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Dejan Lovren hands in transfer request


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Could very well be true. If so, the bizarre question is why he signed for us in the first place - surely he knew we wouldn't be in the CL next season?


Most likely he has an offer on the table, you would assume from Liverpool.

Edited by Saint Charlie
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I believe there is interest in Lovren, but I don't believe he's handed in a transfer request.


These comments, direct quotes from Lovren, came at the end of may also:


"I also heard something about that," he told Sportske Novosti when asked about Liverpool.


"I follow the media and I saw that Liverpool is allegedly interested in me. But that is all that I know so far.


"I feel great at Southampton and my contract is valid for the next three years.


"So the only thing I can say right now is that the club is the one who decides."

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Despite Lovren's determination to leave in this transfer window that the club have yet to acknowledge receipt of his signed email.


love the signed email aspect. Signed emails are a lot more official, the club would be wise not to ignore this. If he hadn't written Regards, Dejan at the end we could have just binned it.

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Could he write that if it wasn't factual in any way?

He could only know that if Lovren's people had told him so, surely. If it came from a club source then it would surely be an acknowledgement of receipt of the E-mail.

Probably true, then would not certain statements made by the club be erroneous, did not someone assert that "no one has asked to leave"

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Also, just to throw this one out there, this is all starting to feel a little scripted.


A positive interview by the club, statements etc - followed the next day by players leaving and handing in transfer requests.


Same happened after RK spoke, and after Les Reed spoke the first time. You'd think someone was behind the scenes stirring, wouldn't you.

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you know as well as the rest of us that the mail is 99% bullish!t so why start a thread especially with such a misleading title.


They seem v.definite about it. The traditional qualifying "understands", "rumoured", "believe" are noticeably absent. Pound to a penny Mail have had sight of these emails.

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just over a month ago he said he was happy to stay - http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11700/9317293/transfer-news-dejan-lovren-insists-he-is-happy-at-southampton


you know as well as the rest of us that the mail is 99% bullish!t so why start a thread especially with such a misleading title.


things have changed since then though haven't they. MP quit just over 2 weeks ago, fulcrum point in the club's recent history.

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Lovren has always been very respectful towards the club with regard to transfer rumours and if true, this is at odds with his comments...... I guess at Southampton we are used to that, but it won't have come from the club and unlikely that it would have been leaked by Cortese (Cant see that Lovren would be emailing, calling or staying in touch with him) so that leaves the player himself or his agent.


Regardless of whether it is true or not, he's the one we need to make an example of and keep.


I would go as far as saying he would be a greater loss to the team than; Lambert, Lallana or Shaw.


I am a little more pragmatic than some on here, understanding that ultimately if a player wants to leave for a big bucks move, there isn't a great deal the club can actually do about it in the end............. BUT Lovren owes us more than one season and we couldn't replace him (Players rarely go from 7 million transfers to 25 million in less than 12 months).


If Shaw goes for 30 and Lallana goes for 25, (Plus what we can get from Osvaldo & Ramierz (Don't want us to sell Gaston, but think we will) ) then I genuinely believe if spent correctly we can have a stronger starting 11 than this past season.


Going out in a limb - I predict that we lose Shaw and Lallana, maybe even Morgan, but we will block any move for Lovren.


He's 20 million quids worth of player, but other clubs wont pay that.


Stay strong Les & Katrina

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just over a month ago he said he was happy to stay - http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11700/9317293/transfer-news-dejan-lovren-insists-he-is-happy-at-southampton


you know as well as the rest of us that the mail is 99% bullish!t so why start a thread especially with such a misleading title.



Get your head out of the sand. They would not claim an email had been sent, unless they had been told that one had been sent. It would have been reported that he wants away, as they have with Adam. I'm not saying that an email has been sent, but a credible source has told the paper that one has. It is a very specific allegation, not a general " he wants to move". If they were going to make things up, why not say Adam or Luke had sent the email? I would imagine the leak has come from lovrens people .

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Also, just to throw this one out there, this is all starting to feel a little scripted.


A positive interview by the club, statements etc - followed the next day by players leaving and handing in transfer requests.


Same happened after RK spoke, and after Les Reed spoke the first time. You'd think someone was behind the scenes stirring, wouldn't you.


