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Who would welcome Cortese back?


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I know he left (or legged it)

but we were supposed to 'get our club back' when he walked


now we know why if this is the strategy for the way forward


It shows what a brilliant job he did keeping the players not only onside (seeing as they cant wait to leave) but head the club upwards

it may have not been his money but what a fecking job he did


there is just no way, this utter shambles would be happening had he been here

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I know he left (or legged it)

but we were supposed to 'get our club back' when he walked


now we know why if this is the strategy for the way forward


It shows what a brilliant job he did keeping the players not only onside (seeing as they cant wait to leave) but head the club upwards

it may have not been his money but what a fecking job he did


Gutted when he left to be honest

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Nope. He didn't have the money or authority to promise the things he did. He needed Liebher money to do what he did. Actually think the rot started when Marcus died & he was left to do what he wanted.

That does not make me at all impressed with the current board or what is happening. I'm gutted, but don't think getting him back would change anything.

It's time for the board to step up! Don think they will though!

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Nope. He didn't have the money or authority to promise the things he did. He needed Liebher money to do what he did. Actually think the rot started when Marcus died & he was left to do what he wanted.

That does not make me at all impressed with the current board or what is happening. I'm gutted, but don't think getting him back would change anything.

It's time for the board to step up! Don think they will though!


what on earth did he promise?

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I'd welcome anyone that wasn't Les Reed, Gareth 'work experience boy' Rogers and Ralph 'Freddie's dumb brother' Kreuger. Morons all of them and couldn't run a bath. Hopefully an intimidating atmosphere at the first few home games next season might persaude them it's not wise to stick around.

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I'd welcome anyone that wasn't Les Reed, Gareth 'work experience boy' Rogers and Ralph 'Freddie's dumb brother' Kreuger. Morons all of them and couldn't run a bath. Hopefully an intimidating atmosphere at the first few home games next season might persaude them it's not wise to stick around.


Not reed or Gareth's fault it's katrina and hofsetter trust me.

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You have to wonder if big fat Kat is doing this to get back at Cortese.


They obviously had a falling out, I expect Cortese gave her the big "you can't run this club without me" so she thought, **** you, you dwarf I don't need you or your club.

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What NC instead of KL? is NC funding the club out of his own money or does he have a magic pot of gold to use. Would NC and no rich owner be a good thing?


My own feelings are if he had stayed we would still be in much the same position even the legend that is NC can't stop players wanting to go to bigger clubs.

Edited by doddisalegend
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What NC instead of KL? is NC funding the club out of his own money or does he have a magic pot of gold to use. Would NC an know rich owner be a good thing?


My own feelings are if he had stayed we would still be in much the same position even the legend that is NC can't stop players wanting to go to bigger clubs.


Maybe he would have found another buyer. He found Markus after all, and he alluded to the notion he could find others.


A lot of you didnt like the bloke, but he did his job well, unlike the trained chimps running the show now.

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What NC instead of KL? is NC funding the club out of his own money or does he have a magic pot of gold to use. Would NC an know rich owner be a good thing?


My own feelings are if he had stayed we would still be in much the same position even the legend that is NC can't stop players wanting to go to bigger clubs.


Kl won't put a penny more in and told nicola that.

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Nope. He didn't have the money or authority to promise the things he did. He needed Liebher money to do what he did. Actually think the rot started when Marcus died & he was left to do what he wanted.

That does not make me at all impressed with the current board or what is happening. I'm gutted, but don't think getting him back would change anything.

It's time for the board to step up! Don think they will though!


That's true, we've been rubbish these last 3 seasons.

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Nope. He didn't have the money or authority to promise the things he did. He needed Liebher money to do what he did. Actually think the rot started when Marcus died & he was left to do what he wanted.

That does not make me at all impressed with the current board or what is happening. I'm gutted, but don't think getting him back would change anything.

It's time for the board to step up! Don think they will though!


Totally agree Cortese built a dream on a house of cards however I cannot believe how naive this club has become and the board really needs to take a look at itself. It is going to take some rescuing from here that's for sure.

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I know he left (or legged it)

but we were supposed to 'get our club back' when he walked


now we know why if this is the strategy for the way forward


It shows what a brilliant job he did keeping the players not only onside (seeing as they cant wait to leave) but head the club upwards

it may have not been his money but what a fecking job he did


there is just no way, this utter shambles would be happening had he been here


Fat chance. Said he'd never come back in that interview he gave after he left. Besides he'd need another billionaire's money to play with.

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what on earth did he promise?

He made promises to the players he didn't have the authority too.

And he also promised the head chef a new kitchen that he failed to provide. The chef left. That my friend is a statement of fact & can be easily supported if you do some digging!!

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Maybe he would have found another buyer. He found Markus after all, and he alluded to the notion he could find others.





So what happened to the big talk of being able to find other buyers, and why has he not come back to the rescue ?

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Bring Cortese back without his own money? No chance.


Would Cortese come back without his own money - only if he could run it with no proper governance so no chance.


Bring in a proper, 'footballing' CEO? Yes please. We need one whose 'core skills' reflect our situation.

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Nope. He didn't have the money or authority to promise the things he did. He needed Liebher money to do what he did. Actually think the rot started when Marcus died & he was left to do what he wanted.

That does not make me at all impressed with the current board or what is happening. I'm gutted, but don't think getting him back would change anything.

It's time for the board to step up! Don think they will though!


He may have spen money whilst an executor but an executors role is to ensure the money is well looked after. The result of spending the money has been to produce a club worth far more than was spent full of expensive assets as we have seen.


The difference between him and KL was when to cash in


He felt with a bit more spend the value of the club and players would increase more she disagreed the result is history.


I personally would have him back any time! He may have had his shortcomings as a person but as a Chief Executive he had few equals getting us up from L1 to 3rd in the premier in just over 4 years. He had a strategy and a plan that worked and the drive, will and commitment to make all the hard decisions to see it through.


Compare that to this lot who couldn't convince a 19 year old with only 23 appearances to his name give us another year!

No comparison

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