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Rupert Lowe on talk sport


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He has just done a fairly lengthy interview. He took the credit for all of these talented players we are selling. He said that the academy will dry up due to the sale of the facility. Rupert said you cannot stop players going if they want to. Victim of our own (his) success.

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I wondered when that attention-seeking pr!ck would be wheeled out.......
Coming from you that is quite something. :) Generally I thought his replies to what he was asked were pretty good. Of course, he took the opportunity to blow his trumpet but if you are fair, he has a lot to be thanked for. Still loves the use of Pipelines, something I've always linked to my memory of Rupert.


Listen in full to Rupert Lowe at the following link



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Rupert Lowe speaking to talkSPORT:


- I don't think we should panic just yet

- Let me tell you from experience, when a big club comes in for a player it's incredibly difficult

- Agents are telling them to move, so they can pocket some cash

- Players view it as a career promotion

- I think Morgan is a tremendous player and was surprised we managed to sign him from Strasbourg

- I thought he'd end up at a club like Arsenal

- At the moment I believe he is the best central midfielder playing in England

- I hope he sees sense and stays at Southampton

- I regret that I am not still there, enjoying the fruits of the long-term planning based around our academy

- I was on the FA board

- The FA is an 'interesting animal'

- The FA is entrepreneurial

- The FA doesn't have long-term planning on its agenda

- English lads are just as good as the rest, it's all there

- The national game needs to support better technical coaching at grassroots level

- At the moment, it doesn't

- At the end of the day, it's difficult to keep hold of players who don't want to be at your club

- You have to see what Liebherr's board deliver this season before judging their intentions

- I don't think it is ever a question of 'allowing them to leave'

- The issue with reinvesting is not paying out in transfer fees, but the effect on the wage bill

- See Spurs for an example

- End of the day, the club does not have the power that it should and nor does any other club

- The pendulum has swung too far in favour of the players since the day of Bosman et al

- We need to get some balance back into the game

- Agents and players do what they like

- It needs to be addressed, and this is exactly why

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Alpine did you listen to it or is it your norm to call all chairmen a *****


I heard the most of the interview . It was a fair response , I don't think he took credit for the players that have recently left . Yamms from the bits I didn't hear him say anything about the academy drying up. .

He made some good comments re spurs and their inflated salaries having an impact on their wage bill following the sale of bale


I did cringe slightly re his comment about setting up the academy and the comment re sir Clive , other than that I thought rupes was giving a balanced response to the questions put to him

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He has just done a fairly lengthy interview. He took the credit for all of these talented players we are selling. He said that the academy will dry up due to the sale of the facility. Rupert said you cannot stop players going if they want to. Victim of our own (his) success.


Sounds fair enough


What's this "sale of the facility"


Don't know, but someone else posted yesterday about the possibility of Staplewood being sold off seperately to the sale of the club. Fits in if your starting point is that there will be "an asset strip" , but most on here - and hopefully Ralph/Reed etc if they are protecting the long term interests of the club - would regard the suggestion as madness.

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Alpine did you listen to it or is it your norm to call all chairmen a *****


I heard the last part of the interview . It wasn't too bad . I don't think he took credit for the players that have recently left . Yamms from the bits I didn't hear him say anything about the academy drying up. .

He made some good comments re spurs and their inflated salaries having an impact on their wage bill following the sale of bale

I did cringe re his comment about setting up the academy and the comment re sir Clive , other than that I thought rupes was giving a balanced response to the questions put to him


To be fair, he can take a degree of credit, but it was more than just him. Shaw/Chambers/Reed etc joined the club in roughly 2004 when Rupert Lowe was still at Saints and benefitted from the systems at the academy he was ultimately responsible for.

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How would that work? Where would the academy blood it's players? The club would only set up it's own academy if it had a new owner and then poach all the youngsters in the Area with the lure of prem football. The academy can't exist without sfc, unless another club ran it as a satellite academy.

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The sale of what facility? We've not sold that to Liverpool as well have we?


Only thing I can think of is The Lodge, which has indeed been sold since Rupes time, but not sure if/why this would have a big effect on talent development.

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Don't know, but someone else posted yesterday about the possibility of Staplewood being sold off seperately to the sale of the club. Fits in if your starting point is that there will be "an asset strip" , but most on here - and hopefully Ralph/Reed etc if they are protecting the long term interests of the club - would regard the suggestion as madness.


Where did I read Krueger talking about looking at other commercial avenues and the academy becoming a franchise? If so, this fits in and is vey worrying. Surely they are not looking at selling the academy as a separate entity???

That is clearly not having the best long term interests of the club at heart....must find that interview now as a sanity check

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Eh?!? We're not selling the training ground or academy you fecking tools, the academy may well become a franchise, in so much that people can setup other academy's around the country franchised to us, something that has recently been allowed with the changes to the rules about cat a academy's. Prior to that you couldn't setup child academies beyond a certain distance from head office. Our distance was slightly larger than most as rupes correctly argued that because we were on the coast our circle was roughly 60% of the size of others, so we got an increased boundary that reached to Bristol and Plymouth.


