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Who do you want as manager?  

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  1. 1. Who do you want as manager?

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Don't think moyes should be on the short list. We shouldn't be throwing the style of football we've adopted out the window to accommodate a manager. We should be looking to short list managers who fit that approach. Don't think he's a good fit with our approach of giving academy players opportunities either.


Moyes would be bad enough + Fellaini would be the ultimate nightmare..

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Ever said anything you didn't quite mean? Got a word wrong/didn't quite come out as intended? I know I have.


Obviously but not on something as basic as actually making a shortlist of managerial candidates public. Perhaps his grasp of English isn't all that great, who knows. perhaps he's reading from a google translation of a piece that Katarina wrote in German for him but the change from the implied plural to the singular just isn't right.

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Obviously but not on something as basic as actually making a shortlist of managerial candidates public. Perhaps his grasp of English isn't all that great, who knows. perhaps he's reading from a google translation of a piece that Katarina wrote in German for him but the change from the implied plural to the singular just isn't right.


Fair enough I can't argue the point tbh - and can't be arsed either. I feel it was more of a stumble over the words than actually planned. Still you have your opinion and I have mine.

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Obviously but not on something as basic as actually making a shortlist of managerial candidates public. Perhaps his grasp of English isn't all that great, who knows. perhaps he's reading from a google translation of a piece that Katarina wrote in German for him but the change from the implied plural to the singular just isn't right.


Jesus Christ.


I would suggest that what he was trying to say was that the club might make the fact they have a shortlist public, just to indicate that they are close to an appointment. Obviously they aren't going to make the list public like in the old days when fans voted on kit design.


Personally I don't really care about a shortlist, as long as we get someone of decent standing in by this time next week, if not earlier. And I think we will.

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Would be happy with Moyes, this time 1 year ago he was the future of British football management. A couple of bad months does not make him a bad manager.


Where on earth did you get that idea... he's not a bad manager, but his methods of winning football matches does not fit our philosophy. We are now used to seeing a fluent pass and move style; similar to what Martinez has introduced at Everton.

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Depends whether you go to watch attractive football or are only interested in the results... MP's football style needs to be maintained and it won't be under Moyes.


I hope we're not turning into west ham or spurs fans , always banging on about "the Southampton way".


I was quite happy the way Nigel wanted to play the game, wouldn't be that bothered if we gave up the high press. Bit more width further up the pitch and maybe Rickie may get a new lease of life. Provided its not route one, there's different ways to play attacking football that is pleasing on the eye.

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I hope we're not turning into west ham or spurs fans , always banging on about "the Southampton way".


I was quite happy the way Nigel wanted to play the game, wouldn't be that bothered if we gave up the high press. Bit more width further up the pitch and maybe Rickie may get a new lease of life. Provided its not route one, there's different ways to play attacking football that is pleasing on the eye.


There was stuff about "the southampton way" back during the Branfoot era (as in "this is not..." ) so it's not a new thing, despite Delldays pretending Nicola Cortese ìnvented it earlier today.

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I agree, just look how awful they both did at Everton......


Really? MP's first game at home, I thought Fellaini was the best player on the pitch. He's a good player.


Think his tongue could be firmly in his cheek?

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I hope we're not turning into west ham or spurs fans , always banging on about "the Southampton way".


I was quite happy the way Nigel wanted to play the game, wouldn't be that bothered if we gave up the high press. Bit more width further up the pitch and maybe Rickie may get a new lease of life. Provided its not route one, there's different ways to play attacking football that is pleasing on the eye.


One of the things I would criticise MP for was our failure to get in behind defences, and a lack of pace out wide. Against Swansea, Clyne was continually cutting inside, when he clearly has the pace to take defenders on. The one time in the match he did it, it created a fantastic chance that Sam just put over the bar.


Against Cardiff, the Southampton Way came up very short as we looked clueless and toothless about how to break them down.


Maybe a word that doesn't necessarily go hand in hand with Moyes is 'flair', but I can't see it being him tbh. I think he might be looking for a bigger club than us.

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Just a small thought, perhaps 'a short-list made public' [paraphrase] will actually mean the following.


