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Good news from FA


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Thats not good news. Just means you'll get ever more ****tish cheating and diving and football becomes like ballet, a non contact sport. He should have had it rescinded and Flores given a red for diving.


I agree Flores did throw himself down and make a tit of himself, it was embarrassing.


However, Carroll did quite clearly lash out, and swing an arm at him. The fact he missed, doesn't mean he didn't try to get him. So I don't think it's that surprising it wasn't rescinded, and I don't really think it should have been for that reason either.

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Thats not good news. Just means you'll get ever more ****tish cheating and diving and football becomes like ballet, a non contact sport. He should have had it rescinded and Flores given a red for diving.


Flores made a massive meal of it and there was very little contact (certainly not where he holds his face), but it still looks to me like it may have been a deliberate swing by Carroll. Minimal contact or not, that would make it a red card offence. Problem is you aren't going to see a player punished for making a meal of an incident like Flores did and a red card for the offending player at the same time (even if its deserved). Footballers and football fans wouldn't be able to comprehend that even if its justified.

Edited by Matthew Le God
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Thats not good news. Just means you'll get ever more ****tish cheating and diving and football becomes like ballet, a non contact sport. He should have had it rescinded and Flores given a red for diving.


I knew it would never be rescinded. It was a blatant red. Sure he made a meal of it, but it doesn't matter how hard or soft he actually caught him, it lashed out with intent.


I see it as good news

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Thats not good news. Just means you'll get ever more ****tish cheating and diving and football becomes like ballet, a non contact sport. He should have had it rescinded and Flores given a red for diving.


No sorry still smiling!


Two wrongs don't make a right but if had choice, the fa to rid the game of one - I'd choose getting rid of fatsam/ carroll style football rather than player making fool of himself overreacting. Ideally both.


If carroll hadn't hit him he wouldn't have a problem. One reporter said was second elbow from him that game with other one worse.


Ban still 3 games.


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

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Thats not good news. Just means you'll get ever more ****tish cheating and diving and football becomes like ballet, a non contact sport. He should have had it rescinded and Flores given a red for diving.


That's good news. Just because he missed Flores with his swinging elbow doesn't mean the intent wasn't there.

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Carroll did quite clearly lash out, and swing an arm at him. The fact he missed, doesn't mean he didn't try to get him.


Im not sure it was as clear as that. His arms were already out when he whirled round. If your trying to hurt someone you probably wouldn't use an extended arm to the head.


Problem is you aren't going to see a player punished for making a meal of an incident like Flores did and a red card for the offending player at he same time (even if its deserved). Footballers and football fans wouldn't be able to comprehend that even if its justified.


I agree in principal - but Flores climbed all over Carroll, more than necessary to get the ball - you could argue that was more physical than Carrolls response. .

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Thats not good news. Just means you'll get ever more ****tish cheating and diving and football becomes like ballet, a non contact sport. He should have had it rescinded and Flores given a red for diving.


he should not have had it turn over. he swung his arm

chico should be dealt with also, but his reaction should not mean a red card should be ruled out

Edited by Batman
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Good news for when we play West Ham as h would surely have been fired up to do well against Rickie's team in the direct match up and he has scored against us before I think...but even better news for SRl and Jrod because AC has got just one game - away to Everton on March 1st before England's last friendly before May comes when we start our three pre tournament matches....he surely cannot sneak into the Denmark game squad at the expense of SRL now no matter what he does v Everton...and it also leaves a small chance for Jrod too, I think Jrod is one injury for Welbeck or Sturridge away from booking a place on the plane myself as one of the four forwards Woy will probably pick in the 23.(the other being rooney)

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How's it hypocrisy? It's a daft ban, never a red and encouraging cheating, bad news overall, but clearly good news for Saints in that fixture.


Because if Lambert had been sent off for same offence people would be arguing how unfair and wrong it was, how Carroll was now in pole position for England.

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How's it hypocrisy? It's a daft ban, never a red and encouraging cheating, bad news overall, but clearly good news for Saints in that fixture.


Its a deserved red for Carroll (he swung his arm, minimal contact is irrelevant), the only thing that encourages cheating is no punishment for Flores for trying to get him sent off by play acting. They should both be punished over the incident, but that would be too confusing for the football world to cope with.

Edited by Matthew Le God
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Because if Lambert had been sent off for same offence people would be arguing how unfair and wrong it was, how Carroll was now in pole position for England.


that is right, just like west ham fans are disgusted.

football fans are biased


I could not care less really about west ham or carroll and can see that when looking at the incident, he swung his arm at chico.

which is a red card. regardless if he hit him or if flores rolled around. it was a red.


the FA over ruled the rose red card, rightly and rightly said that carroll cant swing his forearm at people

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Im not sure it was as clear as that. His arms were already out when he whirled round. If your trying to hurt someone you probably wouldn't use an extended arm to the head.




