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The Inside Story (Telegraph)


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I prefer Crab Lungs more thorough analysis of the mess we are in. I mean, Lallana never got his phone calls returned or nuffink.


Interesting no mention that a few plebs moaning on an Internet forum was the real reason Morgan wasn't sold. Clearly an oversight by the clueless journalist.


Lastly, I think it has been agreed by the forum brains trust that Koeman was just a lucky punt by dopey old Les Reed. Pure lucky luck luck. Disappointed this article doesn't acknowledge this when OldNick has told us all that this is indeed the case.

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I prefer Crab Lungs more thorough analysis of the mess we are in. I mean, Lallana never got his phone calls returned or nuffink.


Interesting no mention that a few plebs moaning on an Internet forum was the real reason Morgan wasn't sold. Clearly an oversight by the clueless journalist.


Lastly, I think it has been agreed by the forum brains trust that Koeman was just a lucky punt by dopey old Les Reed. Pure lucky luck luck. Disappointed this article doesn't acknowledge this when OldNick has told us all that this is indeed the case.


If you hate this forum and the contributors so much why do you bother to post on here?


An excellent article. Enjoyed reading that .

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Great read, thanks for posting.


Interesting spurs and morgan thought there was £10m release clause in contract, and that no bid was ever made for jayrod


That said I never know how much to believe from these guys, although the Lallana tantrum seems to have been reported far too widely for it to be too far wide of the mark

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Very enjoyable and encouraging article to read, which if it is all accurate paints a different picture of the summer to the one I think most of us (me included) thought at the time. It has also served to increase my dislike of Tottenham Hotspur football club to stratospheric levels. What a thoroughly dislikeable, shabby, dysfunctional and delusional bunch they are, Poch might just have found his spiritual home after all.

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Les Reed, the club's football director, had already drawn up an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses and compatibility to Southampton's philosophy of six candidates. Ronald Koeman topped the list from the beginning to end of the subsequent process. As well as his track record for developing young players and the style of football that he would promote, Southampton also knew that the influence of restless senior players would mean that they needed a figurehead with instant dressing-room authority. When you are trying to persuade footballers to buy into a project being portrayed as a meltdown, it is handy to have someone with Koeman's CV arriving in the dugout.


March on Saints.

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I prefer Crab Lungs more thorough analysis of the mess we are in. I mean, Lallana never got his phone calls returned or nuffink.


Interesting no mention that a few plebs moaning on an Internet forum was the real reason Morgan wasn't sold. Clearly an oversight by the clueless journalist.


Lastly, I think it has been agreed by the forum brains trust that Koeman was just a lucky punt by dopey old Les Reed. Pure lucky luck luck. Disappointed this article doesn't acknowledge this when OldNick has told us all that this is indeed the case.


I thought this bit was interesting



'If there have been heroes at southampton in 2014 it has been Reed and a technical department that, from the age of under-eights up to the first team, have continued to implement a playing style and a standards in coaching, medicine and analytics that are founded on best practice across the world...


'Reed has stuck to the vision regardless of all the dramas that were unfolding around him'


'Koeman and Reed already know the players they want to sign next summer'


Which is completely at odds with what was said here. Although post 68 seems to know his stuff ;)



Edited by Turkish
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I actually like Wilson's tendency to see both sides of the story or at least not vilify Cortese completely. The angle is clearly that now is good, before was not so good, but there is still praise for Cortese and the foundation he built. I can buy that version of our past; Cortese and Pochettino were important parts of our ascendancy, and we have to build on the best parts of their legacy instead of starting from scratch trying to erase them from our history.


Peace, bros...

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Very good


Pretty good move to have a clause that if the manager resigns, he owes the club a couple million ££££


Acknowledges that cortese went too far and how les Reed has played a blinder in the last few years


Good read


You were very vocal on the 'les reed is a waste of space' thread Brett. Although it seems to were crab lungs puppet.


Anything to say about it?

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One of the most encouraging elements for me is the very realistic acknowledgement inside the club of something that we all fear - that (for the foreseeable future) we will continue to experience summer 2014-style raids from clubs who buy rather than develop and scout well. While those raids are highly unwelcome from a Saints' fan's perspective, they are indeed a tribute to an extremely well run club.


My first thought was "true, but next time we'll hopefully be better prepared for it" - until it dawned on me that, despite all the panic and insults around them, they were actually extremely well prepared this time. "Koeman and Reed already know the players they want to sign next summer" suggests that the backroom and scouting staff are every bit as good as Reed and Krueger told us they are, and that we'll be ready for whatever comes along.


While part of me would love to see us with a 3-0 lead on Sunday and our fans singing "Who the **** is Pochettino?", another part of me thinks that there are so many great things happening with our club that I'd like to see us "take the high ground" - whether it concerns a former manager, former players, or posters with whom we've had past disagreements. The people at the club took the high ground all summer, despite all the mayhem around them. Now might be a really good time for us to start showing the class that the management team have shown.

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Spurs.....really? you think £10 million what with the prices the other players were going for would be enough for Morgan?.....really?


Actually, I wonder if Cortese actually did just tell him that to get him to sign the contract, I mean, he always was a bit devious like that...played a blinder if he fooled him, MoPo and Spuds into thinking that if he did however.

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Very pertinent point in there about Shaw, with question marks over his fitness, diet and preparation. Obviously the club must have thought that maybe Shaw's future value may never actually get any higher, not through any lack of talent but through a lack of application to become the best.


