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Hats off to Lowe


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I find that difficult to say but his appointment of JP to lead and mentor our young team is looking bloody good currently. I am sure we will will have a few hiccoughs along the way but it's all looking rosy on the pitch right now. And the team can only get better.


Am I the only anti-Lowe guy prepared to give credit where it's due?

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On another thread someone was marvelling about the team and performance and topped it off by saying he won't visit St Mary's whilst Lowe is in charge. This is Lowe's choice of manager playing the products of the academy Lowe set up.


Whatever anyones thoughts about the past its time to get behind the club. If we dont regularly achieve attendances of 23,000 or more this season we can kiss this team and manager goodbye.

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I was upset when Pearson left and very sceptical about the appointment of Poortvliet, but after today I am starting to have a rethink. Arsenal or Man United would have been proud to have performed like we did today. If we continue playing like we did today I don't think promotion is out of the question at all.

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Very early days to be shouting from the rooftops about too much BUT.........


JP seems like a top, top bloke who really cares about our club and is like a kiddie in a sweet shop (hardly believing his luck).


He BELIEVES in the youngsters and they have shown (albeit over a short space of time) they can play the game in a way that any Saints fan can be proud of and put a smile back on the faces of us long suffering fans.


There's a long way to go but it looks really, really promising and the Board should take credit (so far).....it's been donkeys years since we, as fans, have been so royally entertained and by players who really have a connection with the club rather than looking for one more big pay day.


I just hope it continues and can't wait for the 2 home games coming up.............


Much rather this than relying on over the hill crap that have no skill and can only play 1 way.

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Lowe took a gamble,the cheap option,which was somewhat forced upon him, it has appeared that we seem to be heading in the right direction,playing style wise,we have not however achieved anything,that will be determined by our league position come the end of the season.


Then, and only then will i consider that he has done a good job,but most of my credit will still go to JP,MW,Hockaday and,what now appears to be, a commited playing staff.

Edited by saint lard
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Lowe took a gamble,the cheap option,which was somewhat forced upon him, it has appeared that we seem to be heading in the right direction,playing style wise,we have not however achieved anything,that will be determined by our league position come the end of the season.


Then, and only then will consider that he has done a good job,but most of my credit will still go to JP,MW,Hockaday and,what nows to be, a commited playing staff.


As cheap options go, it was certainly leftfield.


He obviously considered it carefully.

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Looking fantastic so far, however I am concerned that we will become even more of a market stall to bigger clubs and we will sell off any young talent. If we are building a squad and future like this, it is imperative that we keep hold of them.


Lowe we have 'subscribed to the view', as you like to say, that this is the way forward....now build on it and don't dismantle it as soon as potential success becomes a reality. There's a good chap.

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Lowe took a massive gamble by appointing Poortvliet and adopting a new style of play. Whilst I think it's too early to be saying it was the right move, there are certainly alot of positive signs indicating that we could be on the verge of seeing something special.


I never thought I'd say this but should a takeover be forthcoming, then I'd be absolutely gutted if it meant the end for our 'Dutch revolution' with the emphasis on youth players.


Finally, I feel as though we have a club where everyone is pulling in the right direction, everyone believes in what we are doing and there is a desire to succeed. I don't remember the last time I've seen a Saints side play with so much passion and commitment to the cause.

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I'll admit, on the pitch, Lowe has done well so far. BUT, from a political and class point of you he's the sort of person I despise, he's also coated all the posh seats in leather at St Mary's - not what I ****in' call cost cutting. That said, credit where it's due, well done.

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Looking fantastic so far, however I am concerned that we will become even more of a market stall to bigger clubs and we will sell off any young talent. If we are building a squad and future like this, it is imperative that we keep hold of them.


Lowe we have 'subscribed to the view', as you like to say, that this is the way forward....now build on it and don't dismantle it as soon as potential success becomes a reality. There's a good chap.


Given our size, we will always be a selling club. However if the fans can back the club by getting through the turnstiles and raising the income levels, and the outgoings are stabilized - we may then be in a position where we don't have to give away our players to get the wages off the books.

