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Some good football news at last....


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For me its a sad day and a bit disrespectful, been a great servant over the years who went to the WC exhausted and tactically wasted IMO


Rubbish. Whilst clearly a talented player, has been largely crap for England and I don't give a toss about his Liverpool performances.

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Never really did it for England. He was at his best for L'pool when Surrounded by proper world class talent in Alonso and Mascharano.


He's not a bad player, don't get me wrong, just very over-hyped on the international stage.

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Everyones been largely crap for england, Scholes was largely crap for england, thats because england are largely crap


So the how is he a good servant? Has been crap. I would say Ashley Cole has been a great servant for England and so was Beckham before him. Gerrard was ****e.

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A good player, there were glimpses at times of a world class one.


I think him and scholes were our last WC midfielders, both wasted


I look at who is coming through and worry, Im a firm believer that ganes are won in midfield. I cant see Wilshere or Henderson doing that

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So the how is he a good servant? Has been crap. I would say Ashley Cole has been a great servant for England and so was Beckham before him. Gerrard was ****e.


He wasnt used properly in the same way scholes wasnt. In fact early on for x games we were unbeaten with his inclusion. Unfortunately soon after we stopped playing him through the middle and tried to include lampard, gerrard, scholes and beckham

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He wasnt used properly in the same way scholes wasnt. In fact early on for x games we were unbeaten with his inclusion. Unfortunately soon after we stopped playing him through the middle and tried to include lampard, gerrard, scholes and beckham


Yup. He was mismanaged more than anything, which stopped him from shining like he does for Liverpool.

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A good player, there were glimpses at times of a world class one.


Pretty much sums it up IMO.


Trying to shoehorn him into the England side as a holding midfielder just didn't work against decent opposition. He got away with it at Liverpool because of their attacking ability, but the Chelsea c*ck up and Palace 3-3 highlighted deficiencies when it came to the crunch.

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Pretty much sums it up IMO.


Trying to shoehorn him into the England side as a holding midfielder just didn't work against decent opposition. He got away with it at Liverpool because of their attacking ability, but the Chelsea c*ck up and Palace 3-3 highlighted deficiencies when it came to the crunch.


Plus his mistake against Uruguay.

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Pretty much sums it up IMO.


Trying to shoehorn him into the England side as a holding midfielder just didn't work against decent opposition. He got away with it at Liverpool because of their attacking ability, but the Chelsea c*ck up and Palace 3-3 highlighted deficiencies when it came to the crunch.


I'd also add being robbed by JWP a couple of times in the St. Mary's game (I think it was).

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England managers continuously obsess about having the "Big Club" players in the squad and forget that they are selecting a TEAM. That is what made Ramsey- the only truly successful manager IMHO - different. He was no respecter of reputations and picked the players who would do the job he wanted them to do. Rooney has never delivered for England; Gerrard has never delivered for England; Lampard has never delivered for England (and I quite like him as a player) yet, against all the evidence, they were selected. Mind you, was there anyone else?

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Very divergent views on this thread. He did his best for england but for a player of his quality didn't deliver enough (like most england players) . Without doubt an England legend though for his number of caps and professionalism

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A spanish paper gave him 0/10 v Uruguay. He was absolutely woeful.


But it's Gerrard, and it's England. You could put a lesser name like Huddlestone in there who'd quietly do a better job for the TEAM, but that's not the England way. There is no team. If you even suggest looking at team players rather than the famous individuals you just get laughed at, non-top 6 or 7 clubs get mocked and we get years more of watching a bunch of rich egotistical dicks perform badly.


The England set up is not there to win competitions, it's main purpose is to hype up the big names so that all the young kids will rush out and buy the merchandising and so that Sky can sell more subscriptions. It's all one big cartel involving the FA, the press and the broadcasters. The players just aren't that great, you can count one one hand the number of English players who have been sought after by the big continental clubs.

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Was watching on SSN when the news broke. How can you say someone has had a great International career when it's been full of poor performances at major tournaments? Don't get me wrong, Gerrard has shown a lot more passion and drive for his country than many others, but it's been during a period of failure, and his best performances have all been in a Liverpool shirt

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Guess Brendan will have to relay on Sterling as his go to tap up guy in the England set up now.


Hardly. Note the FA have made him some sort of "special ambassador" aka has access to the squad and training camps to do the Theiving Scouse Tw*t's bidding.

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Dear God. I would have had Gerrard at SFC in a heartbeat. He may have not produced the goods at England level (how many have - the golden generation did f-all) too often but he was a quality player and at his peak would have walked into any club side in the world.

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Largely poor for England and about as inspirational a captain as a dead budgie....


Amazing for Liverpool over the years of course, but there he has free reign. When asked to play a particular role in an England shirt it never translated and in my opinion he is tactically unaware and would have got found out had he ever left Liverpool.

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Largely poor for England and about as inspirational a captain as a dead budgie....


Amazing for Liverpool over the years of course, but there he has free reign. When asked to play a particular role in an England shirt it never translated and in my opinion he is tactically unaware and would have got found out had he ever left Liverpool.