Totally agree it's becoming a recurring theme and happening too often for it to be just coincidence....hmmm :suspicious:

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The fannying about deciding the manager gives time for agents/clubs to work away at the players.Reed said hisself the players don't know who is coming in and they understandably are unsettled.

Dejan would be the biggest loss to our team of all the players rumoured to be off.

Give him the captains armband and make him feel most wanted, to lose the backbone of the side is disasterous i(if true). It is going to be bad enough losing the goal scoring talisman, to find a replacement for one of the best CB's in the PL is a massive problem.Iassume it is. Liverpool or Spurs who he is angling for.

Personally I would make him stay,for at least this season and show the balls to keep him to his contract

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I remember Adam Blackmore mentioning that he believed we rejected a 15m bid from Liverpool for him.


At least the value is getting slightly more realistic - I remember people saying he was an 8m target for them - How the hell could he NOT have gone up in value :)

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I fully expect him to be dropped from the Croatian team to face Brazil in 24 hours if he really has taken time out of his world cup camp to write a transfer request.



Apart from the fact the article states the email was sent on the 30th May - Why on earth do you think he would be dropped for sending an email?


Some seriously strange thought process's on this forum/


Would he be allowed to email his wife? Would he be able to email his financial advisers?


What if Woy had emailed the club and even phoned them urging them to sort out the Lallana transfer before the World Cup kicked off ;);)..... Should the FA call him home or ban him to the stands

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Get your head out of the sand. They would not claim an email had been sent, unless they had been told that one had been sent. It would have been reported that he wants away, as they have with Adam. I'm not saying that an email has been sent, but a credible source has told the paper that one has. It is a very specific allegation, not a general " he wants to move". If they were going to make things up, why not say Adam or Luke had sent the email? I would imagine the leak has come from lovrens people .


My god, but you're naive!


The press are always straightforward and tell the honest truth as well, eh?


Or is it just case of you wanting to believe?

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I would expect Lovren to pick up on this and respond via twitter if not true. He's had a fantastic season with us though we saw his Achilles heal against tottenham. He is nowhere good enough for Liverpool just yet though.

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I fully expect him to be dropped from the Croatian team to face Brazil in 24 hours if he really has taken time out of his world cup camp to write a transfer request.


Well if that's the case all the french will certainly be dropped for tweeting and instagramming on a regular basis not to mention updating their facebook pages.

So if you're french and have a pair of boots you'd just as well dig them out of the shed because they might need you on Sunday.

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I would expect Lovren to pick up on this and respond via twitter if not true. He's had a fantastic season with us though we saw his Achilles heal against tottenham. He is nowhere good enough for Liverpool just yet though.


Their back four is shocking and cost them a Premier League title (along with Gerrard slipping), he's easily good enough for them.

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Lovren is far to busy concentrating on the world cup to be sending signed E mails at the moment and I am sure his national manager would also not entertain current distractions!


but it doesn't date from today, it confirmed (or so it says) a discussion that he had with the club when he was in Southampton, probably before Croatia left for Brazil. I find it strange that some seem to believe that all WC footballers are locked in dank dungeons from mid May to mid July, being allowed out only to play games.

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The club don't actually have to accept a transfer request though do they? They can just say "You signed a contract you're not for sale Dejan. See you at pre-season". If, as the club say, we don't need to sell anyone the player offering to forego loyalty payments in return for a move surely isn't all that much of an incentive to the club if they'd rather have the player instead of cash.

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@alex_crook: It is true #lfc target Dejan Lovren has handed in a transfer request after #saintsfc bosses ignored his phone calls to discuss his future
I do find it disrespectful for the club not to answer calls, but I suppose that is consistent to AL
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If true,he can get fooked,his stock was low in France and we took a punt on him and gave him the opportunity he needed


Also all this bullsh1t about change in chairman/manager is a cop out,MoPo had jumped ship and by the looks of it we are getting a better manager if Les is to be believed

Cortese has gone and been replaced with RK,granted he is no NC but KL seems to have the same goals/visions as NC to fufill her late fathers wishes and she owns the bloody club !!!

I know there is no loyalty in football but if Lovren & Lallana force there way out after 1 good season with us I wish them nothing but failure and misery :-)

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