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Is this a little dig at Pochetino from Cork?

Johnny Bognor

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“When you have someone who is less experienced and hasn’t done so much, he can say stuff and you don’t really want to believe it but I know when he (Koeman) is going to say stuff to help us and give us advice that it’s going to be stuff that is going to mean a lot. It can help improve us because it’s come from such an experienced man who’s won so much in the game.”



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Maybe. After Mopo left there where rumours that not all the players felt part of Mopo's set up and he only communicated to them through the other coaching staff. Prehaps a few of the players not in the last managers group of favoured players are enjoying having someone else in charge.

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I always felt and still feel that the main goal behind signing Wanyama was to replace Jack Cork in the CDM position.


Jack Cork's lack of pace and strength are not ideal for that position, or a CM position for that matter where at least one is required apart from good passing and intelligence. Not that anyone around here will care to notice.

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“When you have someone who is less experienced and hasn’t done so much, he can say stuff and you don’t really want to believe it but I know when he (Koeman) is going to say stuff to help us and give us advice that it’s going to be stuff that is going to mean a lot. It can help improve us because it’s come from such an experienced man who’s won so much in the game.”




Answer is NO. The quote is taken from the youtube video about the pre-season medical testing, and the question was about how the group was reacting to a new manager coming in. There was no reference to Poch, from interviewer or from JC.

Poch has been a successful player and manager. JC was talking about an unspecified type of manager who hasn't achieved. Both Poch and RK have achieved.

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I always felt and still feel that the main goal behind signing Wanyama was to replace Jack Cork in the CDM position.


Jack Cork's lack of pace and strength are not ideal for that position, or a CM position for that matter where at least one is required apart from good passing and intelligence. Not that anyone around here will care to notice.


I thought Cork made us more consistent whereas Wanyama shined occasionally but could also be anonymous.

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I wonder what is it that people consider to be ****-sturring?


Trying to find better alternatives to improve the team that plays every Saturday?


It also surprises me that a group of Football League players who quite literally won a lottery ticket by joining a club on the up who had the resources, the money and gave them all the conditions to thrive suddenly look and sound so self-entitled.


How many top level trophies do we have in our squad? Just who do they think they are?

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Possibly, but there will always be some players who feel not totally in tune with a particular manager - I expect it to be no different under Koeman. Players will generally not be so happy with a manager who is not picking them every week!


In general, the spirit amongst the squad and the effort that they put in for the manager throughout last season was excellent and a major part of our success. Most of our players improved under MP and you have to give him some credit for that.

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It's definitely a dig, and a none too subtle one either.


Good lad.


Its becoming clear that MoPo was the cancer at the heart of the first team squad. And the board are trying to cut out the tumour surrounding his core players and their over inflated egos.


Sooner we get rid of this dross the better tbh.

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Good lad.


Its becoming clear that MoPo was the cancer at the heart of the first team squad. And the board are trying to cut out the tumour surrounding his core players and their over inflated egos.


Sooner we get rid of this dross the better tbh.



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Yes, there was no love lost between cork and poch so can see what he is getting at.


Poch methods might have had starry eyed young lads in their first premier league season filled with wonder but I wonder how big time players at spurs will respond to his double training sessions and strict regime.

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not sure it is a dig. Cork knows Poch has played at the very highest level and was reasonably experienced as a manager (although less than Koeman perhaps). That said, having been outstanding in 2012/13 and then dropped completely, not even used as a substitute in the early part of the season must have done his head in. It did mine. Possibly the single biggest mistake during Pochs time as Saints manager.

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Yes, there was no love lost between cork and poch so can see what he is getting at.


Poch methods might have had starry eyed young lads in their first premier league season filled with wonder but I wonder how big time players at spurs will respond to his double training sessions and strict regime.


hopefully badly, although who knows, they have lots of foreign players maybe more used to that anyway. Anyway, let's hope it goes badly as we are going to need as many teams as possible to struggle or go through rough periods hopefully all just as we are about to play them.

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I wouldn't call it a dig but it is a fairly obvious reference.


If all these rumours about Pochettino playing favourites are true, there could be some serious dressing room issues at Spurs. Rubbing Jack Cork up the wrong way is manageable but if you're marginalising stars on £100,000 a week, things could get complicated. And they've got a much bigger squad than us.

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I always felt and still feel that the main goal behind signing Wanyama was to replace Jack Cork in the CDM position.


Jack Cork's lack of pace and strength are not ideal for that position, or a CM position for that matter. Not that anyone around here will care to notice.


It is a massive plus that Jack and Steven are positive about the future.


I'm looking forward to Big Ron forging new midfield partnerships if Schneiderlin leaves. Both Jack and Vic are very important players for us. Vic's distribution did seem to be improving towards the end of last season, post injury, and Jack has good muscle and imaginative flair. He did not get enough support and encouragement from MoPo it seems judging from his comments, so it's good to know that RK is here. Steve's role too is going to be massive. (He might make an excellent captain).


But I agree pace could be a concern and Vic's role in front of the back three/four will be massive in strengthening our defence.

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I thought Cork made us more consistent whereas Wanyama shined occasionally but could also be anonymous.


