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JWP now on Man City radar


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I think he will go.


The Cork/Clyne/Wanyama group now looking vulnerable too, although they will struggle to attract CL club interest but may be tempted into sideways moves for more ambitious clubs and higher wages - Everton, Newcastle et al.

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He won't go, it would be another Jack Rodwell situation and what is a promising career would be over and he might as well retire. James seems to have his head screwed on.


....but if City make a bid, I imagine we'll reply and say. ''Thanks for the interest in 1 of our players!!!! The bid is good, but plz could you offer just a tiny bit more and then we can sort this 4 u? Thanks for ur understanding!''

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You are loving all this arent you? Is this your 19th thread in 4 days!!


Mods: sort this site out!! Ffs


Just because you have been less of a bellend for the past fortnight please don't start throwing stones in your glass house.


batman, post a few links or I will lock

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He's not even good enough for us, well, not until we sold half our team. They are welcome to him


Really? I think he's an outstanding player, playing in one of the hardest positions in the hardest league in the world - and still only 19!

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