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Saints vs Blackpool - Post Match Reaction


Saints Man of the Match?  

124 members have voted

  1. 1. Saints Man of the Match?

    • Davis
    • Surman
    • Perry
    • Svensson
    • Schneiderlin
    • Lallana
    • Holmes
    • McGoldrick
    • John
    • Dyer

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Reaction, ratings and MOTM on here please.



My thoughts:

Today illustrated the problem with having so many young players. Having energy, enthusiasm and ability is all well and good, but when the going gets tought, you need some experience in the side to help guide the younger players. Also a few players losing composure today. White with the penalty and Gillett and James coming quite close to being sent off. Whilst there were some good attacking performances, I felt the final quality ball into the box was missing, like much off last season. Dare I say it, there is a man in the squad who didn't play today who might provide it.


Overall very disappointing, but there are another 42 games and it's not the end of the world. Just goes to show that those who thought relegation was an impossibility, made up by negative stupid people, need to think again.


My player ratings:


Davis - 8 Some fantastic saves first half. Slightly worrying that this is the second time in our first 4 games he has been our star man.


James - 5 Whilst some would argue many of the first 11 aren't ready yet, I think James definitely isn't. Struggled with Hammil all day and there were a couple of rash challenges. Never really got forward far enough to make a meaningful delivery.


Svensson - 6 Everyone likes Killer, but he did struggle today with Burgess's presence. Also seems to lack pace. Interesting and perhaps predictable that it was the experienced players, Killer and John, who looked most likely to get us something in the last 5 minutes.


Perry - 7 Did a pretty good job in the cleaning up role Claus used to do. One excellent tackle in the box second half. Give White a few lessons in the next 2 weeks please Chris. Also lacks pace.


Surman - 6 Better than James, but I am not convinced he is suited suited to the full back role at all. I'd have Skacel as LB assuming we can't find anyone else by Monday or on loan.


Holmes - 7 Looked very good first half. Some good deliveries and ran at defenders. Very quiet second half though.


Lallana - 7 So unlucky not to score twice in a minute first half. Like Holmes faded after the break, but I think these two are our bightest prospects.


Gillett - 6 Full of energy and looked great for the first half hour, but then started giving the ball away and making rash challenges. Like some ugly hybrid of Viafara and Safri.


Schneiderlin - 5 Seemed pretty annonymous if I am honnest. The first time I've seen him and I was expecting a lot more. Think we went about half an hour without him touching the ball at one point.


White - 3 Really did nothing offensively and gave away the penalty. Obviously has time on his side, but this is waaaay to early to be shoving him in the first team on this showing.


McGoldrick - 7 Looked energetic and purposeful first half. So unlucky not to score on a couple of occasions. The effort against the bar at the end pretty much some bup our day. Close, but no Cuban fags.




Dyer - 6 Added some much needed purpose down the right, but seems a bit well... stupid at times. Running into players and blind alleys. Strange to think he is still only what, 20? Needs to start repaying our faith in him with his court case, new contract and all.


John - 6 Looked pretty good, but never really looked like scoring. Can't really play on his own and needed DMG much closer to him to make use of John's good touch and hold up play.


Wotton - 5 Can't really say he sured up the midfield. No better than Schneiderlin today.

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Poor second half, Dyer was very disappointing except for the first 5 mins after he came on and Holmes was ineffective as well in the second half. First half was better except for the opening stages and the last 5 mins. A real soft PK to give away as well. A real shame, we could have taken a big step today and forgot to do that. Now we have to wait two weeks for our next game.

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Bugger. Not our afternoon and no Plan B by the sounds of things. Very, very disappointing, but we were lucky it wasn't worse, considering Blackpool had no less than THREE(!) goals disallowed.

Man of the match - the referee for disallowing three Blackpool goals, saving us from a hammering. :smt077

Saints man of the match - Kelvin Davis.

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Staying at home was the best decision I've made in a few weeks.




I am disappointed though but the result itself doesn't shock me as they are just a group of youngsters.

Some talent is there tho but there is far too many youngsters with an attitude of ****yness and over-confidence.

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Clearly played some decent passing but inexperience showed - too much giving the ball away without an excuse, too many poor decisions about when to give the ball etc. John should've come on earlier. Also, the defence looked awfully shakey far too many times in situations that really should've been dealt with much better.


Still, there are positives; the youngsters did play well at times, Lallana again was good, McGoldrick was decent if a little wasteful at times, Davis played very well today.. Effort and workrate can't really be moaned about.

