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£150 Million


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100% Saints discussion. Please keep it on-topic and civil. Abusive behaviour is not welcomed.


I'm sure I mentioned this before? lol


Anyway, I'm not really sure who I'd choose tbh, haven't really kept up to date with League 1.


Though with that money, someone should try and relegate Pompey to non-league obscurity. Though they're already doing that lool

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i take it this is yet another tedius thread designed to promote your view that anyone could have led saints to where they are today and that NC was judt lucky to have been the one to get the chance.


isnt this when you cut and paste your monopoly analogy for the tenth time?

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100% Saints discussion. Please keep it on-topic and civil. Abusive behaviour is not welcomed.


I'm sure I mentioned this before? lol


Anyway, I'm not really sure who I'd choose tbh, haven't really kept up to date with League 1.


Though with that money, someone should try and relegate Pompey to non-league obscurity. Though they're already doing that lool


Its Saints related as thats what its cost us! Just wandering if Nicola did such a miraculous job as some think.


How difficult would it be if you had the money? Take Wolves for example.... They have some decent players already (like we did)


Norwich btw finished 11th last season. Transfer net spend of £40 million and wage bill alot less than ours. Norwich started in same position as us!!

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i take it this is yet another tedius thread designed to promote your view that anyone could have led saints to where they are today and that NC was judt lucky to have been the one to get the chance.


isnt this when you cut and paste your monopoly analogy for the tenth time?


We have 100 hysterical nicola support "we are doomed" threads. This one looks at it a different way. Did Nicola create miracles or could anyone/ any club do it with significant financial backing?


Play the post, not the poster

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We have 100 hysterical nicola support "we are doomed" threads. This one looks at it a different way. Did Nicola create miracles or could anyone/ any club do it with significant financial backing?


Play the post, not the poster


The inference of your question, and clearly supported by the countless other posts you've made on the subject, is that the answers are 'no' and 'yes', respectively.


In light of this, and the fact that you think it's apparently child's play to be the Ceo or chairman of a multi million pound business, it's surprising that you seem to spend so much of your time posting inane drivel on an inconsequential Internet message board. I would have thought your time could be better used running a FTSE100 company? Or are you just waiting for the call?

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Wolves, Sheffield United would be the obvious two. Decent grounds, decent fan bases, with a bit of money could easily be premier league clubs and have been. Maybe Coventry too although not sure of their ground situation.


I think it's important to have a club with a premier league standard ground which is also big enough. That way you don't need to spend money on it, much the same way with us. Also I think training facilites and youth set up play a big part as well...

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The inference of your question, and clearly supported by the countless other posts you've made on the subject, is that the answers are 'no' and 'yes', respectively.



Norwich went from bottom of league 1 to the prem in succesive seasons (sound familiar?) there 2nd season as we are now, they finished 11th. The parallels are frightening.... One difference, Norwich did it by spending alot less than us


With the number of hysterical posts/ threads about us being "doomed" its fair to highlight the "miracle" is not quite so Disney


P.s Norwich didnt have the youth setup or star quality like Adam, Morgan, Kelvin etc already at the club

Edited by Glasgow_Saint
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To enter into the silliness of the thread.



I was going to say that I would go a Division lower and buy Bury (partly because my cousins have been long suffering lifelong fans) but to take a little team from the darkest part of the shadow cast by Man U and City and the depths of League 2 to Premier League. Might need a year longer but get a decent manager sign some better players than the division become invincible unload players that won't make the next step as their stock will be high having played for such a great emerging team and bring in the next batch for the job, bin the manager as soon as he is reaching the limit of his abilities with the squad for a better model, till finally making it to the promised land and smashing the local big boys home and away to ensure a place in the CL and winning it at the first time of asking: Bury Football Club champions of Europe what a giggle that would be.



Otherwise Leyton Orient and getting them to a position where Brisbane Road is far too small for them due to the stunning Football they have been playing and forcing the Mayor of London to evict West Ham from the Olympic stadium because they can't fill it or pay the miserly rent, in a stunning ground swap and within 2 years of moving in put in a planning application to take the capacity from 54,000 to 120,000 due to the length of the season ticket waiting list, when it happens Arsenal and Spurs both have to close large swathes of their ground as Leyton Orient become the big dog of London Football teams.



