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Should we hold a vote of No Confidence in the Board, or...


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.....accept they need as much time as it takes to interview new managerial prospects, even if that drags on?


I am as worried as many are in the perception that they are out of their depth. I think the Echo article rings much that is true when it suggests there has been some naivity, indecisiveness, lack of urgency and a lack of vision and ambition on their part.


Should the Board honour their promise of open communication, or are they right in keeping quiet. (I realise that it was Cortese's habit not to release statements until there was something to announce, however most of us, I believe, had confidence in him to make the right decision for the club.)


Should we have a poll, mods?


My feeling is that we should.


If only to let Katherina understand our very real concerns. She needs to call the whole Board, some of whom may be on holiday, for an urgent meeting, imo.


So, a Vote of Confidence, yes or no?

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.....accept they need as much time as it takes to interview new managerial prospects, even if that drags on?


I am as worried as many are in the perception that they are out of their depth. I think the Echo article rings much that is true when it suggests there has been some naivity, indecisiveness, lack of urgency and a lack of vision and ambition on their part.


Should the Board honour their promise of open communication, or are they right in keeping quiet. (I realise that it was Cortese's habit not to release statements until there was something to announce, however most of us, I believe, had confidence in him to make the right decision for the club.)


Should we have a poll, mods?


My feeling is that we should.


If only to let Katherina understand our very real concerns. She needs to call the whole Board, some of whom may be on holiday, for an urgent meeting, imo.


So, a Vote of Confidence, yes or no?


What good would that do...honestly. You either go to games, buy merchandise whatever or you don't. The board don't really care whether we have any confidence in them or not...no matter what they might say on the subject.

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What good would that do...honestly. You either go to games, buy merchandise whatever or you don't. The board don't really care whether we have any confidence in them or not...no matter what they might say on the subject.


Yes, but for a Chairman brought into top boost commerical aspects a the club, this is nothing short of a PR disaster that is counterproductive.

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What good would that do...honestly. You either go to games, buy merchandise whatever or you don't. The board don't really care whether we have any confidence in them or not...no matter what they might say on the subject.


Fair enough. That is a view. What do others think?

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No doubt you will get shot down for even mentioning it, but I tend to think we need to hold off with the snap judgements.


Right now is the time for the board to step up to the plate and show why they are employed at the club. Give them a chance to put their ideas across and see which direction they choose to go in.

They are there to make the decisions that need to be made especially in times like now. We need not only a new manager but a whole new coaching team too. They have to get this right 100% or the negativity will just build and build. All the positives of our rise could be wiped out in one go if they get these decisions wrong.


IF they get it wrong then I will have zero belief in them, I question their credentials already as it appears a lot of us on here have more experience then some on the board do of running a company.

But we must wait and see what happens. Managers come and go. Players come and go. Board people come and go. The next few weeks will tell us if those board members should be following these people out the door too.

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We need stability not instability.


We have time to get in a real good manager before the season starts.


The right manager should go a long way to calm the nerves of the fans and reassure the players.


I am sure we will lose some very good players, but we will have money and with a bit of know how we can get in some very good replacements and consolidate next year.


There is a lot to play for and now is NOT the time to press the self destruct button.


I would like to see Glenn Hoddle as manager.

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Yes, but for a Chairman brought into top boost commerical aspects a the club, this is nothing short of a PR disaster that is counterproductive.


Why do you think he was brought in to do that, has he any experience in that sector ? Is his forté not leading people to believe in themselves and thus perform better. I've not too much idea of his background but I certainly don't have him down as a super sales exec. His not a CEO of a company either, in fact at the end of the day he's an ice hockey coach and motivational speaker, how any of that is supposed to improve our commercial receipts I just couldn't say. However he has managed to sell himself to KL and therefore probably boosted his own revenues so who can say really.

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Yes, let's sack the board because Cortese told everybody we were going to win the title/make the champions league and some mugs believed him.


Well i think you'll find that the board cannot in fact be sacked, not by us anyway. When you have shareholders...then you can start about sacking boards (rather than individual members of it) When you have one careful owner then no-one has any power at the end of the day but that person or their appointed trustee.

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It's far too early to be thinking about meaningless votes of confidence. As St Marco says, it's what happens now that will determine how much confidence not only we, as fans, can have in the board, but the playing and coaching squad....come to think of it, make that the playing squad since the coaches have by and large disappeared with Poch to Spurs.


Of course we can have concerns, the confusion over Doddsy and Paul Williams and the silence surrounding the Poch situation. We don't know whether Les Reed's discussions with Poch led him to believe he was keen to stay or not, but let's be honest, it is no football man's ambition to coach a mid table provincial club like ours, and if the offer was made to any of us to go to a bigger club with a bigger reputation then of course we would be likely to go.