Found out? Really? Thats odd because the pros think he is one of the few World Class players we have produced over the last few years. Many playrs have not shone as they should in an England shirt - Wayne Rooney being one. England have been poor for a number of years and it is not down to Gerrard.

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Found out? Really? Thats odd because the pros think he is one of the few World Class players we have produced over the last few years. Many playrs have not shone as they should in an England shirt - Wayne Rooney being one. England have been poor for a number of years and it is not down to Gerrard.


Have to agree to disagree there on both counts. Rooney especially has been a major factor in England being poor.

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Have to agree to disagree there on both counts. Rooney especially has been a major factor in England being poor.


I did say that Rooney had been poor for England - as have many players. That doesnt stop Gerrard from being quality. Would you really not have wanted him at SFC?

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I did say that Rooney had been poor for England - as have many players. That doesnt stop Gerrard from being quality. Would you really not have wanted him at SFC?


What has that got to do with his performances for england? He isn't an England legend he was a load of rubbish. I don't give a toss about his Liverpool performances as I don't support them.

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Found out? Really? Thats odd because the pros think he is one of the few World Class players we have produced over the last few years. Many playrs have not shone as they should in an England shirt - Wayne Rooney being one. England have been poor for a number of years and it is not down to Gerrard.


Yes, found out as being nowhere near as good as people think he is. He wouldn't have been terrible of course, but he ran the show at Liverpool and knew it. He wouldn't have had the same impact at a club where he was just another player in my opinion.


England not poor down to him of course, but of his 114 caps how many stand out performances? Not many.

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The England set up is not there to win competitions, it's main purpose is to hype up the big names so that all the young kids will rush out and buy the merchandising and so that Sky can sell more subscriptions. It's all one big cartel involving the FA, the press and the broadcasters. The players just aren't that great, you can count one one hand the number of English players who have been sought after by the big continental clubs.



No matter how crap the 'big names' play,they are virtually a shoe in for an england place because they sell shirts,they are known worldwide so tv audiences grow and they put bums on seats

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It's typical of England fans and pundits to call a player an England legend just because he was good for his club. Why does anyone other than Liverpool fans care how he performs for Liverpool?


Anyone who gets over 100 caps for their country deserves some respect.

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Yes, found out as being nowhere near as good as people think he is. He wouldn't have been terrible of course, but he ran the show at Liverpool and knew it. He wouldn't have had the same impact at a club where he was just another player in my opinion.


England not poor down to him of course, but of his 114 caps how many stand out performances? Not many.


Chelsea were desparate to sign him. I dont think they would have wanted him if he was so poor. Was he playing with donkeys at Liverpool? He was playing with one of the best strikers in the world who clearly has huge respect for him. Gerrard was too good a player to be "just another player." If he had signed fpr Southampton most of the fans would have been gobsmacked. You need to look at what professionals in the game have to say about him. He was a quality player and will have a few more seasons playing in the Premiership left in him. I bet you he would get into most pros best Premiership team of all time.

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What has that got to do with his performances for england? He isn't an England legend he was a load of rubbish. I don't give a toss about his Liverpool performances as I don't support them.


Anyone who gets over 100 caps for their country deserves some respect.


I can agree with both points of view here.


Gerrard's contribution to the national team is overrated due to club form and media 'love in' with his club. Can I recall any great moments of his time playing for England ? No. At least Beckham - who also lead England in a period of non achievement - has a few spectacular free kicks that stand out.


He may deserve some "respect" , but lets not go overboard about another underachiever for the national side. He offered "commitment", but little else.


Lahm also retired from international football with about the same number of caps. What has Lahm won in that time, and how many finals/semi-finals has he played in ? Compare that to Gerrard to put some perspective on it.


Gerrard may have been a decent servant for England, but no no means an England legend.

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Gerrard referred to as 'a great servant' for England


Lampard referred to his England career as 'great'


Wayne Rooney looking like the next captain.


^ These three things hint at what is terribly, terribly wrong about the England team.


Yes, spot on.


Select another non achiever at international level - one goal in the WC for Christ sake - and a player whose very selection for the starting XI should not be taken for granted as captain.


The krauts, Spanish and Dutch build teams, we just throw high profile names together and hope the 'gameplan' just comes together on the pitch.

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Chelsea were desparate to sign him. I dont think they would have wanted him if he was so poor. Was he playing with donkeys at Liverpool? He was playing with one of the best strikers in the world who clearly has huge respect for him. Gerrard was too good a player to be "just another player." If he had signed fpr Southampton most of the fans would have been gobsmacked. You need to look at what professionals in the game have to say about him. He was a quality player and will have a few more seasons playing in the Premiership left in him. I bet you he would get into most pros best Premiership team of all time.




Always makes me laugh regarding the roy of the rovers crap in similar ways to people moaning about morgans style of play. Generally at this level, the top level, you are asked to play a certain way and Id imagine that Gerrard was given licence due to his ability at influencing games be it through what was terrific passing ability or his shooting.


He was a top level player no doubt, I have a hard on about it because I respect his talent as does the majority of the footballing world.


We have nobody right now anywhere near his ability unfortunately

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