opened the floodgates.

The only one I would be really disappointed to go would be Lovren. There may even be more outgoing once Koeman has had a good look around, with the likes of fringe players such as Sharp, Hooiveld, Davis, Gazza, Mayuka, Isgrove (although that list is probably just wishful thinking on my part).


Koeman is certainly going to be busy in the next couple of weeks and during pre-season.


Assuming we only lose 3 or 4 of that first lot, then I think we'll see 4 or 5 in at a cost of close to 100 million, plus another couple from the development/academy stepping up into the first team squad. I think Reed, Gallagher, Targett +1 other will be in along with JWP & Chambers and there will be cameo appearances in the cups from the next crop as well (Rowe, Seager, Stephens, Turnbull, maybe even Sims). Seager had a poor season last year but I'm hoping that was just because of his injury problems. I always had a feeling he would be our "fox in the box" in a couple of years.

I just hope one of the incoming is an established 20+ goal a season forward that really is keen on coming here. I always felt Osvaldo was always a disaster waiting to happen.


It's certainly going to be an interesting season! :)

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We are weirdly strong at RB - Clyne and Chambers both good enough to start each week for a side higher than us, and both young.

Can we keep them both happy?

Clyne has had some decent games at LB, - is Shaw £30m better (now rather than potential) than Clyne?

I see relegation predictions have started!

Would Koeman keep this team up?



Clyne, Chambers, Lovren, Fonte,

Wanyama, Schneiderlin,

Davis, Ramirez, JayRod



Maybe couple of those will go, but there will be signings -Pelle for Osvaldo?

Bench inc




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I only remember Clyne having one decent half game at LB and a couple of slightly dodgy stints there after that. I think his ability to switch to the left has been hugely over-rated and don't see him as anything more than an emergency sub at that position. He'll be found out very quickly there if it becomes a regular thing.

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About 6. And we all know how well it works to intergrate that amount of new players into a team at once. Next season going to be extremely difficult.


We need a good start what with the fixtures in December.


There is a lot of bed-wetting going on.



Some Saints fans - we are going to have to sign 6 or 7 players and they are never going to gel and we are going to get relegated.

Some Man Utd fans - we are going to have to sign 6 or 7 players. Bring it on. We're going to win the title.



Guess we will always be considered small time if we have that sort of attitude.

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Prepare for incoming....


Not at all alps - just by saying 'as we speak' he recognises that that is the state of play at the moment, and to not judge fully until we get into pre-season and then start the season.


And technically it's not true, as we have Gallagher, but I understand the underlying sentiment because we can't rely on him.

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We seem to have a success rate of about 1 in 2 on transfers, with chances of success seemingly being inversely proportional it seems to money spent. We have been lucky with the recent crop of youngsters in having Chambers and Shaw come through, ( JWP possibly although I am not quite 100% convinced, Gallagher even less so-although they are both still very young). I am not sure we will have many more to add from our youth this year.


It would have made much better business and football sense to offer the likes of Lambert, Shaw and Lallana a healthy increase in wages and ask them to hang on for another year. If you take Lambert, Shaw, Lallana, Fonte (?), Cork(?), Morgan (?) out of the team then you have totally dismantled an improving core of players who knew each others game and were mates off the pitch. Very, very difficult to replicate....and I fear for us this year.

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I think we will need to invest in a left back, centre forward, wide player and two strikers. Chambers may be useful as a right sided centre back but the issue we will have is blending the team together in time.

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We need no more than 3 in addition to replacing those who leave. Keeper, centre back and striker.


As at today I would like to see that as


Kolodziejczak (to replace Shaw)

Martin Indi

David Marshall



We will almost certainly see 2 or 3 youngsters from the academy breaking through this year (in addition to Chambers, Prowse and Gallagher who I see as already broken through). Really have not seen enough of the academy since early last season but my feeling is that Targett, McQueen and Turnbull are close.

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We need no more than 3 in addition to replacing those who leave. Keeper, centre back and striker.


As at today I would like to see that as


Kolodziejczak (to replace Shaw)

Martin Indi

David Marshall



We will almost certainly see 2 or 3 youngsters from the academy breaking through this year (in addition to Chambers, Prowse and Gallagher who I see as already broken through). Really have not seen enough of the academy since early last season but my feeling is that Targett, McQueen and Turnbull are close.



