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Sherwood Leaving Spurs


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It's already Van Gaal's job. Has been for months.


Think Sherwood has probably known that for a while too given his body language etc recently.


Still let the drama queens take about 10 pages to talk about Mo Po going to Spurs etc and us having this meltdown that should have begun when Cortese left !

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I too think it'll be mopo, not van gaal. Levy loves nicking people from us



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If that happens then Spuds become my number 1 hated club above Wham. I wish we could turn the tables on them. Why Twaddle saw them as his spiritual home belies belief !

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Spurs are the club I detest more than any other. .



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Ditto.... (apart from the skates perhaps).


Hatred of them is nothing new however, reading one of the books re Saints early history, and Saints had a dislike for them in the early southern league days).

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I have read in the telegraph that Belfast Giants want Ralph kreugar as their director of Ice hockey

according to the Owners Oddessey limited who said it would be a major coup if we can get him to join us


According to one Southampton FC official, The Giants were told to Puck off

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word. I actually reckon that if ponch was to ask them, they'd all give him another year. Even L.Shaw.



No they won't. Their career paths will dictate their desire to move on or not. Not worried about Shaw leaving myself, he's a bright prospect but defensively he is raw.

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No they won't. Their career paths will dictate their desire to move on or not. Not worried about Shaw leaving myself, he's a bright prospect but defensively he is raw.


balls, not our lads bro, our lads is sound! Our lads will give us another year if we ask them to! There will be no talk of strike from our lads. They're well raw.

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I'll be very surprised if Mo Po is still our manager next season.


I'm kind of 50/50 i spose, but only cos the club seems a bit heel-draggy about it. I dunno what's the problem! Dbl his money. Keep doubling it! I'm quite fond of ponch.

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Mopo isn't going to spurs.... No chance. Sherwood is not good enough for spurs and he's outdone mopo tactically twice in the last few months.


Spurs will go for a big name with a proven managerial record


Agree 100%.

Pochettino isn't YET big enough for Spurs who still think they are a "big 4 club". Given a couple more seasons at Saints, trophy win and maybe getting into Europe then he'd possibly be sought after by them and others, but currently I just can't see them going for anyone other than the big name to match their big ambitions.


Although saying that, with 0 trophy wins, I still don't understand Man U going for Moyes, so you never know.

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Mopo isn't going to spurs.... No chance. Sherwood is not good enough for spurs and he's outdone mopo tactically twice in the last few months.


Spurs will go for a big name with a proven managerial record


He didn't outdo MP you moron unless you're talking about injuries.


Agree Spurs will go 'flash' - they'll feel they've been burned by going 'young and progressive' as with AVB.

Edited by shurlock
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Agree 100%.

Pochettino isn't YET big enough for Spurs who still think they are a "big 4 club". Given a couple more seasons at Saints, trophy win and maybe getting into Europe then he'd possibly be sought after by them and others, but currently I just can't see them going for anyone other than the big name to match their big ambitions.


Although saying that, with 0 trophy wins, I still don't understand Man U going for Moyes, so you never know.


Moyes was a gamble, one that so far hasnt worked. Moyes' failings will probably make it harder for managers with potential (like mopo) to get a shot at a big club.


Mopo needs to win something here (or finish top 6 a few times) before the big clubs seriously come knocking.


Michael Laudrup is a mopo type/style manager, hes actually won something as a manager but still struggling to get top clubs to take a gamble.


A european club in portugal or a mid table spanish side might take a punt on mopo right now, but a top 6 side in one of the top leagues - NO CHANCE (atm)

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