It's now up to the board to show their mettle and get someone in of a fine calibre. Moyes would imo undoubtedly keep us up and make us difficult to beat, without necessarily playing free flowing attacking football. I don't know too much about the other suggestions I've seen such as the guy from Basel Murat Yakin

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Yes, but for a Chairman brought into top boost commerical aspects a the club, this is nothing short of a PR disaster that is counterproductive.


Well said. The board are out of their depth here.....

God knows who they will appoint but I am fearful....

After last year's building of credibility we are heading for 'little old Southampton' again. Nothing about this episode or the ones to follow allowing players to leave will help this club grow.

We are now officially a feeder club to big boys again

So we have now lost our chairman, Manager and looks like captain all the space of a few months. That sounds to me like rank poor running of a growing successful club!


My vote would be no confidence....in fact it appears to be a complete shambles ...

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It's far too early to be thinking about meaningless votes of confidence. As St Marco says, it's what happens now that will determine how much confidence not only we, as fans, can have in the board, but the playing and coaching squad....come to think of it, make that the playing squad since the coaches have by and large disappeared with Poch to Spurs.


Of course we can have concerns, the confusion over Doddsy and Paul Williams and the silence surrounding the Poch situation. We don't know whether Les Reed's discussions with Poch led him to believe he was keen to stay or not, but let's be honest, it is no football man's ambition to coach a mid table provincial club like ours, and if the offer was made to any of us to go to a bigger club with a bigger reputation then of course we would be likely to go.


It's now up to the board to show their mettle and get someone in of a fine calibre. Moyes would imo undoubtedly keep us up and make us difficult to beat, without necessarily playing free flowing attacking football. I don't know too much about the other suggestions I've seen such as the guy from Basel Murat Yakin


Oh please not Moyes. His football is completely different to MP - is that what we aspire to?

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.....accept they need as much time as it takes to interview new managerial prospects, even if that drags on?


I am as worried as many are in the perception that they are out of their depth. I think the Echo article rings much that is true when it suggests there has been some naivity, indecisiveness, lack of urgency and a lack of vision and ambition on their part.


Should the Board honour their promise of open communication, or are they right in keeping quiet. (I realise that it was Cortese's habit not to release statements until there was something to announce, however most of us, I believe, had confidence in him to make the right decision for the club.)


Should we have a poll, mods?


My feeling is that we should.


If only to let Katherina understand our very real concerns. She needs to call the whole Board, some of whom may be on holiday, for an urgent meeting, imo.


So, a Vote of Confidence, yes or no?


There has been some knee jerk crap on here of late, but this take's the biscuit.........I despair of some fans, I really do.

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Oh please not Moyes. His football is completely different to MP - is that what we aspire to?


Do we aspire to be a top half club that reaches a cup final and has an outside shot at the champions league and sometimes breaks into the top 6, or isn't that good enough for you?

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Do we aspire to be a top half club that reaches a cup final and has an outside shot at the champions league and sometimes breaks into the top 6, or isn't that good enough for you?


CL football is apparently completely out of reach. Moyes achieved that against all odds with a pretty average squad and had his team consistantly in the top 6


He has a proven track record of working with youngsters and bringing them through, so why not?

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CL football is apparently completely out of reach. Moyes achieved that against all odds with a pretty average squad and had his team consistantly in the top 6


He has a proven track record of working with youngsters and bringing them through, so why not?


He also did it on a very limited budget and had to sell before he could buy for many years. Yet some people are turning their nose up at him because it's fashionable at the moment to make him out the be a clueless clown.

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i would vote lots of confidence! I still like Big Kat! i think we're lucky to have someone of her K.Liebherr*


* can we also have poll on this pun pls, I'm not sure it works.


Or as the german speaking part of Switzerland would say...


Ich Liebherr dich...

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He also did it on a very limited budget and had to sell before he could buy for many years. Yet some people are turning their nose up at him because it's fashionable at the moment to make him out the be a clueless clown.


Was it THAT limited though?


Didn´t Everton have one of the biggest wages to turnover ratio?


Just because they dont buy expensive doesn´t mean the budget is limited, just used in a different way.

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​a) the board really haven't had any important decisions to make yet. now they do, so just wait and see.

b) why would a poll on saints web speak for all saints fans? most don't ever come on here.

c) what the hell good would it do and why are so many people absolutely determined to turn a disappointment into a crisis?


