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FA Cup - Excitement or Disappointment?

Weston Saint

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There was a time when FA Cup 3rd round was an exciting time for all football supporters. Those in the 1st and 2nd tier joined those remaining in the lower leagues. In those days there was no team rotation. You put out your strongest team.


Now most of the top teams put out almost their second eleven or fringe players because of the squad system and the need to give overpaid players time on the field.


The romance has gone. The expectation diminished. The excitement reduced.


I made a decision at the beginning of last season not to pay to see our cup games. We are being short changed.


Don’t get me wrong, I am not blaming Southampton FC. It is the same for the majority of the Premier and high flying Championship teams. Success in the League due to the high financial rewards has to be a priority particularly when you add in the rich returns from the European Champions League.


Times have changed. The FA Cup is the worse for this change. However football at the higher level has shown a positive progress. The skill levels are better, the facilities including the pitches are so much better. Just look at the New Years day weather. Remember the mud patched of old. Yeovil was live on the TV that lunch time and it was the old fashioned mud bath. Switch over to Swansea and the pitch looked like a carpet. Then our game with Chelsea. A perfect pitch that looked just as good at the end as it did before kick off.


The FA cup will never die. But it is fading. I suppose it is just one of the casualties of progress.

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If the clubs continued to take it seriously (and not, for example, have their manager state to the press that he could "do without" their upcoming game, or wheel out the assistant manager because the actual manager can't be arsed to do the press conference) then the fans would reciprocate.


As it is, the 16k or so we'll get through the gate tomorrow will be among the highest attendances of the round, which is a pretty sad state of affairs.

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I'm going tomorrow love the Cup nice change of pace to the PL. Is there really only 16K going tomorrow?

Current home sales are around that level, no idea about corporate or away sales. Not likely to get many on-the-day sales due to the price increase and the weather forecast.

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I am going because I like football, watching Saints whenever i can, wanting them to win, and enjoy Cup games. I am lucky enough to be able to afford to go. If we win tomorrow then I will have enjoyed more than getting beat 3-0 at home by Chelsea for sure!

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I love the FA cup. It's a great trophy and would love us to win it again. I love looking at the old footage of 76 and hope one day to be lucky enough to experience that myself. I know the 'champions league or nothing' mugs on here would sooner we finish 7th and go out in the third round than 10th and have a go at winning it but I for one would much rather see a picture of Adam Lallana lifting the FA cup in 20 years time than one of Nicola Cortese lifting the premier league prize money cheque for the money we have won from finishing a few places higher.

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Because the point is devaluing a game tomorrow and thats why a lot of people are not going.

We would not devalue the final.

I am not going as would rather use the money to go to an away game but being a long time ST holder

and spent probably thousands since 1967 if we get to the final I will go....and other rounds before if we put out a strong side.

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I love the FA cup. It's a great trophy and would love us to win it again. I love looking at the old footage of 76 and hope one day to be lucky enough to experience that myself. I know the 'champions league or nothing' mugs on here would sooner we finish 7th and go out in the third round than 10th and have a go at winning it but I for one would much rather see a picture of Adam Lallana lifting the FA cup in 20 years time than one of Nicola Cortese lifting the premier league prize money cheque for the money we have won from finishing a few places higher.


Me too..... and probably lots of others too but Sky and the TV money now dictate the FA Cup is not the glory it was. Personally mid table and a cup run - win would be brilliant and still think our League Cup folly at Sunderland was wrong.

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Being amongst over 10000 away fans at WBA and Notts Forest for early round cup matches in the late 70's are high up on my all time favourite SFC memories.


Even just trying to listen to The FA Cup Draw on a Monday lunchtime was something to look forward to.


The magic has gone. sad really.

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Being amongst over 10000 away fans at WBA and Notts Forest for early round cup matches in the late 70's are high up on my all time favourite SFC memories.


Even just trying to listen to The FA Cup Draw on a Monday lunchtime was something to look forward to.


The magic has gone. sad really.



Hah City Ground in what about 77, what a day out that was. 3-3 wasn't it, mullered them in the replay.

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Hah City Ground in what about 77, what a day out that was. 3-3 wasn't it, mullered them in the replay.


One of my favourite away days - Ossie's freekick was one of the hardest shots have ever seen...it gets better the older I get.

Glad the coppers were patrolling the Trent that day :-)

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One of my favourite away days - Ossie's freekick was one of the hardest shots have ever seen...it gets better the older I get.

Glad the coppers were patrolling the Trent that day :-)



One in front of me got a polystyrene tub of mushy peas all over his helmet, came from the upper tier of the stand when we scored our 3rd .

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If the clubs continued to take it seriously (and not, for example, have their manager state to the press that he could "do without" their upcoming game, or wheel out the assistant manager because the actual manager can't be arsed to do the press conference) then the fans would reciprocate.


As it is, the 16k or so we'll get through the gate tomorrow will be among the highest attendances of the round, which is a pretty sad state of affairs.