If you look at the stats when Wanyama played we generally didnt even concede one goal , much more important to the team than cork , although cork does a fine job Big Vic does the defensive side just in front of the back four much better

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Nasty Mopo. Trying to get someone in of better quality to replace a player. Danny Fox should of been our left back not Shaw. We would of got £50 billion from selling Fox to Madrid if he had stayed....


please tell me thats a joke? :facepalm:

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“When you have someone who is less experienced and hasn’t done so much, he can say stuff and you don’t really want to believe it but I know when he (Koeman) is going to say stuff to help us and give us advice that it’s going to be stuff that is going to mean a lot. It can help improve us because it’s come from such an experienced man who’s won so much in the game.”




Cork needs to work on his vocabulary and stuff

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I wonder what is it that people consider to be ****-sturring?


Trying to find better alternatives to improve the team that plays every Saturday?


It also surprises me that a group of Football League players who quite literally won a lottery ticket by joining a club on the up who had the resources, the money and gave them all the conditions to thrive suddenly look and sound so self-entitled.


How many top level trophies do we have in our squad? Just who do they think they are?


You sound a bit mental, mate. Jack Cork had a good season last year - don't really see what the problem is.

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No chance. Wanyama superior check the stats when he plays.


Yeh look at the passing stats while you're there , destructive Yeh but he really needs to work on his passing some times he is terrible ! I'll give him his due at the end of the season it was a lot better but he was giving the ball away far too much after winning it imo !

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Mmm, well it's not unusual for a Manager to favour an inner circle of staff he trusts. For Poch that was probably Lambert, Shaw and Lallana I suspect...maybe Lovren too? I don't think Cork was in that circle of trust.


Seeing as Mopo was the driving force behind Osvaldo coming to the club and NC (allegedly) tried to flog Lambert to WHU I'm not sure Lambert was one of the special ones. Lovern and Shaw for sure. I figured Lallana as well but Guan claimed that Lallana was subbed so often last season because he wasn't following Mopo's instructions so now I'm not so sure.

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Seeing as Mopo was the driving force behind Osvaldo coming to the club and NC (allegedly) tried to flog Lambert to WHU I'm not sure Lambert was one of the special ones. Lovern and Shaw for sure. I figured Lallana as well but Guan claimed that Lallana was subbed so often last season because he wasn't following Mopo's instructions so now I'm not so sure.


Good point about Lallana, however I suspect that Mopo allowed Lallana freedom and that in itself got him playing better (and in turn confirmed to himself that he was a big deal).

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I do seem to recall comments from Jack a few weeks after MoPo arrived and he'd been left out saying that he wasn't sure of hi standing because they hadn't spoken to each other.... Very strange considering he trained with the first team! Maybe someone with a better memory can clarify this...


As an aside, if Morgs does leave (which I don't think he will) it may prove to bring the best out of Cork ... He had to focus on ball-winning rather than ball-playing as he deferred to the Frenchman, so maybe they'll gel together.

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I do seem to recall comments from Jack a few weeks after MoPo arrived and he'd been left out saying that he wasn't sure of hi standing because they hadn't spoken to each other.... Very strange considering he trained with the first team! Maybe someone with a better memory can clarify this...


As an aside, if Morgs does leave (which I don't think he will) it may prove to bring the best out of Cork ... He had to focus on ball-winning rather than ball-playing as he deferred to the Frenchman, so maybe they'll gel together.


I think you may be in a minority of one on that one

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Ask any football fan in Barcelona about MoPo and you will get pretty much the same reaction.... They hate him. WHY ? because they think he is a blagger.... He inherited Adkins Squad and added Dani Osvaldo.... yes he added others, but that for me showed his lack of foresight. Plus he had his favourites and his "pressing game" became headless chicken stuff and our run in was poor. Cork will flourish under Tintin and I expect him to challenge VW for a place since VW can not pass a ball accurately more than 15 yards... that said , some of Corks covering and tracking back have been suspect at times.... shame we can't morph them both into one play , Victor Cork..... [ oh and MoPo will be sacked by February with Spurs languishing 12th-16th in the Div ]

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Ask any football fan in Barcelona about MoPo and you will get pretty much the same reaction.... They hate him. WHY ? because they think he is a blagger.... He inherited Adkins Squad and added Dani Osvaldo.... yes he added others, but that for me showed his lack of foresight. Plus he had his favourites and his "pressing game" became headless chicken stuff and our run in was poor. Cork will flourish under Tintin and I expect him to challenge VW for a place since VW can not pass a ball accurately more than 15 yards... that said , some of Corks covering and tracking back have been suspect at times.... shame we can't morph them both into one play , Victor Cork..... [ oh and MoPo will be sacked by February with Spurs languishing 12th-16th in the Div ]

if you think we were poor under MP, then you are an idiot


you could say, adkins inherited Pardews squad.......

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Not poor, but we could certainly have done better.


better than being in the top 10 all season and never really ever looking like dropping out

after 1 full season back in the top flight?


I thought we were brilliant last season, all things considered

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better than being in the top 10 all season and never really ever looking like dropping out

after 1 full season back in the top flight?


I thought we were brilliant last season, all things considered


League wise we were excellent, let down by our incredibly shallow squad.


But the waste of opportunities in the cups will always leave a sour taste with me. All these good players leaving for huge fee's, and we didn't even win a trophy with them.

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better than being in the top 10 all season and never really ever looking like dropping out

after 1 full season back in the top flight?


I thought we were brilliant last season, all things considered


We lost too many leads after getting into a good position. It was a good season but it could have been even better. We could go over the cups again but that's been done to death.

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