Thats not true. They have to decide what to do with Pochettino for starters. They had to make decision on Dodd and Williams. They are still to make decisions on Cork and Fonte contracts. They have received bids for both Shaw and Lallana and possibly others for which they have had to respond to. None of which we have had any transparency over btw.

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I don't think he's that, just have doubts whether he'd shown enough faith in your youngsters, give them enough chances.


What I don't doubt, it that he'd have Saints very comfortably safe every season, even if we sold loads of players, which isn't to be sniffed at. Huge experience, good contacts, lots to prove. I'd take him over many of the other names mentioned, can't believe some are wanting Howe, Rosler or certain others over Moyes.


If people want any loyalty too, you won't get many better bets. He won't jump ship quickly after last time, and more likely, just won't get offered top English jobs even if he got Saints into the top 6. The more I think about it the more sense it seems to make. Might argue he's not attacking enough, but it depends what players you have, and he liked Pineaar, Mirallas etc. I think he'd love Wanyama, Cork, Schneiderlin and Davis for a start.


If people had said 18 months ago we were bringing David Moyes in to replace Nigel Adkins the ambiton and drive of the chairman would have been lauded. He was grossly underqualified for the Man United job which would have been the toughest challenge even for the most successful of managers. He's a great manager for a club like us and like you say wont jump ship quickly or even be considered for a bigger job after the Man United fiasco. He made some good astute signings in Arteta, Lescott, Baines, Cahill, Jagiekla etc. if we want someone to stick around for 5 years and establish us a top half club then he'd be a good choice. If he's on the boards radar, wants the job or we'll pay him what he wants is another matter.

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No, we should not, we should wait.


For all we know the board had been pushing Pochettino into making a decision and he wouldn't. Being under contract their only options would be to wait, or to sack him and risk losing a very good manager for nothing (plus, probably, some incoming from Spurs buying out his contract). They may well have a shortlist of candidates draw up, feelers put out and be ready to move quickly to the next stage.


Equally, they may have been far too trusting, been played by Pochettino and ultimately and naively caught out and are now desperately wondering what to do next.


My gut feeling is the truth is somewhere in the middle. The fact that Katharina Liebherr was unaware of how 'her' company was being run by Cortese and was therefore surprised at the financial state of 'her' company suggests she isn't as strong as we may hope. Equally, she moved quickly to get rid of Cortese when she found out and she had people lined up and ready to step in at short notice (some rumours suggest Kruger was around long before Cortese left). Time will tell whether she chose the right people, but she did at least make a decision.


So IMO it's what happens next that counts. I'm ****ed off with the way things are going, but I'll judge them on what they do next as we clearly don't have enough information to do anything else.

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Although I do believe the Board will do it's utmost to bring in the best 1st team manager, assistant manager, youth team coaches etc. that it possibly can, I can almost hear someone thinking (in German)...


"Stuff this for a game of soldiers, they made the 5 year target, they achieved Papa's dream, but this is just not what I want to be dealing with"


....not suggesting we're going to be sold, more that what has happened will have taken the gloss off for real and shown what a dirty little business the PL is.


This is indeed when we get to see the size of the Board's collective balls (no sexism intended whatsoever)

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This thread really does take the biscuit for going off at half-cock. Apart from the futile nature of the poll, which calls into question the business ability of our owner who appointed the board, the whole premise of it is poorly timed. Before universally condemning the board because Pochettino got greedy and let his ambition rule his head, let's wait and see who the board bring in to replace him.


Certainly Gareth Rogers is a viable target for stating that Cortese had left a difficult financial situation behind him when he left, and that caused the feeding frenzy in the media suggesting that we would have to sell the family silver, our star players, in order to balance the books. That might in turn have convinced Pochettino that he could not keep the bulk of the team together into next season.


However, any player who wishes to leave, and indeed any manager, cannot be kept here against their will, as that would be counter-productive if their mind is elsewhere. The board have done just what they are able to; to ask for incredibly inflated prices for those star players, so that the bidding club have to pay through the nose, or look elsewhere.


The time to get stroppy at the board, is after they have appointed a manager not deemed to be capable of taking us further, and even then he deserves times to manage the team, just as Pochettino did when he arrived as a comparative unknown. They also deserve time to prove that that manager will have their complete backing when it comes to buying the additional players required to press on upwards and to replace adequately those players who leave.


The board have been here a relatively short time and deserve to have a bit of latitude given to them until such times as they can be shown to be incapable of realising their ambitions to build on the progress that has been made since the Liebherrs took us over. Considering where we started and where we are now, it is not even clear with previous precedents whether we might yet appoint a manager who does better than Pochettino.


