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Burnley and Brighton games re-arranged in April

Ivan Katalinic's 'tache

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With the Cup game meaning the Burnley game had to be re-scheduled, the combined genius of Sky and the Premier League has decided that a Thursday night trip to North West England would be most appropriate (21st April). Once again this has the net effect of pushing our nice Saturday 3pm trip along the coast to Brighton back to 2pm the following day. FFS.

Edited by Ivan Katalinic's 'tache
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15 minutes ago, Whitey Grandad said:

It always has been better. Three o’clock on a Saturday afternoon is traditional football.

Why does it being 'traditional' make it a better time? Go back to pre floodlight winter matches and kickoffs weren't at 3pm as it would be too dark at full time. So it is more traditional for them not to be 3pm.

Edited by Matthew Le God
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3 minutes ago, Matthew Le God said:

Why does it being 'traditional' make it a better time? Go back to pre floodlight winter matches and kickoffs weren't at 3pm as it would be too dark at full time. So it is more traditional for them not to be 3pm.

You’re a really odd bloke, aren’t you. 

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16 minutes ago, Matthew Le God said:

Why is 3pm Saturday better than 2pm Sunday?

Steve Coogan Shrug GIF

1) Saturday 3pm is as good as you can get public transport wise to do a game in a day, other kick off times require either 4am starts or a hotel the next day and depending on location of fixture

2) Sunday is the perfect rest day for anyone who likes a drink (or 3), work again on Monday is not a good cure for a hangover

3) Sunday trains are painstakingly slow too and there are less scheduled

Honestly I could go on

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Just now, Matthew Le God said:

Nothing to add to the conversation, so you use petty personal insults. 🙄

Why is a Saturday game better than a Sunday game? Is there anything to even add. 

I’ll give it a go. Other than the absolute obvious, the atmosphere in side the ground is also better, which often contributes to a better game. 

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17 minutes ago, Dman said:

Why is a Saturday game better than a Sunday game? Is there anything to even add. 

I’ll give it a go. Other than the absolute obvious, the atmosphere in side the ground is also better, which often contributes to a better game. 

That isn't an answer. You'd need to explain why the atmosphere is better.

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2 minutes ago, Matthew Le God said:

That isn't an answer. You'd need to explain why the atmosphere is better.


I've just googled the definition of the word 'answer' and it states the following:

"a thing that is said, written, or done as a reaction to a question, statement, or situation."

Please can you explain why you don't think Dman's post fits this description? Giving an explanation isn't always needed to answer a question. 

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26 minutes ago, nta786 said:

1) Saturday 3pm is as good as you can get public transport wise to do a game in a day, other kick off times require either 4am starts or a hotel the next day and depending on location of fixture

2) Sunday is the perfect rest day for anyone who likes a drink (or 3), work again on Monday is not a good cure for a hangover

3) Sunday trains are painstakingly slow too and there are less scheduled

Honestly I could go on

Points 1 and 3 are basically the same but I've never particularly had an issue with trains on a Sunday. I certainly wouldn't say they're a noticeable downgrade on Saturdays. Sunday evening is a relatively busy commuter time. I don't really have an issue with drinking on a match day before work either. Unless you're out getting slaughtered past 10pm I don't know what the problem is there.

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Ask any away day regular what they'd prefer, 99% Saturday 3pm, this whole Thursday night bollocks is the Premier league appeasing UEFA and the international TV deals not to clash Premier league with champions league games. 

Brighton away was going to be a top drink up, St George's day hopefully nice weather day on the ale, now a rubbish Sunday lunchtime , no comparison 

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2 minutes ago, Toadhall Saint said:

So you have no preference? Doesn’t mean nobody else has. So why bother asking if you don’t like the answers. I prefer sat at 3 if given a choice and mainly for the reasons already stated by others.

Absolutely this. I was there Sunday and it just felt like a really shitty kick off time. The atmosphere all round was awful, although that might have been due to the complete ineptitude of the team.

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2 minutes ago, Lighthouse said:

Points 1 and 3 are basically the same but I've never particularly had an issue with trains on a Sunday. I certainly wouldn't say they're a noticeable downgrade on Saturdays. Sunday evening is a relatively busy commuter time. I don't really have an issue with drinking on a match day before work either. Unless you're out getting slaughtered past 10pm I don't know what the problem is there.

