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MoPo to Madrid?


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I like MP but is his CV really good enough for a club bigger than us? mid table in the PL, no trophies won (that I know of but I'm not totally up on his career before saints) and didn't he have a nightmare with his last Spanish club (under difficult circumstances)? Basically what has he done that would make a big side take a punt on him?

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I like MP but is his CV really good enough for a club bigger than us? mid table in the PL, no trophies won (that I know of but I'm not totally up on his career before saints) and didn't he have a nightmare with his last Spanish club (under difficult circumstances)? Basically what has he done that would make a big side take a punt on him?


Well Man U took a punt on Davey, and thats backfiring now lol... Moyes won nothing as Evertom manager, just consistently kept them high in the table.

In all serious, I hope he doesn't go, an absolutely amazing manager.

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A straight swap for Carlo Ancelotti please


Mopo win ratio as manager = 30%

Carlo Ancelotti win ratio as manager = 60%




With your kind of logic (well logic might probably be the wrong word here but in lack of another word to explain your way of "thinking") you would prefer Paolo di Canio instead of Pochettino then...


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"The South Coast club play attractive football, and boast a host of home-grown talent, three of who - Adam Lallana, Jay Rodriguez and Paul Lambert, have won England caps."


Good to see the Mirror are employing compentent proof readers....


Unlike you ;)

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A straight swap for Carlo Ancelotti please


Mopo win ratio as manager = 30%

Carlo Ancelotti win ratio as manager = 60%



you've got a poor attitude towards MoPo which is your prerogative.Be careful what you wish for,MP is the glue that is holding the team together and making us a force. You are dreaming if you think an Anchelloti etc would ever consider joining us. He is an italian HR and needs high spending to do anything. It will be back to Dowies , Curbishleys etc
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Perhaps mopo, like us, is waiting to see what kls intentions are before deciding whether to stay. Judging by recent threads most of us think we need to spend @40 million on a keeper, centre back, attacking midfielder and centre forward, plus keep our existing players to make significant progress. If he sees signs of that happening in the summer he will stay, if he doesn't, however, maybe he won't.


Either way, he won't be off to Madrid this summer, maybe in the future if he has further success, but his record is not yet at a level where he would be able to take over the biggest club in the world who expect to win both the league and champions league every season. IMHO of course.

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you've got a poor attitude towards MoPo which is your prerogative.Be careful what you wish for,MP is the glue that is holding the team together and making us a force. You are dreaming if you think an Anchelloti etc would ever consider joining us. He is an italian HR and needs high spending to do anything. It will be back to Dowies , Curbishleys etc


I thought the glue was Nicola?

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The fortress of steel n happiness that instantly turns to a house of cards as soon as the front door is replaced...


You guys have been spinning this mass-panic propaganda nonsense since Dave Bassett & Dennis Wise were given the boot


not sure whats more funny - your deluded expectations when mopo leaves or his link to Real Madrid

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I do like Mopo and enjoy the style of football that we play - but given the players that we have is our league position that exceptional - I personally think that Adkins or any half reasonable manager would have got us to this position.

PS I do want Mopo to stay

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I do like Mopo and enjoy the style of football that we play - but given the players that we have is our league position that exceptional - I personally think that Adkins or any half reasonable manager would have got us to this position.

PS I do want Mopo to stay


Some of the football that we are playing is the best we've played since the 80s and it's down to the manager. End of.

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I'm guessing people know that he was linked to the Real Madrid job before he even came to us? He's very highly regarded in Spain, definitely not the failure that some seem to think. His time at Saints will have only strengthened that reputation. I wouldn't be surprised at all if his next job after us is at one of the big European clubs.

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Some of the football that we are playing is the best we've played since the 80s and it's down to the manager. End of.


We were "Total football" under Adkins and he was also onto bigger and better things (& all players would leave bla bla bla)


Remember - "Nigel Adkins......best manager we've had since Ted Bates?"


I honestly cannot believe tonights performance. We just keep battling then tearing teams apart.


Hope we don't lose him to Man City.


I think Adkins will end up being Liverpool manager The football at the moment is just a joy to watch


Just hope Liverpool do not come sniffing


tipped as future England manager!


Off to Manchester Utd in the morning ......


Best manager we've had in my life time


With King Kenny getting the boot from Liverpool I'm slightly worried now about the start of the season.


