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Anyone else think we could be on the verge of something special?


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Very early days still but.........


- RK looks like our best manager since Lawrie Mac already. Highly articulate, does not suffer fools gladly and has Saints fighting for everything

- Just got only our 3rd ever win over Arsenal at Arsenal

- We have now won 2 away games after coming from behind: I cannot remember another season when we have been able to do that

- Team is still bedding in but we still look threatening and with pace and trickery from the wings

- RK has a Plan B, C, D and E unlike Pochettino!

- Incredible depth in defence with 2 quality players for every position. Good luck keeping them all happy!

- Schneiderlin appears to be content and happy here again (for now)

- When Mane gets up to speed and ROdriguez gets fit we will be frighteningly good up front and will scare teams to death

- Spirit in the camp seems superb: from the Board all the way down

- Money in the bank to spend if needed in January


Truly a great time to be a Saints fan right now - particularly sweet after the start to the summer!


Meltdown, what meltdown?

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Very early days still but.........


- RK looks like our best manager since Lawrie Mac already. Highly articulate, does not suffer fools gladly and has Saints fighting for everything

- Just got only our 3rd ever win over Arsenal at Arsenal

- We have now won 2 away games after coming from behind: I cannot remember another season when we have been able to do that

- Team is still bedding in but we still look threatening and with pace and trickery from the wings

- RK has a Plan B, C, D and E unlike Pochettino!

- Incredible depth in defence with 2 quality players for every position. Good luck keeping them all happy!

- Schneiderlin appears to be content and happy here again (for now)

- When Mane gets up to speed and ROdriguez gets fit we will be frighteningly good up front and will scare teams to death

- Spirit in the camp seems superb: from the Board all the way down

- Money in the bank to spend if needed in January


Truly a great time to be a Saints fan right now - particularly sweet after the start to the summer!


Meltdown, what meltdown?

You're getting carried away, still a long, long way to go.
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Were doing ok but were some way off a top 4 club.

Agreed, but we're closer than we were last year, which was closer than we were the year before that, which was ...


I'm pretty sure that Koeman sees some form of European qualification as the most important part of keeping this squad together.

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Very early to judge Koeman. Remember Laudrup had a whole season where he looked good before it all fell apart. Fairly easy to build on someone else's success, a different job to maintain it for several years.


Agree he looks promising but his managerial record is fairly mixed


But he's not built on anyone's success, really. This is brand new, he's done it from almost scratch. He's not built on anything, just a blank canvas.

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But he's not built on anyone's success, really. This is brand new, he's done it from almost scratch. He's not built on anything, just a blank canvas.

There has been some player changes and he has modified the tactics a little, but he still joined a healthy club with a passing ethos embedded at all levels

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Very early to judge Koeman. Remember Laudrup had a whole season where he looked good before it all fell apart. Fairly easy to build on someone else's success, a different job to maintain it for several years.


Agree he looks promising but his managerial record is fairly mixed


Whilst I don't disagree that Koeman can't be judged yet and this could all be a very successful case of "new manager syndrome", you really can't state that this success is built on the back of poch's team... Or did I miss the mass exodus and unsettling that went on over the summer?


We know longer have Lallana, Lambert or Lovren, or Shaw!! And we sold Chambers who played half the games under him.


Not sure if you are trolling with that comment?


However you want to put it, Koeman/board have basically dismantled Poch's want-aways and Koeman has built his very own team from the ashes!

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Whilst I don't disagree that Koeman can't be judged yet and this could all be a very successful case of "new manager syndrome", you really can't state that this success is built on the back of poch's team... Or did I miss the mass exodus and unsettling that went on over the summer?


We know longer have Lallana, Lambert or Lovren, or Shaw!! And we sold Chambers who played half the games under him.


Not sure if you are trolling with that comment?


However you want to put it, Koeman/board have basically dismantled Poch's want-aways and Koeman has built his very own team from the ashes!

I agree he's done a good job so far. But let's not compare him to Lawrie Mac is all I'm saying.


You surely can't deny that there was an ethos of hard work and a slick passing game already in place?



Yes there was work to be done to rebuild the squad and he plus the board did a good job of it.

Edited by Ex Lion Tamer
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Heart says yes, cos I wear rose tinted and striped specs.


Head says top 7 will be the same as last year, and the year before that. Having said that, that might be overly pessimistic. Everton seem to not be shipping in a horrendous number of goals, so maybe that is a place up for grabs. Man Utd haven't started yet, and their defence seems to be looking very vulnerable. Liverpool's defence is also looking weak and they don't seem to be gelling very well. Spurs haven't got going yet, and maybe they never will take to MPs methods. We just need to plug on and avoid the injuries.


I am of the school were you build your team from your defence first, and I think that this year it looks better. Gardos looks good. Toby looks good. Fonte looks good. Bertrand looks good. Clyne looks good. Targett looks good. Yoshi looks good enough.

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I am of the school were you build your team from your defence first, and I think that this year it looks better. Gardos looks good. Toby looks good. Fonte looks good. Bertrand looks good. Clyne looks good. Targett looks good. Yoshi looks good enough.


What? no mention of our goallie?