Still I think at least that manager's statement has demonstrated something useful. I think we can all agree that football can 'do without' Paul Lambert.

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Love the cup, have gone to all fa cup games home and away for about 20 years, but a half empty stadium, poor atmosphere, reserve team line up and ridiculous premiership ticket prices have made me apathetic. Sad really but I'll be giving it a miss and saving my wedge for an away game instead. Perhaps if fans weren't bleed dry in the prem they'd have a few spare bob to go to cup games.

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I have little time for the league cup really, but I have always loved the fa cup. I have felt it is the ultimate prize for a club like us realistically. My dream is for us to win it in my lifetime.


Although I didn't go, the watford semi is one of if not the biggest buzz I have felt as a saints fan. In contrast the final result was like a 2 week hangover, maybe I was one of the few who felt like that. The further we go the bigger the buzz will be. Fa cup will never lose it's shine for me.

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I love the FA cup. It's a great trophy and would love us to win it again. I love looking at the old footage of 76 and hope one day to be lucky enough to experience that myself. I know the 'champions league or nothing' mugs on here would sooner we finish 7th and go out in the third round than 10th and have a go at winning it but I for one would much rather see a picture of Adam Lallana lifting the FA cup in 20 years time than one of Nicola Cortese lifting the premier league prize money cheque for the money we have won from finishing a few places higher.


Spot on. It's really the best chance we have of winning any major silverware, I hope we don't take the p*ss in the same way we did with the League Cup. We're not going to qualify for Europe through the league this season IMO and we're not in any relegation bother so let's have a good go. I still love the FA Cup, no matter how devalued it's become with others who genuinely would rather focus on finishing slightly higher in mid table rather than "risk" putting our first team out and having a proper go.

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I have little time for the league cup really, but I have always loved the fa cup. I have felt it is the ultimate prize for a club like us realistically. My dream is for us to win it in my lifetime.


Although I didn't go, the watford semi is one of if not the biggest buzz I have felt as a saints fan. In contrast the final result was like a 2 week hangover, maybe I was one of the few who felt like that. The further we go the bigger the buzz will be. Fa cup will never lose it's shine for me.



it's just a pity that we've got such a difficult draw already in the 3rd round with our first team in tatters. Still i suppose the kids might step up tomorrow.

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Excitement then disappointment as we go out at some point through playing a weakened side. I received an email from the FA recently publicising the third round. Ironic considering how the FA's been instrumental in it's decline.


I suspect there will be many who won't be there tomorrow who'll attend should we progress to later rounds. Am I right in recalling that we used to get vouchers which gave priority for later cup matches?

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Excitement then disappointment as we go out at some point through playing a weakened side. I received an email from the FA recently publicising the third round. Ironic considering how the FA's been instrumental in it's decline.


I suspect there will be many who won't be there tomorrow who'll attend should we progress to later rounds. Am I right in recalling that we used to get vouchers which gave priority for later cup matches?


Yes you are right certainly at The Dell, can say I remember seeing anything at SMS though.

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was always excited by the F.A. Cup as a kid and lucky enough to see us win in 76, those memories are never likely to be repeated. Although part of me thinks we should rest alot of the first team because the Premier League is ultimately what its all about...the other part of me wants us to field our strongest side and take the competition deadly serious. We have a great opportunity to progress but i'm not so sure our management are overly bothered.....and in part if thats the case i do understand it.

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was always excited by the F.A. Cup as a kid and lucky enough to see us win in 76, those memories are never likely to be repeated. Although part of me thinks we should rest alot of the first team because the Premier League is ultimately what its all about...the other part of me wants us to field our strongest side and take the competition deadly serious. We have a great opportunity to progress but i'm not so sure our management are overly bothered.....and in part if thats the case i do understand it.



You just cannot equate now with 1976, in 76 there was one sub and you didn't play teams with 30 internationals on their roster every week. Everybody played their best team all of the time or at least whenever possible. To turn up at the Dell and learn that one of your favourites was out was shudder making because the reserves were just considered to be also rans. When teams in the PL

are only allowed to spend a set amount of money on players and the sum is equal for all then we may come back to the Glory Days of the FA Cup . As it stands you can bet your old boots that one or more like 2 of the big 5 will be in the final.

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I love the cup and so does my 16 year old son. But it doesn't have the buzz it used to. In 84 we rested Steve Williams from an important league game so he could play in the cup, would be the other way round now. Two decisions by FA have hastened the decline in my opinion - making it possible to win ties on penalties rather than going to a second replay (I was at Filbert Street in 78) and staging semi-finals at Wembley.

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I love the cup and so does my 16 year old son. But it doesn't have the buzz it used to. In 84 we rested Steve Williams from an important league game so he could play in the cup, would be the other way round now. Two decisions by FA have hastened the decline in my opinion - making it possible to win ties on penalties rather than going to a second replay (I was at Filbert Street in 78) and staging semi-finals at Wembley.