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We were "Total football" under Adkins and he was also onto bigger and better things (& all players would leave bla bla bla)


Remember - "Nigel Adkins......best manager we've had since Ted Bates?"


Glasgow, there has to be a category in the DSM1V {Manual of Psychiatric Disorders} to describe you - you may yet get the help you need.

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We were "Total football" under Adkins and he was also onto bigger and better things (& all players would leave bla bla bla)


Remember - "Nigel Adkins......best manager we've had since Ted Bates?"


I fail to see your point? Adkins was a fantastic manager, there's not many who can achieve back to back promotions and he's doing well at Reading on top of that. We were playing incredibly exciting football, the players loved him and the media thought we were mad to let him go.

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On a wider point, I think if and when MoPo does leave us, it'll be for a Spanish side. He is already well known and respected over there so I don't think it is beyond the realms of possibility that he could get a big job over there. That said, I do hope he'll stay here and it seems the players certainly want him to stay which helps. Whilst I wouldn't hold much sway in these particular articles, I also wouldn't be so bold as to rule out him leaving completely.

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The players certianly love playing for him, and he has improved some a hell of a lot i.e Lallana, Jay, Fonte etc


Really top Manager. WOuld be gutted if he went and hope that KL et al realise how good he is.


He's got that tag as bright young manager, and he'll be away soon. Lets hope we can keep him for one more season

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I think we should remember that there's no loyalty or honor in football, outside the odd one offs like Add's and Matty. Pottachino himself was lined up to take over from Adkins and was okay about being paraded to the press within hours of Nigel being shown the door, why anyone here has any expectations of Pottachino doing anything other than what's best for his career and pocket should remember they're probably using those Saints tinted goggles again. I recon he'll unfortunately be off before the start of next season

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If its true and MP is offered the job then he'll go.

Wouldn't you?


Oh, I'm sure - but I wonder how he'd deal with the massive egos among the players of one of the big European clubs, especially with his demanding training regimes. Southampton is in many ways perfect for him - not least in a mostly young, eager-to-learn, up-and-coming squad.

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Oh, I'm sure - but I wonder how he'd deal with the massive egos among the players of one of the big European clubs, especially with his demanding training regimes. Southampton is in many ways perfect for him - not least in a mostly young, eager-to-learn, up-and-coming squad.


Exactly -it could easily be a case of careful what you wish for. You sign up for the name glamour and money - then have to deal with the reality of a team of experienced high profile players with big egos. It will be much harder to get the total group buy in to what he want to do - some will have their own ideas on tactics, training and signings and won't be shy about expressing them .

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Exactly -it could easily be a case of careful what you wish for. You sign up for the name glamour and money - then have to deal with the reality of a team of experienced high profile players with big egos. It will be much harder to get the total group buy in to what he want to do - some will have their own ideas on tactics, training and signings and won't be shy about expressing them .


Quite, He has not won anything yet doing it "his way" so, currently he's not going to win over a Real Madrid team full of World Cup winners and a world player of the year. Would be a disaster imo for him and RM. RM need a BIG manager ideally a WC winning coach or manager who has been it seen it got the t shirt - not a newbie wannabee, however good he is with the likes of Southampton. Whoever wins the WC this summer- the manager would be a favorite to replace Ancelotti imo- not Mopo. Mopo's next level is a fading glory team that wants to get back up there again using youth a bit more because they are either skint or miserly. Spurs fits the bill perfectly. Arsenal post Wenger is another. Liverpool possibly another if Rodgers ever goes. Don't see the point of him moving to Aston villa or a team like that in england myself. Overseas Inter Milan is a good possibility or any of the next level below RM/Barca clubs atm in la liga...possibly a big Greek or Portugese club. I reckon maybe a dozen teams are possibles for him in the Summer. He would be great as National Coach i think - his teams really play for each other which national teams sometimes do not do despite having good individuals...he would make them greater than the sum of their parts.. so i would not be surprised if he took over Argentina one day!

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I like MP but is his CV really good enough for a club bigger than us? mid table in the PL, no trophies won (that I know of but I'm not totally up on his career before saints) and didn't he have a nightmare with his last Spanish club (under difficult circumstances)? Basically what has he done that would make a big side take a punt on him?

He did a great job for Espanyol under difficult circumstances until it went wrong in the last season. He is very well thought of in Spain

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