But seriously though, if MP was still manager at Saints would we even be talking about these much hyped Dutchmen...probably not, we get a dutch coach and hup we want to fill our side with beetroot heads. We perhaps need to reflect more on potential players before posting and stop being so blinkered. Before we "go dutch" in a big way we should remember Steve De Ridder, the kid that Toon had on loan at the end of last season, Van Wolfsdoings etc etc etc. The Eredivisie isn't the premier league and there are some absolutely atrocious sides to boost your goal scoring stats against. The Dutch national side is good but without Robben who knows what it would be like. They played France back in March without him and they were awful,absolutely awful.

Edited by Window Cleaner
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We need no more than 3 in addition to replacing those who leave. Keeper, centre back and striker.


As at today I would like to see that as


Kolodziejczak (to replace Shaw)

Martin Indi

David Marshall



We will almost certainly see 2 or 3 youngsters from the academy breaking through this year (in addition to Chambers, Prowse and Gallagher who I see as already broken through). Really have not seen enough of the academy since early last season but my feeling is that Targett, McQueen and Turnbull are close.


Really hope you are correct But I agree with Dalek 17th will be good.

History shows that building an average squad is not the way forward, we need a strong first 11 first, so replacing any players who leave with real quality needs to be a priority or the Championship could be a real possibility.

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Assuming we play something like the below as rumoured then I would suggest we will need 1xGK, 1xCB (assuming Chambers moves to CB), 1xAM, 2xST. This is based on current availability. Then we require like for like replacement on those we lose.














This system would suit Ramirez down to the ground as he wouldn't have any of the defensive responsibilities which often seem to hamper his game. It really would be the Trequartista role he craves.

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Even before we sold lambert I feel we needed 4 players to improve/add depth to the squad.

If we lose lambert,Lallana, lover And shaw I don't feel 90million would be enough to adequately replace and improve our squad unless we are very sensible with our transfers.


.....(headline).........I guess it depends on how many Academy graduates will make the grade this season. No matter how much we think is availalble, RK doesn't have to spend it all by Aug.16th...


If he's wise enough, he 'll hold over some for the " January window" .....just in case.

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Assuming we play something like the below as rumoured then I would suggest we will need 1xGK, 1xCB (assuming Chambers moves to CB), 1xAM, 2xST. This is based on current availability. Then we require like for like replacement on those we lose.














This system would suit Ramirez down to the ground as he wouldn't have any of the defensive responsibilities which often seem to hamper his game. It really would be the Trequartista role he craves.


Optimistic team, Ed :)

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For me (& assuming spineless Reed lets Lovren, Sneiderlain and others go...)


We need the following replacements, well drilled and ready to compete in the Premier League before the humiliation starts at Liverpool next month....


Goalkeeper. Boruc needs to move into back up keeper for me. Need a top keeper as we are losing our back four. £8-10m.


Left Back. High quality to replace Shaw. £15m.Plus a back up to replace a Fox as cover. £2-4m.


Centre Back. To replace Lovren. £15-18m.


Midfield: playmaker, leader and dynamic leader to replace Lallana. £20m. Plus a passer and engine room with Schneider

Man's energy levels. £15-20m.


A creative midfield replacement and free kick taker to replace Ramirez. £15m.


Wings. We still need attacking options akin to Puncheon who we have yet to replace. X2 creative attackers, £12m 2x£6m)


Forwards. We need x3 10-14 goals a season strikers to replace Lambert, Gallagher (not up to it), Osvaldo and Jay Rod. Assuming Jay Rod stays and recovers fully (unlikely) Gallagher could switch to cover as 4th choice striker until he returns. X3 guaranteed 10-14 GPS scoreres: 3x £12-14m = £36m


Plus then we have to guarantee that they will gel, settle in the Premier League and none will do an Osvaldo. Unlikely.


So in total the Southampton squad needs the following to stay where we are next season and hope to progress:







Total cost to match last season - £148m, call it £150m. Total from player sales = £80m max.


Oh dear, Koeman has been brought in to steady the ship and to keep us in the league at best.

Edited by SaintRobbie
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For me (& assuming spineless Reed lets Lovren, Sneiderlain and others go...)


We need the following replacements, well drilled and ready to compete in the Premier League before the humiliation starts at Liverpool next month....