Just as an aside, I was sat in a meeting yesterday when my mobile rang twice then cut off, strange +41 at the beginning?! Not China, India, Spain or Portugal those are easy.......... Googled it: Switzerland!!! Who do I know in Switzerland?? So I guess you guys had better watch this space.........;):D:smug:

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Guess ive touched a nerve. £150m and any league 1 side could do what weve done. With Cortese or not


don't hate the player hate the game


You cannot argue that Cortese did a fantastic job but I think Martin Samuel was spot on in saying we were mismanaged and Leibherr's money just restored natural order.


Looking at the squad we had in League 1, my Nan could have got us promoted in 2 seasons. Going straight through the Championship was a great achievement though and the two seasons in the Prem have been well managed.


Delia Smith has done the same without a billionaires backing though so to say Cortese is not replaceable in complete nonsense.

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Here is a question for you.


You want to make an investment. Your financial advisor/banker, that you have worked with for many many years (and that you trust your family funds with) points at company XYZ and advise you to invest in that company because it has a good foundation even though it has struggled the last 3-4 yrs and are close to going down completeley.

You take that advise and let him work with that company while you dont really have to do very much but enjoying the ride cause the company works in a fun type of business.


He works hard with it and increases the value of your investment by at least 300% (might be more cause I dont know the exact figure of investments made).


Are you disappointed?

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Here is a question for you.


You want to make an investment. Your financial advisor/banker, that you have worked with for many many years (and that you trust your family funds with) points at company XYZ and advise you to invest in that company because it has a good foundation even though it has struggled the last 3-4 yrs and are close to going down completeley.

You take that advise and let him work with that company while you dont really have to do very much but enjoying the ride cause the company works in a fun type of business.


He works hard with it and increases the value of your investment by at least 300% (might be more cause I dont know the exact figure of investments made).


Are you disappointed?


300%? If you buy a house for £10k and sell it for £100k thats great. but if you spend £120k doing up the house before the sale.....

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300%? If you buy a house for £10k and sell it for £100k thats great. but if you spend £120k doing up the house before the sale.....


Figures that has been mentioned is that Liebherr´s invested about £50m so far in total.

I would say that the clubs value would be at least £150m. (does not mean that a presumable buyer would meet that value but that´s another story)


It´s not that hard. You might wanna work on your math if you want to keep up your story about working at a bank....

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I would pick wolves mainly because of the great fan base. Once we move up through the divisions we could easily tap into the fan base of Coventry therefore easily increasing our support by 30k or so. The other Midlands team are on a downward trend therefore the likes of villa, wba and Brum city fans will also jump ship to the mighty wolves. We should be able to tap into the catchment area anyone north of Oxford who want to see premierleague football thus increasing the ground to around 80k.I would then erect a statue of myself outside the ground with a smaller statue of Steve Bull. I would also spunk the away end fund and split this between the most 200 loyal fans who have attended all away games in the dark league 1 days or alternatively give them free vouchers so they can spend in a local strip joint.

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Here is a question for you.


You want to make an investment. Your financial advisor/banker, that you have worked with for many many years (and that you trust your family funds with) points at company XYZ and advise you to invest in that company because it has a good foundation even though it has struggled the last 3-4 yrs and are close to going down completeley.

You take that advise and let him work with that company while you dont really have to do very much but enjoying the ride cause the company works in a fun type of business.


He works hard with it and increases the value of your investment by at least 300% (might be more cause I dont know the exact figure of investments made).


Are you disappointed?

yes, but which team would you pick?

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I'll put you down for Crawley.


I knew what you meant but the question of the OP is completely wrong since you dont get that money he´s talking about upfront.

First you have to do it with a lot less money and you also have to be very successful with that money before you get anywhere near the amounts mentioned....


(and I haven´t followed league one for 3 yrs now so not really up to date on it, but I would probably choose Preston or Bradford since it´s too obvious to say Wolves imo)

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To answer the OP's question, I think the answer would be "no".


Isn't the broad estimate that being promoted from the Championship to the Premier League is worth about £100m+, even if you go straight back down?


At a wild guess, it's worth maybe £10m to be in the Championship rather than League 1.


