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Pardew and board to meet Thursday now...?

saint lard

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Ok,not official i believe, but on a couple of SFC groups it is being reported that there is a meeting on Wednesday to decide AP future....





Truth or stoking the flames of rumour?


Do we really have a board or a dictatorship?

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Ok,not official i believe, but on a couple of SFC groups it is being reported that there is a meeting on Wednesday to decide AP future....





Truth or stoking the flames of rumour?



the "bored" ? must be those that watched the first half yesterday then.


Whoever forms a new government should have one initial goal, improve literacy.

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I fully expect there to be a Bored(sic) meeting on Wednesday.


I fully expect it to cover:

* A review of the season.

* Discussion on Retained List

* Agreement of Player budgets and transfer budgets

* Pre-Season Planning

* Off Field Closed Season plans

* What hotels Pards/NC will stay in whilst in South Africa Scouting Messi, Xavi, etc etc.


Then Pards and the Players have a month off to watch the world cup

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It was announced on the FL show last night (not sure how much they are in the know)


''There will be a meeting on Wednesday to discuss his future''


not sure what there is to discuss though....he's done a fine job and wants to be here.

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at the end of the day if it came to Cortese or Pardew, i would take Cortese all day long.

Dont actually think there is anything in these rumours anyway!:)


these rumours will not go away until Cortese comes out and denies them outright, as long as the club come out with the line ''No comment'' then you have got to believe there is something bubbling.

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these rumours will not go away until Cortese comes out and denies them outright, as long as the club come out with the line ''No comment'' then you have got to believe there is something bubbling.


Agreed. Thing is, Solent have a commercial deal with the club - So the 'rumour' that Marcus wasn't happy, isn't just some random rumour, IMO.


I'm also fairly sure that the article in the mail about his job being under threat was fed to the mail by Pardew too.


No smoke without fire, and I fear he'll leave after the meeting.


It'll be a shocking decsion if that happens.

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Ok,not official i believe, but on a couple of SFC groups it is being reported that there is a meeting on Wednesday to decide AP future....





Truth or stoking the flames of rumour?


accurate...we do not have a board.

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these rumours will not go away until Cortese comes out and denies them outright, as long as the club come out with the line ''No comment'' then you have got to believe there is something bubbling.


As soon as Cortese comes out to do that it will be reported as "Pardew gets dreaded vote of confidence". Or if Cortese mentions something about Pardew being told last year that he had 18 months, it will be "Pardew has 6 months to save his job".


I think he's right not to come out and say anything.

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I fully expect there to be a Bored(sic) meeting on Wednesday.


I fully expect it to cover:

* A review of the season.

* Discussion on Retained List

* Agreement of Player budgets and transfer budgets

* Pre-Season Planning

* Off Field Closed Season plans

* What hotels Pards/NC will stay in whilst in South Africa Scouting Messi, Xavi, etc etc.


Then Pards and the Players have a month off to watch the world cup


With the exception of the tongue in cheek last point IF there is a meeting Wednesday I would think this would be the agenda.

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If ML & NC see saints as a proper business it only makes sense that there will be a meeting with AP to review the end of project 09/10 & preview project 10/11


Indeed. Despite having criticisms of AP and not being 100% gushing in my praise of him, I see this meeting as no more than that either.


In a way we should be pleased; it means next season is being worked on NOW, rather than everyone p*ssing off for 2 months and nothing happening, as was the case under the Beetroot-faced-Bastard, because he couldnt bear paying new signings over the summer.

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Indeed. Despite having criticisms of AP and not being 100% gushing in my praise of him, I see this meeting as no more than that either.


In a way we should be pleased; it means next season is being worked on NOW, rather than everyone p*ssing off for 2 months and nothing happening, as was the case under the Beetroot-faced-Bastard, because he couldnt bear paying new signings over the summer.




Let the players bugger off for two weeks holiday.


But Pardew and NC can have a glass of wine together, a day or two off and then spend two months building the team that will win the league next season and take us to the Champion's League by 2015.

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Indeed. Despite having criticisms of AP and not being 100% gushing in my praise of him, I see this meeting as no more than that either.


In a way we should be pleased; it means next season is being worked on NOW, rather than everyone p*ssing off for 2 months and nothing happening, as was the case under the Beetroot-faced-Bastard, because he couldnt bear paying new signings over the summer.


I hope so Alps, my fear isnt really about AP as such, more than if we don't have stability, do you really think decent managers players & other backroom staff would think of comming here if we dont give them a real chance ? Money only talks so much.

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Sorry to be a pedant, but the original poster was correct to use "whoever" as the accusative form "whomever" is incorrect in the sentence "Whoever forms the next government". Here, the "whoever" is the subject, not the object, and is thus correct.


Still think you're fab LSC. ;-),

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With Alps on this, I've never heard of a professional business that does not have a business review to monitor past performance and to review the future plans.


If someone wants to interpret that as reviewing AP's future then of course that is what they are doing, AP has next season to plan for, that is in the future. They review and discuss what needs to be done that affects AP AND NC's future.


Would be more worried if there WASN'T a meeting to discuss the future.


And anyway, how do WE know what that review could entail - NC could say - situation changed we have no cash sell everyone. They could say OK buy everyone for the Champions League push now so we can get them cheap...

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Why Wednesday????

Why wait till then...what is so special about Wednesday and cannot be sorted on Monday?