Don't think you travel by train on a Sunday very often. 

Check out the difference between Southampton to Brighton return on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th you'll get the idea 

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13 minutes ago, Matthew Le God said:

That isn't an answer. You'd need to explain why the atmosphere is better.

I’ve seen you play this game before. You’re getting to the point where someone says ‘because you can have a drink’ to which you’ll respond ‘why do you need to have a drink to enjoy yourself’…


As I said… Odd bloke. 

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29 minutes ago, JRM said:

Don't think you travel by train on a Sunday very often. 

Check out the difference between Southampton to Brighton return on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th you'll get the idea 

By pure chance there are engineering works on that particular Sunday but not the Saturday. The trains for Sunday the week before and after are the same as the Saturday trains, we're just unlucky in this instance.

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2 hours ago, Lighthouse said:

By pure chance there are engineering works on that particular Sunday but not the Saturday. The trains for Sunday the week before and after are the same as the Saturday trains, we're just unlucky in this instance.

Engineering works are more prevalent on a Sunday than a Saturday.

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25 minutes ago, Graffito said:

I travel to football by train all the time. In my experience trains are generally worse on Sundays.

Re Burnley, no idea how I’m going to do that without staying over. And I imagine refunds are out of the question.

I believe you can get a refund for Burnley - see link here: https://www.southamptonfc.com/news/2022-03-15/fixture-amendments-southampton-fc-brighton-and-hove-albion-burnley-premier-league-2021-22




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8 hours ago, Whitey Grandad said:

Engineering works are more prevalent on a Sunday than a Saturday.

They are, also the "Sunday timetable" is there for a reason, trains are less regular than on other days. The Brighton example given just shows how these pointless changes impact the match going fan. Brighton didn't need to move, it's not on TV, it's just because they've decided not to have the Burnley game on a normal Tuesday/ Wednesday 

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2 hours ago, JRM said:

They are, also the "Sunday timetable" is there for a reason, trains are less regular than on other days. The Brighton example given just shows how these pointless changes impact the match going fan. Brighton didn't need to move, it's not on TV, it's just because they've decided not to have the Burnley game on a normal Tuesday/ Wednesday 

I went by train to the game at Brighton a couple of years ago. I bought a first class ticket thinking that it would give me a better chance of getting a seat but the train was crammed and I had to stand all the way. For the return journey an extra train was laid on. 

This was on a Saturday. God help those who want to go on a Sunday.

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14 hours ago, Matthew Le God said:

Why is 3pm Saturday better than 2pm Sunday?

Steve Coogan Shrug GIF

Can't speak for others but I have work Monday morning so wanted to get back early Sunday to sort out stuff for the week.

Supermarkets shut at 4 on a Sunday and I need to get a family food shop in. Plus I'm having a night out in Brighton on the Friday so now I just have to fuck around on the Saturday with nothing to do.

Those are two reason, not sure how universal they are.

Edited by TWar
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1 hour ago, TWar said:

Can't speak for others but I have work Monday morning so wanted to get back early Sunday to sort out stuff for the week.

Supermarkets shut at 4 on a Sunday and I need to get a family food shop in. Plus I'm having a night out in Brighton on the Friday so now I just have to fuck around on the Saturday with nothing to do.

Those are two reason, not sure how universal they are.

Nothing to do in Brighton on a Saturday? Really?

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18 hours ago, JRM said:

Don't think you travel by train on a Sunday very often. 

Check out the difference between Southampton to Brighton return on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th you'll get the idea 

most Sundays on that route there is a bus replacement service at some point. Takes flippin ages. Bloody nightmare. 

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20 hours ago, Matthew Le God said:

Why does it being 'traditional' make it a better time? Go back to pre floodlight winter matches and kickoffs weren't at 3pm as it would be too dark at full time. So it is more traditional for them not to be 3pm.

Actually you are wrong. The 3pm Saturday kick-off time has been traditional since football began. The reason for the time is based on the passing of the Factories Act in 1850 which prohibited employers keeping staff at work past 2pm (on Saturdays) and lead to the idea of a recreational weekend. When football started to be organised the 3pm kick-off was considered a reasonable time to start to allow workers to get to the game after they knocked-off at 2pm. Kick-offs pre floodlight days were at 3pm, bear in mind that half-time breaks were shorter and there never used to be Fergie time, so you could get a game finished before it was pitch black (I suspect maybe they kicked off a little bit earlier, especially oop north where it got darker earlier - this is a peculiarly English phenomenon, but Saturday 3pm has been the tradition since football started.

