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AP's post match interview


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It concerns me that AP finds it difficult to string coherent sentences together on that interview... all the classic "erms" and "you, know" stuff that you associate with old school footballers.


I recognise that speaking to the media is something he has to do and it is not his prime concern but equally I wonder if that lack of ability to communicate his thoughts clearly and succintly might also be a problem when telling the players what to do on the training ground and on matchday.


I know I'll get knocked for this but I think it might be inhibiting the team because it's possible the direction he gives is not clear enough. Managers like Ferguson, Wenger and even Holloway appear to focus on an issue and isolate it and then speak far more concisely about it with the media. They probably do the same with individual players or groups of them in a similar manner and gain the respect of the squad in the process -therefore making the players more receptive and understanding of what they should be doing.

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Thought AP was honest and pulled no punches, very perceptive, he sees the problems and doesn't hide from them, that's half way to getting it right.


Yes, agree. Just not sure he communicates his thoughts quickly and directly enough.

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AP talks very well in all his interviews, surprised to see a thread about this.


Agree, one of the most open Saints manager's ive ever heard in pre match and post match interviews. Very honest and open and doesn't create excuses to cover up any bad results. He said last year that some of the performances werent good enough and he's following that up this year by being honest about our better players not playing well enough. I for one am very pleased about what I hear from Pardew's mouth.

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Dead man walking, he knows it! A great shame but NC decided in

May to get rid and only changed his mind due to legend pressure!


I see no progress now until Cortese gets his ultimate wish!

Not giving a who is right or wrong opinion here but it needs sorting as otherwise no chance of promotion!

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Dead man walking, he knows it! A great shame but NC decided in

May to get rid and only changed his mind due to legend pressure!


I see no progress now until Cortese gets his ultimate wish!

Not giving a who is right or wrong opinion here but it needs sorting as otherwise no chance of promotion!


Yep that's how I see it too.

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Dead man walking, he knows it! A great shame but NC decided in

May to get rid and only changed his mind due to legend pressure!


I see no progress now until Cortese gets his ultimate wish!

Not giving a who is right or wrong opinion here but it needs sorting as otherwise no chance of promotion!


Results go his way and he keeps his job. Results go against him and he gets the sack.


That is him and 91 other "dead men walking" in the top 4 divisions. Pardew is no different so no need for hysteria.

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What a load of twoddle the OP is. And FF's continued b!tching is somewhat transparent too. AP is one of the most coherent Managers we've had the pleasure of at Saints. If you think he's bad, (a) listen to Cotteralls post match interview today and (b) IF Cortese makes the massive mistake of sacking AP, then just watch the threads start to come undone and see what we end up with, because I would lay money on it being a whole lot worse.

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Results go his way and he keeps his job. Results go against him and he gets the sack.


That is him and 91 other "dead men walking" in the top 4 divisions. Pardew is no different so no need for hysteria.


agree, he showed he could turn things around and had a good team for the majority of last season, if we get into under performing rut something will have to give - as it would for any manager.

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What a ridiculous thread. AP is recognised as one of the more intelligent, articulate managers out there. Just another case of someone trying to ****-stir after just the second league game of the season.


If only some of our fans were as level-headed and sensible as Claridge was about us on The Football League show.

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What a ridiculous thread. AP is recognised as one of the more intelligent, articulate managers out there. Just another case of someone trying to ****-stir after just the second league game of the season.


If only some of our fans were as level-headed and sensible as Claridge was about us on The Football League show.


by who

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Dead man walking, he knows it! A great shame but NC decided in

May to get rid and only changed his mind due to legend pressure!


I see no progress now until Cortese gets his ultimate wish!

Not giving a who is right or wrong opinion here but it needs sorting as otherwise no chance of promotion!


I agree with all of that. I think AP has run out of ideas and is burnt out as a manager. It happens to managers and there's only a select few who can make careers in management. We need another Nigel Pearson type manager with some freshness and drive.

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Dead man walking, he knows it! A great shame but NC decided in

May to get rid and only changed his mind due to legend pressure!


