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Is Katarina Tarnishing Markus' Legacy?

Pastor Patrón

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I can't imagine he'd be the proudest person in the world if he knew what was happening to his club atm. She essentially wrestled control from Cortese who he apparently 100% trusted with the running of the club and has since demolished everything that the previous regime stood for.

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Regardless of who we bring in, the way this has been done is a disgrace. Not sure if kat is to blame but collectively it has been an utter shambles.


She is to blame as ultimately she has to be the one to sign off on the deals. I doubt the board would sanction the sell off of the players without her approval.


Either way I am sure ML would not be happy with what is going on. He always seemed like an open and honest guy and you could see his genuine love for the club.

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I know you're not the brightest, but you don't think the man who bought us in league 1 ok administration, who seemed delighted to win the JP trophy, would be proud to see his daughter in charge of the club in the premier league with Ronald Koeman in charge and the healthiest financial position potentially ever??


we may not like losing players but most the comments have just gone mental.

And you accuse someone else of "not being the brightest". God save us from the lunatics.

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yet none of her strategies took us up.

it was nasty nics show


If she wanted to find a buyer she's had long enough to find one and sell for a profit. Instead she's invested more than her father did and things like Staplewood were green lit by her to increase significantly in scope and scale.

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If she wanted to find a buyer she's had long enough to find one and sell for a profit. Instead she's invested more than her father did and things like Staplewood were green lit by her to increase significantly in scope and scale.

she invested money she inherited. not from her brilliant hard work

now, she wants that money back

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This is pretty offensive. None of you know her, or anything about her and therefore you have no idea what her intentions or motivations are and so this is just pointless speculation. Leave her be.


actually no. in the football game the rewards for being remotely successful are enormous. so, take it when things are not going well


things are st marys are NOT going well. we are setting new precedents.

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actually no. in the football game the rewards for being remotely successful are enormous. so, take it when things are not going well


things are st marys are NOT going well. we are setting new precedents.


Yes, we have lost many players and it is sad that a lot of them are academy players. But we have a lot of money now, and have bought two decent replacements so far and it seems another may not be far off. We also have a couple of promising academy players coming through too. However, there is little we can do when top 6 clubs come knocking. That is apparently the modern game and there is little we can do about that. As for Katharina Liebherr, she had to take over from her father in league one and has evidently invested and continued to invest a lot since then. Things are not going badly, and I don't think they necessarily will next season. We have a good manager and good players. We'll probably finish midtable once this is all done and the money is reinvested.

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Yes, we have lost many players and it is sad that a lot of them are academy players. But we have a lot of money now, and have bought two decent replacements so far and it seems another may not be far off. We also have a couple of promising academy players coming through too. However, there is little we can do when top 6 clubs come knocking. That is apparently the modern game and there is little we can do about that. As for Katharina Liebherr, she had to take over from her father in league one and has evidently invested and continued to invest a lot since then. Things are not going badly, and I don't think they necessarily will next season. We have a good manager and good players. We'll probably finish midtable once this is all done and the money is reinvested.


oh, so now its top 6 not top 4?

feck me, we finished 8th and some thought we under achieved.


dont talk pony

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If she wanted to find a buyer she's had long enough to find one and sell for a profit. Instead she's invested more than her father did and things like Staplewood were green lit by her to increase significantly in scope and scale.


I think it's far more likely that she executed her father's (and Cortese's) plan.

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I can't imagine he'd be the proudest person in the world if he knew what was happening to his club atm. She essentially wrestled control from Cortese who he apparently 100% trusted with the running of the club and has since demolished everything that the previous regime stood for.


I knew Markus very well. We sometimes dined together and i can tell you for a fact that he trusted Nicola (met him three times, once for luch, once for dinner, once at a disco) with his heart. Markus once said to me "you know, i shouldnt say this, but sometimes i wish that Nicola was my daughter"


Either way I am sure ML would not be happy with what is going on. He always seemed like an open and honest guy and you could see his genuine love for the club.


You are guessing about what Markus would feel, but i know for a fact that he would be in tears if he could see this. He probably wouldn't be able to take a photo right now because of all the tears. He was an open and honest guy. I know this because i met him (lunches and dinner).



yet none of her strategies took us up.

it was nasty nics show


None of her strategies took us up indeed and we should ignore the fact that we got promoted under her ownership.


I thnk its sad that this is what we have become as a club. I know most of you won't have known Markus in the way i did but i am sure you can imagine what he would be thinking and feeling. In fact, you should all post what you imagine him to be thinking and feeling on this thread, even if you don't have a f*cking clue about him as a person, and it is perfectly fine to do that. For example, i never met Princess Di, but i know FOR A FACT the she liked fountains and when they made that fountain thing for her in London i immediately said "it is what she would have wanted".

