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Saints 0-1 Cardiff- Reaction thread

Bad Wolf

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F***ing ridiculous. Too many players out there today not putting in the effort for fear of getting injured. First half was like a training game but as soon as they got that goal the result was inevitable.


I have loved watching Saints this season but f*** me they infuriate me sometimes.


Losing J-Rod for the season is such a massive blow to us. Without him we just don't have any pace in the side and when teams sit deep like Cardiff did today our pedestrian attacking play is just far too predictable and easy to defend against.


Oh and a message to MoPo... Monday morning get the lads down at Staplewood and work on their crossing FFS. Every single time we try and put the ball onto the head of a player in the box it gets cut out by the first man. It's not even funny any more.

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Were so on top in the first half that people were trying training ground flicks when it was still nil-nil. Far too relaxed.


The Jay-Rod shaped hole in the squad was clear to see, We need someone else who can run into space from wide areas.


Thought about coming over for this one, glad I didn't.

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That was blood boiling.

Complete and utter dominance over one of the worst sides I have ever seen play. We didn't even get out of second gear today and completely ran the show but we are just not clinical enough.


I will give Cardiff one small piece of credit, my god lads I think we've found our new keeper!

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Good first 45 minutes, usual silky stuff.


2nd half we came out and looked lazy. Then we conceded and it got even worse. Like watching a depressed XI.


Some credit to Schneiderlin who I thought was excellent.


Shaw and Lambert have done their England hopes some harm.

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Oh and yet another DNF for Ramirez. Although at least this time he didn't just walk off the pitch while the ball was in play.


Lost patience with him now. Get rid and bring in someone who isn't going to miss more games than he plays through injury and actually wants to be here.

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That was blood boiling.

Complete and utter dominance over one of the worst sides I have ever seen play. We didn't even get out of second gear today and completely ran the show but we are just not clinical enough.


I will give Cardiff one small piece of credit, my god lads I think we've found our new keeper!

I agree Marshall is a very good keeper!
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F***ing ridiculous. Too many players out there today not putting in the effort for fear of getting injured. First half was like a training game but as soon as they got that goal the result was inevitable.


I have loved watching Saints this season but f*** me they infuriate me sometimes.


Losing J-Rod for the season is such a massive blow to us. Without him we just don't have any pace in the side and when teams sit deep like Cardiff did today our pedestrian attacking play is just far too predictable and easy to defend against.


Oh and a message to MoPo... Monday morning get the lads down at Staplewood and work on their crossing FFS. Every single time we try and put the ball onto the head of a player in the box it gets cut out by the first man. It's not even funny any more.


Two things:-

Lack of investment in January, lack of pace without J Rod = lack if badly need sqUad investment in Jan = etc etc

Get Mop I sorted now with new contract!

Why are we not responding to the obvious requirements of the team?

We just ponder and ponder

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Really poor performance. Cardiff came to sit deep and steal one and they did just that.


Chambers, Shaw, Lallana, Lambert and Fonte were well below par today, the crossing from the full backs was just terrible, Lallana and Lambert just didn't do much and Fonte looked like he didn't have a clue what to do about Zaha.


For positives Ramirez played well as did Cork, although with Ramirez appearing to injure himself again, you have to wonder if he was fully fit to begin with.


Gazzaniga had a few unorthodox moments, but in the end he was not at fault for the goal and his late save made sure the scoreline didn't become more embarrassing.

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Good first 45 minutes, usual silky stuff.


2nd half we came out and looked lazy. Then we conceded and it got even worse. Like watching a depressed XI.


Some credit to Schneiderlin who I thought was excellent.


Shaw and Lambert have done their England hopes some harm.

Morgan offers nothing going forward and lallana was pants.

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If the boot was on the other foot I would be delighted at stealing a result like that.


We so need to be much more snappy around the box it's almost like we are trying to score the perfect goal.


frustrating day, still I have Fillet steak for Tea tonight with a nice bottle of red to wash it down, so not all bad (unless I got a chewy bit and the wine is corked).

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Gallagher isn't ready to make an impact in PL football.


We hugely missed the runs Jay makes, Lallana, Lambert and Ramirez are all good, but occupy similar positions, and today we really lacked any threat in behind.


Going to have to get some more attacking players in the summer.

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Too slow, its all very pretty n all but its just not effective without pace out wide (and when the FBs cant cross effectively). They came to nick a win anyway but we made it easy by slowing the game down. Lamberts not mobile enough and Lallana wants too many touches. Ramirez looked good before his standard early exit.


The lack of risk taking just lets then get men behind the ball and get compact. We just pass, probe and pass and probe. Movement was terrible too. We really miss Jay Rods direct running.

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Just back from the game.

We could have played for 12 hours today and still not scored.

For all our possession, we never really created a good chance. Maybe one in the second half for Gallagher which was well saved by (the very good) Marshall.

First half I thought we played pretty well, Gaston and Davis the standouts for me, with Lallana making Medel look like a pub player. But second half? Meh!

Fair play to Cardiff. Congrats on the three points Boyos but I still think you will be going down. Saha and Campbell looked ok up front for you and Marshall and Caulker played well, but honestly? I don't think you will have enough come the end of the season.

IMHO this was a game in which we should have been far more attacking from the word go. Did we really need Cork, Morgan and Davis in midfield against Cardiff? Why not play Gallagher up top from the start?

Anyway, ho hum.

No melt down from me.

On to the next game and hopefully a much better performance.

And nice to meet y'all OSM:toppa:


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All those who say that we didn't try and that there was no man of the match are really wide of the mark. Man of the match by a country mile was Cork, with honourable mentions to Davis and Schneiderlin. The defence was sound and so was the midfield and the possession figures as usual were impressive, especially as Cardiff sat back and gave away the ball frequently. However, as usual we had tried to pass the ball into the net playing the tippy tappy stuff around the edge of the box and their defence mopped it all up gratefully, combined with a few great saves from Marshall when we got a shot at goal.


It was blatantly clear how much we miss Rodriguez, who gives us that extra pace and ability to run at a defence with the ball at his feet. In his absence, I would have gone for Gallagher from the start, but instead Pochettino favoured Ramirez, who had his usual game blowing hot and cold in equal measures. Do we really need him and Lallana on the pitch together? Both of them weren't at their best today, running into blind alleys and not attempting to shoot often enough.


From today's showing, we're not going to get much from the last few matches without Rodriguez, so we might as well avail ourselves of the opportunity of giving some match time to the youngsters, more Gallagher, and perhaps Harry Reed or even Omar Rowe.


Did the Chapel call it right that there was a stonewall penalty shout for us? It certainly looked nailed on from where I sit in the Chapel/Kingsland corner. The game would have been so different had that been awarded, as I have no doubt that Lambert would have scored, even against Marshall and then Cardiff would have had to chase the game, leaving them vulnerable. As it is, they leave with the points, being the poorest team this season to have done so at St Mary's. I await the replay on Match of the Day. If it is as stonewall as it looked, then there will be the growing clamour for video evidence to be brought in, as this was a key relegation scrap for Cardiff.

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