I see no progress now until Cortese gets his ultimate wish!

Not giving a who is right or wrong opinion here but it needs sorting as otherwise no chance of promotion!


Would you have said that if the desperately unlucky Lee Barnard had been an inch more fortunate? Or if the Keeper hadn't pulled off a Worldy from lambo's header? Or if (the SHEEEEEITE) Dan Harding had not shown the composure of a 5 year old when he blazed high AND wide from 3 yards out, without an O in sight??

The truth is, we were significantly better and it really was just one of them days. Our bench, for obvious reasons, isn't up to scratch, but AP has made it quite clear that this will be addressed. It's just about waiting so we get the best players for this club - Something he believes, and I'm with him, will benefit us come next May.


Stop moaning and picking fault and talking complete and utter carp ffs.

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Behave! Worst than last year? Our squad at the start of last season was absolute toilet.


At the start yes, but the squad that finished last season was easily better. We've improved the defense (that was probably good enough already) and lost the only pace we had in the side in Papa and Antonio.

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Dead man walking, he knows it! A great shame but NC decided in

May to get rid and only changed his mind due to legend pressure!


I see no progress now until Cortese gets his ultimate wish!

Not giving a who is right or wrong opinion here but it needs sorting as otherwise no chance of promotion!


Sadly, I tend to agree.

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Dead man walking, he knows it! A great shame but NC decided in

May to get rid and only changed his mind due to legend pressure!


I see no progress now until Cortese gets his ultimate wish!

Not giving a who is right or wrong opinion here but it needs sorting as otherwise no chance of promotion!


i suspect you are right..


tough game next.....

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Dead man walking, he knows it! A great shame but NC decided in

May to get rid and only changed his mind due to legend pressure!


I see no progress now until Cortese gets his ultimate wish!

Not giving a who is right or wrong opinion here but it needs sorting as otherwise no chance of promotion!


Unfortunately Duncan, I think you're right. I'm not sure if I agree with this course of action, it depends on who is waiting in the wings to replace him. But the bare facts are we have an underachieving team that has cost a few quid to put together.


If Cortese has someone lined up who is up to speed on the squad and its requirements then the sensible thing all round would be for Pardew to go now. If not, then Cortese should back Pardew 100%.


High risk strategy for Cortese to sack Pardew now if his replacement is no better. Wouldn't do much for his own position.

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Why, did he say "I have no Plan B and havent brought the right players in" ?


If you bothered to listen to what he said he said he DID have a plan B but actually felt it would be better to stick with plan A. So he DID have a plan B and he SAID he had a plan B. Just listen.


If he hesitates it's because he is actually thinking about what he is saying and is giving constructive and analytical comment rather than trotting out the cliches that most managers use to cruise through interviews. May not be as funny as Ollie or as laughable as Saggy Chops or as annoying as Ferguson (or as silent if you're listening on BBC) but it is a darned sight more interesting.

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Unfortunately Duncan, I think you're right. I'm not sure if I agree with this course of action, it depends on who is waiting in the wings to replace him. But the bare facts are we have an underachieving team that has cost a few quid to put together.


If Cortese has someone lined up who is up to speed on the squad and its requirements then the sensible thing all round would be for Pardew to go now. If not, then Cortese should back Pardew 100%.


High risk strategy for Cortese to sack Pardew now if his replacement is no better. Wouldn't do much for his own position.


the proof would be in the pudding.......no matter who it is

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Unfortunately Duncan, I think you're right. I'm not sure if I agree with this course of action, it depends on who is waiting in the wings to replace him. But the bare facts are we have an underachieving team that has cost a few quid to put together.


If Cortese has someone lined up who is up to speed on the squad and its requirements then the sensible thing all round would be for Pardew to go now. If not, then Cortese should back Pardew 100%.


High risk strategy for Cortese to sack Pardew now if his replacement is no better. Wouldn't do much for his own position.


With the squad we have and the pish in league 1 even I could get this Saints side promoted....the fact that we have started so poorly is almost criminal. NC said that if we dont win the next few games he will phone the police.....


