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Pompey Takeover Saga

Fitzhugh Fella

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She hardly looks the type to demand too much for a legover. Should have thought a vodka and come would have been plenty.


I think this is the image showing the lovely Kora Blagden clutching the season tickets to her heart:





A classy broad and wonderful mother...


...and more PR gold for Pompey!

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You can just imagine the comments in the staffroom of that school when they saw the "share' and now the season ticket story ! I bet he is a little charmer at school.

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They have been trying to get in the national news and someone has bought the mum a season ticket now. Horrible.



You can just imagine the comments in the staffroom of that school when they saw the "share' and now the season ticket story ! I bet he is a little charmer at school.


This 'Blagden' chappie pretty much has his future laid out in stone now:




these skates really are something special.

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That is the greatest typo ever! :lol:

Absolutely spot on - look at her, she's gagging for a vodka and come!

Shaken, not stirred.

Remind me not to have a drink at Andy's...



As for the bleating about criminal owners.


We discovered he was a crook within two minutes on here.

He was a crook.

The FSA said he was a crook.

pompey ignored all that because they wanted Lithuanian pensioner's life savings and laundered drug cash - and only moaned about the FaPPT when they realised that he was a crook WITH NO AVAILABLE MONEY.

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F**K me the poor little mite is made to hand over his not so hard earned £1000.00 to the shysters at the PDT, but then as a result of handing the cash over, now thje poor little mite has to attend the rest of the games. Think this is a case for the NSPPC

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just sat down to enjoy their latest goalkeeping calamity and Meridian didn't show their goals... :scared:


Is this the slippery slope to non-league?

They think nothing of showing us Basingstoke Hedgehogs against Poole Squirrels in all sorts of minority sports, have the few sunk so low that even Fred has now abandoned ship?

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So that kid didn't save up money and buy a ticket himself to see his plucky little Pompey


he raised money and gave it away.


And they only have 8 or 9 games left anyway at home, so whats that about £100 or so


Don't be fooled!


The only reason the benevolent donor who definitely isn't after his five minutes of fame, no sir, no way, bought Kora a ticket as well as super dooper fan Alfie, is because child tickets are free with every adult ticket purchased ;)

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just sat down to enjoy their latest goalkeeping calamity and Meridian didn't show their goals... :scared:


Is this the slippery slope to non-league?

They think nothing of showing us Basingstoke Hedgehogs against Poole Squirrels in all sorts of minority sports, have the few sunk so low that even Fred has now abandoned ship?


I leave for work and get home and, lo, there's another page of lols on here which I have just read at the expense of my now wine-spattered MacBook.

Thanks. Where's the 'coffee over keyboard' dingbat when you need him?

On the upside, imagining the bittersweet emotions passing through the minds of Fred Dinenage and his crew as they give up the unequal struggle & abandon the good ship #lowlyportsmouth gave me several minutes' worth of unalloyed joy :D

Edited by Waterside.saint
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Hero to villain [© Rallyboy] in the space of a match...


Well said Sue.

As if any further evidence were needed of their fickle greedy motivation, up pops the mightiest heroic goalie IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD only to break their fishy hearts shortly before time and (in their eyes) justifiably become a reviled spat-upon zero.

Couldn't make it up :lol:

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@pn_neil_allen: The feel-good story which keeps on giving. Superb from @procus_1 buying Alfie & his mum a #Pompey season ticket. http://t.co/9jfZ3kH23u


And there was me thinking that this thread was the 'story which keeps on giving'...


The Pompey 'Community'... Believing their own hype since....


#lowlyportsmouth aka #p!sspoorportsmouth ... Believing their own hype since they lost the plot after WW2

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you have to hand it to them that is pretty good away support considering all things


I don't have to hand them anything - they have already helped themselves to enough handouts from local businesses and the tax man. Personally I find it akin to how everyone seems to want to stop and have a good look at a car crash.

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Indeed Nick, it is decent away support for League Two - BUT NOT THE BEST IN THE WORLD!


In some cases they have taken about half of what we did to lower league grounds, in some cases a quarter - and we can't match the travelling support of people like Leeds and West Ham, so we don't crow about it.

That is the difference.

They have forgotten what big clubs like us do, so they think they are at the pinnacle of everything.





Something big is about to happen, I can feel it...

Only because I'm going offline for a few days and I know I'll return and find 15 pages to plough through!


So when I go quiet, panic ye not, I have not abandoned nutjobbery.

I haven't been abducted by Kora who is using me as a sex slave, I haven't been shot by an arms dealer, I'm not doing favours for Avram behind a skip on an industrial estate, I'm not petting monkey-chickens in a designated area, I'm not swigging a Vodka and come on the veranda, I'm not even buying discounted leather goods next door to an underwater Saab dealership and casino.

I'm just sitting quietly and awaiting the return of my computer.

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The first time I've seen any of their highlights this season - gosh the quality of football is poor. I though it would be bad, but not that bad - how are they struggling in such a low quality league.


Because they are low quality, like their credit rating.

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Does anyone think the Syrian champions from a couple of years ago will be crowing when the civil war ends?


Perhaps the winners of the Rwandan Cup in 1993 look back fondly on the "great" year of the genocide when their adversaries were too busy hacking/ burning/being hacked/ being burnt to pit up a decent challenge?


Apparently FC Hiroshima didn't lose many matches in 1945/45 season and are rightly proud of the fact.


None of these losers have anything on mighty Portsmouth though who can look back with the utmost pride on seven years of pain, genocide and obliteration and know that they are, without a doubt, the world's most bestest trophy caretakers.

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None of these losers have anything on mighty Portsmouth though who can look back with the utmost pride on seven years of pain, genocide and obliteration and know that they are, without a doubt, the world's most bestest trophy caretakers.


It's a real shame the war came to an end so early, 10 years would have been a fantastic achievement.

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