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The "What striker should be get in after/if Osvaldo has left in the summer" thread


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short and simple thread name I know...


but just wondered on everyone's opinions on a new striker coming in?


granted I know we have SG and I'm sure he will break through and also Mayuka may make a comeback but we all know we are a striker down at the moment


who would you like to see come in in the summer?


Benteke? Hooper? Michu?


maybe a foreign player?



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Sign Remy Cabella from Montpellier to play in the left hand of the attack, lallana on the right Jay Rod as the striker in the center and Gaston in the hole behind him.

All of them would be interchanging positions and making runs in behind the defense. That attck would be full of pace and technique.

Morgan and Victor as the holding midfielders.

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How's he doing in France?


Can't say I've seen much of a mention of him on here since he left on loan so can't be doing that well.


Is out of the team at the moment, hasn t really played a lot and when he has, hasn t set the world alight.

It's a bit hard to judge as Sochaux are second from bottom in ligue 1 but I don't think he will make it at Saints.

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I always liked Vydra at Watford last year but he hasn't really made the step up so far. Would be interesting to see if HCDAJ in a better team than West Brom, if he was available at a decent price I'd take a punt.


I think a lot of teams would like Benteke or Lukaku and I can't see us being their first choice. As dull as the league table may look, it's important to try and stay near the top teams if we are to attract top players IMO. I'm not sure about Michu. Maybe we could get the best out of him but I can't help but wonder if he was a bit of a one hit wonder.

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I like the look of Nelson Oliveira, who's playing on loan at Rennes. Similar to JayRod in his style of play, but he's very effective off the shoulder and has a nice finish on him. Worth a look, as he's been loaned out by Benfica for the last couple of seasons so we might be able to pick him up for a steal!

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Ings, should have got him in January, it all depends on what the board want, progression costs money, to stay mid table will cost money, how much will they spend as our forward line looks weak to say the least, we need a goalkeeper, a left back and a centreback and thats not even without the departures, money thats all you need to succeed in the Premiership, the academy wont save us.

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Some of the players below are very unlikely to be targets, I'm just throwing names out there.


Bony - Swansea


Adrian Ramos - Hertha Berlin


Remy - Newcastle(QPR)


Giuseppe Rossi - Fiorentina


Mitroglou - Fulham (If he proves himself useful and Fulham go down he could be worth a shout.)


Hernandez - Man United


Ings - Burnley


Lukaku - Chelsea


Benteke - Villa


Carlos Vela - Real Sociedad


Rémy Cabella - Montpellier

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Jhon Cordoba of Espanyol..


age 20..Columbian...not sure of European/work permit etc.


Others will state lack of goals etc.......but my ITK mush...states a star of the future.:rolleyes:


Never seen him play or even a clip........So maybe I will leave it to Poch:D


Have now watched some footage and think he would be a prospect..


Big strong speedy centre forward........Like what I see:D

Edited by ottery st mary
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Like many things at the moment, it will largely depend on who is in the chair to make the final selections on targets etc.


One of the most promising links - albeit a tenuous one - on here, with the youtube clip was Lucas Ocampos , how realistic I've no idea (but we all thought Gaston and Osvaldo were unlikely). Perhaps MP could persuade him.


If MP were to leave however, we might not see the same appetite for South Americans.


With the change at the top though I expect we'll be less focussed on Serie A this year.

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Yep - who out of the European players you've seen would provide the best option in terms of hold up play?


In those terms I like Lasogga a lot, big strong guy and a clear threat in the air. (from those mentioned before)


Not sure I personally think that´s what I want the most though. I would really like someone with a lot of movement and working off defenders shoulders to stress defenders and force them to always look over their shoulders. At the moment the opponents defense can work pretty stationary without having that threat against them.


I also mostly look at players under 24 (with some exceptions on that list) so if we´re ready to look at some older players the list would be bigger or at least with a few other names. And some names there isn´t really strikers but attacking mf/forwards. If I´ll pick the one I would want the most it´s probably Memphis Depay..

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Yes, haven´t you heard of the new policy?