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oh, so now its top 6 not top 4?

feck me, we finished 8th and some thought we under achieved.


dont talk pony


Soon it'll be ''Little we can do if PL clubs come knocking'' and then followed by.....''Little we can do if NPC clubs come knocking''.....


Unfortunately it seems as if we've started a very accelerated drop.

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Soon it'll be ''Little we can do if PL clubs come knocking'' and then followed by.....''Little we can do if NPC clubs come knocking''.....


Unfortunately it seems as if we've started a very accelerated drop.


martinez, when asked about ross barkley linked over again with a £38m move to Man City just burst out laughing and said something like "I dont think so"


I mean, how dare everton stand in his way....


How is it, burnley and the like are able to stand in our way?

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oh, so now its top 6 not top 4?

feck me, we finished 8th and some thought we under achieved.


dont talk pony


And United finished seventh, so technically it's top 7 not top 6.


dont[sic] talk pony!


If anyone knows EXACTLY what is going on behind the scenes at SFC, then please do tell.


For now, RK seems pretty happy with the way things are turning out, so as is usual for Saints fans, let's wait until the summer is concluded and see where we stand then! I'd even go so far as to say let's see where we are after Xmas and make a judgement then!!

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martinez, when asked about ross barkley linked over again with a £38m move to Man City just burst out laughing and said something like "I dont think so"


I mean, how dare everton stand in his way....


How is it, burnley and the like are able to stand in our way?


To be fair to that one, I don't think any club has seen enough of him to put a bid in as yet (to the level they want). Give him another year and he'll be gone though. If there was a serious bid this summer, he wouldn't be there IMO.

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This is pretty offensive. None of you know her, or anything about her and therefore you have no idea what her intentions or motivations are and so this is just pointless speculation. Leave her be.


Even despite the torrent of urine now permeating my mattress, I have to largely agree with this post.

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To be fair to that one, I don't think any club has seen enough of him to put a bid in as yet (to the level they want). Give him another year and he'll be gone though. If there was a serious bid this summer, he wouldn't be there IMO.


even so, £25m on ross barkley is not gamble for a man city. I doubt everton would stand in his way, and all that

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oh, so now its top 6 not top 4?

feck me, we finished 8th and some thought we under achieved.


dont talk pony


When did I ever say top 4? Why are you nitpicking at my response rather than posting something proper. I say the top 6 to refer to the smaller group of clubs in the premier league who have a significant amount more money than the others. We aren't in that elite group and therefore we can not compete on money with them.

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The day she took charge we were in League 1, how quickly people forget. She has invested more in the club than here father did.


Rubbish, she took over during the "5 year plan". She let it run its course, she probably had no option to do otherwise because of contractual obligations, before starting a new plan - which is when Cortese was forced out (yes, I know he walked), Ralph Krueger came in, blah blah blah...


Everything since it's been her plan has been sh1te (with the possible exception to Koeman, Tadic and Pelle).

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I knew Markus very well. We sometimes dined together and i can tell you for a fact that he trusted Nicola (met him three times, once for luch, once for dinner, once at a disco) with his heart. Markus once said to me "you know, i shouldnt say this, but sometimes i wish that Nicola was my daughter"


You are guessing about what Markus would feel, but i know for a fact that he would be in tears if he could see this. He probably wouldn't be able to take a photo right now because of all the tears. He was an open and honest guy. I know this because i met him (lunches and dinner).



None of her strategies took us up indeed and we should ignore the fact that we got promoted under her ownership.


I thnk its sad that this is what we have become as a club. I know most of you won't have known Markus in the way i did but i am sure you can imagine what he would be thinking and feeling. In fact, you should all post what you imagine him to be thinking and feeling on this thread, even if you don't have a f*cking clue about him as a person, and it is perfectly fine to do that. For example, i never met Princess Di, but i know FOR A FACT the she liked fountains and when they made that fountain thing for her in London i immediately said "it is what she would have wanted".


Lol sarcasm is so awesome, thanks for regaling us all with that comedic interlude in an otherwise dour afternoon.

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At this stage, yes she is tarnishing her fathers legacy. More so for the fact there is no communication to the paying customers. Regardless of what happens next, good management at any level is achieved through communication. As head of this, she and her management team have failed.

They still have time to redeem themselves, but so far this is not a good way of handling things

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The day she took charge we were in League 1, how quickly people forget. She has invested more in the club than here father did.


There was talk of a trust fund left by Markus and im sure Nicola was left to control that trust and deliver the 5 year plan.