Anyway Sunday 2pm is clearly not ideal, for most on here it is difficult to get away from Church and get to a game by 2pm on Sunday.

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23 hours ago, Matthew Le God said:

Why does it being 'traditional' make it a better time? Go back to pre floodlight winter matches and kickoffs weren't at 3pm as it would be too dark at full time. So it is more traditional for them not to be 3pm.

Jesus wept.

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1 hour ago, The Cat said:

Not sure why MLG is even bothering with this one. It's a waste of everyone's time.

Don't worry, his entire argument will soon be dismissed by MLG himself with his inevitable "I never said that, I never said that, you don’t comprehend English" routine whenever anyone references what he has said here ever again.

As he does every single time any one ever plays back to him anything he ever says.

As was said above, an incredibly odd bloke.

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Are people so dense that they STILL don't accept that the PL is a sport for TV viewers and not those who go to games.  The latter are becoming as redundant as crowds at a horse racing meeting.  Covid proved this beyond doubt as crowds were replaced by colourful banners and computer game crowd noises and no TV fans really noticed any difference.

It's not 'the genius' of Sky moving a trip for club on the South coast to the North of England in the mid-week - they do this as it fits with TV schedules.  The effects on a small number of fans who are travelling from Southampton to watch the game are of no consequence to them.

If you are happy to support a PL club that pays the transfer fees/wages we do then this money has to come from somewhere and that somewhere is TV so you have to accept they can move and will move games for TV purposes.

If this offends you so much there are plenty of non-league teams locally who play all of their matches at 'traditional' times.

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On 15/03/2022 at 20:35, Lighthouse said:

By pure chance there are engineering works on that particular Sunday but not the Saturday. The trains for Sunday the week before and after are the same as the Saturday trains, we're just unlucky in this instance.

It is not “by pure chance”. Engineering works on train lines are planned months in advance of the date upon which they take place………

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On 16/03/2022 at 15:14, VectisSaint said:

Actually you are wrong. The 3pm Saturday kick-off time has been traditional since football began. The reason for the time is based on the passing of the Factories Act in 1850 which prohibited employers keeping staff at work past 2pm (on Saturdays) and lead to the idea of a recreational weekend. When football started to be organised the 3pm kick-off was considered a reasonable time to start to allow workers to get to the game after they knocked-off at 2pm. Kick-offs pre floodlight days were at 3pm, bear in mind that half-time breaks were shorter and there never used to be Fergie time, so you could get a game finished before it was pitch black (I suspect maybe they kicked off a little bit earlier, especially oop north where it got darker earlier - this is a peculiarly English phenomenon, but Saturday 3pm has been the tradition since football started.

Anyway Sunday 2pm is clearly not ideal, for most on here it is difficult to get away from Church and get to a game by 2pm on Sunday.

The oldest programme I have in my collection is a division 1 game for our friends down the road in November 1946. The kick off time was 2.45.

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37 minutes ago, stknowle said:

It is not “by pure chance”. Engineering works on train lines are planned months in advance of the date upon which they take place………

I didn’t mean that engineers turn up in random places and start digging up the track. I meant that it’s just bad luck that our trip to Brighton has been rearranged on a weekend with engineering works, as opposed to the weekend before or after when there weren’t any, on that particular route.

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48 minutes ago, Lighthouse said:

I didn’t mean that engineers turn up in random places and start digging up the track. I meant that it’s just bad luck that our trip to Brighton has been rearranged on a weekend with engineering works, as opposed to the weekend before or after when there weren’t any, on that particular route.

I get that just having a bit of an MLG related banter. 👍

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46 minutes ago, The Kraken said:

Pretty sure he does/did go to games, quite a bit.

Agreed on the final sentence.

Easy to spot, the one sitting on his own with flask, lunch box and blanket furiously tapping match statistics into his ipad. 

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11 minutes ago, Turkish said:

Easy to spot, the one sitting on his own with flask, lunch box and blanket furiously tapping match statistics into his ipad. 

I think he said he used to go to games with his Dad. Maybe old man MLG holds the flask and other goodies.

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