Maybe Man Utd will grind that in to him, but they don't seem to have done that to Rooney. One of the reasons Ronaldo is the best players in the world is because of his dedication and professionalism, diet, extra training, gym work etc etc all to to get the maximum from his talent. Something that Rooney and possibly Shaw maybe don't have that will prevent them from every being at the very best, merely being very good due to their abundant natural talent.


Great read overall, though I still think that identifying Chambers as a second choice right back kind of underplays his obvious versatility, what with Arsenal already playing him centre back.

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Few thoughts:


-Pochettino and Spurs don't come out of it well. If we were that bothered we could have gone after them for tapping up given the obvious private offer made to Poch.

-We did very well out of the Shaw deal. United are fools really.

-Still think we could/should have kept Chambers. Can understand the others but not this one.

-So disappointed in Lallana. I don't begrudge him the move but to act in that way as captain was poor.

-This won't be the last summer where something like this happens

-Overall, we're in good hands

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Wonderful article....and very interesting that all (bar Pelle) signings were already on the 'wish list' for the club.


Sure there will be bumps in the road ahead but enjoying the moment and Saints flying and lots of positive press. Be amazing if we were still top 6 at end of the year: although that is a long shot.

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Tell me - would you be happier if we went down and you could say 'told you so...'

Or won the league and said ' I was wrong..'

Because u and a few others really confuse me as to if u even like saints or not....?


Confused? He only has one line and is a tedious boring fckwit. Where's teh confusion?

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Spurs.....really? you think £10 million what with the prices the other players were going for would be enough for Morgan?.....really?


Actually, I wonder if Cortese actually did just tell him that to get him to sign the contract, I mean, he always was a bit devious like that...played a blinder if he fooled him, MoPo and Spuds into thinking that if he did however.


Given Morgan's initial tantrum I rather suspect this valuation / release clause came from his side (agent). You can imagine that Morgan might have been told he could leave for a decent offer once he helped us secure PL promotion (as a way of thanks and appreciation etc. but it had to be a good offer and certainly more than £10M, which at the time of securing promotion from L1 was quite decent) - only we get back to back promotion and get there much quicker than all expected. So in all probability we didn't get a bid (or at least a decent one) in our first PL season, and NC says stay loyal and patient my son, your day will come and I will honor it, meantime give us all you got!


Nicky f's off, along with several other players and the boss, so Morgan ask's agent to see if there is any interest believing £10M verbal is still valid - new Sheriff says on your bike, £30M+ or stop wasting my time! Spuds are mashed, roasted and chipped all at the same time, whilst dreaming of the elusive french fry :-)


All IMHO of course!

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Given Morgan's initial tantrum I rather suspect this valuation / release clause came from his side (agent). You can imagine that Morgan might have been told he could leave for a decent offer once he helped us secure PL promotion (as a way of thanks and appreciation etc. but it had to be a good offer and certainly more than £10M, which at the time of securing promotion from L1 was quite decent) - only we get back to back promotion and get there much quicker than all expected. So in all probability we didn't get a bid (or at least a decent one) in our first PL season, and NC says stay loyal and patient my son, your day will come and I will honor it, meantime give us all you got!


Nicky f's off, along with several other players and the boss, so Morgan ask's agent to see if there is any interest believing £10M verbal is still valid - new Sheriff says on your bike, £30M+ or stop wasting my time! Spuds are mashed, roasted and chipped all at the same time, whilst dreaming of the elusive french fry :-)


All IMHO of course!


Seems plausible, my question is was part of the agreement to quieten him down actually having an official release clause written into his contract. And if it was how much is it, or is it about a champions league side coming in...

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"The core reason is that the club's methods and intellectual property are not concentrated in any individual."


Good. Very healthy for the future as well, not replying on individuals. Possibly also something NC was not happy with. mainly though it and the "Les reed waste of space" thread show that 99% of the posters on internet forums really do not know at all what they are talking about, including the supposed ITKs. And best left that way

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The best bit is: how Cortese would keep changing the precise position of the walls inside the gym when it was being built. "That's great lads, now just build it all again but 6 inches that way"


I thought thst was a bit of a worry!

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Good read and I would really like to know all the details in more depth re MP and the others leaving. Would love someone to write a book about it.


I am slightly in two minds about some of the statements/info from the club. It seems obvious that the behaviour of MP, AL and DL have right royally ****ed off some(one) at board level. So on the one hand it is good to let off a bit of steam but on the other, it can come across as being a bit petty.The statements on the OS for Rickie vs Lallana/Lovren were a clear message. I guess the info in this article are better handled and not quite so blatant. But then I think, why should the Club be magnanimous when being screwed over.

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You were very vocal on the 'les reed is a waste of space' thread Brett. Although it seems to were crab lungs puppet.


Anything to say about it?


I seem to have criticised Reed on that thread, and really, I might stand by that. If we were told no more players are going to be sold, and then immediately they are, it is very hard (without the benefit of hindsight) to take someone's word seriously. That of course could have been allayed with some sort of explanation, but the silence was not reassuring. But with hindsight, Reed does come out of this a lot better than some felt on that thread.

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Lallana flipped like a burger :lol:


...and Shaw can't stop eating them.


Fascinating article and well balanced too. I like the way it acknowledges what Cortese did for us, yes he was a strange little cu?t but he was instrumental in where we are now.

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...........and the club strike back, plenty of little digs in that article :lol:


Good read. A lot of that article tallies with my take on what was happening over the summer but there are also lots of information that is new to me. Hopefully next summer we will take it all in our stride when a few players leave.

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Each morning, the players take tests relating to how they feel, how well hydrated they are and how they have slept before even contemplating training


That had nothing to do with the fall out with Boruc. Nothing. Apparently. Allegedly.


A good article. Well, it's positive so it must be good :)

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