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MoPo to go?


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First things first, I DO NOT want MoPo to go, but I recall NC saying that he won't wait until we lose x games in a row before making a change.


Were currently 3-0 down to Chelsea at home, and IMO playing fairly well, and would beat other teams on this showing, but is it enough I quench NC'a thirst for progression?


I sincerely hope a snap decision isn't made and he stays.



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Seriously, a pointless thread IMO. MoPo is here to stay. We've been unlucky with injuries and we're still in the top 10, which is an improvement from last year. We're also playing attractive football too at times, so no my thought is that he won't go, despite our current form

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Without the spine of our side for the past few weeks any team would struggle. Perhaps the OP was being genuine before the WUM's waded in.


Pochettino has put to together one of the best, if not the best team units I have seen in the 30 years I have been supporting Saints. It is a project, projects have issues, he will address them.

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ANY manager could win a few with our squad full strengh


Good managers can adapt when squad is not 100% and mopo has not done that at all


Serious questions need to be asked - if mopo can only do well when squad is 100% fit then he's not for us


Even guy whittingham?

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ANY manager could win a few with our squad full strengh


Good managers can adapt when squad is not 100% and mopo has not done that at all


Serious questions need to be asked - if mopo can only do well when squad is 100% fit then he's not for us


Shut up, get out of your bedsit and get a life you dull repetitive pr*t.

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This has to be the stupidest f*cking thread i have ever read. We just lost to Chelsea, who have probably the best manager in club football and will probably win the league... We are 9th in the league having a brilliant season. The idea of sacking the manager now or at all in the near future is crazy, MoPo is probably the best manager we have had in a long time, look how he has turned Lallana into a brilliant player.

People seems to forget on this forum that the Premier League really is 2 leagues, beating those top6 teams consistently is impossible.


Pochettino has put together a brilliant squad, let him keep on improving it.

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just wish we could tighten up our final 3rd play, Jrod looked like the ball was an occasional visitor and the amount of times we were tackled in the final third was impressive.


Will revisit this discussion if in Feb we haven't picked up with our fully fit squad and our pressing game isn't being stressed by a load of games over a week and a half = tiredness.


On plus point we may get another player now ?

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Great post thanks for taking part


We are all frustrated.


Some of us will vent at mopo / team / results (its the saints forum afterall)


While others prefer to vent at other posters!? Not sure i understand that mentality, but if it helps them im happy to take a few insults.


Sticks n stone n all that :) :)

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Is this a forum full of skates?! Seriously! Get a grip, we are SOUTHAMPTON FOOTBALL CLUB, an average top flight side and we just lost to one of the best teams in Europe. Get over yourselves. Up the saints!


This is what I have been saying all along, we are average without quality signings.

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Great thread to start 2014.


Impatience is too apparent in the modern day football fan, and so is the urge to change absolutely everything on the back of a snapshot of fixtures. Bloody fickle generation


Yeah, them impatient fans and their rapid dumping of managers who have been successful. Shameful.


Thankfully our Chairman is nothing like that fickle generation of impatient modern day football fans.

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MP selected his "starting sides" from only 14 players in all of the first 11 games - since when we had injuries to Boruc 7 games ago....and Wanyama 6 games ago. (arguably two of our best players).

and since when.... there have also been injuries to Clyne (out for 6 games), and Osvaldo has started only 3 of the last 7 games,


Although Cork and Steven Davis have provided cover fairly well, both Schneiderlin and JWP seem to have lost some of their early season form -


Can we really blame MP for the poor quality of performances, when the "best of the rest" , are either inexperienced Academy-ites, (Gallagher / Reed) ...and Yoshida, Jos and Fox (who seldom cover themselves in glory when called upon). I think not. but we do need a stronger-looking bench, (IMO)....a good goalie as back-up and an extra CB. ¨


Forget trying to get " another winger ". We have Lee and Mayuka on the books, MP will never start a game with either of them, and unless they are of the quality of Willian or Oscar .....:blush:


they won't become "game-changers " overnight. I'd give up on the whole idea, and continue with the same formula in the upcoming games. It'll come right again - sooner or later.

Edited by david in sweden
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Well to keep the continuity of previous sackings its on the cards, Cortese either backs him and gives him millions to spend on what he wants and not on shiit like Ramirez or sacks him and continues the regime.


Lallana and j rod were worse.

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