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have we finished yet? or is there more to look forward to?


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A lot of top class signings so far. Very happy with the squad, but is that us done? Even if it is we've done well but I reckon pushing a little further forward might allow us to fight for eighth place again. The most I could hope for is a new cb, hopefully vlaar. Every spot needs competition. A new winger with a lot of pace, lets say biabiny and possibly a new striker as I can see long following jay rods lead as a 2nd striker playing behind pelle.

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We still really need a CB, all we have done is replace Lovren, we needed a new CB before he left, otherwise we are left relying on Jos as second backup, and Florin is already injured/not fit. Would be good if Vlaar was still a possibility. Also not really sure who covers as RB with Chambers gone.

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can't see us getting another 1st choice centre back like Vlaar... gardos been given #5 and Jose been made captain... maybe we'll get someone to replace MOrgan if he goes... or still get back up for RB.... unless he can finsd someone who can play RB and RCB as cover...

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A lot of top class signings so far.


Not really top class are they tbh. There's elite players, there's very good players like the ones we've sold, then there's "yeah they could do a job I guess" players like the ones we've bought.

I'd expect us to sign one more player, probably a right back, whilst selling Cork and Boruc. If we didn't sell any more players I'd like to see Ings, a winger and a cb then we're really looking good to go. If the emphasis is on having a better squad this season rather then better first 11 then we realistically need a few more to be able to say that.

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I think the urgency to sign more players is over. However, should any decent players become available before the window shuts, we will step up and sign. Pochettino said today Townsend is part of his plans and will not be leaving.

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I have a feeling Shane Long was bought in to replace Jay Rodriguez as the wide forward with pace - but also because they realised Mayuka is never going yo make the grade. I'm not sure Long is that much better though - and never worth the £12.5 million we paid for him.


If we were willing to pay that much money I just don't understand why we didn't go for Ings - at 22 a much better prospect with a much better scoring record in the Championship (all be it one season).


Or maybe even Jeremain Lens who is desperate to leave Kiev.


Although Saphir Taider was only bought in as part of the Osvaldo deal as it was the only way we could get rid of Pablo for the season we also saw it as a chance to get in a replacement for Morgan Schneiderlin. If we'd really wanted him I think we would have bought him outright.


I fully expect Jay and Morgan will leave Saints at the end of the window - probably the last day - Morgan for Arsenal and Jay fir Spurs. And I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up getting Kyle Nauhgton in part exchange from Spurs as we still need another right back.


It also sounds like Cork could be off as well.


This summer should have been about getting rid of the fringe players like Osvaldo, Ramirez, Yoshida, Hooiveld, Mayuka, a Guly and Sharp and replacing them with better quality players but instead we got rid of some of our better players and replaced them with lesser players.


We were also supposed to add some depth to the squad - which we haven't done as yet. And we need to.


So yes we will do more business but I think we'll be disappointed with it.


Saying all that Tadic could well be an upgrade on Lallana and a Florin Gardos sounds like he could step up to replace Lovren. And in the interviews both Long and Gardos seem to genuinely want to be here which makes a nice change and I truly do hope they both come good for us.

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I can't see us signing Vlaar now that the #5 shirts gone. He would have been first choice CB but it looks like it'll be new boy and Fonte now.


I was impressed with the new signings in the Bayer Leverkusen friendly so if Florin is in the same vein he should be a good signing.

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A lot of top class signings so far. Very happy with the squad, but is that us done? Even if it is we've done well but I reckon pushing a little further forward might allow us to fight for eighth place again. The most I could hope for is a new cb, hopefully vlaar. Every spot needs competition. A new winger with a lot of pace, lets say biabiny and possibly a new striker as I can see long following jay rods lead as a 2nd striker playing behind pelle.



.....and where's that thread with all those people who threatened not to buy their seson ticket because we hadn't signed anyone........? O yea of little patience..

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Not really top class are they tbh. There's elite players, there's very good players like the ones we've sold, then there's "yeah they could do a job I guess" players like the ones we've bought.

I'd expect us to sign one more player, probably a right back, whilst selling Cork and Boruc. If we didn't sell any more players I'd like to see Ings, a winger and a cb then we're really looking good to go. If the emphasis is on having a better squad this season rather then better first 11 then we realistically need a few more to be able to say that.



can you define the meaning of " top class " in your assessment, please?. A few names as example would be interesting to mull over........

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Credit where it is due, the board have done well to get in 7 signings before the first game - 6 of which are full internationals. I'm hoping for another CB (hopefully Vlaar to add some steel to the backline), another wide-option, and cover at RB, but the squad is shaping up quite nicely now. Still debatable whether we have any more depth than last season given that we've lost the same amount of players, but things are starting to look up at long last. Lets hope the board build on the positivity and don't f^ck it up with another high-profile exit. The biggest PR coup for them would be to tie down J-Rod to a new deal, then we'd really be in business.

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Can't see Vlaar or another CB to be honest, unless we bring in a kid with potential as stronger cover. Fonte/Gardos is our partnership.


A Winger I can see, and maybe some young RB cover - can see Byram still happening.


CB, Koemans a x3 Centre Back man. We have x2 premier League quality players at Full Back, surely one more Vlaar... .?

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CB, Koemans a x3 Centre Back man. We have x2 premier League quality players at Full Back, surely one more Vlaar... .?

We played four at the back vs Bayer, didn't we? Don't know about Brighton or any of the other games, but I haven't seen any indication that is the plan.


Three at the back seems sooo 1990s.

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We played four at the back vs Bayer, didn't we? Don't know about Brighton or any of the other games, but I haven't seen any indication that is the plan.


Three at the back seems sooo 1990s.


LOL why oh why are you listening to saintrobbie?

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We played four at the back vs Bayer, didn't we? Don't know about Brighton or any of the other games, but I haven't seen any indication that is the plan.


Three at the back seems sooo 1990s.


And soooo WC 2014. That was like, 1 month ago.

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I think we still need another CB (Van Dyke would have been my preference but the trail has gone cold it seems).


Ideally, I'd also like to see another RB (Byram if possible), and if we're going for a winger etc then the Brighton lad March appears a good prospect and option.


We may also need another GK if Boluc wants to leave.

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Seems to me that people are suddenly jumping on "3 at the back" as all the usual dull media outlets have been w**king over Van Gaal this week and him playing 3-5-2 like it's some kind of revolutionary miracle ... bored of it already this season zzzzzz


Just wait till the pundits talk about "mind games"



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It'll be a right back as we have no back up and the winger he mentioned.


Still think Richards and Sinclair from City would be good.

This. No way are we signing Vlaar or any other centre back.


Maybe a young RB who could play CB. But who has ever heard of such a player?

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