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Lowe took a gamble,the cheap option,which was somewhat forced upon him, it has appeared that we seem to be heading in the right direction,playing style wise,we have not however achieved anything,that will be determined by our league position come the end of the season.


Then, and only then will i consider that he has done a good job,but most of my credit will still go to JP,MW,Hockaday and,what now appears to be, a commited playing staff.

I seem to remember that we were going to appoint them before we appointed Burley. Perhaps if he had done he would never have been thrown out.

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Remember,Lowe has tried to innovate before with the Simon Clifford and Clive Woodward episodes,so it's not entirely out of leftfield...I personally think their input should have been given more of a chance,but too much conspired against them...and believe me,I'm no Lowe advocate!

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dont forget, lowe wanted this "set up" before burley arrived but was under pressure to "get a name" when burley was available..


makes you sick to think we have wasted the last two years...


I was thinking the same thing just earlier. Except Poortvliet wasn't envolved with the previous twosome. Wotte would have been manager.


I just we could have access to the old S4E new bulletins.

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I find that difficult to say but his appointment of JP to lead and mentor our young team is looking bloody good currently. I am sure we will will have a few hiccoughs along the way but it's all looking rosy on the pitch right now. And the team can only get better.


Am I the only anti-Lowe guy prepared to give credit where it's due?


No, I will happily give that credit too, but one match does not constitute success. It's looking promising though.

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dont forget, lowe wanted this "set up" before burley arrived but was under pressure to "get a name" when burley was available..


makes you sick to think we have wasted the last two years...


All ifs and buts though. If Lowe had listened to Strachan and invested in the squad we may still have WGS at the helm and be in the premiership.

I don't subscribe to this Lowe Love In, never will. That man has done more bad for this club than good.

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All ifs and buts though. If Lowe had listened to Strachan and invested in the squad we may still have WGS at the helm and be in the premiership.

I don't subscribe to this Lowe Love In, never will. That man has done more bad for this club than good.


Disagree, but there you go.

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Very early days to be shouting from the rooftops about too much BUT.........


JP seems like a top, top bloke who really cares about our club and is like a kiddie in a sweet shop (hardly believing his luck).


He BELIEVES in the youngsters and they have shown (albeit over a short space of time) they can play the game in a way that any Saints fan can be proud of and put a smile back on the faces of us long suffering fans.


There's a long way to go but it looks really, really promising and the Board should take credit (so far).....it's been donkeys years since we, as fans, have been so royally entertained and by players who really have a connection with the club rather than looking for one more big pay day.


I just hope it continues and can't wait for the 2 home games coming up.............


Much rather this than relying on over the hill crap that have no skill and can only play 1 way.


I'm watching Stoke City v Aston Villa on MOTD as I type this and two of those 'over the hill crap' players (Fuller & Delap) we were glad to see the back of are playing rather well in the Premier League .

Many of the players who have left this club in the last few years have proven to be quite capable of playing at a high level - we just didn't get the best out of them for one reason or another .

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Lowe took a gamble,the cheap option,which was somewhat forced upon him, it has appeared that we seem to be heading in the right direction,playing style wise,we have not however achieved anything,that will be determined by our league position come the end of the season.


Then, and only then will i consider that he has done a good job,but most of my credit will still go to JP,MW,Hockaday and,what now appears to be, a commited playing staff.



What has Michael Wilde done to get any credit ??


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All ifs and buts though. If Lowe had listened to Strachan and invested in the squad we may still have WGS at the helm and be in the premiership.

I don't subscribe to this Lowe Love In, never will. That man has done more bad for this club than good.


I totally disagree with you.


We had no money to invest when we were in the Premiership.


To think we could have invested is ridiculous where was the money to come from

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Guest Hacienda
Am I the only anti-Lowe guy prepared to give credit where it's due?




I've always said I never wanted his return and won't step inside SMS whilst he's in charge but I've also always said that I thought it was a big but very exciting gamble and that I'd give him full credit if it came off.