Chelsea for instance are setting up a linked academy in Pompey.

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Eh?!? We're not selling the training ground or academy you fecking tools, the academy may well become a franchise, in so much that people can setup other academy's around the country franchised to us, something that has recently been allowed with the changes to the rules about cat a academy's. Prior to that you couldn't setup child academies beyond a certain distance from head office. Our distance was slightly larger than most as rupes correctly argued that because we were on the coast our circle was roughly 60% of the size of others, so we got an increased boundary that reached to Bristol and Plymouth.


Chelsea for instance are setting up a linked academy in Pompey.


could be sold to another company owned by KL and not be an asset of SFC

WE would pay to use it

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could be sold to another company owned by KL and not be an asset of SFC

WE would pay to use it


Exactly and if that said company was sold off then Southampton would not own the rights to the players....the said company would


If that was possible and KL has no interest in Saints, then why would you not do that?


It's a bit like converting you house into flats and selling them off individually. The resale value is ultimately higher and would have global appeal

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Not if we paid to send our players there. The facility and staf belong to the newco, the scouts and players to us.


this idea only makes sense if we rent it out to non football teams. If we start letting other football teams use it, we lose our one competitive advantage.

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Not if we paid to send our players there. The facility and staf belong to the newco, the scouts and players to us.


this idea only makes sense if we rent it out to non football teams. If we start letting other football teams use it, we lose our one competitive advantage.


Unless we get a percentage of every player that is developed through it?

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He likes to rewrite history doesn't he? Long term plan?

Oh yes it was always the plan to set up the academy (well rather expand it a bit as it was already producing players and the radio station) but then go into admin fall to league 1 then find a rich backer to take us back so we could show off the academy products and sell them for 10's of millions?


Gotta admit he had that plan nailed.

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He likes to rewrite history doesn't he? Long term plan?

Oh yes it was always the plan to set up the academy (well rather expand it a bit as it was already producing players and the radio station) but then go into admin fall to league 1 then find a rich backer to take us back so we could show off the academy products and sell them for 10's of millions?


Gotta admit he had that plan nailed.


This. But anyway, what the hell is the point of the Academy to Saints other than a money pit? Surely how it generates money matters not....let's face it, our young talent will likely not play much for the 1st team anyway before being poached!

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This. But anyway, what the hell is the point of the Academy to Saints other than a money pit? Surely how it generates money matters not....let's face it, our young talent will likely not play much for the 1st team anyway before being poached!


That's always been the situation and is one reason why I don't get enthusiastic when an 'exciting new prospect' is brought into the first team.

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I don't think anybody seriously believes that Rupert Lowe is anybody worth listening too on this current scenario we find ourselves in. This is the guy who through his mismanagement of the club took us down two divisions and eventually bankrupted us. Any mentions of how he was on the board of the FA, (as was Wiseman come to that), just illustrates what a sh*te organisation that is, if they are considered good enough to serve on it.


I suspect that the media thought they would have even more of a laugh at our expense by wheeling out the old toff who employed SCW and Simon Clifford to turn our fortunes around and then followed that up with the two Dutch clowns playing all of the kids before they were ready, whilst still expecting us to pay a similar amount to watch them that we paid when we were in the Premier League. And the academy was a success before he came, having produced the likes of Shearer, Le Tiss, the Wallace Brothers, etc. But it was totally worth it plumbing the depths with him in order to be rid of him and Askham and all those other parasites in order to get to where we are now.

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He likes to rewrite history doesn't he? Long term plan?

Oh yes it was always the plan to set up the academy (well rather expand it a bit as it was already producing players and the radio station) but then go into admin fall to league 1 then find a rich backer to take us back so we could show off the academy products and sell them for 10's of millions?


Gotta admit he had that plan nailed.

He did set up the Academy. And he made some excellent appointments (Prost, Elias, Jennings) to head up that academy, which were the strong foundations for what we have now. He deserves a lot of credit for that.


And please don't reply with a list of players like Channon, Wallace and Le Tiss. We know.

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I don't think anybody seriously believes that Rupert Lowe is anybody worth listening too on this current scenario we find ourselves in. This is the guy who through his mismanagement of the club took us down two divisions and eventually bankrupted us. Any mentions of how he was on the board of the FA, (as was Wiseman come to that), just illustrates what a sh*te organisation that is, if they are considered good enough to serve on it.


I suspect that the media thought they would have even more of a laugh at our expense by wheeling out the old toff who employed SCW and Simon Clifford to turn our fortunes around and then followed that up with the two Dutch clowns playing all of the kids before they were ready, whilst still expecting us to pay a similar amount to watch them that we paid when we were in the Premier League. And the academy was a success before he came, having produced the likes of Shearer, Le Tiss, the Wallace Brothers, etc. But it was totally worth it plumbing the depths with him in order to be rid of him and Askham and all those other parasites in order to get to where we are now.


