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So then, how is the asset stripping going then lads..?

Unbelievable Jeff

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I work in the corporate world. I have never seen such accerelated asset stripping as I'm seeing right now.

Well.. Good luck katharina .. I hope you can sleep at night!!

The rest of us. .. I think as long as we only drop to league 1 we'll be ok. Still got some good kids coming through


Up to now, I've directed all my anger at the players for wanting out and not honouring their contracts. I bought the line that they were screwing over the club. But if Chambers gets sold, as seems to be the case, I'm going to question the board for the first time. Of all of them, it seems the most needless. We have money. We need players. So selling Chambers makes no sense at all. It really does feel like asset stripping, and I can't take this sh*t anymore. I actually feel embarrassed as a Saints fan right now, like I've been a mug all these years to think we could actually be 'somebody' in the football world. I never thought we'd break into the CL or anything, but had real hopes we could become a stable top 8 team and slowly chip away at the European places like Everton and Spurs have done. That's done now. We'll be lucky to stay in the Premier League next season, and frankly I'm not sure we deserve too anyway. Saints have become a joke. What's worse, the media says nothing about it. They write stories about the transfers and how great it is for Liverpool/Man Utd etc to get such good talents, and great for the players to step up a level, etc. No mention of Southampton's plight. Nobody questioning the fact that a young aspiring team is being torn apart from both inside and out now and what that means for the state of modern football.


Carefull, you get ridiculed if you dare to criticise Katharina The Great


To be fair it is asset stripping. If a company sells the things that made them successful and sells the things that would make them successful in the future what else is it?


Was just listening to the radio and some guy said it was actions of a club relegated not that of a top 8 PL club.


Blind faith is a very dangerous thing. Something is going on behind the scenes and I think those that disagree are starting to look a bit in denial to be honest. Like that Iraq minister guy.


So, as everyone is clearly up for sale, shall we estimate/guess what we're going to get for every other player that Katharina is eyeing up to sell...


Boruc - 2m

Clyne - 5m

Fonte - 6m

Yoshi - 1m


Gaston - 8m

Davis - 2m

Cork - Free end of season? Or now, 5m

Ward-Prowse - 10m

Osvaldo - 6m


So plenty more cash to come Mrs Liebherr. What a magnificent piece of luck she has had. She's walked into a job where she can allow her employees to move to a different company and make an insane profit on it. No wonder she always looked so happy in the stands.


When you strip away all of your assets it's generally considered an asset strip.


It's unbelievable that you DON'T think it's an asset strip


What would you call it then ?? 7 or 8 players from our first team squad sold off


Just a mild change in personnel ??


Go back and tell Katharina to sell the Club and get back from whence she came


She really has no time for Football


Fair play, that's true. Ok not a complete asset strip as such but definitely stripping our most "saleable" assets. The training ground/stadium and general infrastructure is vital for when she sells the club. But the players are something she can make a quick buck on before she leaves.


Of course it's an asset strip, but a player asset strip only.



It is certainly looking like asset stripping. The words of reassurance that we heard from Les Reed and Ralph Krueger only a couple of months' ago now f completely empty. Can we ever believe another word they say?


TalkSport are going to be discussing the Saints player asset strip in a minute. Jeff better get on the blower to give them the dictionary definition.


Well, at least you lot don't have this to moan about anymore, eh?

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Well, at least you lot don't have this to moan about anymore, eh?


The Morgan situation is quite strange though, seemingly a tipping point but loads of rumours floating around that the club had already promised he could leave. I don't think anyone really knows what is going on even now but it is clearly not an asset strip.


Realistically we probably weren't going to better last year's position anytime soon and that meant our players were at what might be considered their peak value so we sold.

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Not sure there is much to be smug about to be honest


What you talking about. We signed 2 players in on loan, signed 2 players from a weak league (of which one opened his account for us in the wrong goal) and now we got Shane Long! If you can't be smug about that what can you be smug about?

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What you talking about. We signed 2 players in on loan, signed 2 players from a weak league (of which one opened his account for us in the wrong goal) and now we got Shane Long! If you can't be smug about that what can you be smug about?



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How much have the club spent then Jeff?


Do you not think the club is cost cutting then? I imagine our wage bill is a fraction of what it was last season.


Also you realise that by bumping things like that means your own comments can be bumped too? Bit childish no?


Yes, the club is costcutting to a healthy level. Yes it's childish, but have you seen the abuse I have taken over the past few months?