Billy Davies will walk from Forest soon? Martin O'Neil? Poyet? Martinez cant have long left at Wigan?

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If you bothered to listen to what he said he said he DID have a plan B but actually felt it would be better to stick with plan A. So he DID have a plan B and he SAID he had a plan B. Just listen.


How bizarre is that comment ?


He thought his Plan A (not working) was better than his Plan B.


Then his Plan B is sh*te. He needs another. End of.

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How bizarre is that comment ?


He thought his Plan A (not working) was better than his Plan B.


Then his Plan B is sh*te. He needs another. End of.


So you admit you WERE wrong, he did have a plan B. What you are saying is you know better than AP. Fair enough, just come out and say it, but don't wrongly accuse him.

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What seems to have been missed in this discussion was AP's final comment in the interview I heard on Solent. When asked about transfer activity he categorically stated that he "could not comment on that". This is in direct contradiction of almost every other interview I have heard when he has said things like "talking to one or two players" for example. I may well be wrong but this seems to translate as "that's it, no one else will be coming in".

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What seems to have been missed in this discussion was AP's final comment in the interview I heard on Solent. When asked about transfer activity he categorically stated that he "could not comment on that". This is in direct contradiction of almost every other interview I have heard when he has said things like "talking to one or two players" for example. I may well be wrong but this seems to translate as "that's it' date=' no one else will be coming in".[/quote']


Nope, it doesn't mean that at all.


Since pre-season when he mentioned ''having 1 or 2 in'' he's kept his cards close to his chest.


His pre-match interview on saints player the other day confirms that we are on the ball with 2 or 3 players, but waiting for the right moment to pounce.

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Nope, it doesn't mean that at all.


Since pre-season when he mentioned ''having 1 or 2 in'' he's kept his cards close to his chest.


His pre-match interview on saints player the other day confirms that we are on the ball with 2 or 3 players, but waiting for the right moment to pounce.


I hope you are right and that I am wrong. I'm just giving my take on the interview which I found unusually downbeat at the end.

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Three games. One victory, one draw, one defeat. Out come the drama queens. Pardew said judge him after 10 games. Not unreasonable.


Pity you dont apply the same tolerance and understanding to NC, isnt it ?


Nevermind, everyoner knows you want your dream team of Lowe and Burley back really...

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All managers are only as good as the last match and all managers are always one match away from being sacked. There is no job security but they do get handsomely rewarded for failure.


What I find sad is this that for many on here the answer after a defeat (and even a draw) is sack the manager.


A succesful club is one that pulls togther from top to bottom. It is not just down to the manager. The CEO, the players, the training staff, the physios - everyone has responsibility.


There is an assumption by some that Pardew has deliberately stalled on buying players (this despite knowing that he tried to buy a striker). These people have no idea what is going on behind the scenes. It may well be down to Cortese, but hey, as he is currently fireproof lets take a pop at the manager.


Pardew is no mug and showed last season that he has what it takes to get us promoted - with support.


If the sacking brigade get their way and he goes, what on earth will you do if his predessesor fares no better?

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Pity you dont apply the same tolerance and understanding to NC, isnt it ?


Nevermind, everyoner knows you want your dream team of Lowe and Burley back really...


You really do have some serious issues going on Alpine. How do you know that the lack of transfer activity is not down to the CEO? If that was the case would you show "tolerance and understanding"?

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What seems to have been missed in this discussion was AP's final comment in the interview I heard on Solent. When asked about transfer activity he categorically stated that he "could not comment on that". This is in direct contradiction of almost every other interview I have heard when he has said things like "talking to one or two players" for example. I may well be wrong but this seems to translate as "that's it' date=' no one else will be coming in".[/quote']


Cortese has firmly NOT commented on any form of gossip or speculation.

He has passed his instructions down the line.

AP simply said "Sorry, I cant comment on that".



Why do people have to make a negative out of everything.

Cant you see now, why the club have a no communication policy, beacuse anything they say, someone will read a negative in it, and publish it on the web!



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