I've always thought it was the purchase of Schneiderlin that tipped us into administration. It was a lot of money that it turned out we couldn't afford.

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He did set up the Academy. And he made some excellent appointments (Prost, Elias, Jennings) to head up that academy, which were the strong foundations for what we have now. He deserves a lot of credit for that.


And please don't reply with a list of players like Channon, Wallace and Le Tiss. We know.


He and the Board desreve a lot of credit for what they achieved with the academy. They also managed to keep us in the Premiership with crowds of 15k which was no mean feat in those days. There wasnt so much money sloshing around then and I remember Duncan saying that he didnt know where the next £ was coming from. Although he presided over the rapid downfall the nails were well and trully in the coffin from the actions of Wilde et al (which people conveniently forget now). When Lowe returned we were struggling financially and although he brought in the Dutch guys and steady the ship we just didnt have the qulaity we needed of the money to bring them in and the rest is history. I know it will sound funny now but he was seen as a visionary by some at the FA and should get credit for the bedding in of the academy and for trying to bring in sport science at a time when many footballing dinosaurs still didnt think it was necessary. For all of his faults he also had a number of pluses. Still, that is all history now and we have new people to slag off ;)

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He and the Board desreve a lot of credit for what they achieved with the academy. They also managed to keep us in the Premiership with crowds of 15k which was no mean feat in those days. There wasnt so much money sloshing around then and I remember Duncan saying that he didnt know where the next £ was coming from. Although he presided over the rapid downfall the nails were well and trully in the coffin from the actions of Wilde et al (which people conveniently forget now). When Lowe returned we were struggling financially and although he brought in the Dutch guys and steady the ship we just didnt have the qulaity we needed of the money to bring them in and the rest is history. I know it will sound funny now but he was seen as a visionary by some at the FA and should get credit for the bedding in of the academy and for trying to bring in sport science at a time when many footballing dinosaurs still didnt think it was necessary. For all of his faults he also had a number of pluses. Still, that is all history now and we have new people to slag off ;)



True enough, but you are a little selective in your recalling of history as you omit the years 2003 -5. Had we remained in the Premiership I doubt Wilde & Co would have ever been involved.


Although much of what you say is correct, please don't forget the ridiculous appointment of Wigley, and then 'arry (although I don't entirely blame Lowe for the 'arry debacle, a HR is also culpable for the failure), mixed in with the SCW/Simon Clifford farce.


It is an era to forget, and until the end of last season I did not think such dark days were likely to return. Going in to the new season I'm not so sure.

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I've always thought it was the purchase of Schneiderlin that tipped us into administration. It was a lot of money that it turned out we couldn't afford.


The word at the time was that he was bought (for £1m I believe) to sell quickly for a profit. There was a lot of talk on here about how stupid that would be and indeed, it didnt happen and look what a great buy he turned out to be. Lowe should also take credit for brining in people like Niemi (Strachan wanted another keeper) and Killer previously so for a "hockey guy! he did bring in some quality (okey, I know we got some dross too). It wasnt so much the purchase of Schneiderlin. We were struggling to adjust to being out of the top flight and were not generating enough income. A number of players had been shipped out upon relegation to save wages and Lowe had a relegation clause in the contracts to help reduce the wage bill but the parachute money was not as huge as it is now and we just didnt cope with the drop financially.

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Rupert Lowe speaking to talkSPORT:


- I don't think we should panic just yet

- Let me tell you from experience, when a big club comes in for a player it's incredibly difficult

- Agents are telling them to move, so they can pocket some cash

- Players view it as a career promotion

- I think Morgan is a tremendous player and was surprised we managed to sign him from Strasbourg

- I thought he'd end up at a club like Arsenal

- At the moment I believe he is the best central midfielder playing in England

- I hope he sees sense and stays at Southampton

- I regret that I am not still there, enjoying the fruits of the long-term planning based around our academy

- I was on the FA board

- The FA is an 'interesting animal'

- The FA is entrepreneurial

- The FA doesn't have long-term planning on its agenda

- English lads are just as good as the rest, it's all there

- The national game needs to support better technical coaching at grassroots level

- At the moment, it doesn't

- At the end of the day, it's difficult to keep hold of players who don't want to be at your club

- You have to see what Liebherr's board deliver this season before judging their intentions

- I don't think it is ever a question of 'allowing them to leave'

- The issue with reinvesting is not paying out in transfer fees, but the effect on the wage bill

- See Spurs for an example

- End of the day, the club does not have the power that it should and nor does any other club

- The pendulum has swung too far in favour of the players since the day of Bosman et al

- We need to get some balance back into the game

- Agents and players do what they like

- It needs to be addressed, and this is exactly why


Like him or not he ran a Premiership football club for many years and does know what goes on. These points seem very reasonable.

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