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What has happened to Lambert?


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He was a shambles in that 2nd half. 1st half, he was at least kind of involved.


But 2nd half, didn't even run for the ball, didn't make an effort to hold it.....nothing there at all.


I love Lambert, he's a hero for the modern-day fan....but that doesn't excuse that 2nd half display.

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Looked totally uninterested today.


Time to change your avatar.


Lambert is being used in a different position. All he did was link play, and force a stunning save from a free kick that on most other days would have put the game to bed.

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I thought he was good in the first half. When we're given the run of the park he does very well, it just seems that he's struggling to find space and time now.


I don't think disinterested is the word, more frustrated. Can't blame him! He's still popping up with important goals but he's not been the right man for us this season.

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Grant Holt syndrome? Or just out of form? Or disinterested because he's aware his move to West Ham may be off with Cortese gone? Or worn out after 20+ games of MoPo's high intensity pressing game? Who knows! Only thing clear is that maybe a chance to recharge his batteries by sitting out the Cup game will help, with Osvaldo in need of a game after his ban.


If it's true he does want to go to West Ham, maybe it's better we do let him go, if his hearts not in it any more. But, for me, I reckon it's a combination of a bit of poor form and the cumulative effects of the pressing game we play on an ageing striker.

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A little harsh - he definitely faded but layed one off to J rod he should have buried and sprung the offside trap to create another decent chance for j rod. Should have worked the keeper with his angled chance but also hut a sweet fc from long range. For all those fawning at Osvaldo to replace him, it really isn't as simple as that. Lambert won a lot of ball in the first half v brown or Oshea which osvaldo doesn't do, this is a huge part of how we play our possession football.

If we had a similar striker I'd agree as Lambert is definitely not in form and arguably should be rested. But IMO osvaldo playing instead would make us even weaker.

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Unless he's carrying an injury, his legs have gone. Looks one season too far to me, just hasn't got the zip anymore , but anyone who thinks he's not interested or not trying is a way off the mark. The England call up has muddyed the waters for me. Without it, he could become a Giggs or Scholes for us, coming off the bench, playing occasionally and helping the nippers. I'm sure he'd have been ok with that but quite understandably he wants to play week in week out, to get the dream end to his career. I hope he just needs a rest and can have one, cause he keeps playing like this and the beneficiary will be Andy Carroll.

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He was a shambles in that 2nd half. 1st half, he was at least kind of involved.


But 2nd half, didn't even run for the ball, didn't make an effort to hold it.....nothing there at all.


I love Lambert, he's a hero for the modern-day fan....but that doesn't excuse that 2nd half display.




Was dreadfull last week aswell

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Lambo peaked last season and has been going downhill ever since due to age and form. He'll always be a legend for us but sadly his time has past. Hope he proves me wrong but he was never going to sustain the form that got him all the way to the England squad.


Might sound harsh but if West Ham bid £7 million for him we should take it and put the money towards a top class striker

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I disagree with the usual posters having ago at SRL


I thought he played well held the line well did tributes the ball well most of the time a good all round performance . Shame the free kick didn't hit the back of the net . I watched the same game as you guys . It's what a player does on and off the ball that matters . His unselfishness allows the likes of Jrod and Adam to have a split second more space and time

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Exactly, too many adore running down our loyal and committed players. Many dont understand about link up play and think RL is just a target man.


Not at all. His touch was poor, he didn't hold the ball up, his passing was poor, he was falling over the ball when trying to pass it.....all that happened in the 2nd half. He was poor in the 2nd half, there's no point trying to dress that up as anything else. He was poor.

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Not at all. His touch was poor, he didn't hold the ball up, his passing was poor, he was falling over the ball when trying to pass it.....all that happened in the 2nd half. He was poor in the 2nd half, there's no point trying to dress that up as anything else. He was poor.
does that mean he's finished, his legs are gone etc etc?

if so we have a lot of 20 + year old who the same could be said of. I will put it down to frustration of some at letting the result slip. Too many think that we are Southampton and lowly Sunderland should shiver with fear as they are playing us. They are fighting for their lives and Poyet has a history of using any means to get results. horrible type of man IMO

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does that mean he's finished, his legs are gone etc etc?

if so we have a lot of 20 + year old who the same could be said of. I will put it down to frustration of some at letting the result slip. Too many think that we are Southampton and lowly Sunderland should shiver with fear as they are playing us. They are fighting for their lives and Poyet has a history of using any means to get results. horrible type of man IMO


I'm not one of those saying he's finished, leave them to it. Personally, I think he's carrying an injury. He's lost a lot of mobility in a short space of time. Not the same since the england call up, and the injury he suffered with them.

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Exactly, too many adore running down our loyal and committed players. Many dont understand about link up play and think RL is just a target man.


Really ? I understand the concept perfectly well


For link up play to work you need to be able to find your teammates and be in the right positions, you do know that right ?

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Really ? I understand the concept perfectly well


For link up play to work you need to be able to find your teammates and be in the right positions, you do know that right ?

well 5 assists as well as numerous other chances he has set up but lack of finishing keeps the total down. Who has managed as many or more assists, AL? who is our main creative midfielder perhaps.
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Lambert for Saints:


Second highest goal scorer

Joint second highest assists

Highest shots on target


I would say this is a man who is definitely not finished, but merely not having the shooting luck of past seasons. Dip in form is the issue, which can be a number of factors.

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