Goalkeeper. Boruc needs to move into back up keeper for me. Need a top keeper as we are losing our back four. £8-10m.


Left Back. High quality to replace Shaw. £15m.Plus a back up to replace a Fox as cover. £2-4m.


Centre Back. To replace Lovren. £15-18m.


Midfield: playmaker, leader and dynamic leader to replace Lallana. £20m. Plus a passer and engine room with Schneider

Man's energy levels. £15-20m.


A creative midfield replacement and free kick taker to replace Ramirez. £15m.


Wings. We still need attacking options akin to Puncheon who we have yet to replace. X2 creative attackers, £12m 2x£6m)


Forwards. We need x3 10-14 goals a season strikers to replace Lambert, Gallagher (not up to it), Osvaldo and Jay Rod. Assuming Jay Rod stays and recovers fully (unlikely) Gallagher could switch to cover as 4th choice striker until he returns. X3 guaranteed 10-14 GPS scoreres: 3x £12-14m = £36m


Plus then we have to guarantee that they will gel, settle in the Premier League and none will do an Osvaldo. Unlikely.


So in total the Southampton squad needs the following to stay where we are next season and hope to progress:







Total cost to match last season - £148m, call it £150m. Total from player sales = £80m max.


Oh dear, Koeman has been brought in to steady the ship and to keep us in the league at best.


Sorry but that's crazy.


For a start there is no way we need 5 new midfielder's. So far we have only lost Lallana (today) and potentially Schneiderlin. There is no way the club is going to block the path for Reed and JWP, particularly when we still have Wanyama, Cork and Davis. As I posted above, the answer in this question lies in the system we intend to play. I would suggest we need 1xAM (Tadic). If we play the system I set out above then I think we will see a different Ramirez.


The fees for each position are so inflated, unless we plan to only buy English players.

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For me (& assuming spineless Reed lets Lovren, Sneiderlain and others go...)


We need the following replacements, well drilled and ready to compete in the Premier League before the humiliation starts at Liverpool next month....


Goalkeeper. Boruc needs to move into back up keeper for me. Need a top keeper as we are losing our back four. £8-10m.


Left Back. High quality to replace Shaw. £15m.Plus a back up to replace a Fox as cover. £2-4m.


Centre Back. To replace Lovren. £15-18m.


Midfield: playmaker, leader and dynamic leader to replace Lallana. £20m. Plus a passer and engine room with Schneider

Man's energy levels. £15-20m.


A creative midfield replacement and free kick taker to replace Ramirez. £15m.


Wings. We still need attacking options akin to Puncheon who we have yet to replace. X2 creative attackers, £12m 2x£6m)


Forwards. We need x3 10-14 goals a season strikers to replace Lambert, Gallagher (not up to it), Osvaldo and Jay Rod. Assuming Jay Rod stays and recovers fully (unlikely) Gallagher could switch to cover as 4th choice striker until he returns. X3 guaranteed 10-14 GPS scoreres: 3x £12-14m = £36m


Plus then we have to guarantee that they will gel, settle in the Premier League and none will do an Osvaldo. Unlikely.


So in total the Southampton squad needs the following to stay where we are next season and hope to progress:







Total cost to match last season - £148m, call it £150m. Total from player sales = £80m max.


Oh dear, Koeman has been brought in to steady the ship and to keep us in the league at best.



I'm sure you calculated that very carefully, but I don't expect the " replacements" to cost anywhere near the same fees as those who will be departing.


Expect one or two f. Academy names on the new teamsheet and some clever bargain buys from different countries. (mainly Holland) . History dictates big money signings don't always mean big success.


My guess..spending by Aug 16th ..Max £60 million. ...maybe a bit more in the January window when we see how things have progressed.

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I'm sure you calculated that very carefully, but I don't expect the " replacements" to cost anywhere near the same fees as those who will be departing.


Expect one or two f. Academy names on the new teamsheet and some clever bargain buys from different countries. (mainly Holland) . History dictates big money signings don't always mean big success.


My guess..spending by Aug 16th ..Max £60 million. ...maybe a bit more in the January window when we see how things have progressed.


I've assessed this based on near guarantees to fill the slots and minimise the Osvaldo factor. i.e. how much we need to spend to guarantee staying where we are. We could get lucky with some bargain basement players, but then you get what you pay for.


Also, every replacement player is under the value of our sales and potential sales.

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