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I think that's called a reality check.


Slow (aged) defence, lightweight in midfield and lack of a killer punch up front. There's talent there all right but they'll be beaten by the many, many teams like Blackpool in this league before things turn around. Trouble is it might be too late by then, especially as the opposition managers seem to have sussed Saints out already.

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They are, mostly, young and learning. They need encouragement not booing. Very disappointing after the last two results though, and the two week break. Its never going to be easy though as a Saints fan. Looking forward to having the goal machine in the team.

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Although we shouldn't boo our players at home, it has to be said that today was an absolutely ****e performance. No punch up front until John came on, very poor midfield, Gillett was shocking and simply awful defending. Quite honestly if Blackpool had scored 6 it would not have been flattering. Hate to say it but Killer was shocking. Good job Kelvin kept us in it, and thanks also to the lineo for making 3 very brave (but correct) decisions. On top of that it was clear that JP did not have a Plan B today, even when John came on, he dropped McG back into the hole instead of going 4-4-2. We will win very few at home based on today's display, not helped by the crowd barracking, as Sky said we really do have some poor supporters.

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been found out and very poor apart from the odd good flashes!

Wheels have come of the bus! :(


Ah, more reasoned points.


Come on, do you not think that this is a spot sensationalist? Young players ahve got to learn, and will always get taught lessons about today. Hell, maybe it will be all doom and gloom from now on, but you can't assume that from one performance. To be honest, I saw a lot worse last year. We weren't great, but I'm not as appalled at the players as a whole as I have been on many, many other occasions.

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Effort and workrate can't really be moaned about.

Effort and workrate can't hide the fact that they put the ball in the net 4 times, we didn't manage it at all. The main issue with this team is that whilst they start well, ( and the mid part of the first half was at times brilliant ), unless they can actually get their noses in front they end up getting bullied out of it. Blackpool have rebuilt their squad just as much as we have, and on probably an even tighter budget, but they have blended much more experience into the mix, and it showed.

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I was hoping like everyone else we'd win but know that supporting Saints is never straightforward.

However, I'd still rather have this team than be as we were last season. I reckon we're in for a real roller-coaster. You win some and lose some and these boys are learning. We'll bounce back again!

We still have some exciting days ahead.

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I was hoping like everyone else we'd win but know that supporting Saints is never straightforward.

However, I'd still rather have this team than be as we were last season. I reckon we're in for a real roller-coaster. You win some and lose some and these boys are learning. We'll bounce back again!

We still have some exciting days ahead.


Agreed, I think we will win more than lose this season, especially as the season goes on, we mature and develop as a team as well as individuals.

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Well we were taught a lesson in football today. The best team won. I thought JP's tactics were shocking as the game went on. Wotton and SJ should have come on earlier.

KD was awesome in goal, but I think the back four were sucked out of position on most of Blackpools attacks.


And I know I keep on about it but this playing one up front does not work!!

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Watched it on a poor p2p servcice. I had a horrible feeling we'd lose 1-0. The inexperience and naivety in defence showed, as did Svensson's rustiness. Why do we never cope with big strong frontmen? Still far more effort and movement than I saw in a few games last season and I have far more optimism still than last season. DMG has improved but perhaps should have had SJ alongside him earlier. Blackpool had done their homework, and I think it's significant that a couple of their players went down with cramp they worked so hard to counteract Saints midfield.


It's not the end of the world. Anyway, must dash: of to play against Juventus women and it won't be 1-0.:-(

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A very disappointing performance. After Lallana wasted the open goal we never looked like scoring. Some good play in the middle of the park but no threat in front of goal. Lee Holmes looked good on occasion but kept slipping over in the first half. Perry saved us a few times at the back, and Kelvin stopped us from getting a thrashing almost as much as the lino did!


MOM - Kelvin Davis, I hope he doesn't get shipped out before Tuesday!!!!!

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First game after illness, the cliches are to easy , men/boys, pretty football/effective football.

Do enough to win?

Without Davis it could have been a cricket score.

The pace we have will be better of away from home, at home teams are going to drop off and then make it a game of strength in both penalty boxes.

The thing that is forgotten is that Total Football as played in Jan's day was played by physically strong men.

Some of the tactics today were strange, we brought on Stern John and then dropped McGoldrick back and Lallana even further back.

One game does not make a season but i am now prepared for a relegation fight rather than a promotion push.

