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Arry in a spot of bother


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I don't know why, but I love seeing that mug suffer. Having said that, if he'd got the England job I would have been happy with that. Strange old world.


he should have done better when he went to QPR in the 1st place.

their fans (like we did) bought into his bullsheet that it was an impossible job


just watch him start to tell everyone how hard done by he is (with that squad) and how he down to the bare bones


I wonder if he has started talking about QPR and using the word 'they' instead of "we"...?

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he should have done better when he went to QPR in the 1st place.

their fans (like we did) bought into his bullsheet that it was an impossible job


just watch him start to tell everyone how hard done by he is (with that squad) and how he down to the bare bones


I wonder if he has started talking about QPR and using the word 'they' instead of "we"...?


Yes, the shocker is the squad he's got - should by all accounts be running away with the league, but it just goes to show that sometimes money doesn't always win.

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Probably something to do with him coming from Pompey, fecking us over and going back to the skates? Just a hunch...


Bobby Stokes came from that Island, we in the main were fu cked anyway and him going to the inbreds is hypocritical as were did he come from?

Edited by Barry Sanchez
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he should have done better when he went to QPR in the 1st place.

their fans (like we did) bought into his bullsheet that it was an impossible job


just watch him start to tell everyone how hard done by he is (with that squad) and how he down to the bare bones


I wonder if he has started talking about QPR and using the word 'they' instead of "we"...?


Right on cue:




"We had a massive turnaround, with 18 players left (in the summer), a lot of good players who left because they were earning too much money and they had to go. We have put a new team together and if you had said at the start of the year we would make the play-offs, I think we would have been quite happy."




Last year his excuse for relegation was that the players were shite. Now he says having to get rid of those same players is the reason he's screwing up promotion (with the most expensive squad in the division.)


What a c**t.

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Harry Redknapp blamed QPR's mounting injury list for the latest setback in their bid to return to the Premier League.


"If I was picking my best team today I think I've got six or seven players missing. It's very difficult, these are key, key, key players."



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Was talking to a senior member of QPRs coaching staff a few weeks back who told me they have to go up this season and also said there was never a dull moment when Harry's around, rolling had eyes, we both knew what he was getting at.

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Was talking to a senior member of QPRs coaching staff a few weeks back who told me they have to go up this season and also said there was never a dull moment when Harry's around, rolling had eyes, we both knew what he was getting at.


kiddie fiddler?

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Why the **** are you all still banging on about Arry?



Because of the way the press desperately wanted him to get the England job to him struggling in the championship again


Not a great deal to do with saints as I actually thought the damage was done by the time he arrived at SMS


If that is ok with you?

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looking at his bench against Leeds he had Miaga, Keane and Carrol (West Ham, Manu and Spurs loanees respectively), Benayoun, Yun, a South Korean international (all be it only two games) left back, Murphy his regular reserve keeper, and Sendles-White, an Irish U21 youngster, so yeah he was down to the bare bones.


Can you be down to the bare bones if three of the premiership loans you have brought it are all on the bench?


just for information, the Leeds bench was Noel Hunt, filthy skate Brown, Matt Smith, Scott Wootton, Sam Byram, Alex Cairns, the 3rd choice keeper, and Mowatt a 19 year old youth player.

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Bobby Stokes came from that Island, we in the main were fu cked anyway and him going to the inbreds is hypocritical as were did he come from?


Really? Suggest you go and look at where we were in the league before he came and where we finished. We had enough games to get out of it but his p1ss poor selections and management finished us off.

Calum Davenport against a rampaging Carlton Cole...v Villa....jeesh

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Can't believe there are people on here supporting the jail dodging dog owning wheeler dealer. Bloke is a total bell end and although we were struggling when he arrived, we had stopped by the time he left. Because his input finished us completely. Will laugh loudly at his misfortunes until the end of time.

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don't you get fined or sommit in the champo now if u post losses?


Maybe not - there is an exemption for clubs that have just been relegated from the Premier League -


Clubs relegated from the Premier League will not be subject to sanctions in their first season in the Championship as long as they have met their financial obligations under Premier League regulations. They would, however, be subject to the potential of a Fair Play Tax if they achieved promotion in their first season in the Championship whilst not complying with the FFP regulations.
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Can't believe there are people on here supporting the jail dodging dog owning wheeler dealer. Bloke is a total bell end and although we were struggling when he arrived, we had stopped by the time he left. Because his input finished us completely. Will laugh loudly at his misfortunes until the end of time.

Probably the same ones who defended MP's team selection against Sunderland.

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He was whinging the other day about having loads of injuries and not able to bring in who he wanted int he January window, this despite signing 19 players in the year he's been at QPR. Still thinks he's the best man for QPR though.

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Football is about villains as well as heroes. Yes everyone here loves Saints and wants them to do well but it's also about wanting other teams/players/managers you don't like (for whatever weird or justified reason) to lose. I doubt many people watch games as 100% pure neutrals, the passion of watching a team you dislike is just as valid as that of watching one you like. I see nothing wrong in wanting Rednapp to lose every single match he's involved in.

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Football is about villains as well as heroes. Yes everyone here loves Saints and wants them to do well but it's also about wanting other teams/players/managers you don't like (for whatever weird or justified reason) to lose. I doubt many people watch games as 100% pure neutrals, the passion of watching a team you dislike is just as valid as that of watching one you like. I see nothing wrong in wanting Rednapp to lose every single match he's involved in.


Yep this. As soon as our Nige leaves noddy muppet 2nd team glory chasing fans we surely deserve to be in the Prem right? Reading, I can go back to hating them.

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I am really looking forward to all the fall-out coming...Tony F being slagged off by Arry after he gets sack, players led by Barton slagging Arry, Bondy and Joe Joe Jordan off about their training methods etc

Arry blaming everyone but himself over the debacle that is QPR. I just cannot wait, however I am sure Arry will call on some of his press buddies to deflect the ****!

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it's not 'Arrys fault. it is all just a coincidence.


and the 10% ( or whatever) he gets from every transfer and every wage negotiation ( Samba on £100k/week!! ) is entirely justified, despite him having absolutely nothing to do with this whatsoever, no siree.

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it's not 'Arrys fault. it is all just a coincidence.


and the 10% ( or whatever) he gets from every transfer and every wage negotiation ( Samba on £100k/week!! ) is entirely justified, despite him having absolutely nothing to do with this whatsoever, no siree.


Having just read his biography, the part where he and three partners put in 5k each to buy Colin Clarke, rather than Bournemouth who were skint. He was then sold for 500K to Saints a year later with the four 'partners' divvying up the cash. A tidy 125K each, a nice sum for 1986. Wonder if the taxman got his share then?

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