'We would like to announce we have now completed our short-listed candidates and will be selecting our new manager after the interviewing process'.


This makes the 'short-list' public but does not tell who is on it, but hey why not just work yourselves into a flap and get a real 'hate' on for a bloke because he is Canadian and hasn't been a football club CEO before. Go on...hate him...

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Depends whether you go to watch attractive football or are only interested in the results... MP's football style needs to be maintained and it won't be under Moyes.


Under Adkins we tried to pass the ball. It evolved to a new level under potchettino. Think we should get someone with the same or reasonably similar ethos and preferred set up. really don't think we should be trying to switch to direct ball merchants.

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Just a small thought, perhaps 'a short-list made public' [paraphrase] will actually mean the following.


'We would like to announce we have now completed our short-listed candidates and will be selecting our new manager after the interviewing process'.


This makes the 'short-list' public but does not tell who is on it, but hey why not just work yourselves into a flap and get a real 'hate' on for a bloke because he is Canadian and hasn't been a football club CEO before. Go on...hate him...


They are RIGHT to hate. After all, our previous Chairman had a stunning track record in Football Leadership, not to mention a flawless CV in understanding Elite Sport.


RK can NEVER meet up to those astonishingly high standards.

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You can get as angry as you like about KL's plans for the future but she owns the club lock stock and barrel and can do exactly what she likes. One of the drawbacks of being privately owned is we lose the right of protest when things don't go the way we want. Under Lowe he was at least answerable to shareholders, but technically speaking SFC is no longer our club.


Do you think it makes any difference? The shareholders would have been a few institutional investors who didnt care about the fans opinion. It isnt as if the share price would fluctuate as a result of dissent. They are in for the exit determined by the delivery of the "business plan". Same as KL but it is her business plan and her money. If it goes wrong then it is her money at risk.The benefit we have in this case is that she is a named and known investor and as such it is hard to be as thick skinned as a few faceless money men - although some do manage it. IMO I dont think that is her way.


We still have the right to protest and ait is her money at risk you could argue that she would be more sensitive to customer protest and opinion.

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Jesus Christ.


I would suggest that what he was trying to say was that the club might make the fact they have a shortlist public, just to indicate that they are close to an appointment. Obviously they aren't going to make the list public like in the old days when fans voted on kit design.


Personally I don't really care about a shortlist, as long as we get someone of decent standing in by this time next week, if not earlier. And I think we will.

I think this is absolutely right. Can you imagine the failed candidates on the shortlist willing to have their names known so that the press can say that so and so wasn't good enough for Soouthampton?

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Could someone who is bored or got nothing better to do please post the current top 10/20/xx contenders in the managers race, preferably in order of excitement.


I've got a bit behind on this thread and need a quick catch up




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Well, we do need a big name incoming to deflect from the big-name outgoings....


but I can't see us signing a manger who is currently at a club, reckon it will be an unattached foreign manager myself.


Agree, doubt we have to balls to try and take someone else's Gaffer.

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Ronald Koeman seems to be the fancied one....being backed very heavily.


What's everyone's thoughts on him?


If he's appointed he will join with the strongest CV of any Southampton manager I can think of. He has managed some truly great clubs and he has won trophies with them. I don't know the first thing about his style of football but on prestige it would be a remarkable appointment.

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If he's appointed he will join with the strongest CV of any Southampton manager I can think of. He has managed some truly great clubs.


And played for them too!


Managed Ajax, Benfica, PSV, Valencia, AZ, Feyenord - not bad. By all accounts though, his time at Valencia and AZ was awful - sacked from both clubs. Feyenord picked him up when his stock was at his lowest, although he's done a lot to redeem himself there.


Good enough name and would have plenty of contacts. So we'll have to see. Not sure I'd be able to go back to hearing someone with a Dutch accent talking about the 'young boyesh'' again though. Flash backs.

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Don't get why koeman's such short odds personally. I don't particularly like the fact he's bounced around constantly.

Still would much prefer yakin.


Yakin has joined CSKA (apparently, will be announced tomorrow)

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