Steve Williams was playing with injections most of that season, we didn't just rest him, we spared him more injections that's all.

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Back in the 70's the FA Cup Final was one of the only live games on TV all year. You got that and the odd England game. That was about it.


This made it special. Pretty much everyone made an effort to watch it. They hype was massive in the weeks building up to it. Blanket coverage on both BBC and ITV from 9am of the morning of the game. Everyone lapped it all up.


You couldn't see live league football on TV. Only highlights on MOTD. The highlights were only of 2 or 3 games. Not every game had cameras at them. Hard to imagine now how great it was to have live football on your TV. Some people could even watch it in colour. These days are long gone and the FA Cup has suffered for it. Pretty understandable really but it sucks just how devalued it seems to have become for a lot of top flight teams. It's a hindrance for their aim of finishing 17th (or 4th) in the Prem.


Get to the quarters though and a bit of the magic will soon come back. You only have to win 3 games to get there...

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As I have said before it is all about money.


Premier clubs worried about relegation (Wigan excepted), will be keen to sneak out of the Cup.


Top Clubs only get interested in the later stages, and give the second team a run out.


Middle teams are aware that even two places higher in the league is probably more financially rewarding than a good Cup run.


I don't like it, but that is the reality.

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One of my favourite away days - Ossie's freekick was one of the hardest shots have ever seen...it gets better the older I get.

Glad the coppers were patrolling the Trent that day :-)


Yep for somwe unknown reason The Police put us in The Trent End ... we took the Trent End in the cup ....!!


Not those of us who were on The Football Special Train. So special it broke down within sight of Wembley Stadium. One replacement engine later, we got to Nottingham at 3pm. 10 minute sprint to the ground and they stuck 400 of us in the east terrace (to your left) where the displaced Trent enders were gathered. Cue 30 mins of mayhem, halted by Forest getting and scoring a penalty.



Still I think at least that manager's statement has demonstrated something useful. I think we can all agree that football can 'do without' Paul Lambert.


Can anyone actually make out what he is saying?

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The reason fans feel a little bored with it is simply because the clubs don't give a ****.


The 3rd round weekend used to have a real buzz about it, and everyone would be chomping at the bit to go and play - no matter who it was against. Now we're charged a fortune to watch the youth and reserve sides, and that simply doesn't excite me and I know others feel the same.


Once the clubs start taking it seriously again, then so will the fans.

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The reason fans feel a little bored with it is simply because the clubs don't give a ****.


The 3rd round weekend used to have a real buzz about it, and everyone would be chomping at the bit to go and play - no matter who it was against. Now we're charged a fortune to watch the youth and reserve sides, and that simply doesn't excite me and I know others feel the same.


Once the clubs start taking it seriously again, then so will the fans.


Fans also fuel it

Just one defeat in the league and look how some react

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Give one of the Champions League places to the FA cup winners, that'd revive it overnight


That would never work. Teams like Wigan won't be as well equipped for the Champions League than a team who finish 4th. If, for example, a Championship side happen to win the Cup and find themselves in the CL, they'd get beaten in it every week and it would be seen as a waste of time.


I do, however, love the Cup and would happily take a lower league finish and win it than finish 9th but with no Cup. We're in a great position in which we're not worried about relegation but we're not going to qualify for Europe so let's take it seriously this season and go for it.

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Give one of the Champions League places to the FA cup winners, that'd revive it overnight


I really want to hear a good argument against this.


UEFA probably wouldn't allow it unless they extended the same offer to all countries with a high enough coefficient. Not sure what the implications of that would be. Other reasons I could think of:


- Uber-established top three clubs may not take it any more seriously

- If it was applied across all the top nations you risk having some seriously crappy teams in the Group Stages, reducing the credibility of the Champions League. Though perhaps the likes of Wigan wouldn't have made it so far if every team took the cup seriously

- The sacking-spending frenzies of Premier League owners could go into complete meltdown if they started sacking managers for going out of the cup and denying them their jackpot

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That would never work. Teams like Wigan won't be as well equipped for the Champions League than a team who finish 4th. If, for example, a Championship side happen to win the Cup and find themselves in the CL, they'd get beaten in it every week and it would be seen as a waste of time.


I do, however, love the Cup and would happily take a lower league finish and win it than finish 9th but with no Cup. We're in a great position in which we're not worried about relegation but we're not going to qualify for Europe so let's take it seriously this season and go for it.


There would be less chance of this as the clubs who should be going for the cup (Us, Everton, Spurs, Newcastle etc) would give the cup greater priority and on qualifying would be better equipped for the competition then say their counterparts from the more obscure nations who qualify via the qualifying rounds thanks to playing in a more competitive league.


While the cup is offering less incentive for winning then it's more likely that Wigan, The Skates, Stoke etc will be able to get through to the final as the bigger clubs will more likely be knocked out in the earlier rounds as they see no point in trying.

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