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Stoke build-up thread


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Having not been to a Saints game since our win against West Brom, I cannot waittt!


Same team like today except Cork and Clyne for me :)


Two confident teams going in on a high, and having failed to beat Stoke in our last three attempts, I really think we could nick a win here :)

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Stoke will be a tougher test than Fulham who are, let's be honest, utter turd.


Will be nice to start clocking up the home wins again though. Today's results have made the top half of the league quite interesting, Newcastle are now pretty catchable - seeing as we have to play them at home ourselves.

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Stoke have had their day winning against the Mancs, they'll be spent next week, expect to win this comfortably. Chance maybe to get VW and SG some more playing time and no doubt Clyne will start if Chambers knock was serious


I think Clyne should start irrespective of CC's injury - Callum a little off the pace today and no coincidence we scored three times following Clyne's arrival. Surely now most posters will agree that Yoshida is very good cover for Dejan and Corky must play a continuing role given his form.

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I never stick around to the end of MOTD to watch Stoke so i haven't seen them much lately, but safe to say it will be tough game the way Pulis has them playing. Hope that "curse of old boys" does not strike, and Higgingbottom, Delap & Kenywne Jones stay off the score sheet!

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Our best line-up apart from Lovren in my opinion, lets start a good run. COYR


Would be harsh to drop Davis though. He has been playing excellently lately. Not the most skillful player I admit, but he never stops chasing down the ball in the opponents half and that is a key part of our system.

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yeah why no love for stephen davies? he is my favourite player i know everything there is to know bout stephen davies, i have been following him since his villa days. I have his name on my shirt, big letters on the back D A V I E S and quite often often other fans, Saints fans at that, look at my shirt and say Davies? Who is Davies? Is that ur name? It's like these prawn sandwich glory fans is not even know their own players! Stephen Davies is so under-rated it's not even funny!

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The additional E on the shirt may be a cause of the questions...or is this all something that is going over my head?


yeah soz i was trolling MLG really :( I do like davies tho, he is important cog in the wheel, nice little interchange with klyne yesterday opened things up for Lambart's goal.

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Thought he was meant to be off to Chelsea. I'd like us to go after Alex Mccarthy of Reading personally.


Would be a silly signing for them. they still have Cech, and also Courtois will be back next year - one of the finest young keepers in the world.

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Chambers Fonte Yoshida Shaw

Wanyama Schneiderlin

Davis Lallana Rodriguez



Subs: Davis Hooiveld Clyne Cork JWP Guly Gallagher


Think we need Wanyama's bulk against Stoke. Same goes for Chambers over Clyne. People shouldn't underestimate the importance of Fulham's fatigue in the second half yesterday. They came flying out the traps in the first half and then couldn't keep up in the second. That made our lot look so much better.


Still Wanyama and Chambers for me.

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I never stick around to the end of MOTD to watch Stoke so i haven't seen them much lately, but safe to say it will be tough game the way Pulis has them playing. Hope that "curse of old boys" does not strike, and Higgingbottom, Delap & Kenywne Jones stay off the score sheet!


If we can not give any silly throw in's away, it will nullify the threat of Delap. Also have to keep any eye out for Dean Whitehead who makes good runs from deep.

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why are people saying morgan is best pushed further forward

why say that?



because they want to play Cork,Victor and Morgan. Probably won't happen and certainly not whilst Victor is doing Incredible Hulk impersonations. Jack and Morgan will start in CM against Stoke. They won't be so knackered as they were at the start yesterday.

Morgan is our best ball winner and he doesn't often waste it when he recovers the ball, he also gets forward plenty anyway so I

can't see any reason to change the way things are actually.

Edited by Window Cleaner
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I still cant believe how people want to push Davis out the team so they can shoe in 3 CM's. Davis has been superb this season, its his workrate and industry that lets Lallana and JRod play so well.


For Stoke id be tempted to start VW again because he really does need the game time

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