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No doubting we've made a strong start but I wouldn't get too excited just yet. We haven't beaten anyone properly decent yet, Newcastle and West Ham were awful, Swansea had nothing when Bony got s/o and Arsenal had their preschool team in defence last night.


Having said that, the though of this team with Mane and J Rod is making me a little bit moist.

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Very early days still but.........


- Incredible depth in defence with 2 quality players for every position. Good luck keeping them all happy!

We will not be on the verge of anything great while we have such a paper thin squad. We do not have 2 quality players in every position in defence. Backup RB? Assume that's Toby, which is great when he is injured. Backup LB is Targett, have to say that is probably better than last season, but I think you are depending a lot on a youngster there who is not fully proven (I think Bertrand is as good as Shaw was last season so no issues there). Then we have the GK situation (which is part of defence). Same lack of quality backup as last season now that Boruc has been shipped out.


Unless we are incredibly incredibly lucky, we will not avoid an injury/suspension crisis at some point just like last season and once a few of our 1st XI are not available we will struggle. Just like last season that will most likely happen when the really hard games come along early mid season. JRod is out till Xmas at least, now JWP is also out to Xmas, Toby and Yoshi are both currently injured, though it looks short-term. Gallagher still nowhere to be seen. We have 6 players out on loan, our squad is no stronger in depth than last season.


No doubt though that we have a great manager and great 1st XI (or 1st XV lets say). Exciting times, because the style of play is better than under Poch, but don't get carried away, there is still an elephant in the room, just like there was last year.

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We are on the verge, but then we were this time last season too. I think the real test now is whether we can win games against the top 6 or 7 sides, as our record against them last season was poor. Ultimately, we could end up hitting that glass ceiling again, would need to finish above say Everton and Spurs to try and break through it. Unlikely, but not impossible.

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The issue we had last year was that teams sussed out our game as the season went on, some were still unstuck by it...but ultimately a lot had ideas of how to stop it, and we didn't seen to have any alternative.


We were also handcuffed by having to bring Jos and Gazaniga into the side during the November/December run (I think) and that did affect us. We obviously aren't going to stay in the top 4, but I feel we now have a stronger overall squad to avoid such a collapse as we had last December.


We are obviously riding a wave at the mo, we will come crashing down at some point....but hopefully the strength of the squad this year ensures that the crash isn't too hard and we can recover quickly.

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When we look back on this era, I mean from some point in the distant future when it's gone a bit pear shaped and we end up back in the Championship or whatever, I want at least a cup win to show for it pls! Is that too much to ask? One cup win pls & brief European jaunt!

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When we look back on this era, I mean from some point in the distant future when it's gone a bit pear shaped and we end up back in the Championship or whatever, I want at least a cup win to show for it pls! Is that too much to ask? One cup win pls & brief European jaunt!

Yeah, a cup win and another cup final and I'd like to play a big Italian team in Europe, someone like Milan.

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Yeah, a cup win and another cup final and I'd like to play a big Italian team in Europe, someone like Milan.


Lol I would take almost anything if that happened! I mean even if we ended up in league 2 with tesco owning the ground and everyone had to stump up £1000 just to cover Shane Longs back-pay!

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Very early to judge Koeman. Remember Laudrup had a whole season where he looked good before it all fell apart. Fairly easy to build on someone else's success, a different job to maintain it for several years.


Agree he looks promising but his managerial record is fairly mixed


Except in this case the house of success he had inherited had had it's foundations stolen.........

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We have made a very good start and have 10 points, only 30 for the golden 40 point mark and probable survival.


That is all that matters, anything else is a bonus.

It only gets more and more funny every time you post this stuff. Don't ever stop, will you?

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us fans should learn from the club, lets do things quietly(except match days, not shout how good we are and just keep winning. football has a habit of smacking you between the eyes when least expected.

so lets win the QPR game and move to the next


Well said. Anyone getting carried away is either a complete din or a glutton for punishment.

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Well said. Anyone getting carried away is either a complete din or a glutton for punishment.

Are you kidding me???? If you can't get carried away now, you probably never will. We're second in the league with the best team in a generation, paying great football. It might not last forever but that's probably more of a reason to enjoy the ride because when/if we go on a bad run and have a few injuries it's not going to be anywhere near as much fun looking at the table. If it's realism you want, go read an encyclopedia.

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We have made a very good start and have 10 points, only 30 for the golden 40 point mark and probable survival.


That is all that matters,


anything else is a bonus.

Like the promising start to the season. The football/soccer bit. Going quite well at the moment.
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Well said. Anyone getting carried away is either a complete din or a glutton for punishment.


I know what you're saying but for me it's the highs and lows. Don't think I fully appreciated some of our short term achievement's in the past and just waited for the fall. Through the last decade there's been a fair share of both.

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Great start, and i do agree that we have a better squad than last season, but its way too early to get a couple of vertebrae removed.


I also dont really know if Koeman has a plan B, let alone Plan C,D or E. We seem to be playing plan A all the time, but with different levels of competency. Plan A comprises get the ball in midfield, get it out wide, and stick in a cross.


Its working very well, but i dont think its rocket science

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