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Will Koeman Give Osvaldo Another Chance?

Pastor Patrón

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Koeman might, club won't, he's gone, get over it. Other than that I really doubt that he'd be interested, did everything he could to get out of here last season, won't want to come back. Loan deal with Inter in the pipe-line.


Didn't the club say Koeman will get final say on all transfers?

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Didn't the club say Koeman will get final say on all transfers?


........ I really doubt that he'd be interested, did everything he could to get out of here last season, won't want to come back. Loan deal with Inter in the pipe-line.


Think Osvaldo comes into the "player wants away" group and RK is described as a Manager who doesn't want those that don't want to stay.

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How long does he have remaining on his contract. We should sell if we can - his value will reduce as his contract runs down, and loaning just sees his value decline. Sell now for £6m+ and everyone will be happy. Loans should only be considered with a very large loan fee.

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He's simply not good enough..and does not suit the Premier League



The 2 aren't necessarily one and the same thing. The PL requires certain qualities in a player but you can be good in other leagues without them. The main reason is that there are no easy games in the PL, whereas in Italy,Germany and Spain there are sides who just aren't up to scratch and playing against them is just like a week's break in the Bahamas. I presume it's something to do with the distribution of TV revenues, big fish get ten times as much as little fish i expect.

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Would be amazed if he gets another chance. The players can't stand him and his attitude has always suggested he thinks he can do better than us. Seems like quite a cosmopolitan person with interests outside football, and can't imagine Southampton ever did much for him on that front.


I'd rather a slightly lesser player with the right attitude, commitment, and desire to do well for us. The absence of all those qualities no doubt contributed to his form with us, and he seemed more interested in fixing his hair in place than doing what he was paid to do. A shame and a bit frustrating that Poch has f*cked off and left us with this little hand-grenade to get rid of, but better to do that than indulge him and allow him to spark off again. He's a complete liability.

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I know the players might not be keen on him but there's no reason why he shouldn't wipe the slate clean since it happened up MP's watch. I'd definitely be happy to have him back, he's miles better then anyone we're being linked with.


Really? based on what? he had plenty of chances to show us his ability before he slapped Fonte and failed one good goal against Man city and that was it. I think he scored as many goals as Gallagher over the season.

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I actually think there is a reasonable chance he might come back.


The change in management might help the situation.


Looking at our striking options I would have in back in a heartbeat..... Nutter or not


Les Reed is still there right...only thing that makes any difference. Reed sent him away, he'll not take him back.

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Really? based on what? he had plenty of chances to show us his ability before he slapped Fonte and failed one good goal against Man city and that was it. I think he scored as many goals as Gallagher over the season.


Based on being a top scorer in La Liga and Seria A. He played 13 games for us which is nothing and had the same goalscoring record as Rodriguez in his first season here.

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As long as a club of Inter Milans calibre or the likes are interested I dont think he want to come back.

If the options run out he might.


I think he got his head turned when Juventus were interested in him and thought going back to Italy would give him a bigger chance to reach the WC squad than staying here. (obviously didn´t work out that way).

I wouldn´t be surprised to hear that he might have asked Cortese/Pochettino for a move in the beginning of january but that they turned it down before he decided to take the matter in his own hands (head)....

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Why should this particular leopard change his spots just because we have a new manager ? Osvaldo has got into trouble wherever he goes.


I guess Koeman will speak to him, but I doubt he will figure in the clubs plans next season.


Yep and more fool Poch for thinking he could tame him. I do wonder why Cortese was always so averse to taking players on loan. With such a high-risk transfer that surely would have been the better option, and we wouldn't be left saddled with a want-away player that no other club seems to want to cough up a transfer fee for.


I'm still expecting him to go and with Rodriguez sidelined for a while yet, I think we definitely need 2 more strikers - or at least one proper centre-forward and a wing-forward option.

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If the squad welcomed him back then so would I. I expect Koeman would prefer the money if we can get a decent sum but either way we will be making a couple of signings up front.


I don't think we'll get any money for him at all right now, which is why we're trying to loan him to Inter for the season with an 11 million euro buy option at the end. Inter are

only warm over it though, Mazzari wants him but there are other options, if they take him it will be on their terms not ours.

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I know the players might not be keen on him but there's no reason why he shouldn't wipe the slate clean since it happened up MP's watch. I'd definitely be happy to have him back, he's miles better then anyone we're being linked with.