45+ is what we´re going for now, experience is vital :)


So some might dismiss him as a "Carlos Kickball", but...





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I'd rather get someone who is already proven in the PL if possible probably cost more but not sure someone like another Osvaldo or Gaston who takes half a season or more to get acquainted with the "English" game is much use to use. Personally I'd like to see us push the boat out to land Lukaku, Remy or Benteke....won't happen but that's were it would be nice to aim.

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In those terms I like Lasogga a lot, big strong guy and a clear threat in the air. (from those mentioned before)


Not sure I personally think that´s what I want the most though. I would really like someone with a lot of movement and working off defenders shoulders to stress defenders and force them to always look over their shoulders. At the moment the opponents defense can work pretty stationary without having that threat against them.


I also mostly look at players under 24 (with some exceptions on that list) so if we´re ready to look at some older players the list would be bigger or at least with a few other names. And some names there isn´t really strikers but attacking mf/forwards. If I´ll pick the one I would want the most it´s probably Memphis Depay..


Understand - though still think we need someone who is strong and has a good brain and feet. Doesn't have to be pacey but more mobile than Lambert.


We have tried playing Osvaldo and Rodriguez who have the movement and can play off the shoulder but they've struggled with the physical side and our slow patient build up play that requires them to link up more and help spring other players. I see the movement and pace coming from a Rodriguez or Lallana. Assuming Ramirez doesn't work out, an extra option there wouldn't go amiss.


IMO the problem with Lambert is not his lack of mobility but his physical presence - its been a while since he's really dominated a CB or a defense that forces him to go less threatening parts of the pitch.

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Understand - though still think we need someone who is strong and has a good brain and feet. Doesn't have to be pacey but more mobile than Lambert.


We have tried playing Osvaldo and Rodriguez who have the movement and can play off the shoulder but they've struggled with the physical side and our slow patient build up play that requires them to link up more and help spring other players. I see the movement and pace coming from a Rodriguez or Lallana. Assuming Ramirez doesn't work out, an extra option there wouldn't go amiss.


IMO the problem with Lambert is not his lack of mobility but his physical presence - its been a while since he's really dominated a CB or a defense that forces him to go less threatening parts of the pitch.


Agree with that, he used to protect the ball so well too but seems to lose it quite easily more often now...

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We need to improve our effectiveness and imagination in the final 3rd before we splash out on another strker


2 x England Strikers

1 x Italy striker


All have struggled under mopo as we just dont create enough chances.


You have got to be ****ing joking. We've created load, its converting them that's the issue. Another 4 yesterday.

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Absolutely, we do create a lot. Well, a lot compared to most teams, but perhaps not a lot in relation to our domination of possession?


JRod is erratic. He's been in the positions to score 20+ this season. As it stands, he does have a reasonable tally but he's had his share of poor finishing too. Lambert hasn't been as prolific and Lallana has improved but could still get better with finishing.


Beyond that we're struggling. The CBs do their bit from corners every now and again, but Schneiderlin, Cork, Wanyama, Davis provide the core of the team and offer next to no goal threat. That's why I'd like Ramirez in. Think in 10 games or so he will score a few goals.


When you look at it we play 7 defensive/keep ball outfield players We're left with an aging striker who either has partly 'lost it' or does for the system, an erratic Jayrod and Lallana who can create, but generally a poor finisher and that's it.

I reckon Gaston needs to be on the pitch as well, just to give us that something extra.

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People really, really really need to calm their **** on on Ings.


He's having one good season in the champo; what on earth makes people think he's going to be a sudden success in the Prem?


There have been a ton of strikers who've been **** hot in the Championship Jermaine Beckford...Jordan Rhodes... etc. and either never really make it in the Premiership or don't attract interest from Premiership managers.


We need strikers with experience and success in Europe's top leagues.


Also, slightly off the subject, we need to decide whether or not we're sticking with 4-5-1 and looking for a 6'3' target man, or whether we might change to a 4-4-4-2 and look for strikers with pace and movement. We might not necessarily be sticking with the former if we're moving into the post-Lambert phase.

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