As I pointed out on another thread, I believe that the Saints Forum on Radio Solent will reappear before the start of the season and it will be clear at that stage who the new manager is and which players will consitute the team. Surely that will be the time to criticise the board if need be, or seek explanations to these events.

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No,no and thrice no.


When did they know for sure he was leaving, 100 %? - yesterday

Who would commit to leaving their job before knowing they had another one? - no one. Ponch didn't hand in his notice 2 weeks ago and wait for Spurs to give him a new one.

What does the new season start - on monday? No , on the 16th August, in 2 1/2 months time

Is there a perspective manager at the World Cup that could do a job for us? - Wh knows

Is there a manager at the moment that could do a job for us that would commit now there is a position open? - Who knows

Have we been actively looking for a new manager? - Probably not as we had one

Are we now? - Probably as we don't have one

Would an experience business person out of their depth in a field they know nothing about waste money making mistake after mistake? - Not bloody likely

So, what would said business person out of their depth in a field they know nothing about do, then? - Buy in the expertise, and more expertise, and listen to those that know, weigh up their advice and process in a business like manner.

What would said business person say to their stakeholder if accused of a lack of communication in this situation say? - You knew, via the website, what had happened BEFORE the press, the pundits, those that proclaim to be in the know, before the fans of Spurs, before the radio, before the websites, before Twitter and before Jack Cobley's uncle Tom. AND Before Dave Paech and MLT. AND Before Cortese. AND after he handed in his notice, and before he posted on the website and twitter. Apart from that, how much openess do you want.

What would said business person say to their stakeholder today, in a way of openess? - We are looking for a new manager.

And tomorrow - We are looking for a new manager

And on Friady? - We are looking for a new manager

And on Saturday? - We are looking for a new manager

Any comment on Sunday? - No, it's a day of rest.

What about Monday? - We are looking for a new manager. And Katey, the tea lady is having cakes in the staff room at dinnertime to celebrate her 50th Birthday.

What about Tuesday 3rd June? - We are looking for a new manager, and we are arranging a Birthday celebration for Victor Wanyama and will fly it out to him for the 25th june. No Yaya mistakes here.

What would said business person say to their stakeholder if asked,How long will you be looking for a new maanger? - How long is a peice of string? Until we get one.

Are there any applicants at the moment? - Who knows.


Perhaps they should put an advert in the Echo, or go to an agency, to hurry it up. Or perhaps they should take a bit of time, find a few that fit in with us, get some feedback, ask them in for an interview if interested, find the right person and appoint them.


Vote of no confidence? They are a business, and will go about all this in a business like manner, like all German/Swiss business do, and will look to have someone in place when they can. I have confidence in them. You can't keep someone here against their will, and if you did, what sort of job would they do? And that goes for ALL the players of the team.

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Although I do believe the Board will do it's utmost to bring in the best 1st team manager, assistant manager, youth team coaches etc. that it possibly can, I can almost hear someone thinking (in German)...


"Stuff this for a game of soldiers, they made the 5 year target, they achieved Papa's dream, but this is just not what I want to be dealing with"


....not suggesting we're going to be sold, more that what has happened will have taken the gloss off for real and shown what a dirty little business the PL is.


This is indeed when we get to see the size of the Board's collective balls (no sexism intended whatsoever)

If Katerina is not fully committed to seeing the club develop and move forward - not just stand still - then it is best for her and us that she sells. It is, after all, a highly saleable asset. If she is committed then this is the first major set-back that they have had and we have to judge on the outcome - not start spitting dummies half way through the process.

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If Katerina is not fully committed to seeing the club develop and move forward - not just stand still - then it is best for her and us that she sells. It is, after all, a highly saleable asset. If she is committed then this is the first major set-back that they have had and we have to judge on the outcome - not start spitting dummies half way through the process.


Lets wait ans see how many players are sold, and who mp's replacement is, its not going to be a big name as when have we ever had a big name....... other than hoddle & redcrap if they can be considered such?

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Understand the sentiment but as others have said a 'vote' of no confidence is not practical and would have no impact. At the moment the Board can still recover the confidence of the fans by letting it be known that they are refusing to accept the bids for Shaw, Lallana, Lovren and any other key players. The manager was different because he was into the last year of his contract and replaceable. So far we have no evidence of strong leadership from the Board and hopeless communication with the fans, which may also mean a lack of communication with the players, but there is an opportunity now for them to show strength of purpose. Or not.

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Lets wait ans see how many players are sold, and who mp's replacement is, its not going to be a big name as when have we ever had a big name....... other than hoddle & redcrap if they can be considered such?

That is exactly what I am saying. Save the dummy spitting until we see the actual outcome in terms of manager and players

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