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Skates enter Admin-Official


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Bournemouth will be spanking it at the thought of becoming our main rivals...


I hope the courts do the honourable thing. The message that you can spend whatever you want and find an escape route is unacceptable. (I realise we were in this position a year ago, but we hardly "spent what we liked", it came about through successive relegations. IMO anyway.)

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Some guy relates to pfc was just on SSN asking the premier league to help out the club financially. What a cheek. If they didn't live beyond their means then they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!! A wage bill that is more than the income to the club is obvious financial suicide.


Bye Bye PFC

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Bournemouth will be spanking it at the thought of becoming our main rivals...


I hope the courts do the honourable thing. The message that you can spend whatever you want and find an escape route is unacceptable. (I realise we were in this position a year ago, but we hardly "spent what we liked", it came about through successive relegations. IMO anyway.)


But news today that Bournemouth and Boscombe Albion have been served with a Winding Up Order by HMRC.


Saints could be last man standing in this neck of the woods!!

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Some guy relates to pfc was just on SSN asking the premier league to help out the club financially. What a cheek. If they didn't live beyond their means then they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!! A wage bill that is more than the income to the club is obvious financial suicide.


Bye Bye PFC


That "Some guy" was the MP for Portsmouth South.

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Some guy relates to pfc was just on SSN asking the premier league to help out the club financially. What a cheek. If they didn't live beyond their means then they wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!! A wage bill that is more than the income to the club is obvious financial suicide.


Bye Bye PFC


It was the local MP claiming the Prem should pay small local businesses and St John's Ambulance as "the Premier League is a licence to print money" (this attitude may be the source of the proble) and "they've had all they can out of us and should give something back".

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It was the local MP claiming the Prem should pay small local businesses and St John's Ambulance as "the Premier League is a licence to print money" (this attitude may be the source of the proble) and "they've had all they can out of us and should give something back".


So not only would this MP appear to condone the behaviour of the club and its Directors in not paying the clubs taxes - He also believes they should be bailed out by the Premier league as its not the clubs fault. When does taking responsibility for your actions ever Kick in - Perhaps storrie should also give something back


So those taxpayers in his constituency who lose their jobs as a result of his governments mismanagement of the economy should also be bailed out as being in government is a licence to raise income through taxes

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So not only would this MP appear to condone the behaviour of the club and its Directors in not paying the clubs taxes - He also believes they should be bailed out by the Premier league as its not the clubs fault. When does taking responsibility for your actions ever Kick in - Perhaps storrie should also give something back


So those taxpayers in his constituency who lose their jobs as a result of his governments mismanagement of the economy should also be bailed out as being in government is a licence to raise income through taxes



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How excellent - add a win tomorrow and the weekend is complete! Hahaha - Pompey are down, but not yet out. Let's hope the Administrator sells their better players (good old 'Arry's already making noises about taking his rent-boy O'Hara) and they don't get their CVA which will serve up another -20 points in the CCC. Cheating gits - they deserve everything bad coming to them.

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How excellent - add a win tomorrow and the weekend is complete! Hahaha - Pompey are down, but not yet out. Let's hope the Administrator sells their better players (good old 'Arry's already making noises about taking his rent-boy O'Hara) and they don't get their CVA which will serve up another -20 points in the CCC. Cheating gits - they deserve everything bad coming to them.


Not a chance they will get a CVA. I have read in several places that the HMRC are hopping mad that they have avoided being wound up.

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I like this from the Sporting Life:




"A major sell-off of players and the prospect of a long period of rebuilding in the Championship now looms "


More likely rebuilding in Leagues 1 and 2 as we sail on past them, hopefully it will be shades of 1975/78. In 1975 we were both in Div 2, by 1978 we were in Div 1, Pompey in Div 4 and of course we won the FA Cup into the bargain. Those 3 years I was studying at Portsmouth Poly, what a great period that was smiley-happy020.gif

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The best news is this.


PFC is a bankrupt little ****e club with £70,000,000 of debt and no future. **** them. They gave us **** when we went into administration. Now its their turn to cry.


Fratton Park is a ****e investment at the best of time... but asking someone to pay off £70,000,000 of debt just to get even is insane.


They can't even get regular attendance of 16,000+ for a home game in the Prem. What chance in the championship? None. so unless there is some **** out there willing to **** away £70,000,000 for a hobby then they are out of business. and that says nothing of actual investment to get the club back on its feet. Tough ****ing luck.


Bye bye pompey. **** off you small-time little turds.


They are down and out

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My favourite bit of information so far :


The new reality will start when the players fly on budget airline Flybe for £47.99 each to the game at Burnley tomorrow.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1253961/Portsmouth-docked-points-administration-plunges-cash-strapped-Premier-League-relegation.html#ixzz0geEQZ4o5


God I hope they wheel out the Le Tissier plane for that one.

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I have no sympathy for them, and fully expect that this has got a long way to run yet. Come on HMRC, close em down.


I remember having a slanging match with Corp a couple of years ago on here when he hurled all manner of abuse at me for daring to suggest that Pompey had 2 years before they imploded. Needless to say I feel very smug today.


I've got a very nice bottle of Champagne in the fridge and I shall raise a glass of thanks tonight to Messrs Redknapp, Storrie, Gaydamak, Al Fahim and Al Faraj for the sweetest of days.


Thanks chaps, you couldn't have made a better f*ck up if you'd tried!!

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My favourite bit of information so far :


The new reality will start when the players fly on budget airline Flybe for £47.99 each to the game at Burnley tomorrow.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1253961/Portsmouth-docked-points-administration-plunges-cash-strapped-Premier-League-relegation.html#ixzz0geEQZ4o5


God I hope they wheel out the Le Tissier plane for that one.


Brilliant!! And of course portsmerth is such a crappy little town they don't even have their own airport so they will have to use ours!!!


**** me this weekend is going to be good!



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Just posted this on the Pompey Takeover Saga thread but it is relevant here as well.


Gordon Brown said it is a "sad day for a great football club". What planet is he on?! Was it not a sad day for Saints when we went into admin. What about Palarse? Brown didn't wade in then so why is he saying it now about the no-bit embarrassment that is the skates. It's a sad day when a soldier dies in Afghanistan, not when a financially mismanged football club goes into admin. T*sser.


On a slightly more lighter note, found it funny hearing Pompey fans approach Storrie on the radio.


"1.2 million a year Storrie?! 1.2 million a year. Explain that mate. You're 'aving a laff mush"


Was hilarious

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