Perhaps Kat has put in nothing to date? I think the last 5 years was Nicola with the trust fund that he left the club


Coincidence that the 5 year plan ends and now all this selling??

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5 year plan is completed surely. Nothing more to be done.


3 year plan is the next 'project'.


Why 3 years? That's the length of RK's contract so he's got 3 years to improve SFC or to find another club.


So currently, he's between a rock and a hard place, it'll be a testament to his skills (in coaching), vision (in new signings) and tactics (in enhancing team performances) if he succeeds in even keeping us in the PL, not to mention a huge boost to his 'value' (and so, by default to ours).


If he fails, it would be a disaster for both him and the club - both would likely be finished.


...and he can't bottle it now, because he will appear to fail before he has even tried, not good on the old CV that.

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5 year plan is completed surely. Nothing more to be done.


3 year plan is the next 'project'.


Why 3 years? That's the length of RK's contract so he's got 3 years to improve SFC or to find another club.


So currently, he's between a rock and a hard place, it'll be a testament to his skills (in coaching), vision (in new signings) and tactics (in enhancing team performances) if he succeeds in even keeping us in the PL, not to mention a huge boost to his 'value' (and so, by default to ours).


If he fails, it would be a disaster for both him and the club - both would likely be finished.


...and he can't bottle it now, because he will appear to fail before he has even tried, not good on the old CV that.


To be fair, RK is in a bit of a non-fail position. If it goes tits up here and we do go down, the finger will be pointed at the sales and the situation he was put under. If he succeeds and does well, he will be seen as a miracle worker and Liverpool will probably sign him as their Reserve Manager or something.

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This is pretty offensive. None of you know her, or anything about her and therefore you have no idea what her intentions or motivations are and so this is just pointless speculation. Leave her be.


Why is it offensive to question her motives as owner? She is not Mother Theresa, but a Heiress to billions who never needed to work a day in her life.

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This is pretty offensive. None of you know her, or anything about her and therefore you have no idea what her intentions or motivations are and so this is just pointless speculation. Leave her be.


talking to people round the city, not the brain boxes who post on here who get to SMS once or twice a season, and there is a simmering anger building.

a few defeats in the the first 10 games, all of which were winnable when the fixtures came out, and i think things will really get offensive, as you put it, results on the field are what will be the ultimate test.

People understand Marcus saved the club but not convinced the majority at SMS will stay quiet for long if results are poor

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What, making loads of money?


Knock it off.


One of my enduring images of the big man was him standing in the Royal Box at Wembley after the p*ss-pot trophy final, taking pictures with his own little digital equivalent of a Box Brownie.


The bloke got bit by the bug, so stop accusing him of having capitalist motives.

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It would be reasonable to assume that Hans Hofstetter is advising Katharina. He's a lawyer and is bound to advise against risk (otherwise his indemniity policy would be assuming it). There aren't many riskier investments than a football club particularly one in a "difficult" financial position as he said earlier in the year with an outstanding liability of £27m.


So, as a lawyer, he's going to advise her to create a sufficient financial reserve to cushion the risk or to get out of it. Getting rid of a team in the Premier League at, say, £50m with no debts, a stadium and category 1 Academy, is going to be considerably easier than finding a buyer for £150m. Ask Randy Lerner. You just pocket £100m from the sales to make up the difference.


Could this be the scenario. A cushion or to aid a sale.

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It would be reasonable to assume that Hans Hofstetter is advising Katharina. He's a lawyer and is bound to advise against risk (otherwise his indemniity policy would be assuming it). There aren't many riskier investments than a football club particularly one in a "difficult" financial position as he said earlier in the year with an outstanding liability of £27m.


So, as a lawyer, he's going to advise her to create a sufficient financial reserve to cushion the risk or to get out of it. Getting rid of a team in the Premier League at, say, £50m with no debts, a stadium and category 1 Academy, is going to be considerably easier than finding a buyer for £150m. Ask Randy Lerner. You just pocket £100m from the sales to make up the difference.


Could this be the scenario. A cushion or to aid a sale.


Not saying that she is but IF they have played a blinder.


1. When Nasty Nic leaves, telling the fans it will become mor friendly and open to the fans.

2. Allow Le Tissier and Benali back at the club, even involve them in stuff.

3. Bring back the stripes.


All things that some/lots of fans were criticizing Cortese for...


Behind all of that, set up and inform agents. The higher fee they can get, the more both they and agent pockets...


Well, no I don't really think this, but as I said IF they are doing it they´re playing a blinder.

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IF he was alive we´d go a different way to this one IMO.


I think he got bitten by the footbal bug very fast and wouldn´t have mind to throw away a few more pounds.

But we´ll never get an answer on this one unfortunately.