So, it would be a fairly rational, sane business plan for a L1 club to spend £100m or more if they were confident this would catapult them to the top flight. If you had a sane manager and a fairly good infrastructure (and could access the cash), splashing £100m in this way would be a good move.


Given the vast majority (all?) of posters on this forum have absolutely zero experience of running or managing a remotely credible football club, I doubt giving any of us an extra £50m to play with would be sufficient to execute such a plan.

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Bristol City have potential. They average over 10K and considering the garbage they have been watching and the state of their ground that is not bad.


Invest in the ground and get some decent footie played there and it could take off.


Got to be either Bristol City or Sheffield United. Both are cities easily big enough to support a PL team if you could get the momentum going - and £150m would give enough momentum, even for Cortese....

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  • 1 month later...

Was playing in a golf tournament today and got chatting with a Carlisle ST holder. Asked him his thoughts on Saints and he said.... We give him hope that one day carlisle will to be in the prem.


Said they just need a billionaire with 150m to spend. Says hes convinced any league 1 side would get to the prem if given the same financial backing we have had.

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Was playing in a golf tournament today and got chatting with a Carlisle ST holder. Asked him his thoughts on Saints and he said.... We give him hope that one day carlisle will to be in the prem.


Said they just need a billionaire with 150m to spend. Says hes convinced any league 1 side would get to the prem if given the same financial backing we have had.


Did you tell him that they´re not gonna have 150m from the start and that to spend that sum they need to be very successful from the off cause otherwise that money wont be available unless they get a big tv deal down in L1 or CC??

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Did you tell him that they´re not gonna have 150m from the start and that to spend that sum they need to be very successful from the off cause otherwise that money wont be available unless they get a big tv deal down in L1 or CC??


Yes i dont think he was planning on spending the £150m in a oner. The best league 1 side ever :)


He made a good point though. . . The teams leaving league 1 (norwich, leeds, brighton, saints, sheff weds, afcb) over the last few years have all spent big (comparatively) and much like the prem, L1 is very much who spends the most rather than who has the best boss or best chairman.


I think he was right... With £150m you could get any l1 side into the prem

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Yes i dont think he was planning on spending the £150m in a oner. The best league 1 side ever :)


He made a good point though. . . The teams leaving league 1 (norwich, leeds, brighton, saints, sheff weds, afcb) over the last few years have all spent big (comparatively) and much like the prem, L1 is very much who spends the most rather than who has the best boss or best chairman.


I think he was right... With £150m you could get any l1 side into the prem


And still only two of them reached PL and one of them is looking dangerously close to being relegated.....surely it´s as easy to stay in PL as reaching it then...

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And still only two of them reached PL and one of them is looking dangerously close to being relegated.....surely it´s as easy to stay in PL as reaching it then...


Thats a very different debate.


If we stay on topic for now. . . If you had £150m and your pick of league 1 sides who would you choose?

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Thats a very different debate.


If we stay on topic for now. . . If you had £150m and your pick of league 1 sides who would you choose?


Dont know, those leagues doesn´t interest me.


Btw, who is the owner that has spent £150m on a team going from L1 to PL??

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If anyone can do it if they have financial backing, how come Notts County aren't midtable in the Prem? How come Leicester are only just challenging for promotion after spending tons a couple of seasons ago?


While notts county had the money they rose very quickly. As soon as the money stopped they dropped like a stone. The perfect example of money = success, strange that you would use them as an example of the opposite?


You realise leicester are top of the championship, 17 points of 3rd? Another good example of money = success/simples

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Enough money would get most clubs there eventually. Doing it quickly, at the first time of asking and sustaining it is more difficult.


Leicester spent bucketloads and got nothing from it for years - they didn't spend much at all this summer and here they are. Money really doesn't guarantee you anything in any given season, but it certainly helps and anyone who keeps having money poured into them will get there eventually. What's happened at Southampton is pretty remarkable just for the speed of it.


Why are we going for £150m, by the way? Is that how much the Liebherrs have put in? We really have no idea how much money they have or how much they've put in.

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While notts county had the money they rose very quickly. As soon as the money stopped they dropped like a stone. The perfect example of money = success, strange that you would use them as an example of the opposite?


You realise leicester are top of the championship, 17 points of 3rd? Another good example of money = success/simples


Erm Notts County went nowhere. In fact it was shortly AFTER the money men sold up that they got promoted.

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