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Saints 4 points above relegation. Portsmouth 5

Ken Tone

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CNN just announced that the latest Madoff financing fraud will leave at least 32 English football clubs penniless. With Pompey already penniless prior to this latest scam where does that leave us? Aren't Saints finances tied up in the Manchester Group Banks and Barcleys? Very grim days ahead.


Any ideas on what Lowe can expect to raise by transfers and sales on lunatic fringe supporters? I'm sure the Somalian pirates would glady pressgang them for a quid (or euro) or two.

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we are 4th from bottom and you would burn anyone who thinks we are going down..


pompey are what..?...8th in the prem..have 4 england internationals in their team and you state "they are going down"...





I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking we will go down, we are far from safe. Think it is wrong to say we are down, or will be down by Christmas as we had few weeks ago. My guess is we will be safe with a few games left.


Portsmouth -think they may well have dramatic slide and finish in bottom 1/4 but never looking like getting into relegation battle.


Sorry if didn't take thread seriously enough!;)

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Looking on the positives, even if we lose on Saturday, we can not go down into the drop zone.


Hello by the way, I would have done this in a new members bit, but there does not seem to be one.


Maybe it would be a good place, so folks can introduce themselves.


I am Northern Saints, from the days of Keegan and Shilton and then Le God, never been a glory hunter, but have always followed the saints, followed by second passion of betting.


Been a very good season, with the win at Reading at 17/2 being a great day.


If you want to view more about me, come to http://saintsnodisbelieving.blogspot.com/


I will readily admit, that I don't have anything which you couldn't find anywhere else on the net, but it is always to spread the word of the Saints, and to never stop believing that one day we will be back in the big time.

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CNN just announced that the latest Madoff financing fraud will leave at least 32 English football clubs penniless. With Pompey already penniless prior to this latest scam where does that leave us? Aren't Saints finances tied up in the Manchester Group Banks and Barcleys? Very grim days ahead.


Any ideas on what Lowe can expect to raise by transfers and sales on lunatic fringe supporters? I'm sure the Somalian pirates would glady pressgang them for a quid (or euro) or two.



We owe Barclays money, luckily as we have no money we are unlikely to have lost any in a fraud.

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we are 4th from bottom and you would burn anyone who thinks we are going down..


pompey are what..?...8th in the prem..have 4 england internationals in their team and you state "they are going down"...




Seem to recall we were 8th in 1973 about this time (out of 22) and we went down :( Bloody changes to 3up 3down.

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BBC 6 o'clock news has just announced that Hampshire County Council joins the 32 Football clubs and been caught up in the Madoff scam and likely to be penniless. This is serious business and one wonders where past Saints directors who intended investing are left. Who finances the County Cricket?

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BBC 6 o'clock news has just announced that Hampshire County Council joins the 32 Football clubs and been caught up in the Madoff scam and likely to be penniless. This is serious business and one wonders where past Saints directors who intended investing are left. Who finances the County Cricket?


Has anyone seen a list of the 32 clubs caught up in this? Couldn't see anything on the BBC site.

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Just thought this was worth drawing attention to. If we're in relegation trouble, so are they.


Every cloud has a silver lining.




Hmm, I saw that myself the other day. The thought struck me that if you were to take away the top four teams, the Premiership would be just as competitive in its own way as the Championship.


I think there's a moral there somewhere. Can't find it though. It had something to do with money, or the lack of it.

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What price can you get on both clubs being relegated this season?


In answer to your question, the best prices you will find at the moment is 12/1 for Portsmouth to go down and Saints are 11/8


Or if you were really brave or naive, you decide you could have Saints to be promoted, and the best price for that is 150/1


Using the free calculator the first bet of both teams going down is roughly 30/1 and for saints to be promoted and pompey to go down is 2000/1


These are the sorts of bets I like to have a look at and comment about on my blog, and thank you to the folks of Saintsweb for giving me my busiest day yet yesterday



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reckon they are more likely to lose more significant players than us -and they have Adams for manager!


At least the derby will make us both money next year!


I agree and add to that the fact that gaydarmac has put the club up for sale I reckon they are going to really struggle. The appointment of Adams was very silly, a poor cheap option that will hopefully backfire. Reminds me so much of when we promoted Wigley from within. Adams is a good coach, nothing more.

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I think they are in real trouble - manager a bit green, player wage bill 80% of turnover, crap ground and little chance of planning on a new one, and club for sale. That equals a drop down to scary positions in my book. might put some money on...

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we are 4th from bottom and you would burn anyone who thinks we are going down..


pompey are what..?...8th in the prem..have 4 england internationals in their team and you state "they are going down"...





Seem to recall we were 8th in 1973 about this time (out of 22) and we went down :( Bloody changes to 3up 3down.


We also had a change of manager, can history be repeated with pompey?

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With my finger poised over the mute button at all times I watched the Fish/Geordies game and very satisfying it was to. Whilst in "laughing at Pxmpey andiognoring our own shxt" mood I decided to have a flick through some of their fans forums to see their reaction.


Well we may consider ourselves a miserable bunch of moaners but I couldn't believe THEM. The FA Cup holders, 8th in the Prem and having played in Europe this season for the first time ever you would think they'd be ecstatic but the main gist of most their posts were:


a) Adams is out of his depth and must go. He is clueless tactically etc etc.


b) Their main aim for this season must be survival.


c) Their support ain't what it used to be.


All familiar themes to us but not when we were 8h in the Premiership! See, we aren't as fickle as some would make us out to be! Not compared to THEM anyway :-)


Ps David James is rapidly becoming my choice for Prem player of the season.

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reckon they are more likely to lose more significant players than us -and they have Adams for manager!


At least the derby will make us both money next year!


just been reading some old reports of skates over last 12 months -large amount of reports saying Diarra best player on pitch and carrying the side!

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Just thought this was worth drawing attention to. If we're in relegation trouble, so are they.


Every cloud has a silver lining.




why the hell does pompey have to constantly get brought up? the tables have turnt and they are currently way better than us of that there can be no argument, get over it. Its more than clutching at straws to suggest they are in a similar position :rolleyes:

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why the hell does pompey have to constantly get brought up? the tables have turnt and they are currently way better than us of that there can be no argument, get over it. Its more than clutching at straws to suggest they are in a similar position :rolleyes:


Because some of us dislike them intensely and get tremendous pleasure from their misfortunes. Get over it.

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think concentrating on our own survival battle is more important though imo


I think most people can manage to "concentrate" on our survival battle and also have a little :lol: at Pompey at the same time.


Blimey, the other day I managed to blow my nose whilst boiling the kettle.:supz:

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