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What you talking about. We signed 2 players in on loan, signed 2 players from a weak league (of which one opened his account for us in the wrong goal) and now we got Shane Long! If you can't be smug about that what can you be smug about?


What? Pretty sure Pelle scored 2 goals on his debut against Sporting Hasselt, bad team I admit, but get your facts right.

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Where have I resurrected an old thread? Not sure why Charlie would do that, we've been at loggerheads for most of the Summer, just have a look at our posts to each other.


Sorry it should have read Saint Charlie. Maybe a bromance is breaking out after your difficult summer. You know what they say....it's a fine line :D

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Well, at least you lot don't have this to moan about anymore, eh?


Wow, got to say that you just went to the top of the forum bell end list. Even topping Richmond...


Are you 12? The level of point scoring you just pulled is rather impressive, and keeping a back catalogue of people to shame is almost Glasgow like? Are you another of his multiple personalities/accounts that's just survived over the years.


How to encourage people to post on the forum, dish out a mass shaming the second they post something that looks incorrect.... truly fook-in :mcinnes: worthy...


Half the comments above are even reasonable... i.e. Leicestersaint saying "It is certainly looking like asset stripping. The words of reassurance that we heard from Les Reed and Ralph Krueger only a couple of months' ago now f completely empty." wasn't unreasonable to feel that way at the time was it.

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Yes, the club is costcutting to a healthy level. Yes it's childish, but have you seen the abuse I have taken over the past few months?


Frankly after posting this thread I suspect you'll get even more abuse.


Most of the posters you've put up there were warning what might happen. You'll never know whether the backlash of the fans changed KLs mind about investing in the club. The indicators were all there that an asset strip could be on the cards and they voiced concern and more importantly put the Boardroom under pressure to support the manager.


Krueger has been proven to lack integrity and frankly has been incompetent since he arrived. There is still a good chance he will be sacked. Once a CEO has lost the bulk of the fanbase it's a no brainer to remove him. The bulk of the fanbase will make a final decision on Krueger on 1 Sep. He is still well short of allocating every penny of the money earned from transfers. So judgement day still looms for him on 1 Sep.


Don't bother replying, I'm putting you on ignore.

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It seems to me that some posters simply don't understand the term "Asset stripping" in it's proper context. That should be no surprise on a footy forum. All of us are experts in some field or another, but very few of us on here are experts on anything relevant to the topics on being discussed here.


Anyone wanting carpentry tips, feel free to ask me.....If you want to know the proper definition of asset stripping or which CB we should sign? I won't give you my expert advice, but I will give you my half-assed opinion. ;)

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Frankly after posting this thread I suspect you'll get even more abuse.


Most of the posters you've put up there were warning what might happen. You'll never know whether the backlash of the fans changed KLs mind about investing in the club. The indicators were all there that an asset strip could be on the cards and they voiced concern and more importantly put the Boardroom under pressure to support the manager.


Krueger has been proven to lack integrity and frankly has been incompetent since he arrived. There is still a good chance he will be sacked. Once a CEO has lost the bulk of the fanbase it's a no brainer to remove him. The bulk of the fanbase will make a final decision on Krueger on 1 Sep. He is still well short of allocating every penny of the money earned from transfers. So judgement day still looms for him on 1 Sep.


Don't bother replying, I'm putting you on ignore.


Here you go again dude, making wild assumptions just because you have an issue with the Board and the owner. Just a reminder, no one ever said that all of he money would be spent in this transfer window. I am sure even you can see the sense in keeping funds back for January and next summer?

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Why did Lallana, Shaw, Lovren and Lambert leave? Because Pochettino informed his favourites after Cortese left that the dream was over, he was leaving and they would be better off doing the same. Agents and tapping did the rest. Before the season was over Lallana knew he could at least double his money by going to Liverpool, the others the same.


It had nothing to do with asset stripping or poor management, it was disloyalty and greed of a whole group of staff. The club faced with the problem at least made the clubs pay through the nose. A couple more could have gone but circumstances worked against them. Arsenal vacillated and Spurs couldn't/wouldn't pay. So there has been no viable bid for Schneiderlin yet. Rodriguez is injured and Spurs can't put a viable bid in. Chambers went because Wenger liked him and his versatility and made us an offer for a backup that was too good to turn down.


With the group gone it is easier to deal with the Schneiderlin situation in isolation, especially in the absence of an acceptable bid.

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Here you go again dude, making wild assumptions just because you have an issue with the Board and the owner. Just a reminder, no one ever said that all of he money would be spent in this transfer window. I am sure even you can see the sense in keeping funds back for January and next summer?