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At least we can't be worse than 3rd bottom by the end of today. I think this next two weeks will be a test of how good JP actually is in terms of lifting the players, who will be understandably gutted after that. Will also be interesting how honest JP is in assessing his own contribution, as Simon Grayson certainly did a better job in preparing for this game.


This is the first time I have seen them "live", and we certainly look much better than at almost any time last season, but the defence was lightweight, the midfield didn't really turn up for the second half, and too many of our shots were from outside the area.


First four games, in summary, have probably produced the return I expected, ( below average but not disastrously so ), but somewhere along the line we need to have a little run of form to gain some confidence.

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Got back a few minutes ago.

No one so far has mentioned the shocking (to put it mildly) refereeing. Perhaps Sky helps you see one side of the story. I know that some of it went for us, but how on earth he booked three of our players and only two of theirs, I'll never know. OK, OK, you can't blame the referee, but I wouldn't be surprised if some of the youngsters were bewildered. SO much timewasting by Blackpool players, so many blatant obstructions and shirt-tugging - how Dyer's high tackle (and he got the ball) was worth a free kick and their men throwing handbags at each other and climbing all over McGoldrick wasn't is baffling. But I guess that's football, and they will just have to learn from it.


NO ONE should have booed this team. The boos surely were for dirty Blackpool and an inept referee.

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Guys' date=' this is what our season is going to be like, highs and lows, they are a remarkable squad and will only be beneficial to these results, the shot of Jamie White was clearly showing him refelcting the penalty, he will gain from it.[/quote']


Yes and it was a reality check, but not just for the players and manager but for the fans. i understand the frustration but booing aint on at this moment. So the next stage in the clubs rehabilitation is to educate the fans who expect wins from "weak" teams like Blackpool. Blackpool was a team full of experienced and strong players and it was never going to be a walkover, but I suspect that many thought it might be an easy win.


I am not worried we will all learn from this, and that is a new feeling because I trust that JP knows where it is going wrong... couldnt say that for GB!!!!!!!

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I thought we were the better team in the first half. When they got their penalty I was confident we'd come back and win in the second. But we were poor with aimless passing and poor defending. Killer won most balls in the air but was often beaten by pace. Thank God for Kelvin for keeping the score respectable.


That simply wasn't the same team that I watched last Tuesday against Brum. The composure and swift passing disappeared and we were quite often were hoofing and hoping.


I'm very disappointed but while I wasn't getting carried away with our previous performances, I'm not going to get too downhearted over this poor display. Although I expect certain posters who've been absent for the last few days to be back on here saying "I told you so".

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I only managed to see sixty minutes because I had to come to work, but from what I saw, it wasn't a terrible performance. Lallana had a good game, but should have scored when the ball was cleared off the line. Holmes looks like a good free transfer too, but wasn't getting enough support. Davis made a couple of good saves in the bit I saw, but we were clearly suprised at how well Blackpool played. Burgess was terrorising the defence, and Hammill had a good game. (Well, the 60 minutes I saw anyway!)


I still think we look shaky at the back. There's not enough height, and not enough pace in defence. Perry read the game well but looked as if he was struggling to keep up, and while I thought Killer played ok, he wasn't up to speed either. James and Surman were positionless, I suppose this is the problem with attacking full backs.


From the rave reviews on here, I was looking forward to seeing Gillet, and while he had some possession and things flowed through him (he was also looking for the ball), nothing seemed to want to go right for him today. Schneiderlin was average, it seemed like he was trying to hard with diagonal balls when he could've played it more simply and kept possession.


McGoldrick looks like a good player, some neat touches, but doesn't look hard enough for the ball, though he does use it well when he gets it. White looked poor but this will be a learning curve. Dyer looked good when he came on, and perhaps he'll get White's starting spot in the next game.


From what I saw, the game was fairly even. Still, this is a learning curve and I'm not too downhearted.

Edited by SNSUN
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I thought Davis, Lallana, Holmes and McGoldrick were very good. The others werent as brilliant. I think it is important to be stoical about this season, we'll have bad days like today, the team are young, and the booing was uncalled for. How Stern didnt equalise is beyond me.

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Can I just be the first to say.......we have downhill fast since Pulis signed! ;)


And, on a more serious note, I really do hope that we keep and use Rudi. He is a better LB than Drew and he can put a better ball into the box than any of the players out there today.


P.S. I agree 100% with Arizona's player ratings.

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