I agree in principal - but Flores climbed all over Carroll, more than necessary to get the ball - you could argue that was more physical than Carrolls response. .


Ok, I gave it another watch, clear may be a bit strong. I still do think he has swung out and is trying to catch Flores, which is a red card.


Flores diving around like an idiot does not detract from that. It is a seperate issue, and one I agree needs to have something done about it.


Just for (everyones) reference:



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Red Card. Simple. He knew exactly what he was doing, and the fact he looked immediately at Webb shows he knew he was in trouble. Chico's histrionics are by the by.


It also means Carroll will have started a maximum of 16 Premier league games before the World Cup.


Surely not even Roy could pick a unhinged, unfit, unprofessional player ahead of Lambert and Rodriguez, could he?

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The thing to watch in that Gif above is both players' eyes. They both look at the referee.


Chico Flores looks at the ref to make sure he is watching before clutching his face in mock agony, and Carroll's first reaction is also to look at the ref.


I initially thought Carroll was unlucky, that he caught Flores a glancing blow with an arm that was naturally flailing after he landed and that he didn't know where Flores was.


But I think it's the eyes that give it away.


If Carroll had caught Flores accidentally his first glance would have been to see where Flores actually was, and then he would have moved off in pursuit of the ball.


Carroll's first reaction after catching Flores was to look at the referee. It's a look of guilt which says 'I hope you didn't see that.'


It's the kind of look a toddler gives a parent who has just come into a room to find jam smeared all over the walls.


Flores' behaviour is disgraceful but retrospective action can't be taken against him because the referee saw the incident and chose to take no action.


The only question for the FA disciplinary panel to decide was whether there was intent on Carroll's part.


The fact that the contact made was so slight it wouldn't have knocked the meringue topping off a dessert is irrelevant.


As long as there is intent, no contact needs to be made.


The FA panel clearly thought there was intent.


As I said on another thread the other day, whether Carroll got off this charge or not, it shows he will be a risk in the World Cup.


You can see the scenario now. Woy throws him on against Italy with 20 minutes left, he clashes with Chiellini or one of the other Italian defenders, who goes down as though he has been silenced by the Mafia.


Off goes Carroll, and he's out for three games, by which time England are out of the competition.

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Useful. Another player who is relatively decent but has become a bit of a figure of fun because of overhype and overvaluation which of course, wasn't his fault and shouldn't really reflect on his actual ability.


Plus he's been sent to numerous injury specialists which without alleging anything whatsoever, would be precisely the story I'd go with if my talented and too-rich too-young striker who loved the playboy lifestyle had been to rehab for a drug addiction.


Anyway, he'd have caused us problems. Useful that he's out.

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I agree Flores did throw himself down and make a tit of himself, it was embarrassing.


However, Carroll did quite clearly lash out, and swing an arm at him. The fact he missed, doesn't mean he didn't try to get him. So I don't think it's that surprising it wasn't rescinded, and I don't really think it should have been for that reason either.


This...he missed because his aim with his arm was as errant as aim with his 'kin great fetlock.

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It is a red card but only goes to highlight that footballers are incredibly soft.


It's part of what is turning people away from football and moving to other sports. If I saw a Saints player react like Flores, I'd be more annoyed at his reaction than the actual foul.


In totally non-realted news, did anyone see that Jonny May trained for the England rugby team today - four days after breaking his nose.


My main worry is that in excusing their behaviour, football fans are becoming as soft as the players.

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Not just me that is seeing the irony here that so many people are saying it's great news that Carroll is banned and will miss our game that it's a bonus etc and that it will rule him out for England yet at the same time the consensus seems to be that he's a terrible player, a cart horse etc. So why is it great news he misses our game?

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Not just me that is seeing the irony here that so many people are saying it's great news that Carroll is banned and will miss our game that it's a bonus etc and that it will rule him out for England yet at the same time the consensus seems to be that he's a terrible player, a cart horse etc. So why is it great news he misses our game?


You really need to ask that question? Read this site as much as you must do, and see how many people haven't at some stage rated lambert, Ramirez, wanyama, cork, maya, Jrod, lallana, schneiderlin, Davis (Steven) ... There are a lot of clueless people on here. Carroll is a very good target man with certain skills for a certain way of playing, but is limited to just that. An effective weapon with the right, painful to watch tactics in place. He and Nolan fit and playing would have seen them safe, and this jeopardises their survival IMHO.

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How anyone can say Carroll deserved the red I don't know. In full view of the Ref Flores had his arm around Carrolls neck - that should have been at least a yellow for start. But then to fein facial injury like that is a disgrace and brings the game into disrepute. I am not convinced that Carroll knew exactly what was going on and a yellow may have been appropriate, but never a red. The FA have somehow conspired to get this wrong....both in terms of Carroll and Flores.

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