What sold me on it was speaking to Jan before a pre season game.

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I agree we are heading in the right direction and playing good stuff at times. but we should still put things into perspective, one win in three against a side that haven't won for the best part of a year, yes we've played okay but it's results that count, people are talking as if our troubles are over and that we are home and dry already. However we are looking a much more focussed team and the youngsters are doing us proud we would never have strung three good performances together before. I still think we are four players away from a side that can really compete in this league a replacement for davies and another quality mid twenties defender and two strikers that are under thirty but with more experience than mcgoldrick (I realize this wont happen) I am in no way having a go at the team they've done terrific in the circumstances.

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think its easy to get caught up in the pantomine good or evil, but he was never either -or trying to be either.


We are talking a bit less about the board already and more the team which is great. Hopefully he will soon hardly get a mention!


We have more pride, are playing and are leaking less money than we were before he came back so credit for that.

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Lowe has done what a Chairman has to do, find a manager that will that will fit a clubs set up. He knew the first thing he was going to do was slash the expenditure and keep costs low by getting rid of a lot of players and relying on cheaper players. So he had to find a manager that could work with this, but that’s his job, he has not invented a new way of running a club or a revolutionary setup.

He has cut costs and found a manager that will try to get the best out of what’s left. JP is getting the results, not because of the set up but in spite of it.

Its early days yet and long may it continue but this Lowe back slapping is all a bit embarrassing.

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I seem to remember that we were going to appoint them before we appointed Burley. Perhaps if he had done he would never have been thrown out.


So we would/should of gone for the cheap option a bit sooner than we have.


Still the cheap option whether it was then or now.

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Guest Hacienda
Not even though your club needs your money now more than ever?





I'll not be using my money to bail out previous mismanagement, most if which, IMHO, was due to the ineptitude of the Lowe and his quisling.

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I'm watching Stoke City v Aston Villa on MOTD as I type this and two of those 'over the hill crap' players (Fuller & Delap) we were glad to see the back of are playing rather well in the Premier League .

Many of the players who have left this club in the last few years have proven to be quite capable of playing at a high level - we just didn't get the best out of them for one reason or another .


I agree with you. And there were others too who used to play here within the last couple of seasons and who have also done well in the Premiership. There seems to be a lot of rewriting of history going on, but it is a bit juvenile of some believing that everybody was great when they played here and just because they play for somebody else they suddenly deteriorate into a load of crap.


As to the Lowe question, I for one will never take my hat off to him regardless of how we do. I think that some people need a reality check. The youngsters are doing a decent job and so is Poortvliet. Lowe did not begin this strategy out of a number of choices; he took the only path that was open to him. Any success achieved now is just redressing the mess that he created originally. At the moment it is bearing some fruit, but it relies for its success on a number of variables. The squad is threadbare and I worry whether the wheels might fall off if we lose some of the players through injury, supension or the best ones being sold. Another worry is that teams get to know how we will play and employ strategies to negate it. Even Derby seemed to know that we like to play the ball out short from defence rather than lobbing it upfield and they played a high line to counteract it. It was a good result against Derby, but anybody who recognises the importance of confidence in the success that we might achieve, will also acknowledge the part that the lack of it played in Derby's failure to get back into the game.


Although even the matches lost showed reasons for some optimism and hope, it is still far too early yet to make any reasoned judgements.

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I agree with you. And there were others too who used to play here within the last couple of seasons and who have also done well in the Premiership. There seems to be a lot of rewriting of history going on, but it is a bit juvenile of some believing that everybody was great when they played here and just because they play for somebody else they suddenly deteriorate into a load of crap.


