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Howard Webb


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Thought he had a good game today.

Lots of talking to players throughout match.

Very precise in decisions.

Female assistant referee also had a good game, assisted at a few matches at St Mary's now, well done to her.

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I can see why some thought his booking of Lovren was slightly harsh, and I also think he was very lenient with Olsson when he cynically hacked down Lallana with a late, high challenge to prevent him from breaking clean away towards goal, because on another day a different referee might well have sent him off for it.


Other than that he was alright. He didn't really have any big calls to make as there were no penalty appeals of any kind.

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If at the game...you would have seen a very poor ref...


The horrendous upending of Nat Clyne..did not get a booking..let alone a red card.


Let alone the cutting in half of Lallana and Ramirez...


I can see why peeps throughout the season..saying he will not give yellow cards even when WBA desrved about 4/5 first half..


He knows he would have to send off players after further fouls etc...


He spoke to and finally warned Foster a dozen times in the first half for time wasting.....


Not the top class ref he thinks he is....as bad as Clatttterburg:mcinnes:

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I can see why some thought his booking of Lovren was slightly harsh, and I also think he was very lenient with Olsson when he cynically hacked down Lallana with a late, high challenge to prevent him from breaking clean away towards goal, because on another day a different referee might well have sent him off for it.


Other than that he was alright. He didn't really have any big calls to make as there were no penalty appeals of any kind.


Have to disagree. Lovren went right over the ball and into Longs leg studs up. Had that been the other way round we would have been screaming for a straight red. Equally as cynical as Olssons challenge was we had both centre backs covering a fair bit deeper, so a yellow was the correct decision.

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Why did he storm upto Luke at the end? looked like he was about to headbutt Luke, too much talking not enough action, they started time wasting as early as the first 5 mins but took another 35 before he spoke to the keeper for timewasting, still he followed the FA's instructions!

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Had a good game, allowed a lot but that suited us. We managed to controll the midfield because of it. Other referees might have given a lot more fouls against us when we got the ball back high up the pitch. Lovréns yellow was a tad harsh but understandable. Olsson was never going to get a red for that challenge and nor should he have. It was high yes, but in the end he only really blocked Lallana. A red would have been a strange decision. All in all, a good match since there weren't any glaring mistakes and both teams got their share of 50-50s.

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He was fairly average, pretty much the standard for ref's these days. Unlike many other ref's, I think he has the respect of the players, which really helps. He doesn't always get the decisions right, but you don't see a huge amount of arguing about it.


Sian Massey was superb yet again though, she rarely seems to misjudge decisions.

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He was not at his best, how the hell did he not book Anelka (I think) for Scything down Clyne as that was just as bad as Dejan on that little s**t Long, Dejan was rightfully in Webbs ear.

Sian Massey had a wobbly few moments second half which was out of character for her, not helped by Webb over ruling her decision on a clear corner for us when she had the better view.


There were a few decisions today that would have a cynic thinking the Referees Union has closed ranks where we are concerned following the Clattenberg cobblers.

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Deliberate or not, very high challenge, straight leg with studs up...


As tom28 says..... Don't be an ignorant moron, that was just a bit late, but not at all dangerous, deliberate or cynical.


We'll ignore the filth fouls on clyne or lala being scythed in half in mid air during the first half. Or his utter lack of control of time wasting and overalling linesmen and women to Gove incorrect decisions on throws and corners.

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Football fans talking about referees is similar to football fans talking about the Swedish economy. They don't know what they're talking about.


Webb took the sting out of today's game on a few occasions when things were looking like getting nasty. He would have been aware of the history of this fixture (last season) and he made sure this wasn't going to happen again. Perfect example of this was when Ramirez was involved in a small foul off the ball - he gave WBA the free kick and was able to have a quick word with Ramirez & Co while he allowed a substitution to take place. It is these unnoticed things that make one referee better than another.


I'm not sure how many of the comments about the Clyne foul are coming from fans who have not had the benefit of a replay. The replay clearly shows that Anelka made no dangerous contact and it appeared that Clyne made the most of it. Perfect decision.