Funnily enough I had a dream last night the Osvaldo was back in with the Saints squad, and in some sort of presser he vowed that “we are all here to stay, nobody is going to Manchester!”


Then I awoke in a cold, deluded sweat.

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i think he was v.unlucky to get drummed out for such a minor incident. No other club would get rid of star striker just for landing a simple, manly head-butt on a centre back. I hope he gets another chance!


I think Koeman will give him another chance, but this time Fonte can bring a friend...

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i think he was v.unlucky to get drummed out for such a minor incident. No other club would get rid of star striker just for landing a simple, manly head-butt on a centre back. I hope he gets another chance!



Wasn't he just, but now that it's done I feel that there's no way back for him!; should never have been sent to Juve on such watery terms anyway. We needed him, other clubs get round it, we couldn't. I really don't think it was a Mauricio decision, it came from "upstairs" as was said at the time.

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People raved about his goal against City when he left Kompany on his arse but what else did he do whilst he was here apart from slap Fonte, nothing, even that shot could have ended uo in row Z.


But it didn't?

You can say exactly that about every single great goal ever scored. Cahills last night could have ended up in row Z.

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I know the players might not be keen on him but there's no reason why he shouldn't wipe the slate clean since it happened up MP's watch. I'd definitely be happy to have him back, he's miles better then anyone we're being linked with.


You are joking, right?

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Would be amazed if he gets another chance. The players can't stand him and his attitude has always suggested he thinks he can do better than us. Seems like quite a cosmopolitan person with interests outside football, and can't imagine Southampton ever did much for him on that front.


I'd rather a slightly lesser player with the right attitude, commitment, and desire to do well for us. The absence of all those qualities no doubt contributed to his form with us, and he seemed more interested in fixing his hair in place than doing what he was paid to do. A shame and a bit frustrating that Poch has f*cked off and left us with this little hand-grenade to get rid of, but better to do that than indulge him and allow him to spark off again. He's a complete liability.


Maybe Spuds could take him off our hands as Poch seems to be the only f*cker who rates him ??

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How's he obviously unsuited to the Prem? He went back and was sh*t at Juventus too, he's just having a bad spell


This. Osvaldo is so out of form and he is letting his personal life and issues surrounding it to get in the way of his job. Sort it out and he could be great but at the moment nothings going right for him and he obviously struggles to get out of that mental cycle.

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I would suggest, though it is Koeman and the committees decision, Fonte and other squad members would have to be involved in any decision to bring him back into the fold.


Though of course this could suggest a little too much 'player power' I believe that the best barometer of whether fences can be mended is the squad itself. If Osvaldo was to make genuine apologies and got his head down it is not impossible to have him back in the squad ... and, seeing as we are not looking likely to see much of a fee for him, that may not be such a bad thing.


He is far from a bad player but getting the best out of him is a real task for Koeman - or any other manager should he leave.

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A total nutcase who has a very over-inflated idea of his own capabilities. Couldn't cut it at Saints, couldn't cut it at Juve. Has a nasty violent temper and complete disrespect for teammates and management. Let him rot in limbo.

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A total nutcase who has a very over-inflated idea of his own capabilities. Couldn't cut it at Saints, couldn't cut it at Juve. Has a nasty violent temper and complete disrespect for teammates and management. Let him rot in limbo.


I agree on the last bit, but think the rest is a little cry babyish. He was/ still is a good player in there somewhere. But I hope he ****s off nevertheless.

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i think he was v.unlucky to get drummed out for such a minor incident. No other club would get rid of star striker just for landing a simple, manly head-butt on a centre back. I hope he gets another chance!


This, there are bust ups all the time up and down the country that no one ever hears about.

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So you want him back then on the strength of that one goal.


I would want him back as he clearly has some talent. was the top (or 2nd top) scorer in serie A when we signed him and an international.

there is some real talent there somewhere and we have invested heavily in him....

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I know the players might not be keen on him but there's no reason why he shouldn't wipe the slate clean since it happened up MP's watch.

I'd definitely be happy to have him back, he's miles better then anyone we're being linked with.


Osvaldo AGAIN ? best not. He was Pochettino's man in the first place, (but no-one said anything for fear of upsetting Mauricio). Now he's gone, let's tell the truth and be off with Osvaldo, too.


Koeman can surely find a better replacement, and I for one still support the campaign to bring in John Guidetti.


A teenage starlet in Sweden (he's Swedish btw -despite his name) and then a sensation in Man.City's Academy before loaning out to Feyernoord where he was brilliant .......so RK knows him very well.

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