The club did say on transfer costs including salaries. It looks like they are still spending.

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Frankly after posting this thread I suspect you'll get even more abuse.


Most of the posters you've put up there were warning what might happen. You'll never know whether the backlash of the fans changed KLs mind about investing in the club. The indicators were all there that an asset strip could be on the cards and they voiced concern and more importantly put the Boardroom under pressure to support the manager.


Krueger has been proven to lack integrity and frankly has been incompetent since he arrived. There is still a good chance he will be sacked. Once a CEO has lost the bulk of the fanbase it's a no brainer to remove him. The bulk of the fanbase will make a final decision on Krueger on 1 Sep. He is still well short of allocating every penny of the money earned from transfers. So judgement day still looms for him on 1 Sep.


Don't bother replying, I'm putting you on ignore.

I've heard it all now.


Thank god for this forum and its "warnings" of asset stripping successfully changing the owners mind.


Thank you, SaintRichmond, thank you.

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Frankly after posting this thread I suspect you'll get even more abuse.


Most of the posters you've put up there were warning what might happen. You'll never know whether the backlash of the fans changed KLs mind about investing in the club. The indicators were all there that an asset strip could be on the cards and they voiced concern and more importantly put the Boardroom under pressure to support the manager.


Krueger has been proven to lack integrity and frankly has been incompetent since he arrived. There is still a good chance he will be sacked. Once a CEO has lost the bulk of the fanbase it's a no brainer to remove him. The bulk of the fanbase will make a final decision on Krueger on 1 Sep. He is still well short of allocating every penny of the money earned from transfers. So judgement day still looms for him on 1 Sep.


Don't bother replying, I'm putting you on ignore.


I will reply, but just the two sentences.


Just suppose if I did know.

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What a w**nky thread.


Why, because after a number of people said it was asset stripping, and when I said it wasn't I got abused, got told I didn't know what I wasbtalking about? They aren't going to give me an apology, they're too up their own arses for that, so this is the next best thing.

Edited by Unbelievable Jeff
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Why, because after a number of people said it was asset stripping, and when I said it wasn't I got abused, got told I didn't know what I wasbtalking about? They aren't going to give me an apology, they're too up their own arses for that, so this is the next best thing.


Fair play to you Jeff. The predictable reaction of the usual suspects to your OP was almost as funny as the post itself. You've done what I bet a load of people on here wish they'd done.

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Frankly after posting this thread I suspect you'll get even more abuse.


Most of the posters you've put up there were warning what might happen. You'll never know whether the backlash of the fans changed KLs mind about investing in the club. The indicators were all there that an asset strip could be on the cards and they voiced concern and more importantly put the Boardroom under pressure to support the manager.


Krueger has been proven to lack integrity and frankly has been incompetent since he arrived. There is still a good chance he will be sacked. Once a CEO has lost the bulk of the fanbase it's a no brainer to remove him. The bulk of the fanbase will make a final decision on Krueger on 1 Sep. He is still well short of allocating every penny of the money earned from transfers. So judgement day still looms for him on 1 Sep.


Don't bother replying, I'm putting you on ignore.


A load of back tracking BS, its laughable. So people were just warning the uneducated and the power of the forum warriors change the course of history, hilarious.


You are the new Dalek with your Hoodlesque '1 Sep judgement day' on continual loop.

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A few things she wont sell are St.Marys, Staplewood and the Farm because those are assets she understands.

She don't realize that players are also assets of a football club, so she needs to sell the club now while we still get the PL money if not she is gonna be disappointed big time.

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Why did Lallana, Shaw, Lovren and Lambert leave? Because Pochettino informed his favourites after Cortese left that the dream was over, he was leaving and they would be better off doing the same. Agents and tapping did the rest. Before the season was over Lallana knew he could at least double his money by going to Liverpool, the others the same.


It had nothing to do with asset stripping or poor management, it was disloyalty and greed of a whole group of staff. The club faced with the problem at least made the clubs pay through the nose. A couple more could have gone but circumstances worked against them. Arsenal vacillated and Spurs couldn't/wouldn't pay. So there has been no viable bid for Schneiderlin yet. Rodriguez is injured and Spurs can't put a viable bid in. Chambers went because Wenger liked him and his versatility and made us an offer for a backup that was too good to turn down.


With the group gone it is easier to deal with the Schneiderlin situation in isolation, especially in the absence of an acceptable bid.


This post is probably not too far from the truth. The " worst case scenario " did happen IMO but it is now ( with the probable exception of MS ) history, time to move on.

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