Lovren's foul on Long was a little late, studs were showing on the ankle and it was a yellow card. Perfect decision.


It could have been a red card for Olsson and it was never a free kick at the end of the game with Shaw. Imperfect decisions but human decisions nonetheless.


We all have our opinions but when attempting to discuss referees try taking those red and white glasses off - unless they are glued to your nose.

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Didn't have many complaints about his performance. Getting ridiculous now that unless a ref sees everything and calls it correctly that people start saying he was poor. Is there any ref who attains these standards consistently? No is the answer so accept it rather than having some persecution complex.

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That photo of Olsson's foul is a VERY different view from the one that Webb had (which was seen on TV) In Webb's view, Olsson appeared to step across AFTER the ball had gone and block Adam. At that point and from the view he had there was no way he would give a straight Red for a professional foul when the ball was still in our half. TV taters were happy it was a yellow and TBH so was I watching it.


THEN the TV showed the reverse angle - "Oh" was the comment, "that should have been a straight Red".....

I don't blame Webb at all he was behind Adam as we were breaking quickly and that raised studs boot was hidden by AL's body position.

I am pretty sure that the only person who could have given that as a Red would have been a Lino but it was a LONG way away from them even IF they were in a position to see. Of course 60% of SMS had a better view.... they were behind Olsson and could see it!


The foul by Shaw at the end was bullkrap, shoulder to shoulder no shirt tugging player falls over like Oscar or Suarez. Cannot defend that mistake neither did TV

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Deliberate or not, very high challenge, straight leg with studs up...


Apparently there were at least to covering defenders though. (Give me strength)


We also have to remember that Howard Webb saw nothing wrong with Nigel de Jong's challenge in the world cup final.


Webb is dining out on the excellent job he did with the Muamba incident at white hart lane still.


He is not the worst, but that is still being damned with feint praise

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Sian Massey is easily in the top 3 assistants in the league . Can keep up with play and willing to give decisions other than offside and throw ins/goal kicks/corners. To to be fair to the other lino he was pretty good too


The other lino was crap - got over ruled at least once by the ref for giving throws the wrong way.


Ref was OK. As others have said should have booked Foster in the first half along with a possible sending off in the 2nd as well.

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Thought he was generally fine but Olsson should have been off and that free kick on Shaw was a poor decision.


Only other comment was that I thought he handled the time wasting very poorly. Took him ages to speak to Foster and then didn't book him despite repeat offences. Then later in the second half Boruc took one goal kick a bit slowly and he marched straight over to hurry us along. Where is the consistency?

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Apparently there were at least to covering defenders though. (Give me strength)


We also have to remember that Howard Webb saw nothing wrong with Nigel de Jong's challenge in the world cup final.


Webb is dining out on the excellent job he did with the Muamba incident at white hart lane still.


He is not the worst, but that is still being damned with feint praise


He may not be the worst but he's far from being the so called best

Replay of the World Cup Final. The Itchen-side lino' Mike Mullarky also ran the World Cup line and we all know what a shambles of officialdom that was when Holland could quite easily have finished with eight men if the rules had been correctly applied.

No problem with Miss Massey on the Kingsland-side. As mentioned earlier she has performed superbly in her visits to SMS - in spite of the duffers in the middle.

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It could have been a red card for Olsson and it was never a free kick at the end of the game with Shaw. Imperfect decisions but human decisions nonetheless.


As I remember it wasn't it the assistant who flagged for the foul by Shaw? Webb then made a big thing out of it by running all the way across for a talking-to.

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i take it the predicted backlash from refs never happened?


(like it ever was)


On the contrary. Resident forum genius Wes Tender proclaimed our actions has forced the FA to seriously review the standard of refereeing across the country.


Yes, our letter has done that. Not any other complaint about refs made by any other club in the past decade. Our one.


The new dawn of refereeing started this week. Well done us.

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On the contrary. Resident forum genius Wes Tender proclaimed our actions has forced the FA to seriously review the standard of refereeing across the country.


Yes, our letter has done that. Not any other complaint about refs made by any other club in the past decade. Our one.


The new dawn of refereeing started this week. Well done us.


Oh surely not there are far more candidates for that

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