As to the Lowe question, I for one will never take my hat off to him regardless of how we do. I think that some people need a reality check. The youngsters are doing a decent job and so is Poortvliet. Lowe did not begin this strategy out of a number of choices; he took the only path that was open to him. Any success achieved now is just redressing the mess that he created originally. At the moment it is bearing some fruit, but it relies for its success on a number of variables. The squad is threadbare and I worry whether the wheels might fall off if we lose some of the players through injury, supension or the best ones being sold. Another worry is that teams get to know how we will play and employ strategies to negate it. Even Derby seemed to know that we like to play the ball out short from defence rather than lobbing it upfield and they played a high line to counteract it. It was a good result against Derby, but anybody who recognises the importance of confidence in the success that we might achieve, will also acknowledge the part that the lack of it played in Derby's failure to get back into the game.


Although even the matches lost showed reasons for some optimism and hope, it is still far too early yet to make any reasoned judgements.

although I agree with you wes, lowe has gotten an awful load of crap in the past due to poor manager choices...So, it is only right that he gets SOME cradit when he gets it right and if he gets it right in a big way he should be applauded accordingly...

Yes, he had no choice but go for the cheap option but that does not mean Jan WAS THE ONLY OPTION....


also, lowe did want this set up two years ago and for what ever reason we got burley, which I know 99% of fans were exstatic about...

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Michael Wilde is the biggest shareholder if he had not agreed the new set up would not be here and we would proably have been in Administration



You answer the previous question with your reply. There is only one reason for Quisling Wilde's involvment, apart from ego. That is the protection of his shareholdings in a last desperate throw of the dice.

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also, lowe did want this set up two years ago and for what ever reason we got burley, which I know 99% of fans were exstatic about...


They were right to be happy, GB had a good track record with Ipswich and Derby and had Hearts playing well. Every managment apointment is a gamble, on paper GS coming to us was a poor choice and Paul Jewell to Derby was good. Its just so unpredictable.

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also, lowe did want this set up two years ago and for what ever reason we got burley, which I know 99% of fans were exstatic about...


Burley was Lowe's choice - he has to take responsibilty for that waste of time and money just as much as he can take credit for Portvliet if it proves a success.

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You answer the previous question with your reply. There is only one reason for Quisling Wilde's involvment, apart from ego. That is the protection of his shareholdings in a last desperate throw of the dice.


Probably correct but did you support him when Lowe resigned

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although I agree with you wes, lowe has gotten an awful load of crap in the past due to poor manager choices...So, it is only right that he gets SOME cradit when he gets it right and if he gets it right in a big way he should be applauded accordingly...

Yes, he had no choice but go for the cheap option but that does not mean Jan WAS THE ONLY OPTION....


also, lowe did want this set up two years ago and for what ever reason we got burley, which I know 99% of fans were exstatic about...


Well, one option was already in place, but one reason given for disposing of his services was that JP and Wotte cost less combined than Pearson. So were they employed because they were cheap, or because they were the only options deemed to be capable of this football "revolution"?


On the basis that Lowe was prepared to disregard stability, if we are taken over and the new people want to install their own manager, I'm quite happy to disregard my former stance that stability is what is best for the club as the current regime have been true to form and been the biggest force for instability and disruption in the club's history. So they shouldn't be too upset if they themselves or their appointees are the victims of change too. Whether any future new manager continues the style of play employed by JP remains to be seen, but then he would be a mug not to play any player on merit and to observe how that player is most effective. The main benefit of new owners ought to be that they have the option of keeping those beneficial elements and addressing any deficiencies and holes in the squad.

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Burley was Lowe's choice - he has to take responsibilty for that waste of time and money just as much as he can take credit for Portvliet if it proves a success.



I agree he appointed GB and George did a good job when Lowe was chairman however it was under Wilde that too much money was spent on overated players

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Burley was Lowe's choice - he has to take responsibilty for that waste of time and money just as much as he can take credit for Portvliet if it proves a success.

indeed....that was my whole point


if fans (and they do) give lowe ****e for when it goes wrong, surely they have to praise him should this crazy little set up go right....

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Probably correct but did you support him when Lowe resigned


Yes, I did. But that does not mean that I cannot change my mind about him when he proved to be useless. It is because of high hopes of him that I am more bitterly disappointed that he turned out to be no better than Lowe and now the two of them are in charge together.

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