No pounds were thrown away they were invested in improving the value of the club and its assets. The club and the value of the players we had at the end of last season were worth a lot more than what was invested however you want to do the maths.

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Until now I have sat on the fence and been wary of just criticising everything that the board are doing, arguing that while they have made mistakes, I am sure they genuinely want to achieve the best for the club. While I still believe that to be true, what is happening has now convinced me that they are just completely clueless and incompetent and something needs to change quickly.


Enough is enough. We cannot sell all of our best players and hope to achieve anything other than a season in which our Premiership safety is seriously at risk and with it the very money that has been raised from these sales.


The board are a complete and utter joke - even Rupert Lowe had more sense than this and that is saying a lot as the guy was a complete idiot. I am sad to say it but it may soon be time to draw together the collective fanbase of this club and protest until Krueger and Reed are sacked or sold into slavery, Katherina offers the club for sale and Cortese comes back with another buyer to save this sinking ship.


Liebherr, Krueger and Reed OUT!

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An Extract


Ch.27, Volume III - Rodent Reed and The Alpine Giant


Rodent Reed scurried along the carpeted hallway, half blind with panic and trepidation. He didn't know what he feared most, to reach his destination quickly and face the Beast, or to reach it late and face its wrath. As it was, he found himself staring up at the great door quicker than seemed possible, and it took him a moment to recollect that there could be no escape. Not for him. He reached out a paw and scratched at the woodwork timidly, as if hoping to be unheard.


"Enter," boomed the terrible voice of the Alpine Giant. Rodent reached above his head and pulled down on the wrought golden handle.


The room was large, and seemed larger still in contrast with the miniature furnitures left behind by its previous occupant. There was a tiny oak desk, a half-size silver potty, a hat-stand no taller than a horse's cock. By far the largest thing in the office was the Alpine Giant herself.


She was stood by the bay windows, her giant frame blocking almost all of the the natural light. She wore a crimson coat fashioned from the cloth of three curtains, and a neck scarf designed for a horse. Her hair was the colour of piss. Rodent peered up at her great and terrible face and longed to be elsewhere, to be anywhere but here, but he was rooted to the ground like a small shrubbery in the path of an oncoming tornado.


"Reed," said the Giant, and silver spoons rattled in their display cases. "Is it done? Are they all gone?"


Rodent Reed swallowed quickly and pulled at his collar. "It- it is almost done," he stammered.




"They're mostly gone."


"They must all be gone!" boomed the Alpine Giant, and Rodent felt a warm trickle of urine snake down his trouser leg, dampening his sock.


"B-but mistress! It's difficult! People are noticing, the disappearances are marked and I am run dry of excuses!"


"Tell them that they have run away, that they wanted to leave. That they went of their own accord."


"I have been, but the p-people, they don't believe me!"


"What people? Give me their names, they must be agents of the Imp."


"The Imp?" said Reed.


"Do not play dumb, Rodent Reed! The Lord of Dwarves, the Sultan of Spoons, the Count of Cuban Heels! His minions are everywhere."


Rodent grimaced, he knew that he could not name people to the Giant. To do so would be to seal their certain death. He cleared his throat, "Smirking Saint, Window Cleaner, Old Nick, Batman, Fitzhugh Fella, Hypochondriac..."


He went on for some twenty minutes, until his throat was hoarse and dry and he could talk no more.


"You know what you must do, Rodent," said the Giant. "All of these souls must be removed, they must be drawn from St. Mary's like poison sucked from a hornets cock. It is you that must do this, Rodent Reed. Remove his players, remove his spies, and we shall be free of the Imp, at last."


Rodent Reed looked again into the terrible face of the Giant and he felt in his weak heart a flicker of obstinance. He had been tormented for months by a particular night terror and he knew now that it was more than that, that it was a premonition of his impending doom. Every soul that was sent from St. Mary's drew the grimmest of futures closer. There would be a time, and it approached with increasing rapidity, when the only two souls left at St Mary's would be himself and the Alpine Giant, and that when that time came he would be forced, he would be obliged, he would be irrevocably contracted, to marry It.


He longed to say something, but the flicker of bravery was gone as quickly as it came. "Yes, Mistress," he said meekly, but even as he spoke the terror in his heart fermented. If he hadn't of already pissed himself, he would have pissed himself.

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Knock it off.


One of my enduring images of the big man was him standing in the Royal Box at Wembley after the p*ss-pot trophy final, taking pictures with his own little digital equivalent of a Box Brownie.


The bloke got bit by the bug, so stop accusing him of having capitalist motives.


He's a nice bloke, but you don't do what he did in business without capitalist motives.


If she's selling the players and then selling the club then yes, she is tarnishing his legacy.

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