Well, for a start there's the ash cloud which is preventing flights out of Switzerland, assuming Markus would like to attend. He also probably has other business interests to attend to on Monday (MALI Group stuff). Then he has to sort out who is going to be the new Prime Minister of the UK, the Greek economy and world hunger. Wednesday is soon enough once the other jobs are successfully completed.

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Then he has to sort out who is going to be the new Prime Minister of the UK, the Greek economy and world hunger. Wednesday is soon enough once the other jobs are successfully completed.


Well if he puts that list above Saints he clearly has his priorities wrong and should sell up to Mandaric....might as well start up another rumour this board has everything else covered.

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Whatever happens with Pardew (and I hope he stays), I just hope they get it sorted one way or the other AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, and not let it drag on all summer. The transfer window is going to be key this summer if we have aspirations of promotion, and we need a stable manager in place to sign them.


Would it pee off the players if Pards was sacked? I don't know how loyal the dressing room is to him - I do however think it is unlikely he'll go, sounds to me like the media are just hunting for a story. Part and parcel of having, what I would call, a high profile manager.

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I think the club would be stupid to sack AP he has done a great job winning the JPT and finishing within 10 points of playoffs cant ask for much more IMO considering he came in 2 weeks or under before the season started.


If we are getting Jose then maybe i will understand, but what manager out there is better then AP who would come to us IMO, hes one of the top 20 managers in the country at the moment, i see AP back at West Ham or CP and Zola or Keegan at St Marys.

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Pardew to the Hammers (still), hence Hughes to us (rumours). Hope we keep Pards but wouldn't be bad scenario if he goes. Him taking Lambert with him might be.

PS can he take Davis?

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I fully expect there to be a Bored(sic) meeting on Wednesday.


I fully expect it to cover:

* A review of the season.

* Discussion on Retained List

* Agreement of Player budgets and transfer budgets

* Pre-Season Planning

* Off Field Closed Season plans

* What hotels Pards/NC will stay in whilst in South Africa Scouting Messi, Xavi, etc etc.


Then Pards and the Players have a month off to watch the world cup


Thats my view.

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It seems there are a lot of these meetings going on this week - Zola,Oneil,Benitez to name a few.

They are branded as season reviews / next season planning although more likely to establish if that paticular manager will be at that club next season. I would imagine that Pardews meeting will be the same and it may come up in that meeting that Mr Cortese is not happy thus ending the meeting with a parting of ways.

The lack of response to these rumours IMO means nothing as it seems our leaders do not tend to speak to the press or the fans very often anyway. It would be nice for us to have a close season concentrating on trying to make our squad capable of gaining promotion rather than all this crap but hey we all know that supporting this club is never straight forward. I am sure there is something in this story as in Pardews solent interview when asked if he would be staying he said (exact words ) For my part yes i want too.

I really hope Pardew stays but what our owners want we will find out soon.

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Ok pure guess work here but last night on MOTD they were saying that

West Ham are deciding on Zola's future on Tuesday at a meeting.

It has been posted elsewhere that Pardew has met Gold...allegedly so it could

be Pardew is going back???


On arecent Football show where Pardew was one of the pundits, Pardew stated that he was "Southampton through and through"


Still, Brown Cameron and Clegg have all been known to tell Porkies


However, if there were no truth in the Pardew rumours, ANY decent Club would have made SOME comment by now


Back to the Dark Ages IMHO

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However, if there were no truth in the Pardew rumours, ANY decent Club would have made SOME comment by now


I was wondering what had happened to the "transparency" that NC spoke of when he baecame Chairman. This is a golden chance to clear a few things up which I thought Monday morning would bring.


Seemingly not.

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I was wondering what had happened to the "transparency" that NC spoke of when he baecame Chairman. This is a golden chance to clear a few things up which I thought Monday morning would bring.


Seemingly not.


Speak only when there is something to announce is a good rule in my book - otherwise you get into the invidious position of having to repsond to every rumour on every forum, website, newspaper and radio.

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On arecent Football show where Pardew was one of the pundits, Pardew stated that he was "Southampton through and through"


Still, Brown Cameron and Clegg have all been known to tell Porkies


However, if there were no truth in the Pardew rumours, ANY decent Club would have made SOME comment by now

Back to the Dark Ages IMHO


Maybe they don't spend their lives glued to some ***ty web forum?

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I was wondering what had happened to the "transparency" that NC spoke of when he baecame Chairman. This is a golden chance to clear a few things up which I thought Monday morning would bring.


Seemingly not.


Perhaps, because the concensus of opinion is pretty much on the money, there is nothing that Cortese can add to what is already "transparent"



Mark Hughes ???? Please God no:cool::D

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Maybe they don't spend their lives glued to some ***ty web forum?




You mean the same tacky web forum that you also use then ????


This "tacky" Forum as you call it, DOES represent a viewpoin(s) of genuine Saints Fans, and it would be foolish if it were not "monitored" by the Powers That Be


If it comes to pass that Pardew moves on, it makes a mockery of the Five Year Plan, because if the goalposts are going to be changed after year one. then the "Owners" word(s) cannot be trusted, and are worth even less than Players and Manager's Contracts

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Speak only when there is something to announce is a good rule in my book - otherwise you get into the invidious position of having to repsond to every rumour on every forum, website, newspaper and radio.

They don't need to respond to rumours, that would be bad. But they could put out something in response to:

(1) The withdrawal of programmes on Saturday

(2) ML's non-appearance.

Neither of these are rumours and could be explained easily by a short press statement (even if they do not fully explain the issues). That would then stop some of the rumours.

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